• Member Since 4th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


I like writing ponies. And violent explosions. For some reason, that's not a problem here.


When Equestria appeared on Earth and discovered the MLP fandom, the initial reaction was of interest. Then they discovered the terrors of The Conversion Bureau, and there was only one way for them to react...

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 118 )

Well. That was pretty funny, actually.
*puts on horse head*


I'm not quite sure what to make of this.

Somehow (even with this weirdness of this fandom) I don't think the canon Ponies would come down on Humanity like the Reapers from Mass Effect.

Also I'm a little confused.

3818710 That usually means I did something right :pinkiehappy:

3818716 Ever hear of "The Conversion Bureau"?

3818700 Ah! A fellow Tomska fan!

3818707 Vista would be a more recent joke :rainbowkiss:

And in the end TCB was a Command and Conquer knockoff, complete with the Nod Suicide Bomb rush noobs.


Poor Francis, he could have countered with his own fanatics....

Oh my... I've imagined pope playing this. :rainbowlaugh: But... where is Putin?

3819009 Hey, rushing works if you do it right (but you're still a douche). Thing is, if you don't and the enemy survives that initial hit, you're screwed.

3819018 Probably on another server with Ahmadinejad and Wen Jiabao.

I'll admit it. It was funny. :rainbowlaugh:

I'd totally play it. This needs to be a thing. Except not by EA, because only EA servers could be that bad.

3819170 Maybe Command and Conquer can try it since they totally messed up "Generals 2"

Free To Play? No single player? SCREW YOU EA!

That... twist... I mean...

...with the Saudis? Really?

One joke, and you used it well. Great. This is great.

3819194 *Bows* Thank you.

I agree with others. This was amazing and needs to be a legit game! I MUST PLAY IT NAOW!:flutterrage:

3819279 Ah thank you. So long as EA didn't get their evil mitts on it like they did Command & Conquer, that'd be kewl with me!

Now I can only imagine that Pope Francis does hardcore DOTA 2/SC2 Ladder when he's not in the public eye.

Fire_and_Brimstone: God Damn it.


Much yes. Very impress.

3819610 Really? Because John Paul II always struck me as a Red Alert 2 kinda guy, and Francis might want to continue the Command and Conquer tradition.

3819687 Many thanks.

Wait, why would all the bullets not kill Celestia. I don't think the barrier was around her...

At first I was rustled but then I chuckled.
Ya dun good son.

3820287 Same reason any TCB fic exists: it's MAAAAAAAGIC! *sparkles*

I don't know if I'm interested or horrified...

3820711 I find a proper mixture of both elicits the appropriate reaction.

THIS IS SO BUCKING AWESOME!!!! Sorry. My emotions always get away from me.

3819018 I think he was the one swearing at Tia. Just like the Bagdad he is! Missed him in the chat room, though. It'd have been so much awesome if he was there.

I laughed out loud when I realized what had happened. At lemme get this straight, Obama and Celestia as the Humans; Luna and Biden as the ponies? And Pope Francis with the f-ed up timezone? I know that feel.

3820427 Congrats, I fucking hate invincible Celestia. The only thing that saved you a like is that we win in the end and it was just a game.

3821177 A-thank you.

3822110 God, I love that movie. You know, Prometheus was supposed to be like that, with awesome one-liners and assorted badassery, and then you know what happened?

They bought in the same idiot who made the last few seasons of LOST into a convoluted mess.

Screw that guy.


I haven't seen Prometheus yet, but I plan too.

3821675 Yeah, but Tia and Obama are both kinda newbs, so it was kinda one-sided.

At first I thought this was going to be a stock standard TCB fic. Then the American President opened his mouth.


3822898 Don't expect to much. It had it's moments, but...

3822907 Kinda what I was shooting for :)

3818888 oh yeah! I'll take the 98 over a vista anyday:pinkiesick:

Impressive title choice.

Also, I've never read the conversion b-ur-row, is this fic really how the whole thing went?

Never thought I'd find a TCB fic I liked.

You've proven me wrong.

3825650 It's a thing I do :pinkiehappy:


Thought this was going to be another stupid Human-looses-to-prissy-little-ponies TCB fic.

Was not disappointed.

Virtual muffin for you!

3827695 D'aww, thank you!

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