• Published 5th Feb 2014
  • 11,105 Views, 334 Comments

Falling Backwards - Tofu-Monstrosity

After a terrible accident Rainbow Dash's brain suffered severe damage. Now it's up to her friends to nurse her back to health. But can they deal with this new Rainbow Dash?

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Chapter 9

Twilight knew something was up with their pink party friend. She could smell the baked goods wafting from Sugarcube Corner as usual but it was strangely quiet around and inside the shop. That usually meant that Pinkie Pie was up to something. Twilight hesitated a bit before opening the door to the shop.

“SURPRISE!!!!” Yelled the pink pony as she popped out and surprised the group. Fluttershy instinctually hid behind the nearest pony, which happened to be Rarity, who along with Applejack were in on the surprise party. Twilight nearly had a heart attack as her adrenaline was still pumping from the near-death experience she had to resolve. Rainbow Dash, on the other hand, was smiling brightly, her eyes darting across the decorated shop, from the balloons, to the streamers, the cake, and finally the banner draped across the far wall with words she couldn’t read. “Do you like it?” Pinkie Pie asked Rainbow Dash.

“Yeah!” Rainbow Dash bounced in the air to match the party pony, her wings flapping. “Who’s it for?” She cocked her head.

“For you silly!” Pinkie laughed and pointed a hoof at the banner. “See? It says ‘Congratulations on Re-Learning How to Fly Rainbow Dash!’” She read. A look of concern befell Twilight’s features. She had never considered the idea that Rainbow Dash couldn’t read.

“Can you read it?” Twilight asked Rainbow, pointing to the banner.

“Congradubilations of wearning fwy Rainbow Dash!” Rainbow Dash just repeated her memory of what Pinkie Pie just said. Twilight rubbed her temples again.

“We’ll just work on that later.” Twilight made a mental note to teach Rainbow Dash how to read. If a pony can’t read they might as well not be a pony at all, according to her.

“Ya put a lot of work into this Pinkie” Applejack praised as she wondered through the maze of balloons.

“I had to! Dashie learned how to fly again!” Pinkie Pie smiled brightly. Rainbow Dash immediately went to the cake table, licking her lips and opening her mouth to take a huge bite out of it.

“No!” Twilight stepped in to stop Rainbow Dash from throwing her face into the cake. “We don’t take bites out of cake, we wait to be served.” Twilight instructed, knowing Rarity would be best fitted for this.

“But I want it.” Rainbow Dash whined.

“You can’t always get what you want Rainbow.” Twilight rolled her eyes as a pout crossed Rainbow Dash’s face.

“Why not?” Rainbow Dash retorted. Twilight Sparkle sighed, not wanting to get into an argument.

“Because I said so.” Twilight rebutted. Spike heard this and his eyes went wide. Twilight only used that phrase when he was little and he knew from experience that she was serious. Spike casually set his drink down and walked to the dance floor.

Pinkie Pie turned on some dance music. “Who’s down to par-tay!” Pinkie Pie yelled and grabbed Fluttershy and brought her to the makeshift dance floor. Rainbow Dash smiled and galloped out to meet them to dance. Twilight shook her head, grateful for Rainbow Dash’s short attention span. Twilight levitated a cup of punch with her and she walked over to Rarity and Applejack who were casually talking.

“Thanks for being there today, I appreciate it.” Twilight said gratefully.

“Not a problem darling.” Rarity sipped her punch. “We’d do anything for a friend.” Applejack nodded in agreement and Twilight smiled appreciatively.

Meanwhile on the dance floor Pinkie had let Fluttershy go and was dancing with Rainbow Dash. Her uncoordinated movements left Pinkie Pie giggling. Fluttershy wearily walked over to Rarity, Applejack and Twilight.

“Fluttershy, I was just telling the girls thank you for helping out today.” Twilight smiled at the yellow pegasus. Fluttershy broke into a genuine smile.

“It’s not a problem Twilight.” She got herself some punch and sipped it gently.

“What are we talking about?” Pinkie Pie appeared behind Fluttershy suddenly, scaring the poor pegasus causing her to nearly choke on the punch.

“Twi was just thanking us for helpin’ her out.” Applejack explained.

“Pinkie darling, if we’re all here then who’s watching Rainbow?” Rarity asked. Twilight’s eyes went as wide as saucers and she whipped her head around to see Rainbow Dash, with her mouth wide open and hovering over the cake.

“Dashie! No! Not the cake!” She yelled and ran off. Rarity turned back to the rest of her friends, her voice lowered enough to just be barely heard above the music.

“Alright, has any pony else noticed Twilight has been acting…differently?” Rarity asked. Applejack nodded.

“I ain’t never seen her like this before.” Applejack added. “All worrisome and doting.”

“It happens.” Fluttershy shrugged, hiding behind her mane. Rarity tweaked an eyebrow.

“Say that again?” Rarity asked.

“Well when you care for something or somepony it changes you I guess.” Fluttershy meekly explained.

“I guess that’s true.” Rarity tapped a hoof to her chin. “But this is…different…If I didn’t know any better I would think that Twilight was actually her mother.”

“Twilight? A mommy? I don’t see it.” Pinkie Pike giggled.

“Ok. So the cake is only half destroyed.” Twilight panted, rejoining her friends. Pinkie Pie zipped her mouth closed. Rainbow Dash with her tail in Twilight’s magical grip whined.

“Mommy! I want the cake!” She screamed, cake remnants smeared all over her face.

“I said no!” Twilight snapped. She then turned back to her friends. “Well, this party’s been great but Dashie’s getting tired and it’s getting late. We should get going.” She excused herself. “C’mon Spike.” She urged her dragon companion and he took one final sip of his punch.

“Coming!” He scurried out the door after the two mares. Rainbow Dash whining and complaining the entire time as the door shut behind them.

“Yeah. I see it.” Pinkie Pie stated, looking to her friends.


“It’s bedtime Rainbow Dash.” Twilight rubbed her eyes, Spike had gone to bed a few minutes ago and she was exhausted.

“No.” Rainbow Dash crossed her hooves defiantly. “Story first!”

“Fine. One story, make sure it’s short.” Twilight gave in. She couldn’t help it; Rainbow Dash just had this pleading look about her and grew on her.

Rainbow Dash bounced up and down and picked out a small book from the shelves. “This one!” She set it at Twilight’s hooves.

The Littlest Pegasus? Are you sure?” Twilight raised an eyebrow. Rainbow Dash nodded. “Alright, you have to get in bed first.” Twilight ordered and Rainbow scrambled up the stairs and into Twilight’s bed, snuggling under the covers. Twilight sighed and moved the blue pegasus to the side so she could get in herself.

She opened the book and started reading the story of a small pegasus filly who lived in the city of Cumulonapolis. She was made fun of by all of the other fillies and colts. But she could fly faster than all of them. Soon her size no longer mattered she rose above her physical disability and proved them all wrong.

Twilight finished reading the story to Rainbow Dash to find out the pegasus had fallen asleep. Twilight smiled and put the book away before blowing out the candle and settling in for the night.

Twilight felt as if she hadn’t slept for more than five minutes before she was awoken by a familiar sound. Scrunching her eyebrows she looked over to the sleeping pegasus in her bed and the snoring dragon in the basket. Her ears perked at the sound of hoof steps downstairs. Something deep inside of her flared up and Twilight went into defense-mode and readied her magic. She threw the covers off and gently placed her hooves on the floor.

With the dexterity of a cat she walked outside of her room to the hall that overlooked the library below. There stood a very familiar figure, standing tall with a glowing aura. It was her mentor.

“Celestia?” Twilight rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, hoping that this was some dream.

“Twilight.” Responded the regal but tired sounding voice. “Get your friends, get Rainbow Dash. We’re going to Canterlot.”