• Published 19th Nov 2013
  • 5,972 Views, 470 Comments

Other Wanderings - ed2481

A group of short stories about Ethan the Lone Wanderer and Twilight Sparkle continuing the adventure after the events of Light Wanderings. Needless to say those who haven’t read either Dark or Light Wanderings will be flying blind. Expect silli

  • ...

Glen's Luna Part 1

The light swayed slowly back and forth as Glen was forcibly made to stare at it, bound on her back against a bitter cold metal bed. The mare’s breath was short and raspy as her heart pounded against her chest and sweat poured down her face. She moved her hooves, trying to shake free of the leather straps eating into her furless flesh, but with no success.

“Hehehe... ” a dark voice chuckle from the darks, a voice Glen never wanted to hear. “Oh Glen, you’re so easily manipulatable,” Drek continued on his his pal smooth head came into view, a wicked smile developed across his face.

Glen froze as her pupils shrunk in horror. “No… NO, YOU WERE CAPTURED! YOU SHOULD BE ROTTING IN PRISON!” she shouted.

Drek chuckled in amusement. “That was just a simulation my dear pony, a simulation which duped you good,” he said, walking around the bed and to the side. “You really think I’m going to let you escape? Let you live after humiliating me?” His hand reached into the darkness and came back holding a laser scalpel. “You are more of a fool than that Ethan fellow, and I am going to set that straight,” he said, turning the scalpel on and lowering it towards mare’s forehead.

“No… no, NO!” Glen shouted as she reeled her head away and struggled against her bonds once more.

“Oh shut up,” Drek said. “It’s not like I didn’t warn you what would happen if you failed or tried to resist me,” he told Glen with a chuckle. “Now be a good little pony and st-”

The alien’s mouth suddenly stopped moving as his skull split down the middle, a silver blade cutting through it like a ripe watermelon. Drek’s body fell to the floor and Glen looked around wildly for the source of the blade.

“WHO’S THERE!?” she shouted, fear still drumming through her mind.

“Calm yourself Glen,” a new voice said calmingly. Out of the shadows stepped a radiant blue alicorn who Glen recognized immediately as Princess Luna... though she did not look as... serious as the images that she’d seen from before the War. “This is a dream, a nightmare really,” Luna continued in a soothing voice. “You’re completely safe my little pony.”

“A dream?” Glen asked, her breath slowing down, glancing down at her furless body. “Some fucking dream... ” she muttered.

“Indeed, a most awful one,” Luna agreed as she stepped up to the table and sliced through Glen’s bonds. Glen rolled out of the bed and onto her hoofs, letting out a relieved sigh and started to rub her front hooves together.

“Thanks,” she told Luna, shivering from both from the coldness and what had almost happened to her.

“You’re very welcome,” Luna said, draping a soft blue wing over the smaller mare. “It is my pleasure and my duty to assist those in the grips of a nightmare.”

Luna’s wing softly pressed against Glen’s bare back, making the mare feel a bit warmer. “Hehe… thanks still… though appearing furless to somepony is a nightmare in itself don't ya think?” she asked the lunar alicorn with a small chuckle.

Luna looked down at her, a small smile on her face. “I suppose it is, however, I cannot give you fur, that is something you must do yourself if you wish too.”

Glen looked blankly at the mare before smacking a hoof to her head. “Yeah… that does make some lick of sense,” she stated. “So I just… think and it happens?” she asked.

“That is the way of things, yes,” Luna agreed, giving her a soft smile. “Simply think it and it will appear.”

The pony nodded her head and closed her eye for a few seconds. She opened it back up and looked down to see her brown fur and hazel main and tail had return. Glen smile a bit as she got up and looked at herself. “Sweet!” she exclaimed.

“I agree,” Luna said with a smile. “You look much better with fur than without.”

“Thanks,” the mare said as she finish examining herself and pounder a thought in her head. “Sooo… If I can think of anything it will happen?” she asked the Luna.

“Within reason,” Luna replied. “I for instance will be untouched by anything, unless I desire to be at any rate.”

A small devilish smile grew on Glen’s face. “Oh, I don’t think that will be a problem,” she said as she closed her eyes and thought of what she wished for. She opened it back up and her smile widened as she saw the table now had Drek strapped to it, struggling to get free. “Payback a bitch isn’t it?” she mused to herself.

Luna looked over Drek’s condition and frowned for a moment, then a ball-gag appeared in his mouth. “I’d say that completes the image rather nicely, wouldn’t you?” the alicorn asked.

Glen’s only response was an agreeing chuckle as she smugly trotted up to the alien. Drek looked at the pony with scolding eyes as she slowly turned around and delivered a powerful buck to the one place no male wanted pain in.

A muffled howel as well as an expression of indescribable agony cross Drek’s face.

“Now that completes the image,” Glen stated with a sly smile as she walked away.

Luna smirked. “Oh my little pony, I think I adore you,” the alicorn said with a smile.

“Why thank you,” Glen replied as she glanced back at the aching alien. “I was waiting to do that to him for months… and even if this is a dream it’s still nice to do.”

“I’m glad that you had this chance,” Luna told her. “And even more glad that you’ve graced the Castle with your presence,” she added. “Though, I must ask, are you done with him?” Luna nodded towards Drek.

“For now,” Glen replied with small shrug.

The world around them shifted and Glen found herself sitting on a comfortable couch in a sunny sitting room. Luna sat on the other side of the couch from her, the alicorn’s bulkier appearance taking up more space.

“I thought that a change of scenery would do us quite nicely,” Luna said with a smile.

Glen glanced around room, seeing several tables and other couches and chairs along with a pair of large glass windows through which beams of sunlight washed over the room. She then looked back at the couch she was sitting on and pressed a hoof into it. “Huh… it’s very… squishy,” she observed.

Luna smiled. “I do my best, over my five thousand years of life I’ve become very good at dream manipulation,” she told the mare.

Glen glanced up at the alicorn and let out a low whistle. “That’s a long time to live.”

“Yes it is,” Luna agreed, nodding her head as she produced a teacup... and a bottle of beer, the later of which she sent over to Glen. “But it it is what it is.”

The earth pony examined the bottle of beer with a questioning eyebrow. “Thanks… but I’m still dreaming so it’s not real, right?”

“No, it is not, but that does not mean it does not taste good,” Luna replied, chuckling a little.

Glen pondered the the thought and nodded her head. “True,” she said, reaching a hoof up and grabbing the bottle, immentily taking a swing from it. She smacked her lips and a smile grew on them. “Wow… this is really good,” she said examining the bottle.

“It is technically from one of my favorite brews some two thousand years ago,” Luna replied. “Twas a brilliant year, if only for the fine beer... of course I prefered mead back then but still.”

“Heh, two thousand year ago eh?” Glen asked as she took another swing. “Tastes a whole lot better than the ones I found back in the wastes.”

“I would imagine so,” Luna said, an amused smile playing across her lips. “So my little pony, is there anything that you’d like to talk about while I am here?”

“Hmm?” the mare muttered as she was in a mid swing of finishing the bottle.

“I’m guessing that you must be curious about something you have seen on your first day to my home, so I’m here to answer any of your questions,” Luna told her.

Glen lowered her bottle and shrugged. “Yeah... though I don’t want to bother you with them. I mean... I’ve been given a lot of things from you lot... don’t want to sound like I’m nitpicking.”

Luna chuckled. “I would not worry about that Glen, I’ve come here to answer any of your questions and help fulfil any of your desires to make sure that your stay with us is as enjoyable as possible.”

The pony rolled the bottle between her two hooves as her gaze shift downward in thought. “To be honest... I can’t really think of anything at the moment. Things are happening so fast I’m just... trying to keep track of it.” She glanced up at Luna. “Thanks for the offer though. I’m sure I’ll cash it in later though.”

“I will be there to answer them,” Luna replied with a smile. “Now, is there anything else you’d like to experience while you’re here?”

Glen chuckled a bit. “No not really... this has been the most peaceful ‘sleep’ I’ve had in a very long time,” she said. “That’s more than I could ask for.”

“Very well,” Luna said, rising to her hooves. “I must be off then,” she said. “It has been a pleasure meeting you Glen,” she added turning her back on the mare, swishing her tail slightly to the side before she vanished.

Glen raised an eyebrow as she stared at the spot Luna vanished. However she shrugged and continued to drink her beer which had mysteriously refilled itself.

The sun dance across Glen’s face as she slowly woke up. She pushed the covers off and stretched her back out as she slowly smacked her lips.

“Ah... that was amazing,” she said with a smile as she cracked her neck side to side. “I don’t think I’ve ever slept so hard like that before,” she added as she got off the bed and onto all four hooves.

After doing some morning stretches and shaking off her drowsy mind, she took care of bodily needs and as she was washing up her gaze glanced into the mirror. She stopped for a moment to stared at the reflection. It been a while since had last seen it... it looked very different from before. It had less scars and burn marks for once, and her mane and tail were ten times smoother instead of being dry and scruffy. Though one thing did stick out like a sore hoof, and that was her empty eye socket.

She stared at it for a while, remembering the pain that coursed through her as it was being removed as a down payment from Drek. Glen let out a strained sigh before grabbing a brush and comb a part of her main over the left side of face. She then exited the bathroom and her room, and went out into the hallway. She glanced down left and right, pondering what to do, or at least where to get some food.

There was a slightly amused chuckle from beside her and Glen spun to see a black maned unicorn mare with a brown coat standing next to the door. Curiously, the unicorn had a black bandana covering her eyes.

“Looking for breakfast?” the mare asked with a smile.

Glen jumped a bit, wondering how she had missed the unicorn. “Umm... .yeah,” she answered, withstanding her basic instinct to buck her out for the surprise.

“Right this way then, was just heading there myself,” the unicorn said with, chuckling a little at the phrase. The mare started forwards and Glen followed suit, trailing only a few feet behind. The two walked in silence for a few minutes before Glen broke it.

“Sooo... what’s your name?” she asked.

“Stonework,” the black maned mare answered. “And yours?”

“Glen Stonecutter, or just Glen,” the earth pony replied.

“Well then, it’s nice to meet you Glen,” Stonework said, giving the mare a smile.

“Same,” Glen replied as the two continued to walk down the hallway.

“So, I don’t think I’ve seen you around the castle before now,” Stonework said conversationally. “Where are you from?”

Glen pondered her response. “I’m from... Manehatten,” she replied.

“Huh, you’ve lost your accent then,” Stonework said, raising her eyebrow a little. “I’m from a rockfarm from the mountains near Baltimare myself.”

“A rockfarm huh?” Glen said. “That sounds... like an incredibly boring place to live in to be honest,” she said bluntly.

Stonework chuckled. “Oh unbelievably so, but hey, home’s home eh?”

Glen chuckled a bit as well. “Yeah... home is home,” she repeated.

“So, what brings you to Canterlot?” Stonework inquired quizzically. “I don’t remember hearing much except that you got your own feast last night.”

“Oh... well I’m here as a reward for helping Twilight out with... something,” she replied.

“Ah, gotcha,” Stonework said with a small nod. “Princess Twilight is rather extravagant with her rewards, no offense intended.”

“I’ve noticed... but it’s better treatment than I’ve ever had before in my life,” Glen commented with a shrug.

“Well, that’s good,” the unicorn replied. “So, when are you going to ask about the bandana? Everypony does.”

“Oh... wasn’t really going to,” the earth pony said. “I don’t like to poke into other ponies’ business... tends to get me into trouble.”

Stonework chuckled. “I like you,” she said with a grin. “But honestly, go ahead and ask, it’s not like I’m going to shoot you.”

Glen raised an eyebrow at the phrase. “Okay... what’s with the bandana?”

Stonework continued walking and her horn glowed a dull brown, causing the bandana to slide up her face, revealing two blind white eyes. “I’m blind,” she said casually.

“Oh... ” Glen muttered before something clicked in her head. “Wait... you’re that guard Twilight mention to me.”

“Guilty as charged,” Stonework replied with a long chuckle.

“Huh... small world ain’t it?” Glen said with a small chuckle.

“Yep, small world,” Stonework agreed.

Glen nodded her before something else came across her mind. “Wait... how can you see in the first place?”

“Magic,” Stonework replied, a shiteating grin on her face.

Glen gave Stonework a unamused stare. “That what you unicorns always say,” she said flatly.

“Well, it’s true,” Stonework told her with a small chuckle. “In reality though, I’m constantly focusing small waves of magic through my horn and they build a picture of everything around me in my head. Only thing I can’t do is read... . unless it’s braille anyways.”

“Huh... interesting,” the earth pony mused.

“Yep,” Stonework said with a nod. “So, how’d you sleep on your first night in the castle?”

“It was... peaceful, for the later part,” Glen replied. “Had a small nightmare, but Princess Luna came in to pull me out of it.”

“Oh,” Stonework said, a slight note of surprise in her voice. “I’m surprised you’re not more tired then.”

The earth pony raised an eyebrow. “Why?” she asked.

“Eh, no reason,” Stonework replied, shrugging her shoulders. “It’s just that Luna sometimes keeps those she rescues up later, she’s a very social pony when you get down to it.”

Glen continued to look at Stonework with her curious eyebrow. “Okay... ” she said, wondering what the unicron truly meant.

“She uses her mouth a bit too much sometimes,” Stonework elaborated. “If she’s not careful, then she doesn’t let you get a word in edgewise.”

Glen frowned a bit as she continued to look at Stonework. “Okay, what in the hell are you really talking about?”

Stonework chuckled. “Just a bit of guard humor,” she stated. “I’m sure you’ll get used to it eventually, recruit.”

Glen’s stare stayed steadfast on Stonework as they reached the dining hall. It was a large room with many tall windows which allowed light to pour in. The center of the room was occupied by a long table and there were several dozen chairs pulled up to it. There were several dozen members of the castle staff eating already, though none of the Princesses were in attendance yet.

“Where would you like to sit?” Stonework inquired, looking out at the mass of empty seats.

“Up to ya, I don’t really care,” Glen replied.

Stonework nodded, and then trotted up towards front half of the table near the back of the room close to a rather more ornimated golden chair. The mare took a seat no more than five away and Glen sat in the chair on Stonework’s left. The earth pony’s eye gazed around the room, noticing how much busier it was now than when she was given that vast fest.

“So, what’s on the menu?” Glen asked Stonework.

“Basically anything you’d want,” Stonework answered with a slight shrug. “I’ll just be having eggs.”

“Anything?” Glen inquired.

“Basically,” she replied.

Glen glance down in thought. “Alright... ” she muttered, her eye glancing at the other ponies’ dishes, noticing that none of them had any meat on it.

“We’ve got griffins and that Ethan guy’s family in here all the time,” Stonework added with a slight shrug. “So the chef’s have even gotten pretty good at cooking meat too if you can believe it.”

“Really? That’s... interesting to hear,” Glen commented. Still don’t know if I should order it or not... she mentally remarked to herself.

“Mhm, there have even been a few ponies who’ve taken up the habit, including Princess Twilight,” Stonework continued.

“Really?” Glen asked, sounding a bit surprised.

“Yeah, I don’t get the point, but hey, I don’t judge,” Stonework replied.

“Still, that’s a bit interesting to hear... and nice to know,” Glen stated, a small sigh at the end.

“Oh?” Stonework asked, glancing curiously at Glen.

Glen’s ears perked up and she silently cursed for the slip of her lips. “I might... be one of those ponies who’s taken up the habit,” she explained to the unicron.

“Ah, well go on and order what you like, I’m not going to stop you,” Stonework replied.

Glen nodded her head. “Right,” she said. Glen ordered some well cooked steak and a side order of eggs. She and Stonework exchanged a bit of smalltalk as they ate, Glen asking a few questions of no consequence and receiving a few answers of the like

It was not until near the end of her meal that anything interesting happened. Princess Luna walked into the room and headed directly for the place where Glen was sitting.

“Good morning my little ponies,” Luna said with a smile.

“Morning Princess,” Stonework said, sipping at a cup of coffee. Then she pushed herself away from the table. “If you’re up, that means that so is Princess Twilight so I’d best be off, see you later Glen,” she added before she walked away.

“See ya,” Glen said back, waving a hoof goodbye.

Luna raised an eyebrow at Stonework’s retreating back, but then turned back to Glen.

“So, I take it you had a pleasant night’s sleep after I assisted you?” Luna asked Glen as a member of the staff brought her an omelette and a chocolate muffin.

“Indeed I did,” Glen replied, taking a bite of her steak. “Once you left I sipped more of that beer and drifted to sleep... in my sleep,” she said, trying to make some sense in her words.

Luna let out a giggle at the mare’s perplexed expression. “That does tend to happen, ‘tis one of the oddities of dream magic,” she stated.

“Ah... ” the mare mused, taking a sip of her beer. She just giggled at me... I don’t know if I should be embarrassed or worried, she thought to herself.

“I shall teach you more on the subject if you’d like,” Luna offered. “I’ve always found that there is a distressing lack of appreciation for the magic of dreams which has always confounded me, it’s one of the few forms of magic accessible to all races and yet few pursue it.”

“Maybe,” Glen replied. “That way I don’t wake up buck ass naked on an operation table again, and I’ll be able to buck Drek in the balls whenever I want.”

“If there is truly a more valid reason to use dream magic then I have not heard it yet,” Luna stated with a small chuckle.

Glen chuckled in agreement. “Yeah... so I guess I’ll be seeing you tonight again?”

Luna gave the mare a smooth smile. “Only if you wish it my little pony, only if you wish it.”

“Well how else am I supposed to learn this ‘dream magic’?” the brown mare inquired.

Luna blinked twice, and then nodded. “I was joking Glen, of course I will meet you tonight.”

“Alright then, hopefully we can skip the step of you saving me from a operating table this time,” Glen said, chuckling a bit as she cut another piece of her steak.

“Indeed, though I can well appreciate a damsel in distress, it was an idea that was ancient when I was a foal,” Luna replied with a small chuckle. “I would prefer to see them bucking their captor in the testicles, a skill which you seem quite adept at I might add.”

“Well... one only gets good at skills they used often,” Glen replied. “And that skill has certainly been used a lot.”

“Then I am very glad to be a mare,” Luna said with a small snicker. “I imagine when word gets out of your prowess, none of the stallions of the guard will wish to spar with you.”

“Especially if I’m wearing my spiked shoes at the time,” Glen commented with a small smile.

Luna’s eyes widened. “We have a rules against gelding our guard ponies Glen,” Luna informed her. “We only do it if it’s appropriate, or if they’ve annoyed Tia and I.”

“Oh... sorry, old habits,” Glen said, her smile fading. “Going to be hard to keep that in check... ”

Luna waved away the apology and wrapped a wing around Glen who slightly stiffened at the sudden gesture. “There is nothing to be sorry for my little pony. What you’ve been through has left you understandably damaged.”

“Damaged?” Glen questioned, glance up at the alicron. “You really think fighting for my life in the wastes and that hell hole has left me damaged?”

“Indeed, damaged,” Luna stated, her voice becoming softer. “It is easy to see for one as old as I am Glen. Make no mistake, there is damage there but it is damage that I believe can be healed,” the alicorn said, looking into Glen’s eye with her own soft blue ones. “One thing you must know is that nopony will think any less of you if you choose to tell them of your true home. You will not be looked down upon, nor seen as a freak or an outcast. If you wish to spurn all others, know that I will always listen.”

Glen was mesmerized by the alicorn’s steady gaze and her words. “I... I’ll keep that in mind.”

In the background, the castle staff were shooting glances at the two, they varied between surprised and shock, while a rather young maid let out a dreamy sigh.

A smile split Luna’s face. “Good,” she said, withdrawing her wing from around Glen and finishing her meal with a single bite of the muffin. “Now I’m off to work on the tax system... Tia has once again seen fit to give the ‘nobles’ entirely too much money.”

“Okay... ” Glen said, her mind still a bit dazzled from before.

“Goodbye Glen,” Luna said, giving the mare a quick nuzzle before she got up and walked off.

“See ya,” the brown mare replied as she watched Luna leave the dining hall. Glen blinked slowly and shook her head to get her mind back to normal. She then noticed some of the looks she was getting from other ponies. “What?” Glen asked them, causing the staff to shrug and turn back to their meals without any real comment.

Author's Note:

Ed2481: And so the story of Glen continues, hope you guys liked it

Speven: I was waiting for the crazy dream sex