• Published 2nd Feb 2014
  • 10,301 Views, 381 Comments

Multiversal Harmony - RK_Striker_JK_5

Discord pulls six Elements from different realities to help with a problem of his own doing.

  • ...

Chapter Seven, Part Four. (Written by RK_Striker_JK_5)

Although the sun and moon were static over Cloudsdale, the city still observed ‘day’ and ‘night’ cycles. The city never slept, but activity during night was still lessened compared to day. The pegasi opening stores, switching out with the night-shift guards, or getting their ships ready for raiding, were greeted by pegasi flying through the air that had not been seen in quite some time.

“Is that… Spitfire? And hey, Soarin’s beside her!”

Necks craned and heads shot upwards as a large group of pegasi in Wonderbolts uniforms flew along in formation, straight for the building housing the Cloudsdale Council. They landed at the foot of the steps. Spitfire, Fleetfoot, and Soarin broke off and marched up to the guards. “We’re here to see Wind Rider,” Spitfire said.

The guards looked to each other. The one on the left stepped forward. “Ah, begging your pardon, Councilor Spitfire, but we just received… warrants for your arrest.” He pulled out a scroll from a saddlebag with his wing and tentatively held it out.

Soarin snorted. “He moved even quicker than we thought.” He stared at the guard with the warrant. “Sergeant, Wind Rider is out of control. He wants what’s best for him, not Cloudsdale. He’s power-hungry.”

The main doors swung open. Wind Rider strode out, a squadron of guardsponies behind him, clad in the uniform of his personal guard. He wore full plate armor instead of his council robes. “What’s best for me, Soarin? I want what’s best for Cloudsdale. That I also benefit is… natural.”

Spitfire whinnied. “You won’t get away with this! If you’re expecting the rest of the city, or the Council to fall in line, you’re out of your apple-bucking mind!”

Soarin nodded.

Wind Rider stared at Spitfire, his gaze hardening. “I AM the Council, Spitfire.”

Spitfire’s eyes grew wide. “What?”

Commotion broke out behind Wind Rider and his guards, seizing everyone’s attention. Nimbus Gust and Tornado Kicker were shoved into view, another group of guardsponies surrounding them. “What in the name of the Diarchs are you doing?” Tornado Kicker cried out. “I demand to see -- Wind Rider?” he shouted, catching a glimpse of the stallion.

Nimbus Gust cantered about, keeping her wings fully extended. “Sir, what is the meaning of this? Tornado and I were going to the council chamber when these… these featherbrains tried arresting him!”

Wind Rider turned around and looked over his shoulder at the pair. “I know. They did so on my order.” He cantered fully about. “Don’t look so surprised.” his eyes narrowed. “I know what your plans were, how you’d stab me between the shoulder blades and destroy all the work I’ve done making Cloudsdale strong. No. I will NOT have my work be tossed aside and ruined thanks to your interference.” He waved a wing. “Arrest them. Then‒”

Spitfire barreled forward, Soarin and Fleetfoot a half-hoof behind. They knocked the guards aside. Spitfire lowered her head and charged at Wind Rider, wings extended.

Wind Rider let out a whinny. “Don’t just float there!” he shouted. “Attack!”

The groups paused for the briefest of seconds before charging forward. Wind Rider’s guards quickly recovered and attempted to surround Spitfire, but she shot straight up and out of their reach for the moment.

Soarin and Fleetfoot, meanwhile, flew up in a corkscrew pattern before landing beside Nimbus Gust and Tornado Kicker. Soarin’s wings shot out, smacking aside two of the guards. Fleetfoot, meanwhile, spun about. She lashed out with her hind legs, catching several more right on their chins.

Nimbus Gust quickly joined the two. Within seconds, most of the guards had been either knocked back or straight-up knocked out. She looked to her husband. “Come on!”

The quartet flew up and out. Wind Rider’s personal guards escorted him inside, while the others flew up at Spitfire’s forces. The two sides slammed into each other, the battle quickly degenerating into individual melees or small groups attacking each other.

Inside the building itself, Wind Rider stomped about. His face was beet-red from rage. “Call in the reserves!” he shouted. Wind Rider started marching forward. “Secure the building. Get the other councilors together for their own ‘security’.” He stopped, turned to one guard, and winged a scroll out of a saddlebag. “Deliver this personally to Lightning Dust.” His eyes narrowed and took on a sharp glit. “If I can’t directly get to them, I’ll get to them through their daughter!”

Thud, thud, thud!

Cloud Kicker’s eyes slowly opened. She slid out of bed, landing on the puffy floor. “What the Tartarus,” she mumbled. She oriented herself in the bedroom of her apartment before making her way to the living room and front door. “This is my one day off of the week. This better be—”

Three pegasi stood there, each in full plate armor. The two on the flanks, Hoops and Dumbbell, had spears nestled in the crook of their right foreleg, and they were pointed straight at Cloud Kicker. The one in the center, Lightning Dust, stared at Cloud Kicker. “Captain, by the authority vested in me by Council Leader Wind Rider, I am placing you under arrest,” Lightning Dust said, a wide, malicious sneer on her muzzle.

Cloud Kicker stared at the three for a second or so. She finally shook her head. “Very funny, Lightning Dust. Hah, hah. You almost had me there.”

Lightning Dust chuckled lowly. “This isn’t a joke, Cloudy.” She winged a scroll out of a saddlebag and held it out in front of Cloud Kicker. “Read it and weep. Literally, if you want to.”

Cloud Kicker eyed her subordinate for a moment before leaning in. Her eyes darted back and forth. “What the… no, no! This can’t be right!”

Lightning Dust whipped the scroll back and stuffed it back in. “It is, my former captain. Now be a good little filly and come along. Or don’t. Either way, you’re coming with us.”

Cloud Kicker glanced at the three, the mental fog quickly clearing. Outnumbered, no weapons, no armor. Dang it, rule one of Military Academy was ‘Never be without a weapon’. Oh, if Windy Whistles could see me now. If I fight, they’ll drag me off and I’ll be too injured to do anything later. Okay, go with them for now.

Cloud Kicker walked forward, wings folded tight against her body. Hoops and Dumbbell formed up on her flanks, spears pointed at her. She kept her head level and glared at Lightning Dust as she passed.

Lightning Dust returned the glare. “Just keep trotting, Cloudy. There’s nopony to help you out.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t be so sure of that.”

All four pegasi paused. Lightning Dust swung about. “What the—” A cerulean hoof slammed into her jaw, cutting her short. She staggered back, eyes crossed and muzzle bent at a rather unnatural angle.

Hoops and Dumbbell stared at Rainbow Dash, floating in the hallway. Dash’s eyes narrowed slightly. “I guess some things are a multiversal constant, as Pinkie or Ditzy would say.”

Lightning Dust staggered back. “Don’t just stand there like a couple of mud ponies!” she slurred out. “Take her down! Permanently!”

The two stallions exchanged a glance before turning back to Rainbow Dash and raising their spears. They charged at her, but Rainbow Dash easily evaded them. She flew to the side, pulled out a pair of weighted ropes, and tossed them at their legs. Both struck true, wrapping around all four lower limbs and pulling them close together. Hoops let out a whinny as he stumbled right into Dumbbell. Their heads knocked together with a thud, and the both fell to the floor, unconscious.

Rainbow Dash flew around the insensate pair and over to Cloud Kicker. “Good thing Applejack showed me a trick or two with bolas,” she muttered. “Well, don’t just float there!” She looked over her shoulder at Lightning Dust. “I don’t think she’s gonna wait on us.”

The two flew down the hallway and up to a wall. Rainbow Dash turned, kicked a hole in the cloud making up the wall, and flew out, Cloud Kicker following behind. Rainbow Dash paused. She turned and smoothed over the hole, closing it back up. She flapped her wings at it while working. “There,” she said. “Lightning Dust is gonna have to work at it to bust through.”

Cloud Kicker’s brow furrowed. “That’s a pretty advanced technique. How’d you learn how to do it properly?”

Rainbow Dash paused, thinking back to before she got dragged into the alternate Equestria. “I had a really awesome teacher,” she finally said.

The two flew up and away from the apartment building. Cloud Kicker’s eyes widened as they gained altitude. “What the tartarus?”

The sky above Cloudsdale was thick with pegasi flying and fighting each other. They dove at each other, swiping with wings or weapons. Squadrons formed up and flew at each other, smashing into one another and breaking up into individual duels. Down below, ponies either sought shelter, stared up at the action, or did both and ran into each other.

Cloud Kicker’s ears folded against her skull. “What’s going on? Why are they fighting? We’re Cloudsdale ponies! We don’t fight each other!”

Rainbow Dash looked to her. She hesitated a moment before speaking. “I’d bet a thousand bits you weren’t the only one Wind Rider tried to have arrested or ‘removed’ in some way, Cloud Kicker.”

Cloud Kicker turned to Rainbow Dash. “B-but why? I’ve been loyal! I’ve given my all for Cloudsdale! We’ve all given our all for Cloudsdale! Why would Wind Rider do this?”

Rainbow Dash let out a nicker. “Because all power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

Cloud Kicker grabbed Rainbow Dash by the shoulders and spun her around. “But I’ve been loyal to Wind Rider, to Cloudsdale! We all have been!”

Rainbow Dash’s eyes narrowed. She stared at Cloud Kicker. “No, you haven’t. Loyalty isn’t blindly following orders or going along with your superiors ‘just because’.” She shrugged off Cloud Kicker’s grasp and jabbed a hoof at her chest. “It’s telling them when they’re going the wrong way. It’s steering them back oncourse and making sure they don’t go through the hurricane. You think you’ve been loyal to Cloudsdale, but you haven’t, Cloud Kicker. Not really.”

The two floated there in silence for nearly a minute. Cloud Kicker slowly smiled. “Maybe you should’ve been captain, Rainbow Dash. You sure have a talented tongue, there.”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “You never do stop, do you.” She returned the smile. “So what’s your next move, Captain?”

Cloud Kicker turned and leaned forward slightly. “Well, our next move is to get to the Council Building and see if there’s—”

A small section of the wall burst open. Lightning Dust’s head emerged from it. “I’ll kill you both!” she shouted. The hole widened a little. “Wait until I get my primaries on you, you traitorous…” She trailed off as the pushed forward, her shoulders emerging.

Rainbow Dash looked down at Lightning Dust, then to Cloud Kicker. “I’ll hold her off. You get to the Council Building and do what you can.” She held a hoof up. “No arguing, Captain! Go!”

Cloud Kicker nodded. She flew back a bit, straightened up, and saluted Rainbow Dash, who returned the salute. She then turned and flew off, quickly dwindling to a point.

Lightning Dust worked her way free. She slammed her hooves together. “I am so gonna enjoy taking you apart,” she snarled.

Rainbow Dash squared herself and tilted her head back and forth. “You wanna bring it, go right ahead. Just don’t cry when you get your flank kicked from here to Yakyakistan.”

Lightning Dust snorted as she flew up. “I was the top student in my class in Wonderbolt Academy! You’ve got nothing on me, you hear?”

Rainbow Dash smirked. “And I’ve learned more from my personal tutor than you ever will, Dusty. So bring it on!”

Spike, Pinkie Pie, Octavia, and Auntie galloped through the streets of Cloudsdale. Ditzy and Alula flew low, keeping right above their heads. Octavia looked around. Almost no pony was paying attention to them, and those that glanced their way quickly had bigger problems. “All right. We’re headed to the Council Building. The question becomes, though, what do we do when we get there?”

Ditzy dipped down low. “Wing it?” she said, shrugging.

Octavia glanced up at her. “Ditzy…”

Ditzy sighed. “Sorry, Octavia. I was trying to lighten the mood.”

A smile slowly crept across Octavia’s muzzle. “It’s no problem.” She poked at Pinkie Pie. “Besides, that’s her job.”

Auntie spoke up. “Octavia does have a point. We told Spitfire we’d help them out, but help out with what? None of us are really… warriors or fighters. We’ve had our fair share of hooficuffs since arriving here, but against armed, armored, and trained fighters?”

As if on cue, three pegasi dropped out of the sky. Soarin flew down, the other two chasing after him. “Look out!” he shouted.

Spike looked around. “Ah, aha!” His horn glowed and two pies on a nearby food stall floated up. One eye closed as he waited for the two pursuing pegasi to come into range. He launched both pies as they dove down, each one smacking them square in the face.

The pegasus on the left let out a shout. “Who turned out the lights?” she shouted as she suddenly veered to her right, colliding with her partner. The two tumbled through the air, striking the side of a building and almost comically bouncing off.

Soarin touched down in front of Spike and saluted. ”Nice aim, Spike!”

Spike nodded to him. “Thanks. I perfected my aim tossing paper wads into the circular file at my office.”

Several pegasi started gathering around the group. “W’what are you doing here?” one mare asked.

Spike, Octavia, Auntie, and Pinkie Pie all clustered together, backs to each other. Ditzy and Alula suddenly dropped down, placing themselves between Spike and the approaching pegasi. “They’re here to help!” Ditzy shouted. Both of her eyes snapped forward. She blinked and winced slightly before continuing. “They’re my friends, and good ponies.”

Soarin hesitated for a moment, then squared his shoulders and ruffled his feathers before marching over to Ditzy’s side opposite Alula. “These ponies are helping us out best they can. I vouch for that!” He spread his wings. “And if anypony wants to try anything, they’ll have to get through me!”

Ditzy swallowed, but extended her own wings. “Or get through me,” she said.

Alula stomped the cloud and spread her wings as wide as she could. “Or me!” she declared.

The pegasi surrounding the group slowly backed off. “We weren’t gonna try anything!” the mare from before said. “If you vouch for them, Soarin, that’s enough!”

The others all nodded or mumbled their assent.

Soarin glanced around. “Well, okay then.” He retracted his wings, then turned back to Spike. “Again, thanks. You saved my flank.”

Spike nodded. “No problem, Soarin.” He kicked at the cloud beneath his hooves, sending up small wisps. “Although I’m not sure how much more we can contribute.”

Octavia craned her head back as she looked up. “Truth be told, I’m not sure who is on which side. I know this was somewhat hastily planned and executed, but at least different-colored uniforms might have been a good idea.”

Soarin looked up. “Oh, yeah.” His eyes squinted. “Well, we were a little busy trying to get weapons and other supplies. I see your point, though. At least we’re winning! I think…” He tilted his head to the side. “Was Cloudy Days on our side?”

Pinkie Pie eyed him. “And they call me the silly one.”

Soarin’s body shuddered before he leapt into the air, quickly rejoining one of the dozens of battles above.

Auntie looked to Spike. “If I may suggest we head to the Council Building and try to help out there? We should be able to tell which side is which a bit more easily there.”

Alula hopped up and down. “Ooh, ooh! I can help with that!”

Spike glanced at Auntie. “Well, I can’t think of anything else.” He looked down at Alula. “Just be careful there, all right?”

Alula snorted. “I bet you twenty bits I’ve had more combat training than all five of you put together.”

Spike’s jaw canted slightly. “Eh… no bet there.” He turned and jabbed a hoof. “Let’s go!”

Cloud Kicker flew through the skies of Cloudsdale, dong her best to avoid any of the dozens of dogfights going on. Her breath hitched in her throat as she recognized every single one of the combatants. “Why?” she mumbled, head swimming.

Three cloud ships flew through the air. Cloud Kicker initially slowed as she approached them, but sped up as she recognized the lead ship as the Banging. Her sharp eyes spotted her parents on the deck of the lead ship, Spitfire and Soarin standing by them. “Mom! Dad!” she shouted as she swooped down, caution quite literally thrown to the wind. A great cheer went up from her crew as she landed, pausing to say hi to some of them before trotting over. “Mom! Dad!”

Several armored pegasi approached, but a sharp glare from Spitfire sent them back to their positions. Nimbus Gust and Tornado Kicker extended their wings and wrapped them around Cloud Kicker. “Thank the Horizon you’re safe!” Nimbus Gust said, nuzzling his daughter.

Cloud Kicker returned it. She waited for her parents to step back before speaking. “I’m so glad to see you. What in Tartarus is going on?”

The pair exchanged an uneasy look. Nimbus Gust finally spoke up. “Wind Rider’s enacted a coup against the Cloudsdale Council. He tried to have me, Spitfire, Soarin, and others arrested.”

Tornado Kicker flashed a brittle smile. “Emphasis on ‘tried’. We managed to get away and, well, you see the results.”

Cloud Kicker snorted. “Quite well, Mom.” She looked to her left as Spitfire approached. “Ma’am!” she barked out, snapping to attention.”

Spitfire half-smiled. “At ease, Captain. I’m glad to see you’re all right.” The half-smile fell away. “And yes, Cloud Kicker. Everything your parents said is true. Wind Rider’s tried to seize the government by force.”

Cloud Kicker’s mouth formed a thin line. Her face held none of her usual joviality. “My second-in-command of the SS Banging tried to arrest me, along with two other members of my crew.” She smirked slightly. “Emphasis on ‘tried’. Hoops and Dumbbell are tied up back at my apartment. Literally. Lightning Dust…” The smirk fell away. “Last I knew, Rainbow Dash was holding her off for me to get away.” She kicked at the deck, sending up a wisp of fog. “I should’ve stayed and helped her out!”

Spitfire slowly shook her head. “I know that feeling, Captain, but Rainbow Dash made the right call. Best for you to get here as soon as possible. We need as many captains and other soldiers here as possible that are loyal to Cloudsdale itself.” She locked eyes with Cloud Kicker. “Where do your loyalties lie, Captain?”

Cloud Kicker glanced down for a long moment. She finally looked up, eyes blazing. “I’m loyal to this city, Councilor. Not to Wind Rider, but to Cloudsdale itself. He’s not worthy of my loyalty, not after today.”

Spitfire smiled. “Good to hear. Now, I—” She paused as another pegasus swooped down and trotted up to her. “Yes, Lieutenant Sentry?”

The stallion snapped to attention. “Councilor, Wind Rider’s been spotted headed for the South Docks, escorted by two members of his Personal Guard.”

Spitfire’s eyes narrowed. “That coward! He’s fleeing Cloudsdale!” She flared her wings. “We’ve got to stop him! Captain Kicker, do you—” She stopped as she turned and noticed the empty space where Cloud Kicker had once stood. “Captain?”

Tornado Kicker’s head darted about, finally stopping. “There she is!” she shouted, jabbing a hoof at a rapidly-dwindling dot. She shook her head. “Reckless as ever!”

Nimbus Gust half-smiled. “Like mother, like daughter.”

Spitfire rearer back and kicked the air. “That feathering fool! What does she expect to do by herself?”

Tornado Kicker looked back down at Spitfire. “Knowing my daughter? She expects to win.”

Rainbow Dash flew through the air. She kept low, darting between the buildings lining the ‘ground level’ of the floating metropolis. Her mind moved almost as fast as her body as Rainbow Dash dredged up every lesson ever taught to her. All the lessons by her version of Queen Celestia, by her Wonderbolts, flowed through her mind, right in the back of her eyes.

Keep awareness of everything and everyone around you.

Memorize your surroundings. Keep them in track.

Take advantage of any mistake your opponent makes. More often than not, this will be a fight to the finish.

A shout from behind caught Rainbow Dash’s attention. She spared the quickest of glances over her shoulder and saw Lightning Dust. Murder was in her eyes and death on her lips as she flew after her. “I’ll send you to Tartarus in a lunchbag! There won’t be enough to be picked up with tweezers!”

Rainbow Dash looked ahead. She was now flying down a long stretch of sky, tall buildings to the left and right of her. An intersection was ahead, rapidly approaching. She spotted cables connecting the buildings perpendicular to the ones she was flying by. She’s almost as fast as I am on a straightaway. A slight problem cornering, though. She’s got one hay of a temper, too. “You talk faster than you fly, Dusty! All your speed’s between your gums!”

Another burst of swearing indicated her words had hit home. She picked a pair of buildings with a number of cables and other obstacles hanging between them in a comparatively-narrow gap. She started slowing down, picking one particularly-dense patch. Three, two, one… trim!

Rainbow Dash’s wings folded against her body. She spun about, letting her momentum carry her though the small gap and the spinning control the direction of her flight. Rainbow Dash held her breath as the wind whistled past her ears, through her feathers. The cables closed in on her. Almost there… Now!

Her wings flared out as soon as she passed through the last gap. She emerged from the other side of the gap, nary a feather out of place. She spun about on a jangle, just as Lightning Dust approached the gap.

Lightning Dust kicked her forelegs out as she tried to slow down. Her right wing clipped a cable, sending her swinging sharply around to the right. She let out a cry as she flew into another tangled web of cables. Instead of slowing down, though, Lightning Dust sped up, or at least tried to. The cables stretched as she surged forward as much as she could, muscles straining as she struggled. She locked eyes with Rainbow Dash and snarled. “I’ll get you!”

The cables snapped back. Lightning Dust’s eyes bulged as she was flung back into the alley. Several of the cables were torn loose from their mounts and swung around, wrapping around Lightning Dust’s body and pinning her wings and legs to her body. Within minutes, she was trapped in the center of the alley, tied up in a spider’s web of her own making.

Rainbow Dash flew into the alley, careful to keep her distance from the still-struggling Lightning Dust. “Not bad,” she said, looking her captive over, “but still not as good as the best.”

Lightning Dust glared daggers. After a few moments, she ceased struggling. “How?” she asked, “How did you get through?”

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “I’m that awesome, but I had an even awesomer teacher.” She paused. “Wait, is ‘awesomer’ even a word? Ah, feather it. It is now!” She turned and started flying off. “Later, Dusty! I’ll send somepony back to collect you when we’ve won!”

Lightning Dust’s brow wrinkled. “Wait, wait!” She paused as Rainbow Dash swung back to face her. “Who was your teacher?”

There was a pause before Rainbow Dash smirked. “Queen Celestia.” She tapped her Element of Loyalty. “Where I come from, I’m her personal student!” Her expression fell. “And I do miss her.” Her eyes narrowed and she punched the air. “So the sooner we get this done, the sooner I can get back to where I belong!” She turned and flew off, a rainbow-colored contrail behind her.

Lightning Dust started at Rainbow Dash as she flew off. “Did… she hit the hard cider before this?”

Cloud Kicker flew through the air, pushing her body as much as she dared to. She ignored any and all fighting going on around her, concentrating on the cloud ships moored at the South Docks. Three pegasi speeding towards them caught her eye, all three in armor. “Wind Rider!” she shouted, increasing her speed even more.

Ahead, Wind Rider slowed down slightly. He turned and spotted Cloud kicker flying straight at him. He glanced to each of his guards. “Take her down, then double back to the ship,” he ordered, before turning and resuming his course back to the South Docks.

The two stallions dropped back and swung around to face Cloud Kicker. They shot off towards her, eyes narrow and lips curled back. They each flexed their forelegs, and knives sprang from armored greaves buckled around them.

Cloud Kicker’s eyes widened slightly as their weapons appeared. “I really should’ve expected that and gotten more than a whip.” She slowed down for a moment before speeding up. “No! You’re not gonna stop me! I’m—”

A multi-colored blur shot up from below, passing between the two stallions and causing them to veer off. It slowed down, resolving into Rainbow Dash. “Hey, there!” she shouted, waving at Cloud Kicker. ”Did I miss anything?”

Cloud kicker blinked. “Wind Rider’s trying to run off with his tail tucked between his legs. I’ve got to stop him.” She tilted her head to the side. “What happened to Lightning Dust?”

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “I left her hanging.”

Cloud Kicker nodded. “Good to hear. I’d love to hear about it later, say over dinner?”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, but her expression was comparatively light. “I’m actually glad to hear that from you this time.” She looked over her shoulder at the two guards. They had regrouped and were flying at Rainbow Dash, murder in their eyes. “I’ll keep the goon squad busy. You get after Wind Rider and stop him from getting away.”

A sigh came from Cloud Kicker. “So this’ll be two I owe you.” Her eyebrows waggled. “I wonder how I could… pay you back for this.”

Rainbow Dash glared at her. “Catch Wind Rider and we’re even.” She spun about. “No time for any more witty banter, Cloudy! Get that two-faced jerk!” With that, she sped off towards the guards.

Cloud Kicker watched Rainbow Dash for a moment before spinning about. She quickly spotted Wind Rider, still flying for one cloud ship near the far end of the docks. She shot forward, her vision narrowing and focusing into a tunnel. “WIND RIDER!” she shouted, eyes blazing.

Wind Rider slowed down and started a wide turn. “Fine!” he yelled. “I’ll take you on before withdrawing.” His turn brought him around to Cloud Kicker’s right flank. He tugged on his robe’s sash with his teeth, shrugging it off and letting it drop to the city below. Underneath, he was clad in light armor around his barrel and chest. Greaves with sharpened points were on his forelegs, the built-in weapons glinting in the sun. “Time for you to go to school, filly,” he snarled out before speeding up.

Cloud Kicker turned to face him. She leaned in, tucking her wings in close to present as small a profile as possible to her opponent. “‘Withdrawing’? Fancy way to say running away!” she shouted. She tamped down a smile as Wind Rider’s eyes lit up at the insult.

“I’ll send you down to the deepest depths of Tartarus!” the older stallion shouted, speeding up.

That’s it, waste your energy, Cloud Kicker thought as, at the last minute, she rolled to her right. She extended her left wing as she passed Wind Rider, catching him in the barrel with a solid blow. It wasn’t enough to seriously hurt him, but she heard a grunt from him as they separated.

Wind Rider initiated a wide turn to his left. Cloud Kicker, meanwhile, initiated a sharp climb. After a few-dozen meters, she straightened out, flying upside down so she could keep her eyes on Wind Rider without straining her neck muscles too much. She spun around, right-side up once more.

Wind Rider continued his wide turn. Cloud Kicker started her own turn to the right, sharply spinning about to her left. She started chasing after Wind Rider, keeping on his tail even as he juked around. She increased her speed, closing in on him.

The pair kept the chase up for a hooffull of minutes. Wind Rider lashed out with his hind legs, trying but failing to hit Cloud Kicker. She slipped to the left and right, making minimal movements to dodge his rather haphazard strikes. “I would’ve followed you to the ends of the planet,” she said, eyes narrowing. “All of Cloudsdale would have!”

Wind Rider’s left hind leg kicked out again, but Cloud Kicker managed to parry the blow and land a hit to its calf muscle. “You close-minded foals could never carry out my plans, my vision for this city!” He started a sharp climb, looping about and ending up on Cloud Kicker’s tail. He bared his teeth. “Your parents wanted ‘caution’, ‘restraint’. What good are those to warriors such as ourselves?” He lashed out with his forelegs, trying to slice or stab Cloud Kicker. “They were weak, disloyal to Cloudsdale!”

Cloud Kicker suddenly slowed to a dead-stop,allowing him to shoot past her. He continued on, with Cloud kicker giving chase once more. “You mean disloyal to you!” she shouted. Her eyes widened as she realized their current flight path was taking them back to the cloud ships at the South Docks. I need to end this now!

Cloud Kicker banked to her left and sped up. Wind Rider lashed out with his hind legs, but missed each time. Cloud Kicker pulled up alongside him. She glanced at him, her face a mask of stone. Without warning, she banked hard to her left, crashing into him.

The two pegasi rolled about in the air, legs and wings thrashing. They quickly spiraled down, their trajectory taking them down to one of the cloud ships. They soft-crashed with a muffled thud, tossing up wisps of cloud as they rolled along the deck.

Wind Rider’s forelegs pushed against Cloud Kicker’s barrel, forcing a separation between the two. He reared back on his hind legs, kicking out with his forelegs. “I’ll kill you! I’ll show you—”

Cloud Kicker ducked low and dove at him, burying a shoulder into his midsection. Wind Rider’s eyes bulged as he fell back, several cracks audible from his rib cage. He landed, rolling with the impact. His right wing lashed out, catching Cloud Kicker square in the face and sending her stumbling back. “I know tricks you were never taught,” he said between wheezes.

Cloud Kicker rubbed her muzzle with a hoof. She pulled it away, dismayed but not surprised to see it stained with red. She blinked a few times to clear her head, then looked around.The deck’s clear, nothing to really use against him. She glanced up for a moment, spotting some rope tied around a sail hanging from the main mast. Worth a shot.

Cloud Kicker hopped into the air. She initiated a vertical climb, quickly reaching the top of the mast. Wind Rider observed her flight for a second before following, right on her tail. He jabbed at her with his gauntleted forelegs, dodging several return kicks.

Within seconds, Cloud Kicker reached the rope. She opened her mouth and snagged one end of the rope. She closed her eyes and continued up. This is gonna hurt… Her head jerked as the last of the slack was taken up, but kept her jaw clamped around the rope. A strangled cry escaped her throat, but she held firm as she tugged. Eventually, the rope started to slide from around the sail, unraveling and letting the great white canvas fall.

Wind Rider gasped as the sail dropped down towards him. He stopped and flew back, letting it pass and miss him. He looked down at it, smirking. “Not bad, but you telegraphed it a bit much. Now—”

Cloud Kicker dove down past Wind Rider, several lassos trailing past her, gripped in her mouth or tied around her forelegs. She twitched her head and limbs, manipulating the loops of the lassos. Wind Rider barely had time to let out a strangled cry before they closed around him, pinning his wings and forelegs to his body. Cloud Kicker gave a hard pull, sending him hurtling down to the deck of the cloud ship.

Wind Rider’s body plummeted, smacking against the deck and bouncing several feet back into the air. A stream of curses came from him as he crashed down once more, bouncing off the billowy deck once more. This time he stayed down, rolling a bit and coming to rest at Cloud Kicker’s hooves. He wiggled around until he was on his back and glared up at her. “You… this isn’t the end of the fight!”

Cloud Kicker shrugged. “Maybe, but it’s the end of this fight.” She grinned. “Normally, ponies would be very happy to be in your position.” She spread her wings and flew up, lifting Wind Rider into the air. “Next stop, the Cloudsdale Council. And I seriously doubt anypony’s gonna wanna listen to you now!”

Wind Rider struggled, even as Cloud Kicker flew on with him. He swayed back and forth in midair. “I’d stop that if I were you,” Cloud Kicker shouted at him. “If you slip out, you’ll probably plummet several hundred feet to the ground. And without wings or any way to stop your descent…”

The rocking quickly stopped. Wind Rider craned his head around so he could glare up at her. “If you think this is over, you’re dreadfully mistaken.”

Cloud Kicker looked down at him. “Sweet Celestia, get some original lines!” Her head shot up as she remembered Wind Rider’s two guards. Her head darted back and forth. Movement from her right caught her attention. She looked, and her body relaxed as Rainbow Dash flew up beside her. “Dash! You’re all right!” Her brow furrowed. “Wait, what happened to the guards?”

Rainbow Dash grinned. “I was just too awesome for them.” She pointed down, at two puffs of clouds floating in the air. One of Wind Rider’s guards was stuck in one, his hind legs and backside sticking out. The other was sprawled out on the other cloud, a dazed expression on his face.

Cloud Kicker slowly nodded. “We’ll send somepony for them after we deliver this traitorous Diamond Dog to the Cloudsdale Council.” She raised her head, looking in Rainbow Dash’s general direction but not quite meeting her eyes. “You were right. About… everything.”

Rainbow Dash flew by Cloud kicker’s side, silent for a moment. Finally, she slid over until she was almost touching Cloud Kicker’s body. She reached over and gently lifted Cloud Kicker’s head by the chin. “I’ve been wrong about a lot of things, too. What matters is you admit you’re wrong, and figure out where to go from there.”

Cloud Kicker half-smiled. “You’re right. I’ve-no, Cloudsdale has a lot of amends to make, but by Celestia we’ll make them!” She leaned in close. “Would you like a reward for your wise words?”

Wind Rider spoke up. “Is she always like this?”

Rainbow Dash looked down at him. “You have no idea.” She glanced to Cloud Kicker. “Now, what?”

Cloud Kicker looked straight ahead. “Onto the Cloudsdale Council, Dash. We have to end this, now.” She suddenly looked back at the two guardsponies Dash had defeated. “Wait, we’d better get those two and bring them along. We might need witnesses to the fact that Wind Rider was fleeing with his tail tucked between his wings.”

Spitfire stood on the deck of her ship as it approached the council building. Twenty guardsponies floated above the roof, facing outward with weapons raised. Another thirty or so stood at the front entrance, clustered together in an increasingly-small area. “Just surrender,” she muttered.

Soarin approached her. He waited for Spitfire to glance his way before snapping to attention, saluting, and speaking. “Councilor, we have the building surrounded. However, we believe there’s close to a hundred guardsponies inside. And they’re all armed.”

Spitfire nodded. “Of course it wouldn’t be easy.” She locked eyes with Soarin. “What about the rest of Cloudsdale? Any reports from our units?”

Soarin allowed himself a smile. “A few close passes here and there, but overall Cloudsdale is ours.” He looked to the building. “Well, almost all of it.”

Spitfire looked to the building. She cleared her throat. “Soldiers of Cloudsdale!” she shouted, “the fight is over! Cloudsdale is in our hooves! Wind Rider has fled, abandoning you!” Her eyes shone. “I plead with you to surrender, to avoid needless bloodshed. You will be granted clemency and a reduced sentence!”

One of the guardsponies hovering above the building flew forward a few feet. He shook a hoof at the cloud ship. “Never, Spitfire! Wind Rider would never abandon us, nor we him!” He raised a spear and jabbed it in Spitfire’s general direction. “If you want our weapons, come and claim them!”

Spitfire stared at him for a long, long moment. She turned to Tornado Kicker, expression haggard. “I don’t believe anything but force will stay their hooves, Tornado.”

Tornado Kicker gave her a sad smile. He reached over and patted Spitfire with the primaries of his left wing. “You gave them a chance, Spitfire. Sometimes, we pegasi let the warrior take over too much.”

Spitfire looked to him and smiled, if only briefly. “I guess we all did, Tornado.” She turned back to the building. “Soarin, ready our forces. We’ll strike from above and below. Do you think Spike and his friends can help?” She paused, waiting for him to answer. The moment stretched, and Spitfire’s head shot around. “Soarin!”

Soarin, who was turned away from the building, about-faced and snapped to attention. “Yes, Councilor!” he barked out, saluting. “Sorry, it’s just…” he jerked his head back. “There’s something a bit weird flying in!”

Spitfire and Tornado Kicker exchanged a look. The pair turned and trotted over to Soarin’s side. “What in…” Spitfire’s voice trailed off.

Cloud Kicker was flying towards them, a tied-up Wind Rider hanging below her. Rainbow Dash was flying beside her, towing a pair of clouds with a guardspony hanging off of one, and the hindquarters of another sticking out of the other one.

The pair flew past Spitfire’s cloud ship, not even giving them a glance. Any and all activity slowed down and stopped as Cloud Kicker and Rainbow Dash positioned themselves between Spitfire’s forces and the council building. Cloud Kicker lowered Wind Rider to the clouds below, letting him land with a gentle plop. She looked at the guardsponies hovering above the council building and the ones at the main entrance and waved a foreleg over Wind Rider’s tied-up body. “Behold Wind Rider! Behold the backstabber, the coward, the disloyal son of a diamond dog who would stab his allies and friends in the back and then flee with his tail tucked between his legs!” She jabbed a hoof at the groups. “He doesn’t care about you, or anypony else besides himself! His loyalty is to himself, and himself only!”

The guardspony from before swooped down and landed a few feet from Cloud Kicker. “You lie!” he shouted. “He would never abandon us!”

Cloud Kicker’s eyes narrowed. “Then why was he fleeing for a cloud ship at the South Docks while you and others were fighting for him? Why did he betray the others on the Cloudsdale Council when they had supported his decisions time and time again?”

Another guardspony shouted out. “You lie! Wind Rider would never abandon us!”

Rainbow Dash flew over to the guardspony resting on the cloud. She spun it around so he faced the building. “Talk,” she said. “Tell them what you were doing, truthfully.”

The guardspony looked up at Rainbow Dash, then focused as best he could on the council building. “It’s true,” he said, projecting his voice as loud as he could. “We were escorting Councilor Wind Rider to the South Docks, to flee Cloudsdale. Far as I know, we didn’t have any plans to come back.”

Wind Rider craned his neck around. He glared in the guardspony’s general direction. “You traitorous diamond dog! I’ll see your wings clipped!”

The guardsponies above the council building and at the entrance all shrank back a bit, lowering their weapons slightly. They turned and started talking to each other in hushed tones. Finally, the apparent leader spoke up. “Councilor Wind Rider, is that… true?”

Wind Rider swallowed. His eyes darted about, never quite landing on the guardspony. “Well, you see… it’s not quite—”

“Is it true?” another one asked.

Wind Rider gulped, but remained silent.

Cloud Kicker looked down in Wind Rider’s direction. “I think that just about says it all.” She looked back up at the guardsponies, expression softening. “I know exactly how you feel. Before this morning I would’ve died for Wind Rider. But now that he’s shown his true colors, no. He didn’t care about me, or the Cloudsdale Council, or even any of you. To put it simply, he’s not worth any of this.”

Save for the flapping of wings, silence dominated the scene. After a few minutes, the spokespony for the others floated down and placed his spear and helmet on the clouds. Another followed suit, then another. Eventually the last of them disarmed themselves. “We surrender,” the spokespony said, straightening to attention.

Spitfire, Tornado Kicker, and Soarin all shot up and off their cloud ship. They flew over to Cloud Kicker and Rainbow Dash. Spitfire flew in front of Cloud Kicker and tossed her a salute. “Excellent job, you two.”

Cloud Kicker returned the salute. “Thank you, Councilor. Although truth be told?” She pointed at Rainbow Dash. “My lieutenant deserves most of the praise for opening my eyes.” She looked over. “Thanks, Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow Dash grinned. “Hey, when I’m right, it’s a day that ends in ‘Y’.” Her expression hardened. “But seriously? This entire raiding and enslaving your fellow Equestrian citizen thing? Not cool. You’re being disloyal and pretty barbaric to Equestria and your fellow citizens.” She held up a hoof as Spitfire opened her mouth. “Yeah, I know. Things are tough here. Well, they’re tough all over. Manehattan, Canterlot, Dream Valley, Fillydelphia, they’ve all suffered thanks to the plunder vines. Hay, Cloudsdale has it pretty easy compared to them!”

Tornado Kicker nickered. “Now hold on! I’ll admit we did take things too far. You’re right. Enslaving ponies and raiding was wrong of us, but what choice did we have?”

Cloud Kicker spoke up. “Maybe… maybe helping the HoofFields and McColts with their farms instead of taking almost everything that wasn’t nailed down, Councilor?” She laughed rather mirthlessly. “I mean, we are kinda guilty of grand theft.”

Spitfire and Tornado Kicker looked away, finding the clouds below and the sky much more interesting to look at, respectively. “W-well, state of emergency!” Tornado Kicker finally said.

Rainbow Dash stared at him. “I really don’t think that’s gonna go over with Canterlot. Or your own conscience for that matter.” She oriented herself and flew over to him. “And even if, for one moment, I accepted that, the way Cloudsdale has treated fellow pegasi?” Her eyes narrowed. “Barbaric!”

Cloud Kicker spoke up. “She’s right. Pinning their wings and making them slaves?” She continued talking, even as Tornado Kicker looked to her. “That’s what they are, Dad! Rainbow Dash’s friend, Ditzy Doo? She saved my life and was treated horribly!” She slashed the air with a wing. “They all were!”

Rainbow Dash gasped. “Oh, my gosh! Ditzy! She’s still at the mansion!”

Spitfire flew over to Dash’s side. “Wait, no! She’s all right! Soarin and I met her last night, before this entire thing started. Your other friends are here, too!” She held up a hoof and placed it on Rainbow Dash’s muzzle. “Cloud-walking spell, to answer your next question.”

Rainbow Dash reached up and lowered Spitfire’s hoof. “I was actually going to ask where they were and if they were all right. I guessed the cloud-walking spell pretty much immediately.”

Spitfire slowly nodded. “Okay… sorry. Well, last I checked they were heading here from the direction of Cloud Kicker’s mansion. They’re fine, too. Even helped Soarin out of a jam.”

Rainbow Dash let out a sigh of relief. “Thank you.”

Spitfire flew over to Tornado Kicker. “I think we need to convene the Cloudsdale Council. We’ve got a lot of things to discuss.” Her gaze drifted down to Wind Rider. “And a lot of things to undo.” She looked back to Cloud Kicker, then Rainbow Dash. “For the moment, consider yourselves on leave.”

Tornado Kicker spoke up. “And Cloudy? Consider me to be the proudest father in all of Equestria. Your mother and I will sit down with you later. Love you!” With that, he and Spitfire flew off.

Cloud Kicker rolled her eyes. “Love you, too,” she muttered under her breath. She looked to Rainbow Dash. “Come on. Let’s go find your friends.”

Rainbow Dash nodded to her. “Thanks.” She sucked in a breath. “So… Cloudy. Can I call you Cloudy? Anyway, what do you think you’ll be doing later on?”

Cloud Kicker stared at her. “Okay… you’re not flirting with me, right? I mean, it sounds like it, and I know I’m irresistible. But there’s something beneath there.”

Rainbow Dash slapped her forehead. “Yes, you’re right. Not flirting. What I meant was, well…” She tapped her Element of Loyalty. “I think it’s a good idea for me to come clean about where I and my friends come from.” She sucked in a breath. “It’s… pretty out there, but it’s true. I swear on my honor.”

Cloud Kicker nodded to her. “Well, I’ll believe you, Rainbow Dash. Just tell me straight, okay?”

As they and others flew off, Wind Rider stared at them. He wiggled a bit in his ropes. “Hey, hey! What about me? Come on, little help here?”

Ma and Pa McColt went out into the field, giant clippers in their mouths. Most of the rest of the HoofFields and McColts were in the field, uprooting the plunder vines as best they could. After the last raid by the pegasi, they barely had enough supplies to get them through the month. They had to get the fields ready for planting and harvesting.

A young filly galloped up to the pair. “Ma! Pa!” she shouted, eyes wide. “Those featherbrains are coming back!” She skidded to a halt, almost tripping over her hooves.

Pa held out a foreleg and stopped his youngest from sliding past. “Calm down, calm down, Sassafras!” He leaned down. “Which way are they coming from?”

Another pony suddenly shouted and pointed up. “From that direction, Pa!”

Pa slowly looked up. Six pegasi-three in one group, all wearing robes, the other three in another, each with a large sack hanging below them-flew in. They stopped on the outskirts of the field, hovering in midair. “HoofFields and McColts!” the pegasi in front shouted, “my name is Spitfire, from Cloudsdale! We come in peace!”

Ma held her clippers up and shook them at her. “Sure you do! And I’m Princess Celestia, freed from the vines!” She looked around. “Come on, everypony! Let’s show these thieves we’re not gonna take it anymore!”

The HoofFields and McColts started moving towards the pegasi. Some of them waved their tools in the air, while others started tossing clods of dirt and even rocks.

Spitfire and her entourage dodged the incoming fire. “Okay, if that’s how you wanna play it? Fine!” She looked over her shoulder at the other group of pegasi. “Cloud Kicker, Ditzy, Rainbow Dash, drop them!”

Cloud Kicker tossed Spitfire a salute before diving in, Rainbow Dash and Ditzy following. She slapped a latch where the ropes were connected to her saddlebags, disconnecting the ropes and letting the sack fall to the ground.

The sacks dropped, landing on the ground. The earth ponies all stopped mid-gallop as the sacks opened up, revealing fruits, vegetables, and even baked goods.

Pa McColt slowly walked up to the food. He leaned down and sniffed it. “It don’t smell poisoned.” He looked up. “What gives?”

Spitfire flew around to hover a few feet in front of him. “We give, sir.” She sucked in a breath. “The actions of Cloudsdale are.... Inexcusable. We robbed from you, not just food and other stuff, but also hope, and dignity. We’ve come to help make amends, as much as possible.”

The earth ponies all looked at each other. Some murmured their disbelief, others shouted that this was a trap, but a few expressed their desire to accept the gifts and offer of assistance.

Pa McColt turned to Ma McColt and gave her a look. The two conversed in low tones, Ma McColt making the occasional wild gesture. Finally, Pa McColt turned and walked back to Spitfire. “I’m not gonna lie to you, Spitfire. I trust you about as far as I could throw Canterlot itself. But, as my wiser half points out, you could just take from us without us being able to stop you much. So for now, we’ll accept your help. But don’t think we’ll let our guard down, missy!” He jabbed a hoof at his eye, then pointed it at Spitfire.

Spitfire half-smiled. “I’d be disappointed if you didn’t.” She looked over her shoulder. “Captain Kicker, fly off and tell squadrons one, two, and three to come in. Make sure to impress upon them the necessity of being polite and diplomatic. Understood?”

Cloud Kicker straightened up and saluted. “Yes, Councilor!” she shouted before turning and flying off.

Spitfire flew down and landed on the field. “First thing we can do is help you clear the land as best we can. After that, I think we can get some rain in here for you, to help with any planting you do.”

Pa McColt’s expression softened, if only slightly. “Yeah, I reckon that would be good.” He glanced over his shoulder. “Sassafras! Get back to the fort and get Pa HoofField out here. We got some talking to do.”

Cloud Kicker and Rainbow Dash pushed several rainclouds through the sky. Cloud Kicker kept her eyes straight ahead. “I’m still not sure if I believe you,” she finally said.

Rainbow Dash sighed. “As Spike pointed out, what would be gain by lying about this?” She tapped her Element of Loyalty. “How else do you think we’ve all got the same sweet gear?”

Cloud Kicker finally looked over. “Well, Spike’s got a circlet, not a necklace. And that rather curvaceous Octavia has a musical instrument, which again, is not a necklace.”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean, and you also know it’s true.”

The pair positioned their clouds over a cleared patch of the field. Although there had been some initial friction and mistrust, the Cloudsdale pegasi and the HoofField and McColt families had managed to clear some substantial portions of their crop fields for planting. After the ground had been tilled and seed sown, pegasi moved clouds in to give them a good soaking.

On a prearranged signal, every pegasi in the air kicked their clouds, sending forth the rain. Cloud Kicker looked down and nodded. “Well, seems no matter what… whatever it is the pink one called it, we make a pretty good team, Dashie.”

Rainbow Dash chuckled. “Alternate quantum reality, as she terms it. And yeah, we do.” Her expression turned serious. “So, what do you think? It makes sense, Cloud Kicker. You were able to rally Cloudsdale behind you, and you know what loyalty really means.”

Cloud Kicker looked down at the ground. “Yeah, thanks.” She sucked in a breath. “There’s something I gotta do, first.”

Rainbow Dash eyed her. “And that would be?”

Cloud Kicker looked around. She turned and wordlessly flew off, Rainbow Dash following. Their destination quickly became apparent as Ditzy, Spike, Octavia, Auntie, and Pinkie Pie all came into view. She flew down and touched down, trotting over. “Ditzy Doo!” Cloud Kicker said, straightening up, “I am… I’m sorry.” Her head lowered. “My actions towards you are inexcusable. I know you’ll probably never forgive me, but-”

Ditzy Doo smiled. She walked over and placed a hoof on Cloud Kicker’s mouth. “I forgive you, Cloud Kicker.”

There was silence for a moment. Cloud Kicker waited for Ditzy to remove her hoof before speaking. “Ah, darn. I had a speech all prepared and everything.” She cleared her throat. “In all seriousness, thank you, but I still wronged you and Diarchs know how many other pegasi. And earth ponies. And unicorns.” Her head dipped. “And Cloudsdale in general.”

Octavia spoke up. “Well, now you know what you’ve done wrong. The question is, though, what do you do now?” Do you wallow in your guilt, or do something about it?”

Cloud Kicker looked to her. “Okay, that’s a bit harsh… but right. You’re right and cute, a dangerous combination.”

Octavia nickered. “Terribly sorry, Cloud Kicker. I know long-distance relationships can work, but not as long as we’d have to commute.”

Cloud Kicker snorted. “Yeah, across a… reality…” She looked back to Rainbow Dash. “Okay, seriously. You sure this isn’t some elaborate prank or something?”

Pinkie Pie hopped up and down. “No, silly! If it was, I’d have party cannons placed strategically for maximum confetti coverage!”

Rainbow Dash grinned. “You sure would!” She cantered around so she faced Cloud Kicker. “Octavia’s right, though. Do you just stay here, or do you take a chance to help out Equestria as a whole?”

Cloud Kicker locked eyes with her. “I take that chance, Rainbow Dash. I owe it to Cloudsdale, to the HoofFields and McColts, and every pony in Equestria!” She stomped the grass. “I know where my loyalty lies, now!”

Rainbow Dash’s Element of Loyalty flared up. A bolt of magic shot from it, striking Cloud Kicker and surrounding her entire body with energy. When it faded, a golden necklace hung around Cloud Kicker’s neck, identical to Rainbow Dash’s save for the gem set into it being a cloud covering a sun.

The mane clip in Octavia’s mane started wiggling. She tossed her head about and it flew off, growing and expanding into Discord. “Well, about time!” he said, shaking his limbs. “Good to see the fifth Element chosen.”

Cloud Kicker stared up at Discord. “O-kay…”

Discord leaned forward. “Cloud Kicker, I’m Discord. I’m going to send you to a place outside of Ponyville where the other chosen Element Bearers are. Talk to them, get to know them. All right? All right!” before she or anyone else could respond, Discord snapped his talons. Cloud Kicker vanished in a flash of light.

Auntie scowled. “You gave her a full five seconds of warning Discord, how generous of you.”

Discord whirled about and slithered through the air over to Auntie. “Well, coming from the Element of Generosity, that means the multiverse to me!” He whirled about and threw his limbs out. “Well, ready, folks?”

Octavia walked up to him. “Well, I’m the last one to choose, Discord, so yes. Send us on our way, please.”

Spike walked up to Octavia. “You sure?”

Octavia flashed him a wan smile. “No choice in the matter, fearless leader. Better to get it over with.”

Discord rubbed his paws together. “Now that’s the spirit, Octavia! Now gather around, all! One more stop before the castle of the Two Sisters!” He waited for the six ponies to gather close together before snapping his talons once more. Yellowish energy formed around their bodies, shimmering. When it faded, they were gone.

Author's Note:

1. this chapter was written by RK_Striker_JK_5.

Comments ( 8 )

One more stop before the finale arc.....

Last spot.

So, we had a rip roaring action scene to close things out. Kinda like with kindness, but also with forcing a nation to look themselves hard in the face to see how much they had to atone for. But, that makes five. Generosity, Magic, Kindness, Laughter, Loyalty. We have a socialite who had to relearn giving. A reporter who had to regain his spark. A father who had to find his heart again. A giver of laughs who needed to find her joy once more. And a soldier who had to understand what loyalty truly is, and that he had a loyalty greater than family or nation, but to the land as well.

And that just leaves Honestly left. Many, many journeys have we taken. With Auntie and assumptions, spike and perspective, ditzy and hope. Pinkie and humility, dash and learning to be a teacher. And on the margins, there are stories being told as the bearers have gained their own friends too. Pinkie and Dash bonded easily enough auntie made connections with octavia and ditzy. Spike took on small leadership roles as he went, being a swiss army unicorn to help connect and focus the team. But what is the last arc this makeshift family has to face. What face of the past has Octavia yet to see to give the truth to? What and where is the last element? And if there's a greater plan underneath, then what is the endgame for this multiversal harmony?

Tune in next time, as we enter the endgame.

Honestly I didn't like the ending. The problem with the food and stealing was the sheer amount of food needed. Unless I'm very wrong there is no way even with controlled weather there can be enough extra food for an entire city, which is not only one of the largest cities in the kingdom but is also facing overpopulation issues. Also while Cloud Kicker learned her lesson I don't think that entitles her to the element, she showed little loyalty before hand and only when the lesson was shoved in her face did she learn. Honestly Alula Kicker deserves the element, she is so loyal to Cloudsdale and the pegasi that she will go against her family and risk her life to save them. But if not her, because she is a child, then one of the Wonderbolts, or even Cloud's parents who were so loyal to Windrider they wanted to tell him when tghey thought he was wrong.(And of course they are loyal to Cloudsdale)

Actually, thinking back to the 2nd chapter....what if the element of honesty is Cadance? Giving Octy a real challenge in seeing her princess as her successor, and trying to have her face the truth? And discord did say that cadence existed, but in "a different form".

If I remember correctly from the brainstorming sessions, Octavia's challenge is going to be much tougher than Cadance... and if you've read the origin story for the Cadanceverse, you'll know who and why.

As for the Dashverse chapters... you guys definitely made it work. Looking forward to seeing how this story finally plays out after all of these years.

(I read through the Cadenceverse opening story)....oh...OH....:applejackconfused::pinkiecrazy::pinkiegasp: Ohhhh. Octavia will have to indirectly redeem herself to...her. :twilightoops: Well, this will be interesting indeed.

Oh you have no idea how much I want to write Unlucky Seven Nightmare Moon but unfortunately she would spoil way way way too much.

Is this story officially cancelled? Has the FIM fandom become too dormant to finish this story?

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