• Member Since 13th May, 2013
  • offline last seen Saturday


I kept dreaming of a world I thought I'd never see. Then one day... I got in. And the world was more beautiful than I ever dreamed... and more dangerous than I ever imagined.


All Twilight wanted was some breakfast after a long night of studying. Was that really so much to ask?

Yes. Yes it was.

(Yes, I know, another stupid peach story. :ajbemused: Blame Obselescence for prompting everyone to write this nonsense, and Eakin for encouraging it. I regret nothing.)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 21 )

Heh I didn't expect you to write this:twilightsheepish:

Nopony expects the Peachish Inquisition! :pinkiehappy:

Well it was very funny and I enjoyed:pinkiehappy:


It's just gone 8 o'clock and time for the Peach on top of your television set to explode.

Dang it, I should've found some way to use that one...

Anyway, I don't have any illusions about this going nuts and skyrocketing to thousands of views like Light The Sky On Fire did; this was mostly a case of "sit down and write something, damn it!" to try to get the creative muse kick-started again. :twilightsmile:


I was more surprised that you did not use the "Pit of Despair" gag from The Princess Bride, myself. :applejackunsure:

As for Monty Python gags, there is never a shortage of time-honored angles to use. It is rather sad that no modern comedies have the time-enduring value of Monty Python. :fluttershysad:

I must confess, it's been so many moons since I last watched The Princess Bride, that the reference never even occurred to me. :facehoof:


With a loud "Pop!" and purple aura fading, Twilight Sparkle and Spike rematerialized onto cheap plastic seating before a laminated table...

Shaking off the momentary disorientation from the teleport, Twilight rubbed a hoof over her eyes.

"Where are we?" asked Spike.

"The Pit of Despair!" answered the raspy voice of an albino-white earth pony in a messy apron, "otherwise known as-"

*Hack! cough-cough!* As the rotund stallion cleared his throat and popped a lozenge into his mouth.

"Otherwise known as 'Denny's'," continued the earth pony in a smooth tenor, taking out a pad and paper, "I'm your server. Can I interest you in today's special of waffles with peach compote?"


Well... ponyfeathers. :facehoof: That would've been a good gag; I should've thought of it.


You are welcome to use, adapt, &/or integrate any ideas I freely offer :pinkiesmile: .

Always remember the old literary writing axiom...

It is NEVER "too late" to go back to add-on, edit, refine, revise, or even completely overhaul your work for improvement(s) or for the better.

Do I sense that you too are a TvTropes reader? I especially enjoyed the "Sealed Evil" part for that reason. :twilightsmile:

Okay... I don't know what finally prompted me to go back and revisit this bit of nonsense after all this time (then again, I don't know what posessed me to write the silly thing in the first place :derpytongue2: ), but I went ahead and folded your Princess Bride gag into the ending. So any boos, groans, hisses, or rotten produce (including peaches) hurled this story's way are now as much your fault as mine. :pinkiehappy:


DISCLAIMER: Due to the freely offered nature creative suggestions &/or refinements, pendrake72 is not liable to any blame, rotten produce thrown, lawsuits, &/or negative Commentary backlash for use of said creative suggestion &/or refinements.

pendrake72 is fully responsible for, and welcomes, any Commentary praise, fresh produce gift-baskets, offers of ghost-writing services, &/or Cartel Coins (see: Star Wars: the Old Republic) offered freely in return.

Do not take pendrake72's freely offered creative suggestions/refinements with alcohol, narcotics, &/or large amounts of seriousness. Do not operate heavy machinery whilst reading &/or contemplating pendrake72's creative suggestions/refinements (*sound of forklift crashing off-screen*). If you experience bouts of uncontrollable &/or sustained Creativity for more than 8 hours after taking pendrake72's creative suggestions/refinements, see a Doctor &/or Publisher immediately whilst praising pendrake72.


this peach is no more, it has ceased to be! it has expired and gone to meet its maker! it's a stiff! bereft of juice it rests in rot if you hadn't thrown it out it would've been pushing up the daisies!!! its run down the peachy coil, brought down the curtain and gone to meet the bloody choir invisible!!! THIS!!! IS!!! AN!!! EX!!! PEACH!!!:flutterrage::twilightangry2:

Heh, that would've been a good one too. So many classic Monty Python skits, so few ways to wedge them all into one story...

The story caught my attention because I work at Hannaford, and the story was pretty good in itself. Nice to relive all the peachy nostalgia.

Really? Well, I suppose that's as good a way to get a reader's attention as any... :pinkiehappy: (Though obviously, there's no particular significance to the brand in this story; it just happened to be the first decent image of a can of peaches that looked like it'd be easy to photoshop Twilight onto its label, and didn't have a giant honkin' watermark slapped across it.)

Actually, now seems as good a time as any to confess: the original plan was to do this with hay, with the cover art being a Spam-style rectangular can – but somehow, I could never quite envision Spike actually wanting to eat "hay, hay, hay, hay, hay, hay, baked beans, hay, hay, hay and hay" (I mean, c'mon, he's a gemstone-eating reptile!), and I couldn't think of a good framing device to get them into the cafe anyway. Then Obsolescence inadvertently(?) launched the "Twilight Sparkle eats peaches" meme :twilightoops: as a result of one of his site-blog posts, Eakin (and others) started openly encouraging it to spread :ajbemused:, and this absurd bit of Pythonesque nonsense was the result. :rainbowlaugh:

Well that happened. :rainbowderp:
Fabulous job, my friend.:twilightsmile:


This problem can be solved by one thing...




1. It is actually regarded as a rite of passage among the ponies of the Great Southern Pastures, and the survivors get to spread the sacred word... or is that the sacred spread?

2. I survived the Watermelon Incident. Kind of. Barely.

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