• Published 23rd Nov 2013
  • 12,798 Views, 784 Comments

Direction - Darth Link 22

The Mane Six have to work to save Equestria... without Twilight

  • ...


The rest of the crew only had a split second to take in everything. Then, Lightning Dust, in a flash of green, tackled Rainbow Dash. The two of them went sprawling into Rarity’s window, hitting it with a loud collision. Cracks appeared in the glass, but it held.

Applejack and Rarity both ended up reacting at the same time, making a move toward Trixie simultaneously. Red Hoof, remembering who he was paid to take on, stood in the cowpony’s way.

Before she knew it, she had run right into him. Her head rang, the pony felt like a brick wall. Before she could collect herself, the stallion put a hoof under her stomach and lifted her up. He rose onto his hind legs and wrapped his forelegs around her and began to squeeze.

Applejack was sure she would have cried in pain if she could have gotten air in her lungs. He was squeezing so hard she was sure her ribs would crack. Her mind raced. The only pony who wasn’t distracted was Fluttershy, and she didn’t have the strength to stop this beast.

But the yellow pony had brains. And in a flash a piece of cloth was wrapped around his head, and Fluttershy pulled back on it hard.

Red stopped and dropped Applejack out of surprise. He reached back and tried to pull the cloth off, but only for a split second. Then he fell forward on his front hooves and subsequently pulled the cloth from Fluttershy’s grip.

As he pulled it off, Applejack ran in and, with a leap, kicked the side of the stallion’s head. Unfortunately, Red Hoof had seen it coming and, not having time to block, turned to his side to let his body absorb most of the damage.

He stumbled a bit, but recovered quickly. Applejack, however, was in pain. The stallion was pure muscle, attacking him anywhere but the face would be a mistake.

Red Hoof, seeing Applejack was temporarily stunned, turned and swung at Fluttershy. The Pegasus dodged, being quick when danger was involved, and his hoof hit a wall, leaving cracks in it.

In the air, Fluttershy was paralyzed with indecision. Should she stay? She wouldn’t do much good. Then again, she had helped Applejack.

It was the cowpony that answered for her. Merely leaning her head toward the door was the instruction.

Get the device.

She flew toward the door, but something blocked her way.

You see, after Rainbow Dash had been plowed into the window, she had been stunned long enough for Lightning Dust to begin punching and tugging at her mane. When she realized what was happening, she began punching and tugging back, trying anything to get her opponent to ease up enough to make an escape.

By the time Fluttershy reached them, they were in front of Rarity’s door, Lightning Dust trying everything in her power to keep the mare that she blamed from getting away.

Fluttershy spaused, considering. Then, when she saw an opening, she reached in and bit Lightning Dust as hard as she could on the base of her wing.

She screamed, surprise at a sneak attack amplifying the pain, and stopped long enough for Rainbow Dash to land a punch that pushed her off.

Fluttershy was out the door in a flash, heading towards Twilight’s library, while Rainbow Dash stumbled out, getting to her hooves and trying to collect herself.

Inside, Trixie grabbed Rarity by the throat, lifting her in the air. “And now, the Great and Powerful Trixie will...”

Then she realized who she was holding.

“You aren’t Twilight Sparkle!” She tossed her to the floor. “Where is she?”

“What have you done to my sister?” Rarity screeched. Anger put aside any [pain screaming after Trixie’s choke might have had.

“Where. Is. Twil-”

A large blast of energy hit her. She stumbled back, but the dark energy kept her protected. As she regained her balance, she saw a frantic Rarity talking to her sister.

“Sweetie? Sweetie? Please, what’s wrong?”

“She can’t hear you,” Trixie said. At Rarity’s glare, she continued. “Trixie’s strongest magic has been flowing through her for days. She’s nothing more than her puppet at this point.”

A few days?

Trixie grinned. “It was easy to get naughty foals who wander into the Everfree Forest.”

Everfree? Well, why did you make her sick?”

“A side effect as her body got used to the magic. Pretty soon, she’ll be Trixie’s puppet permanently. Of course, Trixie won’t need her now that she did her job spying on you, but maybe Trixie will keep her any...”

Another blow, this one Trixie blocked. A powerful wave of black magic sent Rarity back. “Enough gloating. Where is Twilight Sparkle?”

“Gone,” Rarity said, getting to her hooves. Immediately she found herself pinned by her hooves against the wall.

“Lies! Where is Twilight Sparkle?”

“She’s gone! She left Equestria. We can’t even contact her for nearly a month!”

Trixie stopped a moment. Her face turned to a look of considering. Rarity was afraid, and her face showed it. She wasn’t likely thinking rationally...

“No... Trixie won’t stand for this!” She dropped Rarity in her anger, but dark magic brimmed from her. “This was Trixie’s moment to shine! She will not have that robbed from her again!”

While Trixie ranted, Rarity went over to Sweetie and shook her. “Sweetie? Sweetie? Please, it’s me, your big sister...”

Suddenly the back of Rarity’s neck was grabbed and she was lifted into the air once more.

“Where did she go? Griffon country? Among the dragons?”

Rarity kicked and tried to escape, but after Trixie shook her violently, she answered. “To another world. The only portal is in the Grand Palace, and not even Celestia can open it for another month.”

Trixie gritted her teeth, her face turning red. For a moment, Rarity was afraid that she might explode in her rage.

And then, she calmed herself. “It’s no matter, because Trixie is going to make Twilight Sparkle come to her- ahh!”

Rarity, deciding now was as good a time as any, lit up her horn, and set out a bright flash. It blinded the showmare, who dropped her in surprise and pain. As she hit the ground, she saw that Trixie had summoned a shield around herself as she collected herself.

Trixie readjusted her eyes, and after a moment threw down her shield to fire at Rarity. However, she was nowhere to be seen.

At least at first. But within moments Rarity’s hoof had struck her cheek.

Many wrote Rarity off as dainty, which was partially her intention, as she preferred to be seen as a lady than a ruffian. But not many realized that her figure came from constant exercise, and she had a good deal of muscle, maybe not to the level of Applejack or Rainbow Dash, but she was still not a pony to be taken lightly.

Trixie had, and because of that she had received a powerful buck to the face. It sent her back, stunning her as much through surprise as through pain. She stumbled back, and just before she was to try and counter Rarity was on her, striking her as hard as she could. The ferocity once again caught her off guard, and she was unable to even gather herself.

"Turn my sister back! I know you can, turn her back!"


A bright flash of red brought Rarity to a hault. As she stood rigid, Trixie collected herself, rising to her hooves. "Well, congratulations, you just made Trixie all too eager to carry out her plan."

Rarity felt herself going cold. “What do you mean?”

“Twilight Sparkle will come if her friends are in some way affected."

Rarity felt her heart stop. "You're going to kidnap us?"

"Actually, that would be too much trouble. Trixie's just going to kill you. She'll come for revenge."

While all that was going on, Rainbow Dash was interrupted from catching her breath by Lightning Dust, who was relentless in her pursuit. The cyan pony managed to stay a step ahead of her.

It actually took Rainbow Dash a few moments to recognize her attacker. "...You! What? ...Why are you doing this?”

Lightning Dust didn’t answer, at least not at first. She continued lunging at her hated opponent, all while Rainbow Dash continued flying just out of her reach. It wasn’t until when one of her lunges was answered with a hoof to the face that she felt like answering.

“Why are you doing this?”

“What else can I do? You made me!”

“I made you? I get that you’re mad, but was it worth turning Pinkie to stone? Or whatever you did to Sweetie?”

This actually got Lightning Dust to stop. “I... I didn’t think she’d go that far.” For the first time since Rainbow Dash had met her, she sounded unsure. “I thought she was just going to rough Twilight Sparkle up...”

“You’re still here, though.”

“I don’t have a choice now! Trixie’s pulled me in!”

“Yeah, and whose fault is that?”


In a flash Lightning was on Rainbow again. The two were tumbling through the air, pulling at each other’s manes and tails, biting wings, and throwing hooves. “You turned Spitfire against me! You got me kicked out! You drove me to everything!”

“Wow... the foal that lives with me sounds more adult than you.” And with that, she knocked her across the face. Lightning wasn’t distracted, even for a moment, she just kept coming.

Rainbow Dash’s words were as calm as she could manage, but the truth was she was worried. Lightning had proven just how determined she was to punish Rainbow Dash, and it didn’t look like pain was going to be much of a deterrent.

She ran down her options. Should she lead her on a chase? Maybe the dangers of the Everfree Forest or Ghastly Gorge? No, there was too much that could go wrong, and she wanted to be able to return and help her friends as soon as Lightning was taken care of. Should she try leading her to the police station? No, that wouldn’t do. Chief Book ‘Em was good, but anypony with military training would be too much.

Rainbow Dash kicked Lightning in the stomach. This knocked the wind out of her enough for Rainbow to pull away. Still, it was only after half a second that Lightning lunged again, while still trying to get air in her lungs.

Rainbow couldn’t believe it. She wasn’t stopping for anything.

And then it hit her. She’s not stopping... for anything. She’s putting everything she has into it...

The next time Rainbow dodged, she put on the cockiest smile she could manage. “You shouldn’t blame me for getting kicked out.”

Lightning Dust glared at her.”What?

“You can’t even catch me, can you? I’ve raced birds that flew faster than you.”

Lightning gritted her teeth. “You...” Another lunge, which Rainbow Dash dodged. But just barely. Rainbow knew that if Lightning caught her now it might mean the end, but she didn’t let the worry show. It would ruin everything.

“Yes, me. The real Wonderbolt recruit. The one who's actually going to be the greatest flyer Equestria’s ever seen, and not some loser who was kicked out because she was a sociopath.”

She lunged and miss.

“I don’t know why, but I thought you’d actually have improved your flying since you left.”

She lunged and missed.

“Tell you what. How about I fly backwards? That might give you a fighting chance.”

She lunged and missed.

“Aww, it’s cute that you’re trying to to act so tough.”

She lunged and missed. And then she finally started breathing so hard she needed to stop and rest, only for a moment.

That was what Rainbow Dash was waiting for.

She tacked Lightning Dust and wrapped her forelegs around her. Then she flew up, going faster and faster.

“Hey! What!? --”

She kept flying. When she was high enough, she took a dive and began flying at an angle to the ground.

“You think you’re extreme? Let’s see you handle this!”

Mentally, she was thinking Please don’t let her slow me down, please don’t let her slow me down...

She flew. Her speed increased. Her eyes watered. She couldn’t even hear Lightning Dust screaming anymore. Air started to form in a cone around her.

And then, like she had flown into a rubber band, she slowed to a halt, and sprung back.

Carrying Lightning had added too many variables. The Sonic Rainboom had failed.

At least, to put on a show. As she regained her bearings, she saw Lightning was falling to the ground. A quick swoop and she caught her. She also confirmed her suspicions: her rival was out cold.

“Too many Gs. That’s what happens when you let yourself get out of practice.”

She landed and laid her body on the grass. She was right outside Carousel Boutique, and judging by the noise inside there was something serious going on, but she had to do this first. She put an ear to Lightning’s chest.

“Fast heartbeat, but normal breathing. You should be fine.”

Then, without another moment's hesitation, she flew into the nearest window.

Red Hoof was like a mountain. But Applejack knew that everypony had a weak spot. She just needed to find it.

Red Hoof looked at her. Applejack’s first thought was that he looked like a cobra, but realized almost immediately that wasn’t a good simile. Cobra’s had malice in their eyes, this pony had... patience. He was waiting. Waiting to see what his opponent would do before doing anything himself.

Applejack realized that he had the upper hoof. Whatever she tried, he’d see coming and counter. If she tried to run, he’d catch her. And if she just waited, he’d catch her the first moment she was distracted.

Finally, she ran to her left. When she saw Red Hoof make a move toward her, she changed directions. Now she could get to his side...

A large foreleg struck her, sending her flying back and into Rarity’s work table. She moaned in pain, and just as she was beginning to get up, a large hoof pressed on her chest and forced her down. Red Hoof had been too quick.

The large pony looked down at her. He pressed his hoof down, squeezing Applejack into the floor. She struggled, smashing the side of his hoof with her forelegs, though it was hard to tell if he was even feeling it.

Realizing that she wasn't getting anywhere, she began pawing around her, looking for anything that could get her out of this mess. Finally, her hoof hit something cold and metallic. Scissors, she realized. Carefully, she pushed the item towards her, until it was close to grab in her teeth.

When she saw Red Hoof's shadow move, she knew she had to be quick. She picked the scissors up just in time to miss stabbing his foreleg, which he had removed the moment he realized what she was up to.

Applejack rolled onto her hooves. This was it, she knew it. The strongest muscles couldn't block a blade, even a small one like this. Gritting her teeth, she took a step forward to stab.

And then hesitated. For two reasons. First, she had never stabbed anypony before. Even her worst fights had largely bloodless, at least on her part.

And secondly, Red Hoof was just looking at her again, completely unaffected. At least, until she stopped.

Applejack was quick enough to get out of the way of the first strike, but not the second.

Her head rang as she hit the floor. The pain bounced in her skull, and her vision blurred. Too stunned to even moan in pain, she just lay there. At least, until Red Hoof kicked her in the stomach.

As she skidded across the floor, fear hit Applejack. What could she do now? Red Hoof wasn't about to let her get another chance to try anything. Pinkie was stone, Fluttershy was gone, and Rarity and Rainbow Dash had their hooves full. This looked to be it.

And then Rainbow Dash suddenly appeared. With a long bit of red cloth, she had wrapped a noose around Red Hoof's throat and began pulling hard.

Red Hoof was caught off guard, but not as badly as Fluttershy's sneak attack. After a moment he tried bucking her off, but Rainbow Dash was much more suited for this than Fluttershy had been and held her grip.

When he realized his attacker wasn't getting off, Red Hoof began to panic. He kicked and bucked, putting up a fight, but almost immediately he lost strength. With a few heavy breaths, the large pony fell over.

Rainbow Dash continued for a few seconds afterward, not about to take chances with this opponent. Once she was sure he was down for the count, she stopped and flew to Applejack.

"AJ! AJ! Are you..."

"I'm fine," Applejack said, her voice barely coming out. She tried to stand, but her head spun too much and she was sitting down again before she even realized it.

"You don't look fine."

"I'm just banged up. Go help Rarity, she needs it more."

Rainbow Dash only considered for a split second, then rushed to where the Unicorns were doing battle.

Rarity really wished she had taken up Twilight's offer to teach her more advanced spells, because Trixie was glaring at her with the most malicious look she had seen since that horrible meeting with the Changeling Queen.

"Trixie is not heartless. She gives you one final request. Name it, but if you try to use it to be free, your death will be even more painful."

Rarity racked her brain trying to think of anyway she could use this to her advantage. But only for a split second. There was something more important.

"Free my sister, and don't hurt her."

Rarity expected Trixie to laugh in her face, or react violently to the request, or to laugh at her gullibility that she would honestly grant a last request. What she hadn’t expected was the showmare to actually look surprised at what was said.

“That’s it? No begging for your life? No attempt to trick me?”

“No. Just... let my sister go. And send her away. I don’t want her to see.”

Trixie was silent for a moment. Then, she turned her head to the filly who was still standing there, eyes covered in dark energy.

She lit up her horn, and dark energy came flowing out of Sweetie and into her horn. The process lasted a few seconds, but it eventually ended. Even so, Sweetie still had dark energy dancing in her eyes.

“Walk to a field outside town and wait five minutes. Then, pull the rest of your dark energy into your horn and fire it.” Trixie looked at Rarity, then added, “Somewhere where you won’t hit anypony.”

Sweetie moved like clockwork toward the door.

Both Trixie and Rarity had turned to watch her go, and were just in time to see Rainbow Dash charging toward them.

Trixie yelped and tried to get her shield up, but she was a split second too slow, and Rainbow Dash plowed into her, slamming both against the wall.

Trixie kicked and screamed. “Release Trixie!` Release her! Release her!

Rainbow Dash did release her, but not by choice. The wave of dark energy that Trixie released in her rage threw her back. She hit the wall, and felt a pain in her wing. She had hit it wrong.

“Enough! Trixie will finish you off now and...”

Then something covered Trixie’s horn.

Fluttershy was on her back, and was holding the device over her horn. It was a strange rod with what looked like a clay pot on one end, one perfectly sized to fit a horn, with a glass orb on the other.

“What th- AHH!”

Trixie’s cry came from surprise, as she felt a sensation that wasn’t quite pain, but still trembled through her body. As she did, sparks popped out of the base of her horn, and the clear orb began to fill with dark magic.

When it was over, Fluttershy removed the device. Trixie stumbled a bit before falling to the ground.

There was a dead silence. For a full ten seconds, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash just looked at each other, then at the fallen bodies of Red Hoof and Trixie. The stallion was out cold, but Trixie looked like she was still conscious.

“Is it over?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yeah, I think,” Rainbow Dash said. “Lightning and that stallion are out, and Trixie...”

Something stopped them, something that got all of them to turn and look at Trixie.

They heard crying. Sobbing. And they realized it was coming from the showmare herself.

Before anypony could comment, another noise was heard. A loud clop.

Applejack yelled in horror as she realized Red Hoof was rising to his hooves. As she tried to crawl out of the way, the others looked as he rose. His expression was still blank, with no malice or rage. He just looked at them.

Rainbow Dash thought to charge, but knew it wouldn’t do any good. She flapped her wings, only to wince in pain. She was hurt, and it would be no good for any serious flying. She was wondering how to signal the others for a distraction when the final member of Trixie’s team stumbled in.

“Forget them! The Royal Guards are almost here! I saw them coming! We have to move!”

Hearing this, the four ponies brightened up. “That’s right, we win!” Rainbow Dash said.

“Next time,” Lightning promised. ‘Come on, Trixie, let’s go!”


All eyes fell on her in shock. Even Red Hoof lifted an eyebrow at this.

Trixie was on her hooves now. She looked a far cry from the pony she had been just moments ago. Her mane was disheveled and her her body sagged. Her eyes were wet with tears. But her voice remained steady.

“I will not run. I won’t be a criminal.”

Lightning's jaw dropped, as if her former employer had just spontaneously sprouted wings. "Are you mental?"

Trixie looked at her. "No. I'm thinking clearly for the first time since I put that Amulet on." She considered a moment. "Actually, I think I'm thinking clearer than I have since long before. I can't run. I couldn't live with myself if I ran."

“What? You idiot, don’t you get it? You’ll be locked up for life! They aren’t just going to forget everything!”

“Then so be it.” Trixie made a slow walk over to where Pinkie still stood.

“Why? You can get away, they’re all to injured to chase us!”

“Please be quiet, I need to remember how to reverse this.”

Lightning Dust just gaped. “Fine! Whatever, I knew you were crazy, but... come on!”

Then Red Hoof charged forward. In one swift motion she knocked Fluttershy aside. The device went flying from her hoof, but he caught it in his teeth with no problem.

Then he turned and was out the door. Lightning was stunned by this, but only for a moment as she soon followed.

Rainbow Dash started to follow, but true to Lightning’s words she faltered in her flying when the pain in her wing rose up again. As she fell to the ground, she muttered. “Darn... they got away.”

There was a flash of white light.

“...we can all have a party with cake and cookies and my new party cannon!” Pinkie stopped and looked around. “Did I miss something fun?”

And then Trixie collapsed into a sobbing mess.