• Member Since 11th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen 54 minutes ago


I'm older than your average brony, but then I've always enjoyed cartoons. I'm an experienced reviewer, EqD pre-reader, and occasional author.


Rarity's gotten herself in a rut, and to get out of it, she needs to design something so unique, so unmistakable that nopony could ever miss it. Her friends deserve that much. But nothing's free, of course.

First-place winner in the Write-Off Association's contest "The First Step."

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 43 )

Dang, now that's pretty deep! Seriously good writing there, well done!

Wow that must hurt a lot....:raritycry::raritycry:. Such a sad story with a good ending. :twilightsmile::raritywink:

............holy shit thta is a dsiturbing twist. i thoguht she was using some kind of magic, but instead........... oh lord. even more disturvbing is that she took the time to make it into leather even............. shuddes.

a very itneresting thing when a virtue turns dangerous. that seems to be the secret t othe elements. they have not a two sides, themselves and an opposite, but three. the oppsite, the balance, and the inbalance. if you give to much pain will occur.

Excellent fic. I had a chance to get a sneak peek of it before it was out. Glad to see it finally up.

Wait a second...
I thought Opal...
Holy cow.

Author Interviewer

I realize now that the particular brand of generosity at play in this story echoes an idea I'll be putting to use soon myself...

This is how you do MLP:FiM and Dark the right way. :moustache:

Yep, this is good stuff. Well written, well paced, and with a powerful reveal. :pinkiesad2:

I only read the description and I'm kinda scared already... :derpyderp2:

Am I the only one who figured it out from the description?
Regardless,I tend to shy away from dark stuff. I can still safely say this was well done.

I usually despise dark fics for the simple fact that they nearly always present horrendously contrived and cliched plots, flimsily constructed, with characters who are not only severely OC, but also so stupid as to make Forrest Gump look like Albert Einstein. And the ending is often full of twists which are either so predictable from the events in the story that the characters could have figured it out (ie: the characters are REALLY stupid) or make no sense and just come out of the blue.

This is not one of those dark fics. It keep the characters in-character, they are true to themselves. It presents a genuine look at someone suffering from an obsessive condition without turning them automatically into a raging psychopathic serial killer who turns ponies into cupcakes :pinkiecrazy: .

Yes, many of us figured out what Rarity was doing merely from the description, but the 'reveal' wasn't the point. The BIG REVEAL should never be the entire focus of a story, especially since any well-constructed story will tend to give it away to astute and clever readers who can pick out clues. It's the buildup, the journey taken to the end that is the most important part of a story.

And that journey is what's almost always lacking in dark fics, both in fan fiction and horror in general.

Here we see the travels in the tale nuanced and interesting, we see the main character seeming to benefit her friends and herself financially all the while she's torturing herself and thus justify her continued self-mutilation.

It's far more effective in the long run than a run-of-the-mill 'demon in my head' whispering to her and making her do things. The demon is her own mind, and its very convincing in its arguments.

Whoa. Those dresses... Everybody in character... Rarity's mind doubling as a devil within... Expertly done, my friend. Expertly done.

Oh wow did you do the cupcake thing as a homage to a another dark fanfic :pinkiecrazy: Because, I love how Twilight said remember the cupcake. I really had the biggest smirk on my face when she started to talk about pinkie. Love this story I'm definitely reading this again.

This was simply amazing...!

The dark tag made me hesitate but now I'm very happy that I decided to read it, the concept of this story is great and both Rarity and Twilight feels in character to me.

There are a lot of things I really enjoyed here; Twi and Rare's conversations, realizing just what Rarity has done to herself in order to make the dresses, the "magical" power of the dresses and how the owners were affected by it. This one has become my #1 favorite "dark" fanfic so far.

Good job and keep it up, darling. :raritywink::twilightsmile:

Actually, that wasn't intended as a reference to Cupcakes, but if it is one to you, then why not?

That is some dedication. But a price too high for me to pay.

I don't know what to say, I give you :fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad: out of :fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad::fluttershysad:. Well done, I've added you to my top five.

A brilliant story all around! :raritystarry:

I kind of expected Rarity doing that from the title alone. In fact I expected it to go even deeper than that (pun intended) given the dark tag, but they way it was written, the expressions, the characterization and the narration itself - it was as good as I hope my stories will someday be. And the way Twilight treated Rarity was exactly as she should have. Now to see what Fluttershy did with all those names! :fluttershbad:

Upvoted and I think I am going to lay off dark stories for at least a week. I've been reading a bit to many for me to handle lately.

The whole time I kept thinking to myself: "Why is this labeled 'dark' instead of 'slice of life'?" Then I got to the end.


Still, this was very good.

Rarity giving up so much to make her friends dresses... both bittersweet and depressing to imagine.

It took a little while to get into, but I immensely enjoyed this story. I like the way you wrote for all of the characters, particularly RD and Twilight -- it was very easy to hear their voices in my head speaking their lines. Very fresh story, very good story :)

The best thing about this is that you kept the 'Friendship is Magic' theme going on.

Took awhile to read, but I regret not a second of it! Great story! A fave, a like and a watch for you, sir. :moustache:

It's a good thing Rarity ended up in counseling by the end of this, because damn did she need it.

Original, creative, Freakin awesome. :heart::heart::heart:

4243015 how the hell did everyone see rarity skinning herself before i did?

Wow a dark fic that is realistic. Bravo. Bravo. I love fics that focus on Rare's artistic talents, because they're usually somewhat relatable. Luckily, this one isn't TOO relatable 8U ha ha

I love the idea of cutie marks themselves having their own power. Imagine Cupcakes if it took that route. Pinkie Pie just got 20% scarier lmao. I accept this as my personal headcanon. Whee.

Also Idk how intentional it was, but I liked how Rarity wears oleander perfume, and oleanders are poisonous. Yeah.

4642710 Perhaps you've not read enough Agatha Christie?

I learned thereof to partake in the ample utilization of the little grey cells, oui non?


Yes, a reviewer pointed out to me that oleander was poisonous to horses. It is to humans as well, but we still use it in perfume. And it's really only poisonous if ingested. I actually didn't choose it for a thematic reason—it's a nod to my mother, who likes a particular oleander perfume, and I have Rarity wearing the scent in several of my stories.

4644187 a. you are being an ass.
b. never read those books.
c. this is a world of magic so i suspected she was using some powerful spell that was ultimately harming her.


Oh yeah? So oleander perfume is an actual thing? I haven't seen it. Huh. I love the smell of oleanders though. I like your mom's/rarity's tastes. :raritywink: Well, intentional or not, that touch really did something for me! Great job <3

4644195 Well, it's Equestria. Another universe. Where dragons live on gemstones.

And a spotted blue plant can make ponies undergo all manner of changes with a single touch.

I think we can assume that many plants have rather different properties.

Besides, they eat daffodils, which are so poisonous on our world that even deer won't touch them (it's one of the few flowers we can grow successfully here in NJ... cuz we have a trillion deer everywhere crashing into our cars and eating our gardens :ajbemused:)

Wow. I mean holy crap. This was dark. I wasn't expecting that. This story was Very well done.

This is a good story. :moustache:

I thought I suspected what was going on when Fluttershy returned, and knew during the next scene with Twilight (there was even a specific line, but I can't find it) -- but I never suspected that it wasn't a spell sucking her life force, but a far more literal giving of self.

This was extremely good. It reminds me of a certain genre I've been seeking out, but for the extremely uncharacteristic happy ending -- I'll have to deliberate over whether to add it to that shelf. (EDIT: I'll also have to keep an eye out for other examples in your stories.)

And here's as good a place as any to tell you that I'm following you, Pascoite. I loved "In Bloom" at least as much as this, and I'm not sure which of your stories I may have read before signing up (a lot look sort of familiar, and I'd have to reread them to be sure), so I won't put anything on my "Why I Followed You" shelf. But this was the tipping point.

ETA: It is of no consequence, but I noticed that by sheer coincidence this was published on the exact same day as the last story I read -- which is in practically all other respects completely different. Weird.

I've put off reading this one for a while because of the sole Dark tag. However, it was well worth the read. Really, truly dark and chilling, with a unexpectedly happy ending to boot. Definitely getting a fave for this one! :raritywink:

I was more than a little surprised and horrified when I realized what she was doing. This was a very different dark fic experience for me than usual. I came away from it having learned a lesson I'm not sure I could even learn in real life (not to this point anyway) and another lesson I'm glad to remember. Also, I wasn't actually scared, which was a novelty (with the exception of dark fics that for some reason I care not to explore make me laugh). Another well written story going in my library. :twilightsmile:

no Spikey?:twilightoops:
:duck: He would of eaten the labels
:moustache: maybe just a lick or two

A very interesting story indeed, then again, I had a suspicion to what it could had been and it turned out that I was right. Despite that, I still enjoyed your story very much and it really did surprise me all throughout. The flow was nice and I love stories that are based on real-life scenarios, for various reasons of course. But anyway, great story, in fact, I'm going to read some of your other stories as well - you have me hooked my friend! :raritywink:

Wait whoa...

*goes back to read certain parts*

I... WHAT?!

*reads again*


I... wow. I am disturbed and amazed all at once... Well done!

You took a dark, freaky idea and created a warm story with a lot of the show's heart in it.

Btw, I'm looking through your stories and finding that I've read more of them than I'd realized and that I tended to hit the like button on almost all of them. You've written a lot of good stuff, man.

Thank you for reading! I'm glad you've enjoyed them.

That was chilling. You captured Rarity's downward spiral. I really felt for her.

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