• Published 18th Jan 2014
  • 5,243 Views, 41 Comments

Deep In The Heart Of Texas - xd77

Nathan takes everypony to Dallas where he shows them around and everything.

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Chapter 2: Galleria Mall - Part 1

After they had checked in at their hotel, a Marriott not too far from downtown, they were each given their card keys for their rooms, Nathan was sleeping in room 214 with Cadance and Shining Armor, Applejack, Applebloom, Rainbow Dash, and Scootaloo were sleeping in room 210 across the hall from Cadance and Shining Armor, Twilight and Fluttershy were sleeping in room 200 down from Applejack, Applebloom, Rainbow Dash, and Scootaloo's room, she hid Spike in her bag so as to not be seen by hotel employees, since people are not allowed to bring pets into hotels, and Rarity and Sweetie Belle were sleeping in room 217 on the right side of the hall across from Cadance, Nathan, and Shining Armor's room.

Once they had gotten settled in and unpacked everything in their rooms, they all gathered around and went back down to the lobby where Lucy was waiting for them, the first one to approach her was Nathan.

"Ms. Fanning, where are we goin' now?" he asked.

"I'm taking you and your family and friends to the mall." she said


"Because, I'm going to help them find some clothes."

"You'd do that for us, darling?" Rarity asked.

"Of course, as a follower of God, it is my duty to help family and friends with their needs, so I'm going to help you all find some clothes, and probably some food too." she said

They proceeded towards the mane entrance of the hotel, Lucy then looked down at Nathan with a smile.

"Ms. Fanning why are you happy?" Nathan asked as he opened the doors to the van

"Because, you've got some old friends that want to see you, they told me they haven't seen you in over a year, good news about them, is they've been adopted too, and so I called their parents to bring them to the food court at the mall, so that you all can have a good reunion, and I told them that you were going to be here all week, so that would give you plenty of time to spend with them."

Nathan thought for a second, "Old friends, what does she have in mind?"

Lucy had managed to get everyone in the van and started the engine, she was soon on U.S. Highway 75 heading northbound, dodging cars and trucks as she was driving.

"Geez, I've had to dodge obstacle courses at the Academy but this is ridiculous." Rainbow Dash said.

"Is this how humans always get back and forth?" Twilight asked Lucy

Lucy said, "Not when you're traveling across the country, sometimes we use a flying machine called an airplane, we use that to help us get to places faster rather than driving there."

"Well why can't we take one to this 'mall' place, there's too many of these thingies make toot toot noises that sound funny." Pinkie Pie answered.

"Yeah, and ah' have to use the restroom." Applebloom answered.

"App-ah' mean Patsy, ah' told you to use it when we were at the hotel." Applejack said

"Ah' tried to but 'Rachel' took up too much time in the shower." she said referring to Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash chuckled nervously.

Pretty soon Lucy found the exit ramp she was finding and got off the Dallas North Tollway and onto the street, they were soon at the parking lot where she parked the van and let them out, once they got to the entrance, what they saw inside surprised them.

"Whoa, this place is huge!" Rainbow Dash said.

"This place is even bigger than Canterlot!" Twilight said also astonished.

"Eeyup." Nathan answered, "it's so big it's even got an ice skatin' rink." he said, they were now even more surprised, they were in a place bigger than Canterlot Castle and the Crystal Empire, a four floor building with weird moving stairs that takes these humans to each of the floors.

"Well, shall we?" Lucy asked, leading them to the food court, they were soon at the edge of one of these weird moving staircases, the soon stepped on and were moving up.

"What are these weird looking stairs, I've never seen a staircase move." Pinkie Pie said.

"Yeah, we don't have these in Equestria." Applebloom said.

"And how many of these are there?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Where this 'Food Court' you speak of?" Scootaloo asked, Nathan was covering his ears, as for Lucy she too was getting irritated, dang, so many questions by the minute!

"Can it, all of you." Lucy said calmly not wanting to scare them.

"The food court is on the third floor, so let's go." she said directing them.

"And 'Jessica' these moving staircases are called escalators the move people a lot faster than an ordinary staircase." Nathan said.

Pretty soon they were all at the edge of the food court.

"HEY NATE!!!!!!!!!" said a voice from the far left behind him at the far edge of the food court, Nathan turned around to see who it was, but what he saw was.

"Luke?!" Nathan said in surprise, it indeed was Luke running up to him, once he was close enough Luke wrapped an arm around him and they walked.

"How are you?" Luke asked.

"Oh boy have ah' got stories to tell you." said Nathan as he started to walk off with his best friend, but not before turning back to his new friends and family.

"Oh go on Nathan, enjoy yourself, I have to find them some clothes for tomorrow's church service and for the week."Lucy said referring to Twilight and the others.

"Don't worry Ms. Fanning, we'll have a good time together." Luke said, "Besides Kyle is waiting for us as well."

"Have a good time sweetie." Cadance said

"Yes mom." Nathan answered.

And with that, Nathan was off to reunite with Kyle and Luke and meet their parents.


Nathan and Luke had walked to end of the food court, sitting on a table by a Sonic was Kyle with his new father and mother and Luke's new father and mother, they were nice people as well and were strong in their Christian faith.

"Mom, Dad, I'd like you all to meet Nathan." Luke said, Kyle walked up to him and embraced him Nathan returned the embrace.

"Nathan these are my parents Samantha and Kenny Miller." Luke said

"And these are my parents, John and Vicky Welder." Kyle said

"Nice to meet ya'll." Nathan said

"Pleasure to meet you too Nathan." John said.

"Luke told us you were adopted by ponies, is that true that there is a world called Equestria?" Samantha asked

"It is true, Ms. Miller, there is a portal that sucked me out of mah' room at the orphanage, and it brought me to Equestria, ah'll prove it to ya'll someday."

"Actually, Nathan, I believe you, I saw that portal hit the orphanage through my telescope." Kenny said.

"Ya' did?" Nathan asked

"Yes, I remember I was asleep when a strange light appeared to be flashing at my window, I thought someone was just waving a flashlight at me to keep me awake, but I walked over and saw that this light was a portal vortex and it hit your old orphanage, I looked through my telescope and saw a small kid go into it, the light also managed to wake up other people, even the DFWPD were responded to it, someone from a helicopter saw it and it was reported on FOX the net day, we thought we were under attack, but soon the light faded off, and we all went back to our lives."

"Wow, ya' actually saw me go up from yer' telescope?" Nathan asked.

"M-hmm." he said taking a bite out of a Sonic burger.

"Dad, Nathan was the bravest and most toughest boy when were at the orphanage." Kyle said.

"Still am Kyle, still am." Nathan said.


Author's Note:

This chapter is about Nathan being reunited with his friends from the orphanage, part 2 will concentrate on the others finding some apparel for Sunday Church service.

Also, I got the last name Miller from "Big" Jim Miller.