• Member Since 4th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Friday


Give me a lever long enough and a place to write, and I'll definitely break something.


This story is a sequel to The Twilight Child

It's bad enough when you're having a bad day, but to wake up the completely wrong species? And have the only pony who can help fix this be in another city several hundred miles away? Much worse.
But for two young ponies, who have already gone through hell not one month ago, surely that's as bad as it gets, right? It's not like they're having any other problems, right?
They are?
It's going to be one of those days, apparently.

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 22 )

I was just thinking of your story earlier this morning and now this. love it when that happens.

Now after reading it, I can't wait to see where this goes.

Nice chapter. Significantly better mechanics.
I look forward to the rest. Keep up the good work.

The 'tea-cups' thing came about because, well, when I started writing out the first draft of this thing (last year), there was a story around where Princess Celestia delivers advice to Twilight Sparkle, and tea-cups were involved. It was a good story, I liked it, but the tea thing just struck me as a bit odd. And I'm fairly certain it's not the only fiction out there to do that.

The first time Whisper Wind's 'emotion-vision' cut in he happened to be looking at Ponyville's favourite mailmare when he was very young. Timely intervention from Dinky stopped him from asking what she was so upset about.

The emotion-vision itself is taken from the Black Lanterns, of Green Lantern fame.

The reason the Fourth Changeling's name isn't given isn't a mistake. It's just because I cannot, for the life of me, think up a good name right now, so the Fourth Changeling remains anonymous. And for the last few months I'd been going by a much less impressive name for Impulse. Heck, it was only while writing this chapter I came up with that name. And Windshear. Rock and Angel Eyes, however, have been there for a while.

The Pie Clan is a noted family of the Ponyville region. There are about twenty-odd of them, all of them either named after cakes, or foodstuffs, and ranging in age from new-borns to late teens. After careful consideration and examination, it was decided that most of them are probably Pinkie's biological children, but nopony feels like asking Pinkie about that for some reason. The oldest of the Pie foals is one Banana Bread Pie, who may in all likelihood be named after Pinkie Pie's grandmother. Unfortunately, as the oldest, poor Banana is stuck with the horrible charge of being the responsible one, and secretly longs for the day when she has enough money to run away to a far away city and become a chartered accountant, and never have to even look at a party cannon ever again.

The reason all the windows in Canterlot is... under strict legal enforcement to never be spoken of again, but what is known is that it involved Discord, most of the city singing at once, and voice-related mind-control. And singing. Lots of singing.
Princess Luna might have been involved at some point.

"I suppose at some point you are expecting me to reveal to you some great secret of Changeling-kind" Chrysalis said, with an apathetic air, "of our history, and how we came to be, or something along those lines."

"And are you?" Cadance asked. Chrysalis just laughed derisively.

I believe you meant Shining Sapphire

how did that happen?
There. Fixed forever.

3861408 Yeah!
Also, I don't like the color of those kidneys at the end.

Know whats funny? The Twilight child was the first MLP fiction i ever read and I never checked to see if you wrote a sequel to it. Then again it was my first time on this site too :pinkiehappy:

This is more of a spin-off than a sequel, to be honest.
(I was uncertain whether to label it a sequel or not. But then, I figured since it uses some characters, follows on from one or two points, what the heck.)

Maybe a better idea for a sequel would've been one about 1: Midnight eclipse's World or 2: The cliffhanger at the end of The Twilight Child with a possible Nightmare Diamond Tiara.

I'm still gonna go on insisting this was more of a spin-off.
Not rightly sure I could do one about Midnight Eclipse, for a lot of reasons.
But, as for the Diamond Tiara thing, well...

I don't particularly like recap, but is was necessary. The end is great, and I can't wait to see what happens!

Oh, Shining... Rule# 1 of captivity: don't upset your captor. Rule# 2 of captivity: don't upset your captor. You just had to do it, didn't you .

If you still don't know where to go from here, I think a last gasp from Chrysalis would work. Or something with the dragon "ride" assuming it wasn't voluntary.

Someone needs to write a story about Fluttershy raising a changeling.
That intro was... Wow.

Now, I love the Hobbit, I really do (needs more dragon), but, seriously. No dwarf ever wondered if maybe, a door you can only find under highly specific circumstances was a bad idea? Really? I think someone got fleeced by the builders...

To be fair, that door was only invisible from the outside, and since the passage it hid was a secret royal escape route, it's understandable that the dwarves of Erebor wouldn't want it easily found from outside normally.

Now the ones who REALLY got gypped were the dwarves of Moria, who had one whole main entrance to their mines/city hidden by a door that could only be seen in moonlight and only opened using a word in the language of a race they usually dislike.

Are there any plans to complete this story? I ask because I am going to favorite this because the plot behind it sounds interesting. HOWEVER, until it is completed, I am going to give it a thumbs down. Because while I may approve of the plot behind the story, I DO NOT approve of the fact that it has been 10 months, 3 weeks, and 3 days since the last update. I mean, I understand that greatness can't be rushed, but needing 306 days in order to update the next chapter means one of three things. A: You've given up on the book (this is the most likely scenario). B: You’re too busy to write any more (this is understandable). Or C: You're dead (this is a scenario with a 50% probability chance, seeing as how people die every day.) If option C makes you feel uncomfortable than that means two things. You are obviously not dead, and I am sorry for having that as one of the three possibilities. Also, don’t give up! Your fans deserve better! I, of course, meant that in the best and most encouraging possible way. (This comment has been copied and pasted for the sake of saving time, HOWEVER the plot behind your story does sound interesting, the only reason that I mentioned the fact that it has been copied and pasted for the sake of saving time is because it is usually used for stories that have been sitting for a much longer period of time, for example, stories that have been sitting for 2 years, 4 months, and 29 days [i only say this in case I sound unduly pushy]).

Are there any plans to complete this story? I ask because I am going to favorite this because the plot behind it sounds interesting. HOWEVER, until it is completed, I am going to give it a thumbs down. Because while I may approve of the plot behind the story, I DO NOT approve of the fact that it has been 10 months, 2 weeks, and 3 days since the last update. I mean, I understand that greatness can't be rushed, but needing 292 days in order to update the next chapter means one of three things. A: You've given up on the book (this is the most likely scenario). B: You’re too busy to write any more (this is understandable). Or C: You're dead (this is a scenario with a 50% probability chance, seeing as how people die every day.) If option C makes you feel uncomfortable than that means two things. You are obviously not dead, and I am sorry for having that as one of the three possibilities. Also, don’t give up! Your fans deserve better! I, of course, meant that in the best and most encouraging possible way. (This comment has been copied and pasted for the sake of saving time, HOWEVER the plot behind your story does sound interesting, the only reason that I mentioned the fact that it has been copied and pasted for the sake of saving time is because it is usually used for stories that have been sitting for a much longer period of time, for example, stories that have been sitting for 2 years, 4 months, and 29 days [i only say this in case I sound unduly pushy]).

I'd say you did a very good job when writing this story. I hope you find the inspiration you need to continue your story. Until then I'll just make sure not to miss it by following the story.

Good luck!:twilightsmile:

do you have any plan to continue the story?

Hmmmm either finish it or cancel it plz on hiatus is unacceptable given the length of time

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