• Member Since 6th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen May 25th


Let's heat this up, because writing always gets me worked up, and in an awesome way!


The future is not as bleak as many would have thought. While humanity may have spread amongst the stars, they do not decimate one another in warfare anymore. The main reason that the current state of military technology would render the death toll at near-cataclysmic proportions.

Humanity, however, has not lost the very violent natures that its ancestors once honed in order to create the perfect soldier, one who had full control over mind, body, and spirit. They squirm in their peacetime, wanting, needing to find something to fight. The aliens they coexist with share the exact same need, their warlike tendencies beginning to work against their peace.

Ten years after the declaration of universally accepted peace, the War Games were founded. A single galaxy was designated, where the Interstellar Battle Fortress made its appearance. A mobile fortress that was a cloning facility, factory, and colony, all in one.

Only those who had proven themselves in the military command of their respective factions could be awarded the chance to enter the galaxy of Messier 83, the battleground of the War Games.

Planets would be conquered, lives would be lost, all in the name of galactic entertainment.

But when a far-away planet makes its way into the War Games, a planet filled with a race entirely non-humanoid in nature, will it shift the balance of the Games?

These are the tactics of the future. Welcome, commanders, to the War Games.

"Cover art is used with permission request pending, by artist Einik"

[[The story will update as I have time.]]

Chapters (19)
Comments ( 78 )

Please tell me that Unit 3 is not going to be the first victim of an "Alien visitors turn into ponies" story.

It will be explained as to why Unit 3 changed. It is actually to do with technology... and an oversight aboard the Kepler.

It be only the prologue. Be warned, for everything you know may or may not be turned upside down. Who knows?

3974488 indeed, also, the 'ling and Chryssi tags intrigue me :rainbowkiss:

Trust me, you will be surprised once the TRUE chapter 1 is done.

Feels a bit rushed with less description than I'd normally prefer... but is interesting nuff to keep wantin more. :twilightsheepish:


It took me four months to do 23 pages of writing. That's how many pages are in the first chapter.

Anyways, I was trying to stay out of "Too Many Characters," a little problem where you get too many main characters, and you end up killing off most of them just to help you think. Not the same here. I will mention, though, that Chapter 1 is a bit better. It might be longer, it might be shorter, who knows?

Addendum [12/24/2014]: 30 pages. Still writing as well.

Well I do understand how writing can get and it is a well done story so far so keep it up and it'll be all good :twilightsmile:

4246140 We're still working on the second chapter, making sure it matches up with what we were trying to create.

4246316 Alternate canon for Luna's banishment being a ruse so she can fight with magic pony ass kickery against war mongering humans in a space ship?

Uh... you'll be surprised. Maybe pleasantly, maybe not. The universe myself and Khorne Dog have been creating with this (We've got a LOT of the chapters planned out already, almost up to the midway point), it's going to take what you know, and somewhat turn it on its head.

4246963 BTW, I caught quite a few StarCraft refrences in there. I hope this story doesn't die mysteriously after a new expansion comes out. ;)

4260944 Uh... no. There won't be any death of a story. I've got finals and stuff coming up.

4801372 Well, we're actually working on a bit of another project. It does involve Future Tactics, but in a much bigger way. Don't worry.

>Entirely inhuman in nature.

... Excuse me? They act exactly like us! They're four legged humans!

Edit: To clarify, I'm referring to something said in the description.

Yes, I get that. We're working on a bunch of things at the moment. Right now, I'm doing a lot of work and don't have much time to write.

... I don't wish to come off as insensitive, but what does any of that have to do with what I said?

It was mostly because I'm doing a bunch of rewrites, and was planning on changing the description, and haven't got around to it yet.

*Finishes reading *
And that was only the fucking PROLOGUE?! I think I might die of old age if this keeps up...


Sorry. I am finally getting back into writing the FIRST chapter. You wanna count the ACTUAL pages in this thing? Twenty-two pages for the first one (Going by my wordprocessor program), and somewhere past 30 for the second.

Yeah, this is a lot bigger than anything else I've done.

Trust me, war is coming.

And war...

... war never changes.

5485184 Well, it took a long time before I was either 1) thinking straight and 2) In the mindset to write.

That being said, yes, war stories do take a while to write for me. You can see a drastically different tone from the Prologue, I think.

Ponies with guns. Yawn

Was expecting more magical means from a race that relys on it.... Now you could replace them with humans and it wouldn't change much at all...

5485594 Okay, you can be that way.So what? This is only the early stages. There's a lot more to do with magic in this technology than has been revealed.

Addendum - Whoops. Did NOT come out the way I wanted it too. Basically, people can be critical of a story. It's how I take it that takes the measure out of their sails if they are being overcritical or if they are being constructive.

Trust me, Adamanthys, there's a lot more coming that's a bit more... magical.

I remember a similar situation to one of the many games of Dawn of War: Soulstorm I have played. I was playing as the Imperial Guard, and my ally in the game was the Tau. Most of his army was pinned down trying to defend his base and were taking heavy losses. The enemy wasn't focusing on me because I was "new" and thus I had time to build up my forces to flank them. After I had them all, I did what the Minotaurs did in your story... Granted, it didn't fail. Maybe he was too focused to notice the charge...

5487720 Fucking imperial guards and tactics?? Y U NO USE LEMUN RUSS SPAMM?????

5772222 Because I take pride in knowing I don't need to use spam tactics. I am capable of doing things with Brains instead of Brawn.

5772261 Meh, My strategy for imperial guard is heavy defences while slowly pushing the line forward. and then crushing the enemy base underneath impenetrable defences, either that or I just spam guardsmen with basilisk support and chimera support.

I will say though, It's funny to send some Chimeras into an enemy base on Cease Fire mode and just wait til they destroy them, Only to find they were full of Guardsmen, Ogryns, and Karskin squads ready to wreck their base. Then to just look at the chat and watch them freak out...

5772319 I did that except it was just Guardsmen, against Anti tank... guardsmen over whelmed the enemy and I won.

nuuuuuuuuuuuuu! I wanna see space pony fights!

6486720 I've been having to... step away from it for now. It'll remain on Hiatus for a while.

There's a few things that might happen.

I am working on a few things at the moment: I am a webcomic artist, and that, well, comes first. I've got to return to this universe eventually.

I HAVE gotten the message MULTIPLE TIMES from people asking for more for the story. I know it's been about a year. A lot has happened.

And the War Games returns after 5-ish years. I'm happy to be back, even though probably no one might read this story, I still want to write/read it, so it will continue to exist.

This WAS originally co-written with another person, who, due to circumstances beyond my control, has deemed it necessary in the several years hence from Chapter 2 to cut off contact with everyone. So, from Chapter 3 onwards, the entire story is entirely me. Sorry to the person who assisted me - you chose a path, and I chose another.

Otherwise, enjoy as I continue to bring well-written stories to you all!

She certainly isn't. My writing and typing speed are faster than I ever expected, and my own IRL military experience helps with it.

It's more than that. I'm well aware of all of those movies and games with similar premises, but this is a labour of love. Sure, it might not be the greatest story in the world, but it's my story, and it's a story I want to tell.

More so than any other story I've written.

I like this.....however I feel bad for our human protagonist I think that the hardest thing to do is for him to forgive himself while others including celestia hate him he has to learn to let it go at least with pinkie pie not everypony hates him so I know if I were in his position at least that would give me some peace and relief

crap sadto see the human die......didn't expect that

I know. He is/was my favorite character to write.

Thank you. Your comment is well appreciated, man.

are there just humans in this story or are there other aliens I for one would love to see an asari battle fortress if possible


There are alien races, but there won't be any races from known Sci-Fi franchises. To avoid having to end up going back through Mass Effect and other game/book/movie/television series (I'm thorough in research), each race is original. The Iiaynsin for one, the Thalrazyne for another, and a few others that will be introduced as we go.

But yes, considering how quickly human beings can reproduce, there's a LOT of humans.

“Could you just… sit with me a bit? It’s been a long day, and I’d love to sit and watch the Caretakers… float.” Isaac turned to her, chuckling a bit before patting a spot beside him on the walkway plating.

I see we have a ship being built in the old drydocks

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