• Member Since 6th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen 14 hours ago


Hikari ni nare!


"Fluttershy...you now hold inside of you a seed of darkness. Whether or not that seed sprouts into a guiding salvation, or a harbinger of destruction, is wholly up to you."

On the night of a full moon, Fluttershy is visited in the middle of the night by her five closest friends. They insist that something is still dreadfully wrong with her, despite being cured of her vampirism several days ago. When her desperate pleas are ignored, she hears a voice beckoning to her in the darkness...


Submitted for Writer's Training Grounds #001, with the prompt, "Not everything went as planned when Twilight undid her spell on Fluttershy." Artwork by the impeccable http://luted.deviantart.com/

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 44 )

I liked it...sort of. I got really confused towards the end. Please explain? :fluttershysad:

Understandable...I was running out of words, so I had to wrap things up in kind of a hurry. Basically, she was in a nightmare conjured by the "27 Dead Apostles", trying to make her succumb to her vampirism. Luckily, we've got a dreamwalker to help out, i.e. Princess Luna. She sent Angel Bunny into her dreams to prevent that.

3712655 So was the whole thing a dream?

Indeed it was ~
It's a tired trope, I'm certain, but it's also something I can build upon later.

3712662 Oooooh okay that makes much more sense. :twilightsheepish:

Hey, want to take a look at my WTG entry?

Of course, since you took the time to view my work. PM the link over yonder :twilightsmile:

Wait a minute...Tsukihime?

Well I have to say, this is the first work I've seen that merges Equestria with the Nasuverse...outside of the few Fate fics out there.

Short, but still well done...
However, I'm quite sure that even Celestia would be far outclassed against the full force the 27 put together, much less Luna or Fluttershy (Type-Mercury alone would probably tear through them).
Hmm, all out war with the Nasuverse would certainly be an interesting plot line...albeit a short one.

Eh, could be better. Upvote but no Fav.

I wrote it in two days, whaddya want :fluttershyouch:

And congratulations, you're probably the only person here who's gonna get the references I've made :twilightsmile:

It's comforting to know there are indeed other anime/manga fans out there that are also bronies ~

3712871 Ehh, I dunno about Celestia and Luna being outclassed - considering how closely they're tied to the sun and moon, they could be considered existences that are not Equestrian. By Nasuverse rules, this would make them on the same level of existence as TYPE-Moon and Type-Mercury. I mean, Luna/NMM being sealed in the moon sounds kinda like what Zelretch did to Crimson Moon Brunestud. (Hehe, Princess Luna = Moon Princess = Tsukihime)

I suppose with help from the elements they might be able to hold off the Ancestors...

But just imagine the carnage that would ensue if servants were thrown into the mix :trollestia:

I'm not sure what the Nasuverse is, but I like this so far.
Will fav.

The "Nasuverse" is a fictional universe created by Type-Moon and named after its co-founder Kinoko Nasu. It includes overpowered vampiric cults, figures from ancient history that blow up cities, and wars waged for omnipotent wish-granting magical objects.

Trust me when I say this...
Look it up, watch their shows, and read their works.
Disappointment will never find you...

But being serious, it's one of the best visual novel/manga/anime producing universes I've ever seen.
I suggest starting with Fate Stay Night.
Completely random and indirect advice has been given:derpytongue2:

Intriguing. :applejackunsure:
I do enjoy vampires, explosions, and omnipotent wish granting thingy-mibobbers after all. :ajsmug:

The irony here is that they became popular despite starting out as eroge visual novels :rainbowderp:

Just goes to show you that if you create a story compelling enough, it doesn't matter what the medium is. As for me, I discovered it though a Melty Blood combo video back in 06'...
You should check out some of their games too. You won't be disappointed ~
Here and here

So... Was Len the one responsible for the nightmare?

BTW this may be a bit crazy in your opinion but will Shy's stare affect Primate Murder?
And with her present state as an Apostle can Fluttershy use Magecraft? And if she can. does she have some Marble Phantasm/Reality Marble?
Having wielded the Element of Kindness before she's got to have magic right?

Either way if you wish to continue this, or write anything else concerning the Nasuverse you have my attention.

As Len and Arcueid tend to distance themselves from the affairs of the Ancestors (if at all possible), I would doubt she had anything to do with it. Their own natural vampiric abilities would most likely allow them to invade dreams.

As for Primate Murder, I think there would be no need, speaking as he specializes in killing humans only. As a force of Gaia though, I would have to say the stare would have no effect.

And as for thaumaturgy; as soon as she awakened her natural abilities, they would all be usable. Save for the reality marble,as those are reserved for demons and certain servants.

I wouldn't be that excited about it at any rate...
She has to deal with Kotomine now...

Unfortunately, as it stands, finishing the first arc of my biggest story has my attention right now. I've been working on it for over a year, and I'm really eager to at least wrap up the first third of it. As for continuing this, it's a tossup. I plan writing a oneshot every weekend for the Writer's Training Grounds, and between that and finishing up Ancient Legacy, I wouldn't have much time to shoe in writing another epic like this.

...also, I'd need to do research :twilightsheepish:

Speaking as you have piqued my interest, I can only hope that you or someone on the site can someday find the time to build a story as awesome as this could be. Till then, I'm quite content with reading over the amazing bits and pieces that you and others throw out to us. :pinkiehappy:

Heck I may even start it myself if I find the time...unlikely with my upcoming fic in progress, but more than worth taking a swing at (or an elbow thrust, followed by a curbstomp)


ah.. Though as she IS a True Ancestor she might be able to use a Marble Phantasm right?

Essentially it's just an ancestor/elementals ability to connect To the world/nature and alter it to their worldview.

It's nice to know some bronies are knowledgeable in the nasuverse.


Great story but you need to continue it , the way you left off wasnt like a one-shot if thats what this is:pinkiesmile::moustache:

All of my WTG entries are open to continuation, the problem is actually getting the motivation to do it :ajsleepy:
And besides that, I've got several other works I've been wanting to start and/or finish, i.e. the final arc of Ancient Legacy and an open world collab I've been trying to get started on for the longest time. Either than that, it's entirely possible that I'll come back to this story once I've got the full story planned out in my head. Something set in Tsukihime simply must be grandiose :duck:

4299154 Well heres some moustaches for that motivation and do something like flutters being confused or the like of being a true ancestor and her eventual acsent to being or understanding it.:moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::pinkiesmile:

Hope u continue soon!:pinkiehappy:

Well with the way people are suddenly giving notice to it, it might be sooner than later ~

Ah, I almost didn't recognize this as a fate-verse fic... then I read Dead Apostle.

Interesting. Also promising. Would read more happily, especially if you had a good plot... or you could just ponify everything.

As Uncle would say, "I must do reseaaaarch."

That and I've yet to really come up with something groundbreaking. If there's two things I've learned about crossovers, it's this - character driven narrative is paramount, and originality is key. Last thing I wanna do is write something predictable and contrived :trixieshiftright:

4329762 I know the feeling. It's part of why I've been unable to continue my own fic (aside from the fact that the more I look at the plot the less plausible it feels) though I don't have a fantastic track record to begin with.

In all honesty I can say this...when has Type-Moon ever been capable of being predictable?
Just you bringing a Tsukihime crossover onto this site is pretty damn original.

From a writer's standpoint though, I can understand your trepidation. (I get the same feeling while writing my own fic.)

Still, the whole universe is ripe with potential that even Type-Moon themselves hasn't yet visited. So keep a positive outlook on an opportunity like this. :pinkiehappy:

Lest the wrath of Gilgamesh be upon you...

Fluttershy as a True-Ancestor? Nasuverse meeting Equestria? The possibility of seeing the DAA interacting with certain Equestria residents?
Oh, I'm definitely keeping an eye on this.

GOW IS THIS FINISH?!!??!!?!?!?

GOW :unsuresweetie:?
If you're wondering if I'm working on this, then I'm not at the moment. My priority right now is editing Ancient Legacy.


Just read this today. Really interesting! I actually thought Twi was going to kill her at first. :twilightsheepish:


Sure, they'd be able to compete with Nasuverse things if you arbitrarily buff them to compete with Nasuverse things by giving them Nasuverse powers.

The canon Celestia and Luna however, don't really show that kind of power. In battle they've pretty much got lasers, flight, telekinesis, and durability. The sun and moon thing seems... odd and hard to quantify. More like Link playing the Sun Song in OoT to change night into day and day into night than having the TK required to sling stars around. Particularly with the displays of power from the Season Four finale.

They don't exactly have a bad powerset, but it doesn't really put them on the tier of 'warps reality into an alien landscape where all life is not tolerated by moving'. They'd do quite well outside of the alien space gods though, I'd say.

Holy crap. Me too

Wow Karna, fancy seeing you here...pretty you were dead the last time I saw you though...:rainbowhuh:

Thank you for helping to clarify that point though...

Hmmm...Karna the sun demigod...versus Princess Celestia...

Totally something I'd be interested in seeing.

4329762 in other news, and yes I know it's been a good year since I came upon this...

Well, while i can't WRITE complete stories, I find ecstasy in the act of working up plot timelines, worldbuilding notes, and outlines for stories. Perhaps we could put something together?

6121712 It's something to keep in mind, I suppose. Though as of right now I'm suffering from an extreme bout of apathy.

6121826 certainly a terrible foe. Hnnn.... I'd offer you the link to my idea library in hopes that stimulus might kill that nasty little thing in your head, but I don't want to be pushy. Tell me if you feel like taking a shot at a plotting session K?

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