• Published 14th Dec 2013
  • 3,994 Views, 488 Comments

CAPS LOCK - Final Draft

The CMC learn the hard way that you should never feed a troll.

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VIII: Mistakes Were Made

Sweetie Belle removed the lollipop from her mouth and looked at it in confusion. “Rocket Ship Day?” she asked. “I’ve never heard of Rocket Ship Day.”

“Me neither! It’s a good thing that new pony told me about!” Pinkie Pie shouted, grabbing more decorations from the bakery. She stopped in front of the fillies, but the colt was no where in sight. “Huh? Where’d he go?”

The CMC looked around, but Caps Lock had already disappeared into the growing crowd of confused onlookers. The mares and stallions looked around in disgust at the decorations now bastardizing their town. They whispered amongst each other about how Pinkie Pie was far from subtle when it came to private affairs.

“Cookies?!” Pinkie Pie asked, holding out a tray of “rocket ships” to some of the town ponies. They declined, pushing the cookies away and looking angrily at the pink mare.

“Somethin’ ain’t right here,” Apple Bloom said, taking a cookie from the distraught Pinkie Pie. “These don’t look like any rocket ships ah’ve ever seen.”

Scootaloo, who had actually been enjoying her lollipop, removed it from her mouth and looked at. “If it was smaller, I’d say it looks like…” she trailed off. The filly looked up with sudden realization and let the confection fall from her hoof. “Pinkie, did that new pony help at all with these decorations?”

“He designed everything!” Pinkie Pie shouted cheerfully. “But I think you’re right,” she said, stroking her chin and squinting at a balloon. “They do look a little—”

“Pinkie Pie! What is the meaning of this?!” Mayor Mare shouted, pushing through the crowd. Several balloons flew up in her face and she popped them angrily.

“It’s a Pinkie Pie Party!” Pinkie Pie shouted in response. “You think you’d recognize a Pinkie Pie Party by now!”

“For what occasion, dare I ask?” she asked. Her eyes went wide as she had a “rocket ship” thrust into her open mouth.

“It’s Rocket Ship Day!” Pinkie shouted, releasing more balloons.

The Mayor removed the lollipop from her mouth and held it up to Pinkie Pie’s face. “These do NOT look like ROCKET SHIPS!”

Pinkie Pie took a piece of paper from her mane and unfolded it for The Mayor to see. “I was just going by the design! See? There’s the body, and this is the fire from take-off!”

“And does that look like anything else to you?”

“No…that’s…no way! No!” Pinkie stammered, refusing to believe there was anything hidden in the innocent drawing. She looked up to see the crowd was beginning to heckle her.

“What were you thinking?” one mare shouted.

“This is worse than your party for my father’s colonoscopy!” an angry stallion shouted. Pinkie looked around at the angry faces and then to her decorations with awful realization.

“Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, ew!” she shouted, now seeing the vulgar images she’d been too blind to see. She turned to run, but found herself face-to-shaft with her enormous, unintentionally-erotic cake.

Caps Lock had managed to find his way to the top of the clock tower during the beginning of the celebration. He’d gotten to watch the hilarity unfold from afar, and his laughter could be heard by nopony but himself. Wiping a tear from his eye, he decided it was time for the grand finale. He’d snagged the cake’s detonator from Pinkie Pie before sneaking off, and he pushed his hoof onto the big, red button.

As Pinkie Pie stared at the massive phallic pastry, it began to shake violently. She could only watch in horror as a jet of white frosting exploded from the tip of the cake. The frosting went straight up, and came straight back down, landing in one big glob all over the poor, pink pony.

The crowd cried out in disgust and began pelting Pinkie Pie with whatever “rocket ship” paraphernalia they could find. When their rage had finally settled, they dispersed, leaving the town center a complete disaster.

“I want this all cleaned up now!” The Mayor shouted to a lollipop-covered pile of white frosting. The pile stirred slightly in recognition of the demand, and The Mayor walked back to her office.

The CMC approached the pile cautiously, watching the cake for any more eruptions. “Pinkie Pie?” Sweetie Belle asked, poking her hoof at the pile of frosting on the ground. Two sad, blue eyes opened up out of the frosting and began crying.

“They were supposed to be rocket ships,” Pinkie Pie said quietly. “He said it was a rocket ship.”

“Pinkie, ah don’t even think Rocket Ship Day is a real holiday,” Apple Bloom said, bending down to look into Pinkie Pie’s eyes. “Ah think Caps Lock played a trick on you.”

“That new pony?” Pinkie Pie asked, standing up, still covered in an assortment of her once-innocent decorations. “He wouldn’t do that? Would he?”

“Me? Noooo,” Caps Lock said, approaching the four ponies. He smiled and cut himself a large piece of cake from the “rocket’s” “exhaust port.” The colt took a big bite, chewed, then spit onto Pinkie Pie. “Okay, maybe I did!” he laughed.

Pinkie Pie tried to take a step toward the colt, but slipped in the puddle of frosting. Caps Lock started laughing even harder when Pinkie Pie came up with a decoration stuck to her face.

“What’s wrong with you?” Scootaloo asked angrily , shoving Caps Lock. The colt barely managed to keep his balance on the slippery stage. He planted his hooves and turned to the furious pegasus filly.

“You need to chill the buck out,” he said, shoving her back. Before the other members of the CMC could retaliate, Pinkie Pie pounced onto the colt. Her eyes had narrowed and her normally puffy mane was completely lank. Bits of frosting slowly dripped from her mane onto Caps Lock’s face as he looked up in fear.

Pinkie Pie breathed heavily, looking down at the terrified colt. She got close to his face, and her eye twitched as she whispered, “Apologize…”

Caps Lock shifted uncomfortably, unable to look away from the mare’s freezing glare. The three fillies cautiously watched and tried not to show their own fear. They’d heard of Pinkie’s alter ego Pinkamena before, but they’d had no way of knowing just how terrifying she was.

Pinkie reached down for one of the lollipops and brought it up to Caps Lock’s eyes. Both of them stared at the lollipop as Pinkie Pie spoke. “I suggest you apologize, Caps Lock!” Pinkie said from the corner of her mouth, speaking for the lollipop. “You don’t want to upset Pinkie Pie!”

Her eyes focused back on Caps Lock, and she said with her normal voice, "Or she'll hurt you." Her pupils then dilated and moved to opposite corners of her eyes. A big smile stretched across her face and she began breathing heavily again.

Caps Lock, in that very moment, knew what true fear was. “I-I-I’m sorry! PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!” he begged. He stared at the lollipop because it was much less intimidating than the mare currently straddling him.

Apology accepted,” Pinkie said slowly. She brought her hoof downward and pushed the lollipop against Caps Lock’s lips. Eventually, he had no choice but to let the “rocket ship” “come in for landing.”

Trolling this pony was a big mistake.