• Published 15th Mar 2012
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From Scratch - Kaldanor

After the Gala, Octavia has hit rock bottom. Cast out by society, she has to try and start all over again.

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Chapter 9

Octavia welcomed the silence that fell between Vinyl and herself, as they trudged down the streets back towards the hospital. The stark silence between them meant that either Vinyl had given up, or she was marshalling a new tactic. Octavia was certain that it was the latter, as she knew Vinyl to be far too stubborn to give up so easily.

She wasn’t sure what Vinyl’s new angle would be, though. She would just have to keep her wits about herself to be sure that she caught it in time. She couldn’t stop herself from pondering the possibilities as two of them silently paced inside the hospital. Each thought seemed more unlikely than the last and she was soon forced to give up. The two of them drew some odd looks from the staff as they went, the way Octavia was sternly pacing behind Vinyl, seemingly marching her forward, was an apparent oddity. Octavia ignored them, though, and they were soon walking down the long hallway that lead to Resonance’s room.

Vinyl stopped at the threshold, and stared at the door in front of her. Octavia waited impatiently as the unicorn took a few long slow breaths. She couldn’t stop herself from thinking that this must be what she looked like each time she hesitated in front of Vinyl’s building. All that thought did was strengthen her belief that Vinyl didn’t want to be here doing this right now. Clearly, she was only doing this because Octavia was forcing her, and Vinyl would probably never visit again.

Once Resonance was better she could probably move on to better projects and not have to worry about it, so to Octavia it didn’t really matter if the apology was sincere or not. The only thing that was important was to get Vinyl’s strange urge to apologize out of the way without hurting Resonance in the process.

“Whenever you are ready, Scratch,” she finally said after a few more moments of hesitation from Vinyl.

“Yeah, yeah, give me a few more seconds, okay? I suck at apologies. I need to gather my thoughts.

“Yes, I noticed the first time. Don’t screw it up this time, alright?” Octavia urged with a quiet sigh. She leaned sideways against the wall and continued to wait for Vinyl.

“I’ll try, Tavi,” Vinyl said with uncertainty dripping from her voice. She took a few more deep breaths, and then reached out with a hoof to open the door slowly. She peeked inside the room tentatively, before she stepped inside quietly.

“Are you awake?” Vinyl called out in a half whisper, as she disappeared through the doorway.

Octavia straightened up and followed the unicorn inside, letting the door shut softly behind her. She heard Resonance give a quiet noise of assent, and made her way over to the chair in the corner to observe.

“Hey, Resonance, I know you probably don’t really want to see me right now. I’m actually here to apologize, though, so hear me out,” Vinyl started. She gulped visibly, and glanced over towards Octavia in the corner before she attempted to continue.

“I’m no good at apologies, okay? But I’m going to try and say everything I’m thinking, and hopefully you’ll get the idea.” Vinyl sat down on her haunches next to the bed, and seemed to be having a hard time keeping her gaze directed at Resonance. Her gaze kept flicking down towards her hooves, then back up to the bed.

“I’m sorry, for all of this. It’s completely my fault. I shouldn’t have yelled at you the way I did. I didn’t really stop to think about what I was doing until I was listening to the recordings of our sessions. Once I did, then I felt pretty bad about it. The things that I said were really harsh and way over the line. I shouldn’t have kept yelling at you when you clearly weren’t taking it well either,” Vinyl said weakly, and her gaze remained directed at the ground as she scuffed at the tiles with her hoof lightly.

“I guess I just got carried away. I know that’s not a very good excuse, but I was just frustrated. I wanted a way to motivate you, because you have a lot of talent. You showed it at your audition, but I wasn’t seeing you use it in the studio. Yelling at ponies has helped in the past, and so I figured I’d try it with you. I thought that if I could get you angry enough, then you’d stand up to me and show me how good you could really be. Which is alright, but I was being too thick-headed to realize I was getting the opposite reaction of what I wanted.”

Vinyl let out a quiet sigh, and risked a glance over towards the corner once more. Octavia shook her head, and shot a pointed glance back to indicate that she hadn’t said enough. Vinyl responded with another slow, deep breath and turned her body back towards Resonance. It appeared as if she was trying to look up towards the unicorn in the bed, but just couldn’t quite do it.

“I’m sorry, if I hadn’t been so stupid, or realized how cruel I was being, then you wouldn’t have been hurt. I guess I should tell you that I don’t think you’re worthless, either. I’m trying to fix my horrible attitude, and I don’t want you to think of me as a horrible pony. You probably hate me, and I can understand if you do. The point is you shouldn’t let it rankle inside you. Carrying hatred around for somepony like that can do really bad things to you. Trust me, I’m speaking from experience on that one,” Vinyl continued and kept drawing little patterns on the tile floor with her right forehoof.

Octavia quirked an eyebrow at Vinyl at the last statement, but she wasn’t paying Octavia enough attention to notice it. Vinyl was doing an impressive job of making this sound sincere. If she didn’t know better, she might have reconsidered what she thought of Vinyl. It would work better if she hadn’t just yelled at Vinyl to do a good job of it, of course, but she hoped Resonance was taking it well at least.

“You don’t deserve all the trouble that comes with carrying around hatred like that for a long time. So I guess, I’m asking you to forgive me, even though I don’t really deserve it that much. If you can find it in yourself to do that, then you’ll still have a job open in my studio if you want it. Focus on getting better, and if you want it just show up whenever. I promise I’ll work on the yelling while you’re recovering, and try to be a better boss for somepony like you. I should be nurturing your talent, not abusing it.”

Octavia’s jaw hung open slightly as she watched Vinyl continue her exposition. She had nearly cut out all of the clichés, and the refusal to make eye contact really helped with the tentative feeling. She watched as Vinyl finally attempted to make eye contact, looking up towards Resonance, only to see her looking almost as shocked as Octavia.

Octavia’s pleasant surprise quickly turned into annoyance and anger, as Vinyl let out a quiet sigh before she pushed herself up to her hooves. Octavia was beside herself, she wanted to hang her mouth wide open, and grind her teeth together in frustration at the same time. She watched as Vinyl turned around and stalked out of the room without saying another word, her head hanging the entire time.

She was surprised that steam wasn’t leaking from her ears, and after a quick glance over towards a still shocked Resonance, she stalked out into the hallway after Vinyl. Octavia saw her march down the hallway still walking slowly. Vinyl kept her head down as she approached the stairs, and Octavia took the few moments of walking down the hallway to gather her thoughts. She sped up to a canter as Vinyl walked out the front door, and sped up to a run to catch Vinyl before she could get away.

“What the hell was that Scratch?” Octavia demanded suddenly, thrusting her face into Vinyl’s roughly.

“What do you mean? It was an apology. A proper one. That’s what you wanted, wasn’t it?”

“No, not that you great big idiot, why did you get up and just leave like that?” Octavia demanded, trying her best not to just storm off in frustration. “You were doing so well, it seemed like she was believing your crap, then you just suddenly get off and leave? Are you mental? Why did you have to ruin it by just leaving without saying anything?”

“What? What in the name of Celestia do you mean by “believing my crap?”” Vinyl demanded loudly, thrusting her face back into Octavia’s suddenly.

“You heard me, I don’t buy that you’re being sincere right now. The whole, walking out of the room with your head hung low, while she watches you go bit? Really? You went with that? I already yelled at you for hamming it up, and you chose to do that. Pathetic.”

“I got up and left because she was clearly confused. I didn’t want to pressure her by sitting there expectantly. So I got up and left so she could have some time to think on it. Did you even think of that?” Vinyl demanded leaning forward slightly.

“Oh, right, you were being altruistic. Next you’re going to tell me that you offered her a job from the kindness of your heart. Yeah, that’s not going to work, seeing as I had to pressure you into agreeing to do it in the first place. How stupid do you think I am Scratch?” Octavia shot back, furrowing her eyebrows as she held her ground.

“Oh for the love of Luna! You are hopeless! Utterly hopeless. I can’t belie-”

“Oh shut up with the dramatics, Scratch. It’s not going to work on me. It doesn’t matter anyway, you didn’t screw up the apology too badly this time, so she’ll be fine,” Octavia said sharply, cutting across the dramatics.

“No! You will listen to me for once! I’ve had it about up to here with your crap Octavia. All you’ve done since she got hurt is scream at me about everything I did wrong. You know what? You were right, so that’s the only reason I haven’t put my hoof down before now. Not anymore, though, you are going to listen to me now. I’m done putting up with your insinuations of my ill intentions,” Vinyl said fiercely.

Her tone dropped to a harsh whisper as she stepped closer to Octavia. She furrowed her eyebrows, and her red eyes glinted with ferocity that Octavia couldn’t recall having seen before. She couldn’t stop herself from slowly stepping backwards at each sentence, but Vinyl closed the gap each time. As Vinyl continued, Octavia realized that she had never actually seen Vinyl truly angry until now, and it terrified her as she quailed under the intense voice.

“I’ve done every single little thing that you’ve asked, no demanded of me, and you still refuse to budge an inch. You think I’m garbage? You don’t trust me? You think I’m the worst pony in this damned city? Fine! I'll act like it then, you're bucking fired!” Vinyl suddenly yelled, thrusting her face closer, her nose inches from Octavia’s.

“I don’t care anymore; you can rot in your hellhole. You can have a blast fuming about how much better you are than everypony around you. It seems to me that you enjoy your superiority complex, so I’ll do you a favor and let you keep living in a place where you’re clearly better than everypony around you. No, no need to thank me, it’s bucking charity work. Chalk it up to making my apology mean more,” Vinyl said with malice, and leaned further forward. Octavia backed right into one of the columns supporting the overhang outside the hospital, and slowly sank to her haunches.

Octavia quailed some more under the fierce gaze as Vinyl refused to back off. She leaned her head down as Octavia fell, and the way that she glared was something completely different from the yelling. The only word to describe it was terrible. Those bright red eyes, which previously only glinted mischievously at the worst, were shining with pure anger. It was just wrong, she couldn’t describe why, but seeing Vinyl’s entire face contorted in the strong emotion just made her not look like Vinyl anymore.

After a long staring match Octavia finally shied away and broke the intense gaze. She turned her eyes towards her hooves and blinked a few times, having a hard time holding back the tears from her eyes. She couldn’t really explain why. It must have been something to do with the thought of being stuck in that awful apartment building forever. It was enough to make her whole body shake lightly. Visions of having to work as a janitor in some rundown building kept flashing before Octavia’s eyes, and they shook her to the very core. She shook her head back and forth slowly as she tried to make the bad thoughts go away.

“That’s right, you get it now. Too bad it’s too late isn’t it? Did you know that I felt sorry for you? Here you were, the most talented mare I’d ever seen come into one of my auditions. You were clearly down on your luck. I knew what happened, everypony in Canterlot did. Silly me, though, I figured you just got the bad end of the publicity stick. I thought you just annoyed the wrong pony and that they’d gotten their revenge on you. It all seemed a little unfair for the scope of what had happened, but now I can see why. It’s your bucking attitude Octavia. I figure you can reap what you’ve already sowed,” Vinyl concluded. Octavia looked up to see Vinyl’s backside retreating into the distance, disappearing into the streets of Canterlot.

The sight of her literal last hope fading into the city was enough to do it. The sense of hopelessness that crashed over her was just too much for her to handle. Not even the bits she had earned from Vinyl so far would be enough to keep her going long enough to avoid the foregone conclusion. Octavia was doomed to a life of squalor. She would never have the comforts of her old home again. Worse yet, she would never have the joy of playing her instrument in front of other ponies for a living again. With that stark revelation she fell forward and rested her head onto her forehooves. She stopped fighting it and let the hopelessness crash over her.

The first tear that leaked down her face was like the crumbling of a dam. A wall of emotion that she had constructed long ago fell away suddenly. All of the tears and sorrow that she had been stubbornly holding back since the gala overwhelmed her, sending her into a deep sobbing fit. Her entire life was truly and finally crashing around her. There was no escape now, and every tear that fell down her face like a physical blow to her body as she realized that she was utterly screwed.

She no longer heard the myriad of sounds around her. Despite being outside of a noisy hospital, she was completely alone. She became slowly aware of the strange sense of spinning in place, but her eyes were too solidly shut for her to rectify the matter. It didn’t matter anyway. Let the spinning take her off someplace far away from here. Someplace where nothing would matter anymore, maybe she could just start over. She didn’t care, the tears kept flowing down her face and she realized that it didn’t matter anyway. Anywhere was better than this hell of a city.

Her self pity fell to a new low as she lay there sobbing and wishing that some magical force yet undiscovered would just carry her away. Everything seemed to enter a timeless moment, and she lost all track of how long she had been laying there. She felt a hoof nudge against her side, and suddenly the magic was gone. The hoof wasn’t very gentle, but it pushed against her shoulder in a way that implied it was intended to be. The effect was enough, she sniffed a few times and struggled to reach up with a hoof so she could wipe away the tears. It took her a few more attempts to finally clear the tears away enough so that she could open her eyes.

Octavia was immediately greeted with a blurry view of the world. She had to blink several times, and wipe her eyes a few more times before she could clear it enough to turn her attention to the other pony. There was another slightly gentler nudge at her shoulder, and she finally managed to turn upwards with a look of annoyance. She might as well figure out who it was who had come to pity her. Nothing could have prepared her for what she saw, though. Her mouth fell wide open, and she blinked a few times shaking her head before she was ready to acknowledge who it was.

Standing above her, wearing a look of exasperation, was Vinyl Scratch. One of her hooves covered her face, and Octavia could see her shake her head softly a few times before she finally opened her mouth to say something. It took Vinyl a few tries, and Octavia watched the white muzzle open and shut before Vinyl found her voice.

“One more… You get one more chance. You were still right about the way I treated you and Resonance. So after the way you treated me, we’ll call it even. So you get one more chance. Don’t think that bursting into tears will work again, either. I’ll let you come back and work for me, but you have to acknowledge that I am allowing you this favor. You are continuing to work for me because I am being kind enough to allow it. Don’t forget that Tavi.”

Vinyl finally dropped her hoof, and stared pointedly at Octavia. The malice was gone from her eyes, and in its stead was, if anything, worse. She could make out the vaguest hints of pity shimmering behind those red orbs above her. She grudgingly managed a nod, as she fought to hold back the budding sense of hope.

“That means no more implying that I’m a heartless bastard. There are things about me that you don’t know, and you won’t know until you start acting nice enough for me to tell you. I’m not going to the effort of explaining things unless you show it’s worth my time. I don’t have anything to prove here so I’m not going to spill my life story just to make you feel better. If you can’t get past this, then we’re done and you can leave now. I don’t have to do this, and part of me doesn’t want to. So keep that in mind next time you start thinking of me as the worst pony around,” Vinyl concluded and turned around suddenly.

Octavia stared after her, a look of shock and confusion plastered across her face. She felt like she should say something, but her mouth was refusing to work. Vinyl took a few steps away in a huff, and then stopped for a second.

“I’ll see you the usual time tomorrow, Tavi.”