• Member Since 19th Nov, 2012
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Dan_s Comments

Story teller at heart. I like to examine the unusual. I spend too much time being 'reasonable'. I write to play, and hope others enjoy the results.

Comments ( 1035 )

Edit: Silly me, I didn't even start reading before I realised that it WAS set in the Your Human and You universe. Oh dear do I feel silly. Although this makes it all the more better.

Oh yes, I will definitely be looking forward to more of this.

...I have enjoyed this. Cliffhanger was somewhat less appreciated. xD

Any idea when we'll see the next chapter?

3698582 3698619 Glad you enjoyed it, there is another chapter in the wings.

I very much look forward to it. These types of stories are pretty much all I read, so I always enjoy the well written ones. *hint hint* :pinkiehappy:

Well, damn. This was good :rainbowderp: now, to brass tacks... I would like more of this, and soon.

Another good Story in the "Your Human And You" (YHAY) Universe. And the start is nice, too.

I want to read more... NOW!!!

(Sorry, I'm always a little impatient with good stories:twilightsheepish:)

Well, you've made it to my read later list, just for having so many upvotes so early, and being set in the YHaY verse.


You need some work on pacing, but other than that, this is a great story. Have a thumb and a fave!

Ok. Thumbs up. And fav.
Great pacing imo. Like that you didn't go with the fabled life flashing before your eyes bit at the end there.
Update soon please.

Pretty good! But in later chapters you should have him speak.

"Get your damn, dirty hooves off me you damn, dirty horse!"

...had to say it...:trollestia:

Sweet mother of baby jeebus I want to see more of this

Man, what is this, every YHaY fic goes in the popular box but mine day?

Good job, dude, on making the pop box.

3702967 dude I've been thinking about making a fic in your verse sense I read yours. Maybe I should :p

this is a very good intro and you have my attention with this story idea, but I have to be honest, I am well read and you are using words that I have never even heard before. it kind of makes my headache. and college professor or not, I doubt that an English teacher could be a gladiator for five years even among ponies.

other than that, great job and I'm looking forward to more.

3698932 3699108 3699127 3699428 3702540 3698943 3700099 .
I'm glad you all enjoyed it. I'm working on the next chapter even now.

3698994 Thank you, I do have a tendency to rush to 'get to the good stuff'. I'll try to keep this one slowed down.

3699128 One reason the adblocker stays on. If I turn it off and open more than three tabs, I can hit a button, then go get a cup of coffee before the screen refreshes.

3699189 3699428 Okay, one for and one against. :applecry: I'm so confused. Glad you're enjoying the story, I am working on the second chapter.

3699596 Only where he has very good plausible deniability. Now, if he were a good ventriloquist

Cadence: 'Was that you talking?!'
He points at the lamp.
Lamp: 'Get real your Highness, who ever heard of a talking human.'
Lamp and Cadence have a chuckle about it.

3699602 No you didn't, but I'm glad you did instead of me.

3703764 Well, he's not an English professor. And it's isn't being a gladiator for five years that's hard, it's managing the first six months before you can become a character that ponies want to see and thus the management will protect. He isn't using the word kefaybe for nothing. Oh, kefaybe, it a misuse of the term kafaybe, or porcine latinus for Be fake ke fa(y) be.

3704382 Please, please, PLEASE use that line somewhere in your story! (Okay, you don't have to, but it would be most humorous if you do!)

Looking forward to the next update.:raritywink:

I'll be honest. The pacing does jump around a bit, but when it's not skipping forward, it's very enjoyable.

No, you are an idiotic human who gets his ass handed to him by a flying Gay Pride Parade.

No offense meant towards homosexuals.

Besides, you made the pop box too. I just didn't comment on it.

3708902 When the fuck did that happen? :rainbowhuh:

Note it's the popular story box, not the featured box.

Though I think you did get featured once, right?

3709057 If I did, I totally missed it... and that would make me sad... :fluttercry:

I'm confused regarding the end. So Celestia notices an assassin working towards the couple. She decides to check the security herself, instead to inform the guards of the assassin. She runs into our professor and wins after some fighting. The assassin notices nothing of this fight and tries to break in. At which point the professor tackles the assassin and falls to his apparent death.

If that is what's happened I don't get the reasoning for Celestia. And the assassin seems to be deaf as well.

3709692 The security caught the assassin. Celestia decided to check on Cadence and Shining. She only detected the people who were supposed to be there (Cadence, Shining and Percy), so she went in.
She never expected Percy's attack, but was actually overjoyed that the 'untrainable, vicious human' was obviously trying to protect Cadence and Shining, and keep their escape route open. Only when he surprised her and she hit him full force did she realize while she thought it was a game, he obviously didn't. Then Cadence charged in the break up the fight (and protect Percy from Celestia's understandable anger).
Problem is, Percy knows the military is infiltrated, his survival through several cullings/extermination operations is proof of that, so he realized that the assassins were one part of a multipronged attack, and Cadence leaving Shining alone was probably the signal to strike. Whether the pegasus was part of an organized assault or just saw a chance to make some bits, will not appear in the story. Either way, you won't see that pegasus again, ever.

3710635 Thanks for the explanation - it helps a great deal. :twilightsmile: BTW, I wrote "death" instead of "deaf" (corrected it just now), but your explanation covers that possibility as well. Let's hope that one of the three horned ponies not wishing Percy dead do something - I guess crashlanding on the pegasus as meat shield won't prevent serious injuries at the speed you described.

Huh, this is really good. I've always wanted to write a spin-off in the Your Human and You-verse, and now that I see yours, I think I just might.

3711288 I'm glad I inspired you. Just remember the rules:
Follow a few rules:
a. You have cleared the story with me (a plot summary is all that is needed. I don't have to read the entire story)
b. Any and all OC characters remain as close as possible to how they are depicted in the original story
c. You indicate that the story you have written is NOT canon with Your Human and You (or the spin off) unless I have agreed to it
d. You have given credit where credit is due: based in the 'Your Human and You' universe by

MadMaxtheBlack, based on your spin-off story by ________
e. You have sent me a link to the story. I would like to read what you have written (because I enjoy seeing things from other people's perspective

this is awesomazing so far! :pinkiehappy:

can't wait til' the next chapter

Oh, man... Only one chapter but so good...

I need more.

Based in MadMaxtheBlack's [i[Your Human and You setting, a human brought to Equestria spends 5 years as a pit fighter before being 'rescued' by Cadence, begins some time before the events of Season 1.

Short Description seems to have a little error there, Dan.

Does anyone know what Shinning Armor was crying about? I think I know what the human said/assumed but I'm not sure what happened in that scene. Other than that, not a bad start. Makes me want to watch the movie Spartacus now. Despite the use of the name, Spartacus, I'd be surprised if the main character ends up leading a revolt against the ponies.

3711886 3715211 3716554 Soon, it's at the proofreader's.

3722048 That's not a mistake, that's a feature.

3725281 Yes, something very bad. Something Armor has seen ponies do to humans, but that he'd never thought ponies would do to each other.
The main character (Ursine Persiflage 'Percy') realizes that most humans are dumb animals, and a revolt would be impossible. Now leading a revolt of cows and mules against the oppression of their pony overlords, that has possibilities. Slim and None


Yeeeeessss... :rainbowwild:

Whip them to make them go harder/faster... :twilightangry2:

I'm so glad I favorited this story! Loving it, loving it, loving it!!

Your main character does so well to contain himself, yet nearly loses his purpose as he struggles when old emotions and memories surface.

I think he might have let the cat out of the bag playing the cello...as I understand your story (and I could be wrong), humans aren't supposed to be intelligent enough to play a musical instrument.

Percy is best pony human.:moustache:

These ponies have to be retarded.

I love that song. It's so heartfelt and meaningful.

Also, great chapter, and great story so far. I will re-read it when I have some more time. I love this story already, and I would love to read more when you come out with the next chapter.

With their reaction to the song I'm assuming they won't be able to make the argument that he doesn't understand what has been done to him. Or it'll be harder anyway.


Kinda sums up Danny Boy's writing style quite nicely.

3727916 the wall of text issue has to be fixed

Very nice chapter mate. Excellent choice in music to. I can't help but wonder where the tale will go from here.
"Percy" is showing clear signs of intelligence (I don't care who you are, something with the supposed intelligence of a dog does not just get up and masterfully play a full cello piece, no matter how well trained), but with the world leaders aware of this, and already viewing him more as a pet than potential science experiment, how will they react?

Unless they can some how fool themselves to think he is just an incredibly talented creature, like a trained bear or something.

I get a bit confused as I was reading... I had the feeling you "jump" from time to time and sometimes I had problems to find the string from the story.

But I will still wait for the next chapter. I cant wait when he finally starts to talk to them and to read about the shoking faces from Cadance and Shining^^

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