• Published 29th Jan 2014
  • 7,859 Views, 430 Comments

The Weight of Responsibility - Calm Wind

Responsibility can be heavy, and accepting it can be tough. But even those used to it are not free of fault.

  • ...

Chapter 9

The Weight of Responsibility
By: Calm Wind

Chapter 9:

There are numerous better ways to wake up than having a splitting headache. Unfortunately these all evaded Applejack like old friends who owed her bits.

“Ughhhh.” She groaned as she reached up and touched her head, coming into contact with the wet towel. “I did it again, didn’t I?” She berated herself, realizing she had overworked and now she was paying for it. This time she even had a pony telling her straight forward not to do too much, and she still did it. Thunderlane was being so nice by looking after her too. She probably worried him sick.

She quickly found it amusing, alarming, and hilarious that she worried about how Thunderlane felt before how her family did. She glanced around slowly. She was in her room and the shade was pulled on the window, blocking the sunlight but creating a dim square light that softly streamed into the room. How did she get back here anyway? Did Thunderlane carry her? Was he strong enough to? It’s not like she was very light. She was an earth pony and a well built one at that. He must’ve gotten Mac or somepony else.

Her hat.

She reached for her head and it, of course, wasn’t there. She looked around quickly and sighed in relief when she saw it on her bedpost. Disaster averted.

The next thing that came to mind was obviously the farm. She had to do work. She was aware of why she was in her current situation, but if she could get up…

She tried to sit up, but the slight movement sent a pang of achiness through her head and her body tensed up. Her head fell right back onto the pillow and she groaned again. She must’ve really overdone it this time.

“Nice try, but we ain’t lettin’ you work for a bit anyway.” Braeburn’s voice suddenly came from the door to her room. She glanced over the best she could as he trotted up to her bed.

“Braeburn?” She said with a scratchy voice and coughed right after.

“Whoa there cousin, take it easy, and I mean real easy.” He put a hoof on her shoulder. “You really overdid it this time. I reckon if you want your body to work at all ya better give it a few days.” Applejack sighed in defeat. Her very poor attempt to move just now was a clear indication that Braeburn was right.

Even so, Braeburn offered her a chance to find out what happened when she was out. With Braeburn she’d get the full story, if it were Mac she’d get it in little, confusing pieces.

“Braeburn, how did I git back here? Did Mac carry me?” She asked. Braeburn blinked, smiled, and shook his head.

“Actually, I think Thunderlane carried ya all the way in from the loop path.” He explained. Applejack’s eyes widened.

“Naw, that can’t be. He c’n barely pull Applebloom’s cart.” She quickly dismissed it. Braeburn shrugged.

“None of us brought ya in. We didn’t see you like this till he had you up here and in your bed.” He added. Applejack thought about it, he really heaved her all the way from the field?

“Golly…” Applejack put a hoof over her face. She already felt warm from her fever, but she knew why her face was feeling slightly warmer.

“Then right after he flew into Ponyville and carried Nurse Redheart on his back all the way here.” Braeburn continued with a smile.

“Really?” Applejack removed her hoof for a moment to see the sincerity on Braeburn’s face. “You ain’t pullin’ my leg?” She questioned. Braeburn chuckled and eyed her hat on her bed post.

“Lookit this! He went back out after all of it and got yer hat too? Face it cousin, somepony helped you. I know you don’t like it, but he ran himself ragged for YOU.” He pointed at her. “He clearly cares, wouldn’t ya say?” Braeburn winked. Applejack scrunched her face.

“Come off it Braeburn, I ain’t like that and you know it.” She turned her head away from him on the pillow.

“It’s alright to be vulnerable at times A.J.. Even fer you. Now rest up, I gotta get back out.” He nodded before turning and leaving.

As soon as he was gone Applejack exhaled as if she was holding her breath and her face turned completely red. Thunderlane did all that? Thunderlane did it all for her? Why? It’s not the first time another pony had gone out of their way for her, why did she feel so touched? Why couldn’t she stop thinking about him?

Don’t fall for him Applejack. She thought to herself. You’ve got too many responsibilities. You have no time for it. Don’t do it, dear god, please don’t do it.

She grabbed a free pillow and pressed it against her face while groaning.

“Heads up!” Soarin called as he tossed another board to Thunderlane. Thunderlane was ready for it, catching it and handing it to Mac before it was nailed firmly into the floor. The exterior of the storage unit was all rebuilt, and Mac had finally fixed the machinery. Now all they had to do was rebuild the interior and it would be completely finished. Even Mac was surprised how fast it was being put back together. The added help of Thunderlane and Soarin was making it go like clockwork.

They all stopped for a quick break while Mac went to go fetch more nails from the tool shed. Thunderlane wiped sweat from his brow before perching on an overhead beam.

“So…” Soarin’s voice came from behind him. Thunderlane had gotten used to Soarin being around, but it didn’t mean he was still slightly nervous. “I heard about last night.” He hovered over and sat beside Thunderlane, facing the other direction.

“Uh, what about it?” Thunderlane was curious. Soarin elbowed him lightly and smirked.

“Oh come on, don’t be modest. I heard about your heroic rescue of Applejack.” He chuckled. Thunderlane’s eyes widened and he looked away.

“Oh that? I dunno if I’d call it heroic…”

“You picked a nice mare you know, Applejack is—”

“WHOA HOLD ON!” Thunderlane pushed off and floated around in front of Soarin. “I was just… looking out for her, I mean, it wasn’t,” he fumbled for a response. Soarin burst out laughing.

“Now I know there’s something or else you wouldn’t be all flustered.” He grinned.

“I just wanted to help her.” Thunderlane crossed his hooves.

“Look buddy, you don’t just do things like completely exhaust yourself for the well being of another pony unless they are very important to you.” Soarin pushed off and draped his arm over Thunderlane’s back and pointed to Rainbow Dash down below. “I woulda done exactly the same for her. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

“Well,” Thunderlane hung his head, “fine, Applejack IS important to me.” He admitted. Soarin just read him like a book twice, memorized every word, and recited the whole story back to him.

“Didn’t I just say don’t be ashamed?” Soarin lightly tapped him upside the head.

“It’s not like she has time for me though.” Thunderlane swung his head around slowly, “she’s a hard working farmer. We’d never get any time to—”

“Whoa, hold it right there.” Soarin looked at him sternly and put a hoof over Thunderlane’s mouth. “DON’T. EVER. SAY THAT.”

Thunderlane quickly shut up. Soarin was giving him a fierce glare. What did he say?

“Let me tell you a little story Thunderlane.” Soarin removed his hoof from Thunderlane’s mouth and hovered slightly away. “There once was this pegasus stallion who worked his tail off to earn his career.” He turned around and crossed his hooves. “It was the achievement all pegasi dream of. No matter what, he vowed to never let anything come between him and what he earned. However,” He turned back around and faced Thunderlane, “this led him to be overprotective of himself. He never let any other pony get close to him besides his close friends, and because of that, he was lonely.” He threw his hooves out. “Then a certain mare came along and told him to shove it and that he was being an idiot. He tried to push her away, but she never gave up. This was unreal to him, hell it was sexy to him, and he realized he wanted this mare more than anything.” He winked and pointed at Thunderlane. “He learned that if somepony is extremely important to you, that you will compromise. Don’t give in, make the time.” He nodded in satisfaction. “And THAT, is how Rainbow Dash and I got together.”

Thunderlane just blinked as Soarin finished. He was right. Soarin was completely right. If an ace Wonderbolt could make the time to be with a special somepony, that meant he and a farm mare in the same town definitely could.

“So don’t shy away dude!” Soarin jabbed him in the chest. “If you like her that much, make the time for her. You won’t regret it.”

Mac finally returned, carrying at least five more tool boxes on his back.

“Ah, back to work.” Said Soarin. He turned back to Thunderlane briefly. “Don’t just let it go. Trust me.” He said before gliding back down.

Thunderlane had a lot to think about, and now he had a sudden urge to visit Applejack and check on her. Urge his ass. He was going to go check on her. Why? Because he cared. Because it was her.

Thunderlane hesitated slightly as he raised his hoof to knock on her door. Should he knock? He didn’t want to wake her up, but he also didn’t want to just barge in. Knowing her, she’d probably yell at him. He was determined to check on her though so he went for the option that had less possible pain involved.

He knocked softly three times, flinching each time in worry that she was asleep.

“Come in.” Her voice came through the door. It didn’t sound very enthusiastic, but it’s not like he expected her to be happy. If he knew Applejack, she was probably miffed that she had to rest. She was also probably the only pony in Equestria that would have such a thought process. He slowly opened the door.

Applejack was still in bed, the sheet pulled all the way up to her chin, and a cold towel still resting on her head. Her eyes widened for a moment when she saw Thunderlane enter. She quickly looked away.

“Oh, hey…” She said with a strange tone of voice he just couldn’t place.

“Hey.” He said back sheepishly as he approached her bed.

“What are ya doin’ here?” She flatly asked. Thunderlane rolled his eyes.

“Is it okay if I wanted to check on you?” He said sarcastically.

Applejack still wasn’t looking at him, but it wasn’t because she didn’t want to look at him. She had been thinking about what Braeburn told her earlier. She was touched that Thunderlane did so much for her, but she wasn’t sure how to thank him. She was a pony that never was in dept to somepony else, she had to repay him.

“I guess that’s fine.” She said as she glanced at him briefly, but went right back to looking away.

“How are you feeling?” He asked, ignoring her previous comment.

“I feel like hell.” She answered flatly. Thunderlane saw a trend going. Applejack didn’t like to show weakness. Here she was, bedridden. “Um…” She suddenly chimed in again, catching his attention. “Braeburn told me everythin’ ya did.” She turned and flashed a weak smile before turning back to conceal a blush. “Thanks, I guess.” She said while scrunching her face.

“Heh, no problem.” He answered, getting a kick out of her mannerisms.

“I supposed I owe you now, I’ll make up for it someday.” She suddenly added on the end. Thunderlane looked at her, confused.

“What? Why?” He came around the side of her bed so he could look at her. She quickly turned her head to avoid his eyes.

“You helped me out, I gotta pay you back.” She said plainly, doing everything she could to hold the blood from her face. Thunderlane burst out laughing. Applejack blinked and glanced at him as he fell back on his flank. “What?” She asked quizzically. He gave her a stern look and she turned her head away yet again.

“Applejack, look at me.” He demanded. She, of course, didn’t. He sighed and made his way around the bed again. He grabbed her hat off her bedpost as he passed and pressed it down on top of her head to hold her in place. He bent down to look her in the eyes. “You don’t have to repay me.” He said. Applejack blinked and averted her eyes.

“Yes I do, I can’t just—,”

“No, you don’t.” He cut her off. “Applejack I helped you because I care about you, not because I expected something in return.” He said very casually without thinking much about it first. Applejack’s eyes widened and her face lost the battle against her blushing. Thunderlane saw her reaction and thought about what he just said.

He just straight up told her he cared about her. Applejack had been getting that vibe from him for a while, but it just came right out of his mouth. He cared about her.

“Y—you care? About me?” She stuttered. Thunderlane bit his lip and glanced about.

“Uh… crap.” He turned his head to the side, his black fur failing to conceal a blush of his own as he glanced between her and the floor. “Um…”

Applejack quickly removed her hat and hid most of her face with it, the first time she had in a while with him. She didn’t conceal her whole face though. Her eyes were peeking over the top of it at him. She was completely at a loss for words. No stallion had ever said anything like that to her before.

Thunderlane felt like an idiot. He had to follow up, but he stupidly admitted it so suddenly that nothing came to him.

“I…” He squinted and shook his head. “Applejack,” He made up his mind and looked right into her eyes. “It’s no mystery to anyone here that I’ve learned and changed a lot during my time working. I used to not give a damn about anything. While working here I learned a lot. Like what it means to have goals, what it means to put effort into something, how heavy responsibility can be, but most importantly, how to care about something.” He smiled. “And all of those lessons would not have been learned if you weren’t a hardass and drilled them into me.” He said with a wink. “You’ve been a very key part in me realizing more important aspects of life. And…” He paused and his eyes wandered away, “You’re important to me… because of that… so yeah, I care about you.” He was so embarrassed. That felt so sappy, but he meant every word.

“Wow, I… I don’t know what t’say.” Applejack answered, slightly muffled by her hat.

“HEY THERE BOY! What’cha doin’ in here!?” Granny Smith’s voice startled both of them. Thunderlane turned to see Granny in the doorway, tapping her hoof on the floor. “Applejack needs rest ya’hear? Don’t you be botherin’ her. Mac’s lookin for ya. It’s apple pickin’ time.” She explained, and then stood firm in the doorway.

Her timing couldn’t have been worse and she showed no intention of leaving. Neither Thunderlane or Applejack knew where to go from where the conversation ended up though, so this was kind of a blessing in disguise. Thunderlane turned to her briefly and flashed a grin.

“Feel better, alright? Leave the farm to us.” He quickly assured her.

He turned as she tried to say something, but nothing came. She quietly watched as Thunderlane left the room, receiving a couple extra scolding’s from Granny Smith as the door closed behind them.

As soon as she was alone, her entire face to the tip of her ears blushed bright red. She placed her hat on her head and pulled the edges hard to bring the hat almost all the way down over her face.

What the hell, why now? Why him? She couldn’t understand it. She was just being herself and apparently she changed his life. He was now so grateful, so kind, and so caring. Completely the opposite of everything he was when he first arrived on the farm. She couldn’t have hated him more in those first days, and now that he was the opposite, her feelings were the opposite as well.

How in Equestria could she fall so hard for a random pony like him? This was so unlike her, but she wanted it just so badly. Applejack the hard worker, Applejack the disciplined. Applejack in love? Love was so far back in her mind because of her work.

How had he teased it out? It was the best and worst thing that had ever happened to her.

Although to most it seemed like nothing changed on the farm that day. A lot had changed in the hearts of two specific ponies. Applejack and Thunderlane had shared something special without really knowing or realizing it, but even once Applejack returned to work a week later, neither spoke about it. Applejack focused on her work, because no more farm meant no time for Thunderlane either way. Thunderlane, being wary of the lessons he learned from Applejack, did just the same. He focused on the farm, knowing that only once their task was completed, could they take another step towards each other.

With only two more weeks to go until they had to pay their expenses, the hard working group put the finishing touches on rebuilding the storage unit. Putting the pieces back together that crumbled to start the whole mess.

Mac stepped back after putting the last nail in the front door of the storage unit. He looked the whole structure over in the glow of the sunset behind it. He smiled in satisfaction and turned to the rest. He cleared his throat and puffed his chest out pridefully.

“EEYUP!” He said triumphantly.

“YAHOOOOO!!!!!” Braeburn was the first to yell out as they all cheered. Everypony had gathered to celebrate the finish. The Apple family, Soarin, Rainbow Dash, and of course, Thunderlane.

Thunderlane simply sat down and breathed a sigh of relief. While the farm funds were important, seeing what he initially broke now fixed sent a wave of relief through him. He glanced around at how happy the Apple family looked and only hoped the rest of the process would be successful too.

Then he noticed Applejack looking at him. She smiled brightly, knowing full well how Thunderlane felt at the moment. It was also a very cute happy smile, which he hadn’t seen from her very often. He would be lying if he claimed it didn’t make him tingle a little.

He had little time to think on it though because Braeburn had slung his arm over Thunderlane’s shoulder and dragged him over before doing the same to Big Mac, minus the dragging part.

“We did it!” He cheered out again. Applejack chuckled.

“Sheesh Braeburn it ain’t like we’re out o’ trouble yet.” She rolled her eyes while referencing their money.

“Actually we’re on the verge of makin’ what we need.” Granny cut her off with a smile. “I reckon in a day or two we’ll be outta home losin’ way!” She yelled out happily.

“Really now!?” Applejack beamed. Then turned back to Braeburn. “Never mind cousin, hoot an’ holler all ya want.”

Applejack was happy. Thunderlane loved seeing her like that. He cared so much about her, but she had had little to smile about over the past month. Seeing her happy here was a special moment for him.

“So how about we go celebrate tonight, eh gentlemen?” Braeburn suggested referring to the two hooked under his armpits as well as Soarin. “The Cattle Prod should be jumpin’ tonight! I ain’t got me a drink in a long time!”

“Hey!” Dash reached over and grabbed Soarin by the arm. “No drinking for him, he’s got a regiment to follow.” She glared at Braeburn. Soarin chuckled and patted Dash on the head.

“Hey don’t worry, I’ll just go along. I’ll make sure they don’t get into trouble.” He assured his mare as she glared up at him.

“Soarin… head patting.” She reminded him.

“Why not? You’re cute WHOA!” He chuckled as she leapt on his back and playfully nommed his ears again. Applejack rolled her eyes and shook her head.

“Stallion night huh?” She shrugged, “Go ahead I guess if Granny says all’s well…” She yawned. “I’m go get maybe fifteen hours of sleep.” She joked. “Don’t stay out too late though. We still gotta work a little more in the morning.”

Thunderlane was torn. He wanted to possibly spend time with Applejack, but Braeburn had just invited him to come out with the rest of the stallions. He was flattered that he was even included. It was a sign of how much they trusted him now. It’s not like he’d never see Applejack again. Why not, maybe it’ll be fun. He hadn’t been to a bar since a week before this whole thing began. The Cattle Prod? He didn’t know Ponyville had a bar named that.

“Oh man…” Thunderlane said as he looked the tavern up and down. There was a reason he had never heard of or been to it. It was on the very edge of Ponyville, much like Sweet Apple Acres, but on the other side where a lot of the other farms were located like the carrot farm and cabbage farm to name a couple.

The tavern itself, “The Cattle Prod”, spoke for itself. It was a small two story building that looked a bit run-down. It had a small front porch leading up to an old west style swinging door entrance. The sign hanging down from the awning was slightly bent to one side, but the name “The Cattle Prod” was perfectly straight as if it was purposely painted crooked to correct the sign. Judging from the hooting and hollering coming from the inside, Thunderlane quickly could tell it was a farmer tavern. This was definitely going to be interesting. He glanced at Soarin to see if his worry was shared, but Soarin was busy joking with Mac and Braeburn, having a good time.

Maybe he was just over thinking it. How bad could it really be?

Thunderlane was glad Mac and Braeburn walked in first, because as soon as they pushed the doors open a few fellow farmers, most likely inebriated, came up while yelling their names and slinging hooves over their shoulders. It was definitely a farmer tavern. The occupants were all gruff looking earth ponies of all shapes and sizes, and mostly stallions, very few mares.

The interior was much different from outside. It looked very well kept despite the shoddy exterior. A few steps from the door, the ceiling extended upward, giving the bar a very open air feel. There were circular tables strewn about on the floor that was covered with a light carpet of hay. Along the walls were a few booths and in the back was an open bar that lined the entire back wall. There were three large barrels behind it with a single bartender cleaning mugs as he filled them and passed them around. On the wall right beside the entrance were several hooks that had both hats and yokes hanging off of them. Mac removed his yoke and hung it up as they entered.

Thunderlane flinched as one of the random stallions slung a hoof over him, but asked Mac who he was instead of asking Thunderlane himself. Mac simply replied,


“Well, friend o’ yours is a friend o’ ours!” The pony yelled before ruffling Thunderlane’s mane and heading back to his mug.

Definitely an interesting place, but Thunderlane was happy that Mac referred to him as a friend. Soarin was receiving similar attention, only including some from the few mares in the bar too. He simply kindly turned down their advances while letting them know he was already taken.

Thunderlane and Soarin followed Mac and Braeburn all the way back to the bar and sat down in four vacant seats in the center. Thunderlane was still a little iffy, so to avoid any awkward conversations with ponies he didn’t know he sat between Soarin and Mac.

The bar tender turned around and smiled upon seeing the two Apple ponies. Thunderlane was surprised to see it was a unicorn. He was light brown with a neatly combed black mane and a thick mustache that hung down the sides of his mouth. He was well dressed: wearing what looked like a cheap tuxedo vest and a red bowtie.

Thunderlane wouldn’t have been so interested if not for the fact that he was a unicorn. Talk about the last place you’d think to find one. The bar tender seemed to use the strengths of his race to his advantage though, he was cleaning mugs with his hooves and pouring drinks with his magic at the exact same time.

“Well howdy you two! Been a long time since I’ve seen yer apple asses out here!” The bartender addressed Mac and Braeburn in a strange mix of a fine upper class accent and country accent.

“How ya been, Magic Mug?” Braeburn smiled and gave a single wave. Magic Mug. How fitting.

“Been wonderin’ where my suppliers have been! I was worried you two got lost in your own apple orchard.” He joked as he grabbed two mugs with his magic then eyed Soarin and Thunderlane. “Well now, these friends o’ yours? Don’t get many pegasi here.” He asked while looking at Mac.

“Eeyup.” Mac nodded.

“Magic Mug.” The bar tender introduced himself while extending a hoof to Thunderlane first.

“Thunderlane.” He quickly accepted the hoof shake.

“Soarin.” Soarin did the same.

“First round’s on the house, as always!” He said as he grabbed two more mugs in his magic and turned to fill them with hard cider before Soarin could say anything. The mugs landed in front of all four of them.

“Sorry Mug.” Soarin politely declined. “I don’t drink.” He grinned sheepishly.

“Why the hell ya hear then?” Mug joked.

“He’s a Wonderbolt.” Mac said simply. Mug’s eyes widened.

“WHOA THERE! I knew you looked familiar!” He slid over to Soarin and looked him up and down carefully. “You look a lot different out of uniform.”

“I’ll just have a mug of water.” Soarin asked.

“Fifty seven bits.” Mug said seriously while slapping his bar towel on the bar.

“What?!” Soarin stared in disbelief. A mug of water slid over to him.

“Just kiddin’” Mug chuckled. He reached for the mug of cider in front of Soarin, but Braeburn reached over from Soarin’s right and whisked the mug away.

“I’ll just take his! Goin’ hard tonight!” He cheered.

“Braeburn…” Mac watched him and rolled his eyes, but let it be.

Thunderlane looked into the mug at the golden brown liquid. It looked like apple cider, but it smelled like alcohol. When Magic Mug said his “suppliers”, Thunderlane figured he meant the Apple family provides the cider to make this.

He took a sip. It wasn’t too bad. The alcohol bitterness touched the back of his tongue, but the sweet apple taste remained near the front. Not bad at all. He took another sip, wondering if Applejack ever came here with them. Upon looking around he figured probably not. She was way too responsible and judging from the mare to stallion ration in the tavern, probably didn’t feel comfortable here. He glanced around the tavern as he took a larger swig. It looked like a friendly place. Everypony was having a good time and the owner was a good pony himself.

“Whoa.” Thunderlane blinked as he felt a slight buzz. That was quick. He hadn’t had a drink in a long time, but how much alcohol was in this stuff? He looked over at Mac. His mug was empty, but he looked completely fine. He was huge after all it probably took a lot to make him feel anything. Soarin of course was fine because he only had water, but Braeburn,

“YEHAWWW!” He yelled after finishing the second mug. He was already a bit gone. “Next round’s on me!” He yelled, dumping twenty bits on the table. Mug chuckled and pushed eight of them back to Braeburn.

“Keep the change,” he said while filling three more mugs and handing them out to Mac, Braeburn and Thunderlane.

“God bless,” Braeburn nodded and scooped the eight bits back into his vest pockets. Thunderlane really felt the buzz now, but he had another mug in front of him. Oh well, might as well let loose for the night. He grabbed the mug, but sat for a moment, thinking.

Boy he wished Applejack was there with them. Eh, maybe the alcohol was talking a little bit, but now he suddenly couldn’t stop thinking about Applejack.

At some point over at a table, a hoof wrestling competition had started. Soarin had left the bar to join in.

Thunderlane took a sip of his second mug. Applejack sure was cute. He hung out with two good looking pegasus mares, but Applejack was… different. Man this was good cider. Maybe he should’ve spent time with Applejack tonight instead. Was he getting drunk? Nah.

Soarin had won a few hoof wrestling matches, but was soundly beaten by a large yellow stallion with a brown mane. He flew back over while shaking out his arm.

“Damn, he’s strong!” He commented as he sat back down. Braeburn glanced (wobbled) over at the hoof wrestling table, then tapped Mac on the shoulder.

“Hey Macky! Caramel brought his older brother again!” He pointed over to the table. Caramel was standing and grinning next to the large pony of same colors beside him. “Wha wuz his name again?” Braeburn tipped his stool back but quickly rebalanced.

“Chance-a-lot.” Mac replied. Still completely sober.

“They’re takin’ challengers again, Mac go kick his ass!” Braeburn nudged him. Mac just shook his head.

“HEY MAC!” Caramel called over while holding up a mug. “Come on ya big baby! Ya ever gonna take on my brother?” He stumbled slightly as he yelled.

“I c’n smell the ego’s Mac! Go shut’em down!” Braeburn kept prodding.

“Nnope.” He said flatly.

“Give him a rest Caramel.” Chance-a-lot sat back smugly while downing a mug in one large gulp. “He doesn’t wanna get hurt fer that little filly he’s inta, what’s that tiny thang’s name? Futterfry?”

Braeburn lurched away as Mac turned his head sharply towards Chance-a-lot.

“Scuse me.” Mac said flatly as he finished his mug and got up. All the ponies surrounding Chance-a-lot’s table began to whoop and cheer as Mac walked towards them.

Thunderlane shrugged and went back to his thoughts. He still had a full mug. Wait, no it was empty. No, no, no, never mind it still was about half. Oh well. He took a sip. It would be nice to lie back in Applejack’s lap right now. She’d probably punch him. Whatever it would be nice. The lap or the punch? Both sounded fine. Did they serve food here? Applejack makes nice pie. Hey the mug is full again!

A loud SMASH followed by Chance-a-lot grunting and lots of “ooooooh’s” caught Thunderlane’s attention. He turned to see Mac casually getting up as Chance-a-lot tried to dislodge his hoof from the table.

“Her name is FLUTTERSHY.” Mac said sternly before returning to his seat at the bar beside Thunderlane.

“Sheesh Braeburn, slow down.” Soarin suddenly said. Thunderlane looked over to see Braeburn with five empty mugs.

“Hey! Heyheyheyhey!” Braeburn pointed to the left of Soarin, “you shhhhould get off the bar before you get hurrrrt!” He slurred. He belched loudly in Soarin’s face and rubbed his eyes. He looked at Soarin, and then grinned. “Whoa,” he blinked, “yer the besht lookin’ mare I’ve ever sheen!" He said as he leaned over and put an arm around Soarin.

“Braeburn. You’re drunk.” Soarin said flatly.

“But YOU don’t know that… do ya?” He bounced his eyebrows before slamming back another sip of cider. “Sho, you come here often darlin’?”

“Mac. Help.” Soarin pleaded as Braeburn tried to hug him. Mac casually got up and walked around Thunderlane and Soarin. He grabbed Braeburn by the vest and pulled him away.

“Leave the pretty pegasus mare alone Brae.” Mac said with a completely straight face.

“Pishhh off cuz, I shaw her first!” He protested.

“Gee thanks Mac.” Soarin rolled his eyes while snickering.

“Get him another.” Mac said to Magic Mug before whispering. “give’im water, tell’im it’s more cider.”

“Braeburn, have another on the house!” Magic Mug chuckled while slamming a mug of water down. Braeburn smiled.

“Ish mah birthday!” He grabbed the water and started chugging. Mac casually walked back to his seat and sat back down.

Thunderlane was having a good time. How many had he had? Didn’t know. Where’s Applejack? Oh right, she didn’t come along. MORE CIDER! Was somepony making tacos? This would be more fun with Applejack. Why did he have two mugs? Wait he had two right arms? Awesome! Applejack. Yikes Big Mac was a big pony. There were too many stallions here, and not enough Applejacks.

“Say Mac.” Thunderlane turned towards Mac, almost falling off his stool. Mac looked towards him while raising an eyebrow. Thunderlane had clearly had a bit much. “Yer sister… she’s real nice.” He said without hesitation. Mac lifted his eyebrow higher. “I, like, really like, ya know, like her man.” He poked Mac in the side. Mac’s expression flattened; both eyes and ears. Thunderlane chuckled. “She’s a cutie, really, I bet she gets that a lot. Does she get that a lot?”

“Uh…” Mac wasn’t sure what Thunderlane was getting at, but he didn’t like it.

“WHOA! Buddy not all at once! You’re a quick talker! Haha.” Thunderlane cut Mac off, despite him not saying anything. “I’m just curious brother-man-of-hers, Applejack’s a real looker! I dunno what my standards were before I laid eyes on THAT fine mare.”

“Hey!” Mac stood up, but Soarin quickly shifted between them.

“Whoa Mac, simmer. He’s had a few.”

“He’s sayin’ stuff about mah sister I don’t like!” Mac argued. Soarin shook his head.

“Don’t worry, that’s the alcohol talking.” He glanced at Thunderlane as he sighed and said Applejack’s name. “Trust me. I talked to him about her. He really respects her and cares about her. Don’t tell me you never think things like that about Fluttershy.” Soarin winked at him. Mac snorted and sat back down. Thunderlane suddenly turned back over and put a hoof on one of Soarin’s shoulder and put his chin on the other to look at Mac.

“You’re sister is awesome man! She made me somepony! I had nothing before I had Applejack! Or before I had… uh… hey is there a fast food joint nearby?” He said before falling off his stool and passing out.

“Ah jeez…” Soarin shook his head.

Needless to say, the next morning was a little rough for Thunderlane and Braeburn. However, after some careful calculating, Mac figured out that if they sold all the apples they had in their “to sell” pile that day, they would officially be out of deep water and could spend the next two weeks making extra funds.

Applejack and Mac went into town to sell the apples while Braeburn and Thunderlane helped Granny Smith while dealing with unfortunate cases of being hung over. Dash and Soarin assisted as well, Dash constantly poking fun at Thunderlane about wearing an ice pack on his head all morning.

Upon returning, Mac and Applejack played up as if they didn’t make enough bits, only to drop two large bags of money in the front door. The farm had finally, truly been saved. Thunderlane was ecstatic when the news came, but then mixed feelings set in.

This meant…

He didn’t have to work anymore.

For some reason he couldn’t get happy. Granny Smith prepared a nice big celebration dinner for all of them, but he couldn’t get into it. The whole Apple family laughed, joked, and cheered, but all he could muster was a fake smile.

All he could think of now was how he wouldn’t have an excuse to be near Applejack. Even the issue of the farm expenses flew right passed him. He felt bad, but it didn’t seem as important to him as Applejack. Sure he was happy they were all saved from leaving town. But… But… Applejack.

Applejack noticed Thunderlane’s demeanor as the dinner went on. He was smiling, but she knew fake smiles when she saw them. He couldn’t mask the look in his eyes. He was sad.

But then again, so was she. She had gotten so used to Thunderlane being there. She had gotten so used to having somepony who didn’t back away and give up when she snapped at them. She was so used to his constant kindness that apparently she helped emerge. He claimed that she had an important role in realizing a few things about himself, but he had done the same for her.

She had come to care for him too, and she really, truly, didn’t want him to leave.

“Well sonny,” Granny Smith smacked Thunderlane on the back, making him cough slightly as he was drinking water. “Looks like ya finally paid back what ya owe us.” She chuckled.

“He did a while ago granny,” Applejack quickly added while smiling. “But he stayed to help finish the job.”

“Either way I reckon you can go on home now. Of course you’re welcome t’stay one more night if ya’d like. Our home is your home.” She offered.

Thunderlane was touched Granny Smith would consider him always welcome. But he had been away from home for a long time. He wondered how Rumble was doing, he also felt like he owed the pegasus sisters an apology. They were being annoying that night, but he probably shouldn’t have yelled at them. He glanced at Applejack, but she looked away. She was however, smiling. As much as Thunderlane wanted to stay, his little brother was a responsibility, and he knew Applejack appreciated a responsible pony.

“It’s kind of you to offer, but I probably should check in at home.” He nodded to Granny Smith then to Mac and Braeburn. “You’ve all taught me a lot. I guess the best way to put it is, I’ve learned my lesson.” He chuckled. “I promise I won’t do it again.” They all laughed. Thunderlane really felt like he was part of the family. An honest family. It felt nice, but he had to go.

“Careful where you fly.” Soarin put a hoof on Thunderlane’s shoulder and gave him a light jab. “I hope I see you at our next Wonderbolt camp.” He chuckled. Thunderlane shrugged.

“I gotta stop running into things first.” He joked back. He glanced around as they all looked at him with warm smiles. It had been a fun time with a fun crew. Very different than how it was when he first arrived.

A healthy dose of reality and an honest pile of hard work had changed him into a new pony: One that looked back on his previous self and wondered how he ever lived like that.

“I guess I’ll take off then.” He gave a wave, looking at Applejack a little longer than the rest. He turned and walked towards the door.

Nice. You could’ve given her a hug or something. Have you forgotten everything you’ve thought about? Thunderlane berated himself. What was the point of all the inner searching, both related and unrelated to Applejack? What did it matter anyway? He listened to Soarin’s story and it was definitely not as bad as how he and Dash had it. But Soarin was a resourceful pony. Thunderlane was, well, normal. How could he find time to be with a workaholic like Applejack? Maybe it was all just a phase.

Applejack’s ears drooped as she watched Thunderlane head to the door. He didn’t even give her a personal goodbye? Normally she would’ve seen this as a dick move, but it was different. Maybe it was because of Thunderlane’s sad demeanor at dinner. Maybe it was because she just didn’t know what to say to him. She had set aside her thoughts and feelings specifically until the farm was saved. Now here she was, and she couldn’t find a single word.

Wait. She had one last moment. She had right now. Right before he flew off. She had to take it. If she didn’t do something right now, who knows when she’d get another chance. She checked to make sure no pony was watching her and quietly trotted after Thunderlane.

Responsibility his ass. Thunderlane cursed as he stood on the front porch of the Apple Family property. Why did he just leave? It’s not what he REALLY wanted to do. But now he couldn’t turn around either.

He had to just face it. He and Applejack would never work out. Their lives were too different. Even if they made the time, it just wouldn’t click. He was better off with the pegasus sisters. They weren’t quite like Applejack, but he could relate to them. But could he really? He wasn’t how he used to be. Would things just go back to how they were beforehand?

Honestly? He hoped not. He had a different perspective on life now. He didn’t know if he could just pack up and go on his way. Not like he had a choice right now though. This was just another life lesson, ironically also taught to him by Applejack. Not everything can work out.


Or can it?

Thunderlane’s ears shot up at the voice. She… followed him? He slowly turned around to see Applejack standing in the doorway.

“Still here?” She asked as she walked towards him. Thunderlane sighed and looked up into the night sky. It had just gotten dark enough to see the stars as they slowly began to twinkle.

“Yeah, just taking it all in I guess.” He spoke freely. His nerves felt surprisingly calm. Normally he’d be feeling a little nervous. His liking to Applejack had made it hard to stay focused when she was around. Here though, it was as if his body knew it would be his last chance to truly talk or say anything to her.

“It’s been a long month huh.” Applejack stood beside him, subtly glancing at him and looking over his face with a slight blush. Her heart was beating faster than normal. What could she do? She wanted to be near him, but if she didn’t say anything on her mind she’d regret it.

“It’s had its ups and downs.” Thunderlane nodded and glanced at her. She didn’t look away this time. She let his eyes meet hers. “Thankfully there have been a lot more ups.”

“Heh, I agree with ya there.” They both looked back up into the sky. Applejack bit her lip and blushed. Do it now. He said it to you. You say it back to him. No regrets, no turning back. JUST DO IT.

“Well, I better fly,” Thunderlane didn’t know what else to say or do. The conversation was nice and he enjoyed her company, but he just didn’t know where to go. He had already slightly spilled his guts to her that one night a few weeks back. She had yet to do anything similar. He was clinging to false hopes. He smiled and nodded to her before slightly lifting off.

“NO! I mean, wait, hold on!” Applejack reached up and grabbed his hoof, startling him. “Please wait, before you go.” She looked away while blushing. Thunderlane set back down and turned to her.

“Yes?” he asked, as he wondered what else she wanted to say.

“Thunderlane—, I—, you—, we—,” She stuttered, looking in every direction except at him. She took a deep breath and looked straight at him with determination. “I never… really thanked ya for when you told me, ya know, all that stuff about carin’ about me.” She forced out.

Wow, had she read his mind? Thunderlane could barely believe it.

“Look,” she continued, “I know this is gonna sound weird, hell cause I think it’s weird, but,” she gulped and looked straight down. “I’ve really enjoyed havin’ ya here. I… I’ve never known a pony like you before, I just… I dunno, I care about you too.” She winced as she said it and tipped her hat down.

“Applejack…” Thunderlane smiled and tipped her hat back up with his hoof.

“Don’t go tellin’ anypony I said that okay? That’s for you only, cause I… I kinda like you alright? I know it’s weird.” She kept going and kept acting like he wouldn’t like what she was saying, but he was loving every word.

“Applejack shut up.” He snickered. She glared at him, but then saw him smiling. “I like you too. You don’t have to be embarrassed about it.” He kept smiling at her as her face turned redder than her brother’s fur.

Thunderlane couldn’t believe it, just like how he had turned around in his time here. The last moment had turned completely around from anti-climactic, to Applejack saying exactly what he wanted to hear.

Applejack suddenly looked towards the door, she had left it open, but no pony was in eyeshot. She still didn’t want to risk anypony seeing them. This came to her mind as soon as Thunderlane said he liked her too. She had no control over it. She just knew she wanted it.

She slowly removed her hat and looked directly into Thunderlane’s eyes. He looked right back, wondering what she was doing. She held her hat up beside their heads and quickly leaned forward.

Before Thunderlane could register what was happening,

Her lips connected softly with his.

She kissed him.

He did not flinch. He did not freak out. He did not care. He went right along with it. They closed their eyes and Thunderlane brought his hoof up to cradle her cheek as they shared the sweet, soft, and gentle kiss.

Art by: PhonicBoom

Applejack pulled away quickly, blushing so hard it was a miracle that smoke wasn’t coming out of her ears. Thunderlane smiled in surprise as they parted.

“Wow.” Was all he could say. Applejack grinned sheepishly and placed her hat back on her head.

“Please,” she began, “Don’t be a stranger. Visit whenever you like.” She offered.

Thunderlane felt so. Damn. Happy. It wasn’t just all in his head after all. Applejack was special to him. And he planned for it to remain that way.

“I promise I will,” he nodded, “you can count on me.” He spread his wings and gently lifted into the air while keeping his eyes on her.

“I know I can.” She waved as he slowly floated upward before turning and flying off.

Applejack sighed contently as she watched him leave. She had no word to really describe how she felt. The best word she could think of was “fluffy.” Whatever it was, it felt really good. Maybe Rarity was onto something with this silly romance thing she was always so dramatic about.

Thunderlane disappeared quickly into the night sky, blending in with the cloak of darkness. Satisfied she’d see him again, Applejack turned back towards the door.

“What the—” She flinched and froze. Big Mac, Braeburn, Granny Smith, Applebloom, Rainbow Dash, and Soarin were all standing right inside the door, looking out at her with disbelief.

Applejack instantly pulled her hat down while muttering, “shit…”

So life goes on right?


If only.

A week passed, and two ponies were left without what they really wanted.

Thunderlane reclined on a cloud and stared directly up into the sky. It was early afternoon and he had already finished his weather team work for the day. Upon leaving Sweet Apple Acres, he was quick to ask Cloud Kicker for extra work. She was skeptical, but after he did the jobs of four pegasi in half the time, she let him go with it. It still wasn’t enough though.

Here he was, lounging like he used to, but feeling like he should be doing something. His old life and new self weren’t mixing well at all and it was really beginning to frustrate him. He felt like he had little to no responsibilities despite all the “work” he just finished.

“Hey big Stallion.” Flitter’s head popped up from the cloud beside him. “All done working?”

It took Thunderlane a moment to notice her. He was deep in thought after all.

“Oh hey, yeah I’m done.” He said nonchalantly.

At least Flitter was quick to forgive him. He apologized to the pegasus sisters first thing when he returned from Sweet Apple Acres. Flitter accepted it and gave him a hug, but Cloud Chaser was still a bit miffed at him. She was stubborn, but she would forgive him too eventually.

“So what’s up?” Flitter popped up from inside the cloud and reclined next to him in a slightly sultry pose. He gave her a glance. He recognized this. This was her typical approach if she wanted to have some “fun” with him. A while back he would’ve caught on and rolled over quickly, but the effect just wasn’t there. He looked back up into the sky.

“Meh, nothing much. Just chilling.” He replied. She blinked and looked at him in confusion.

“You’ve been weird since you came back you know.” She poked him in the side. He didn’t look at her. “They didn’t do anything bad to you did they?” She pouted.

“No!” He quickly looked at her before settling down, “No, they didn’t. I’m just… thinking that’s all.” About Applejack. It was almost like Flitter wasn’t even there. She rolled onto her stomach and scooted her body against his. He flinched slightly as her wings brushed against him.

“Well, how about we have some fun? I’m sure I can help you relax.” She said, wiggling her flank slightly. Thunderlane didn’t answer. He just glanced at her motions and acted like he hadn’t noticed.

“Uh…” He didn’t know what to say or do. He wanted to turn her down obviously, but it was never that easy with her or her sister. She suddenly shifted over and laid herself on top of him, staring seductively into his eyes.

“C’mon… I know you’ve missed me.” She said slyly. He just lay still as she inched her lips near his. He let it happen. He had so many times in the past. But the closer she got, the more he felt an extreme sense of dread? A painful shock slammed through his body as her lips touched his.

“NO!” He shoved her off and quickly got up. Flitter yelped as she fell back onto the cloud. She looked back up at him with a mix of confusion and disbelief. Thunderlane grunted in frustration and shook his head.

“Sorry, I…” He only wanted one mare to kiss him. This little incident proved it. The old Thunderlane was long gone. He quickly moved to Flitter and helped her up. “Flitter, I can’t. I’m, well, stuff has changed. I still want to be friends with you and your sister, but…” He struggled to explain. But why? He didn’t want to explain anything to them. “I gotta go.” He cut it off before taking to the air. Flitter just watched him go.

“But…” She didn’t know what to say.

“Told ya he’s different.” Cloudchaser’s voice came from inside the cloud. She rose up from it beside Flitter and shook her head. “I dunno what the hell happened on that stupid farm…” She growled.

Thunderlane just flew. He had no destination in mind. He just had to get away from Flitter. Where would he go?

He found himself turning and guiding himself without thinking. His brain was guiding him to where he really wanted to be? It had to be, because if he kept going in this direction, he would be at Sweet Apple Acres.

He had been thinking about Applejack since he left. Since the night she kissed him. The kiss sealed their interest, but then it all just went POOF. As he feared, Applejack was never around Ponyville, and if she was she was busy. Thunderlane thought he could go on and just have fun with the Pegasus sisters again. But Flitter just proved to him he couldn’t do that at all. When Flitter kissed him, he could only think of Applejack.

Forget it. His brain was already on the right course. He was going to Sweet Apple Acres right now. RIGHT NOW.

Applejack went about her day. Every day was the same, but she enjoyed what she did. Sometimes it was good to be out by herself in the fields. She could take in the silence accompanied by the smell of fresh apples and let the soft breeze gently blow in her mane.

As much as she loved times like this. She found herself wishing she could share it with somepony. Applejack wanting to share something personally with another? The world was ending. Of all the ponies she could think of to spend it with… Thunderlane? The world was definitely ending.

She turned to buck an apple tree, but as she set her hooves and began to kick, the kick lost all of its strength halfway and ended as a tiny tap on the bark.

He was gone.

Thunderlane wasn’t there anymore. She never knew it would feel so different without him.

He had brought a new kind of companionship to her, one that she had never experienced before. She missed it. She missed him. One week gone and she just couldn’t stop thinking of him. She sat down beneath the apple tree and removed the saddle baskets of apples from her back.

What kind of relationship did she discover with him? She cared about other ponies before. It wasn’t the first time one of them was a stallion either. But it was just different all around with him. With Thunderlane there were times where she wanted to punch him across the face. Yet there were times when she felt so happy beside him.

He made her feel… complete. What was it called when you put up with a pony regardless of their flaws because you just couldn’t be without them?


That’s right.


She was in love.

Applejack flinched as the thought came to mind. No way. Not her. She had better things to worry about. She began to quiver slightly.

Then why was it so hard without him?

“Dammit.” She cursed as a tear fell down her cheek. “DAMMIT!” She yelled out.

She may have helped changed Thunderlane, but Thunderlane also changed her. How did this happen to her? Love doesn’t just fall from the sky. Love doesn’t just happen randomly.

Or maybe it does? How else do you explain it? You don’t find love, love finds YOU.

“HEY!” A voice came from above. Applejack’s eyes widened. That voice. It was Thunderlane! Completely forgetting that her eyes were somewhat tear-stained, Applejack sprung up from beneath the tree and looked up into the sky. “Applejack!” Thunderlane waved as he descended towards her.

“Th—Thunderlane…” She said quietly to herself as he landed.

“I forgot how big this place is, I couldn’t find you,” He chuckled as he looked back at his wings while folding them.

Applejack broke into a sprint towards him, her hat flying off as she galloped.

“I thought I'd just fly over andMRPH!!!” He was muffled as Applejack threw herself at him, draped her arms around his neck and kissed him as hard as she could. Thunderlane’s eyes widened so much his whole face looked white. She had come at him full sprint, knocking them both over and putting Thunderlane on his back. She was now on top of him, kissing him passionately. Thunderlane’s eyes slowly closed as he blushed and let her do it.

It wasn’t what he expected, but hey, he wanted it.

Applejack finally eased back and stared into his eyes. She suddenly blushed hard, grabbed her mane from behind her head and used it to cover her face minus her eyes.

“Uh… that was a bit…much… sorry…” She mumbled.

“Don’t be!” Thunderlane chuckled as he looked up at her and grinned. She quickly got off of him and stood beside him as he stood up.

“I uh… kinda missed ya. A lot.” She confessed.

“You don’t say?” He chuckled again as she continued to hide her face. “Applejack. Stop it. You don’t have to be embarrassed around me.”

“I know, I just…” She let her mane fall back to her side. “I don’t usually do stuff like that.”

“I guess that makes me special then?” Thunderlane turned his head and winked.

“Maybe a little.” She chuckled, slowly regaining her cool.

“I can live with that.” He came up to her and gave her a hug. She blushed for a moment, but smiled and returned it. “I know it was only a week, but I missed you Applejack.”

“I missed you too, ya oaf.” She squeezed him. He grunted at her strength, but at least he knew she meant it. You don’t give tight hugs like that to just anypony.

“So,” he put her at arm’s length. “I’ll be honest. I don’t have enough work. Do you want some help?” He asked with a smile.

“Huh? This stuff?” Applejack scoffed. This was the easiest thing she did. “Nah, I don’t need—” she froze and blinked. She almost did it again.

Funny how one pony can help another become so aware of their small faults. Sometimes you act like you know everything. Sometimes you act like you don’t need anypony else. It’s up to every pony, as they go through life, to find both their strengths and weaknesses. Refine the strengths. Work to fix the weaknesses. A little nudge from somepony else can make all the difference in realizing your faults and taking steps toward bettering yourself. Thunderlane and Applejack had both learned more from each other than they ever could have alone.

“Actually,” she smiled, “Sure, come over here.”

“Music to my ears.” Thunderlane smiled.

---The End---

Author's Note:

Finishing a longer story is always sad. :(

Putting a lot of effort into something may be more rewarding, but i's also harder to let go of.

I hope you all enjoyed!

Thanks for reading!

Comments ( 205 )

I noticed the 'incomplete' sign. Is there a Chapter 19 to this one as well?


whoops! NNNNNNNOPE!:twilightoops:


although i love how "chapter 19" has become a saying haha :rainbowlaugh:

4329462 Darn.. I shall await the next Chapter 19. By the way, what are your plans for the next story? Assuming you'll have a next. PLEASE HAVE A NEXT.

What;s the next plan?


Of course I do :twilightsmile:

I have a small one shot planned for the near future followed by two sequals to existing stories and then another larger work after that :pinkiehappy:

You'll be seeing me for a while, no worries :raritywink:

pang or achiness


sheen! He

sheen!" He

He heart

Her heart


I'm guessing this is meant to be a horizontal line?

So, is Mac gonna give him the 'What are yer doin' with mah sister' speech?

4329516 Woo! Just made my night! :twilightsmile:



got sloppy on this one :fluttershyouch:

Thanks for the edits as always :eeyup:

Mac puts up with A J getting on his ass about Fluttershy, he's probably contemplating how to do the same to her :applejackconfused:

I love your story's man:twilightsmile::heart: That's all story's finished, correct? Any plans for new story's? Or just a break from writing:applejackunsure:


Never :pinkiehappy:

I'm gonna write a one shot soon, followed by two sequels and then another large work :rainbowkiss:

Buckle up, the ride never ends :pinkiecrazy:

And thanks for so much support :)

Greatest. Fanfic. Ever. :pinkiesad2: :heart:

I hope to see more in the future (especially Thunderlane x Applejack).

Well Done! :twilightsmile:

4329750 *Puts on seat belt* I'm ready!


Thank you! :twilightsmile:

I'm glad you liked it! :eeyup:



*revs engine*:pinkiecrazy:

Wooo! It was a random pairing but you made it brilliant. I enjoyed that a lot, even if I didn't comment a lot. Lurkers gonna lurk. :pinkiehappy:


Watching the view count and knowing people read the stories I put effort into is good enough for me :twilightsmile:

But thanks for commenting :rainbowkiss:

'Twas random yes, but it's a lot of fun to put together two characters who aren't normally shipped. This pairing has no cliches so I could do WHATEVER I wanted with them :eeyup:

Dear lord, OTP OVERLOAD!!!!:pinkiegasp: I'm super happy Thunderlane and Applejack finally hooked up in their own way, and leaving room to grow. This is one of my favorite fics on the site, and gave rise to my favorite ship! Kinda sad it's over, but really happy with the ending. Also funny thing, I cannot imagine Soarin without his flight suit for some reason. Any way great job Calm, amazing work, and I can't wait till your next masterpiece!:rainbowkiss:


Glad to inspire :twilightsmile:

Thanks for being so supportive :pinkiesmile: it's been fun to put shape to a pairing that has no real form or cliches to go by :eeyup:

Thanks for reading! :rainbowkiss:

I was about to make a comment about chapter 19 but realized I missed my cue xD You sir have made me love Applejack, I used to be a hater but now trixie is my least favorite >.< Fantastic job and as always and I cannot wait to read more!

4330442 your welcome. Next is you know who, right?:ajsmug: can't wait for it. I hope this isn't the last we see these two! Well....I still gotta satisfy the need for Thunderjack fics on this site. Until then, I'M OFF!!!!!

duh du-du da.....da da daaaaa Da da da daaaa da dadadada


Haha, I'm glad I could help :ajsmug::trixieshiftright:

Lol people have been asking about chapter 19s haha it's become a thing.

Thanks so much for reading and supporting!:eeyup:


Spread the word! :rainbowwild:

the end to a great story. I loved to ending:twilightsmile:, but hate to see it end:fluttercry:


Alas, all stories that begin, must at some point end.:fluttercry:

Thank you so much for reading:twilightsmile:

I'm glad you enjoyed it :eeyup:

Absolutely freaking amaaaaazing! When the kiss finally happened. I put a fist in the air and thought "hell yeah." Can't wait for the next story.


haha imagining someone fist pumping while reading something i wrote gives me lulz (the good kind:rainbowlaugh::pinkiehappy:)

Thanks for reading! And Thank you for the continuous support :eeyup:


This totally needs a sequel. :pinkiecrazy:


Dunno if this one will get a sequal, buts it part of my timeline, so stories that come after will definitely have instances that allude to thunderlane and Applejack :eeyup:

4332256 Thanks to you I have a new fav shipping :twilightsmile: Everyone else was shipping AJ with Braeburn and Caramel :twilightoops:


never hurts to try something new :raritywink:

4335186 Mhm! Btw, I just finished reading chapter 1 of your new story and loved it. You write the awesomest and fluffiest shippings eva :p


hehe thank you :twilightsmile: i'm glad you like :eeyup:

I really like it a lot!:ajsmug:


Thanks for reading! :eeyup:

I have to say that I liked your SorinDash stories more, like, I LOVE THEM!:heart:


I'm okay with that, cause Soarindash is my fav :rainbowkiss:

4335165 Thunderjack is best ship.:pinkiecrazy: (with Flutterbulk being in a close second.:eeyup:)

4379836 Yep

I find Flutterbulk wired *derp*

Well, happy endings all around. Thunderlane's not a slave and Applejack is forgiven. All's well that ends well.

*applauds* :yay:


*bows* :rainbowkiss:

Thanks for reading :eeyup:

I finished this story. Awesome story. I want a sequel to this story. Something with Flitter and Cloud Chaser trying to scare apple Jack away. I think that would be an interesting story.


Thanks for reading!

I've got a few ideas going for possible futures stories :pinkiesmile: may not be exactly that, but i plan on having more applejack and thunderlane in the future.

The best part about a crack ship is that it has no predefined cliches. I can literally make it into anything i want without fear of it being a: "oh look it's this again" story :eeyup:

4438456 Yeah, a story for Thunderlane and Apple Jack, and a story for Soarin and Rainbow Dash. I can't wait for those stories.

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