• Published 28th Feb 2014
  • 9,336 Views, 293 Comments

Teatime on Hearts And Hooves Day - SirRage

Flash Sentry is having a very bad Hearts And Hooves Day. His date has been cancelled. He has to work a double shift. And for some reason, stallions are hitting on him at a bar... Yeah, really bad Hearts And Hooves Day.

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IV: SexEd

Dewdrop nuzzled into Flash’s soft blue mane as she woke up. Her scent was sweet, like lavender with just a hint of ferns on a warm summer day. She giggled as she stretched in bed, wondering if Flash might actually smell like this when she was a stallion. Dewdrop smiled; thinking back on it, this was the first time she had ever really cuddled with Flash.

Dewdrop pushed herself up to her haunches, continuing her morning stretching routine. “Morning, Flash. You sleep well?” Flash stirred, groaning, but did little else. She lowered her forelegs after stretching and giggled. “Not a morning pony, eh?”

The smile on Dewdrop’s face vanished and her ears perked up when she looked at Flash’s face. Flash was blushing and her tongue lolled out slightly. “Flash, are you alright?” she asked with concern as she brought a hoof to Flash’s forehead. “You don’t have a fever but you’re…” Disturbing the sheets overwhelmed her senses with a very familiar scent. She paused for a moment as she looked over Flash’s form again. Then, very slowly, she slipped out of the sheets and got out of bed. “Umm… Flash, it’s probably best you just stay put till I get back.”

Flash rolled over. Her mane was disheveled and her eyes were half glazed. “Why? What’s the matter?”

“Well, you see… you’re… umm… on your estrous cycle. So I really wouldn’t recommend wandering around in your current state. Or at least not until you settle down a bit.”

“My what?”

“You know, estrous.” Flash gave Dewdrop a blank stare, causing Dewdrop to facehoof. “In laypony terms, you’re in heat, Flash.” Dewdrop sighed and sat down on her haunches.

Flash stared blankly at her. “What?! How is that even possible?” Flash put her hooves over her head and buried her muzzle into the mattress. “I-I can’t have foals!” Flash looked up and Dewdrop as her ears wilted back. “It’s not possible, right?” she said in a pleading tone.

Dewdrop sighed. “It’s strong magic and right now you appear to be an anatomically correct mare…” She paused for a moment and slouched her shoulders. “But honestly, you’re getting ahead of yourself.”

Flash buried her head in the sheets and pillows. Dewdrop thought she was sulking until she stretched herself along the bed and let out a muffled moan as she flicked her tail about. “Flash… this may sound a little weird, but… you’ll feel a lot better if you…” She hesitated for moment, fiddling with her hooves as she tried to finish her sentence. “Take care of business, and have a cold shower.”

Dewdrop got up and walked over to the other side of the room. She pulled out a box, brought it to the side of the bed, and took out two magazines with her magic. She walked over to Flash and placed the magazines in front of her. “If you need a visual aid you can use one of these.”

Flash eyed the two magazines for a while before she cleared her throat. “Dewdrop? Why do you have both Playcolt and Playfilly magazines?”

Dewdrop raised an eyebrow in response. “Because I like reading the articles. Why, what are you implying, Flash?” Flash just sat there for a moment, nervously shuffling her hooves. Dewdrop just shook her head before saying, “Anyway, just pick the one you’re more into and put them back when you’re done.”

Dewdrop waited patiently for Flash to pick up one of the magazines, but she didn’t. Flash just stared at the Playfilly magazine. Occasionally, Flash would glance over at the Playcolt, but her vision returned to the other magazine, and the longer she stared, the more the frown on her face became apparent.

Dewdrop took a few steps towards Flash when she saw tears starting to well up in her eyes. “Flash, i-is everything alright?”

Flash shook her head. “I’m not comfortable with this.”

“Comfortable with what?”

Flash looked up at Dewdrop with quivering lips and pleading eyes. “I know what I’ve liked, I know what I should like…” Flash’s eyes drifted down to one of the magazines. “But this isn’t it.”

Dewdrop gave Flash a sideways glance in confusion. “Flash, you’re not making any sense.”

Flash licked her lips as she stared down at the magazine. “I can’t stop staring at the stallion on the cover of this magazine. His muscular, sculpted body. His strong angular face and his mane… The way it just flows in the wind.” Flash looked up at Dewdrop with mix of pain and lust in her eyes. “I want him… I want him to take me, I want him to ravage me.” Flash paused for a moment as she blinked away the beginnings of tears. “And I hate myself for it. I just…” Flash’s head dipped down and buried her muzzle in her hooves. “I don’t want these feelings.”

Dewdrop’s eyes softened; she walked up to Flash, wrapped her hooves around her neck, and pulled her into a hug. “It’s okay, Flash. As strange as this might sound, these feelings are normal enough for a mare in your state.”

Flash shook her head in Dewdrop’s embrace. “But I don’t want them!” Dewdrop held the embrace for a few more moments before letting go after a final reassuring squeeze.

Flash gulped. “There’s another problem,” she said sheepishly. She spent the next several moments just fiddling with her hooves before she finally finished, “I don’t think I know how.”

Dewdrop snorted and put a hoof over her mouth to stifle her laughter. She peered over at Flash, fully expecting her to be laughing as well, yet she slowly stopped as the awkwardness of the outburst set in. Flash’s head was buried in her hooves and her ears were wilted. “Oh Celestia, you were being serious.” She looked down at Flash and took a moment to regain her composure. “I’m sorry, that was rude of me.”

Flash blushed and looked away. “Well… I do have some idea. But I’ve been a gentlecolt all of my life and haven’t spend much time thinking about… well you know, that stuff. Plus I’ve only been on a few coffee dates with other ponies, but those never went anywhere so I’ve never…” Flash fidgeted as she tried to explain.

Dewdrop nodded and looked down at the magazines. She picked one up and started flipping through it. “The magazines are not exactly a ‘how to’ guide, but they should give you the right idea of what to do.” She smiled, set the the magazine down, and stroked Flash’s mane.

Flash shivered, biting her lip to stifled a moan from Dewdrop’s touch.

“Just try it. You’ll feel more like yourself afterwards, I promise.” She paused for a moment, looking at how flustered Flash was as she stared into the magazines. She gently wrapped her hooves around Flash and drew her into a warm, comforting hug. “Flash… it’s okay. If you still haven’t figured it out by the time I get back I’ll help.” She gave Flash a reassuring squeeze. “I’m not trying to make this weird for you, I just want you to feel more like yourself,” she said softly.

Flash’s face turned a deep shade of crimson, too embarrassed to do anything more than meekly nod. Dewdrop broke the embrace and hopped off of the bed. “Well, I better get going.”

“Say, I’ve been thinking this over, and… it’s probably best if you report that I’m sick and couldn’t make it in for roll call this morning.”

Dewdrop tilted her head. “I can, but we really shouldn’t draw attention to ourselves. Besides, the Princess would be able to fix any issues this might have caused.”

Flash sighed. “I’m suppose to report in about thirty minutes, and I’ll be considered AWOL after that. So I’ll need some kind of alibi if that happens. I mean, I’m sure the Princess can say I was acting at her request for royal duties, but it’s highly irregular for that to come after the fact. Being out on medical leave is the least conspicuous way of me not showing up.”

Dewdrop nodded. “Alright, I see your point. If I don’t talk to the Princess immediately I’ll definitely do that. I’ll see you in about an hour or so.” Dewdrop left the room and closed the door. As she trotted down the stairs, a smirk crept onto her face. *Despite how awkward this situation is, Flash might actually learn a thing or two with this experience.*

She was about to leave the house when she saw a sticky note on the door:

Dewdrop, the girls and I are going out tonight. If you want to come with, I’m sure we can make it worth your while.

Dewdrop stared at the note for a moment with a sideways glance. “I really don’t want to know where she’s going with this.” She took the note off the door, shaking her head as she left for the castle.


Flash turned her attention back to the magazines after Dewdrop left the room. Flash picked up the Playcolt magazine and flipped through it. Each of the mares in all of the compromising poses did nothing to sate her hunger.

She sighed, set the magazine down, and picked up the Playfilly. She flipped to the front of the magazine to see if there was anything that caught her attention… “What’s this? Mare to Mare advice with Dr. Cuddles.” Flash flipped to the back of the magazine where the advice column was.

Dear Dr. Cuddles, I’m super awesome and everypony knows it! So I figured every stallion in Equestria should want me, yet I can’t get their attention at all! Plus mares hit on me all the time. I mean, all the time – RD

Flash stared over the magazine into space for a moment. “Hmm… well, that’s kind of like what happened to me at the bar last night...” She lifted up the magazine and continued reading.

Ms. RD, You need to make yourself noticed.

Find a dashing stallion at a bar… wiggle your plot in front of him, then follow with eye contact and have him buy you a drink. Massage his ego a little bit and he’ll be putty in your hooves after that. Then liquor him up and drag his flank to bed.

Also, make sure there are witnesses. Mares love to gossip, so that should solve your problem.

Flash put the magazine down for a moment and blinked. “Okay I am not doing that!” Flash sighed. “Okay, what about this next one…”

Dear Dr. Cuddles, I’ve read every book I can find about intercourse, and I mean every one. But I still can’t seem to get stallions to notice me! I mean this just isn’t mathematically possible! – TS

Ms. TS, I really hope you don’t mean text books. Also, romance novels are great, but they are idealistic. Might I recommend my book, Psychological Warfare And The Art of Dating?

Flash blinked. “Mares actually listen to this advice?!” Flash spent the next few moments skimming through the rest of the article before giving up.

Flash sighed, went back to the middle of the magazine, and opened up the centerfold. She stared at the stallion, her eyes traveling down every edge, every part of his majestic form. She felt her breath quicken, and bit her lip as lust compelled her hooves to move of their own accord.


Dewdrop arrived at Check List’s office and tapped on the door. She could see the white crystal pony had her nose buried in paperwork and her inbox was stacked higher than she was.

“This had better be important, I’m very busy.” She looked up from her paperwork and paused as she adjusted her glasses. “Dewdrop? What are you doing here?”

“I need to see the Princess.”

Check List set her papers down and rubbed her temples. “I’m sorry Dewdrop. I have special orders to not let anypony see the Princess till afternoon court, and even then, if memory serves, they will just cancel it. Like they did last year… I swear, those two just make far too much paperwork–”

“Cadance told me last night she expected to see me this morning!”

Check List gave Dewdrop a sideways glance before reaching into her desk and pulling out a paper. She glanced over it and quickly put it back. “I’m sorry, Dewdrop. You must have been mistaken.”

Dewdrop sighed. “Let me guess. You had orders to allow a pony to see the Princess this morning. A crystal unicorn stallion with an Erlenmeyer flask cutie mark. Who would also be hiding a raging hard-on.”

Check List blushed and stammered as she said, “There was no mention of a cutie mark! I mean… I am not at liberty to disclose this information.”

Dewdrop shrugged. “Fine… can you at least forward a message that Dewdrop would like to see Her Highness this afternoon?”

Check List nodded. “I can do that, but there is no guarantee she’s going to read it today.”

“We’ll see about that. Anyways, I need to report Flash Sentry is too sick to come in and I’m taking care of him.”

Check List shook her head. “You need to go through one of the administration Staff Sergeants for that, and even then you would need to be a member of his immediate family or have a doctor’s note stating he is too ill to be transferred to the infirmary. Simply prancing in here and saying he’s sick at your house isn’t proper protocol.”

Dewdrop frowned. “You’re not making this very easy on me today, you know that?”

Check List shrugged her shoulders. “Sorry, but rules are rules. It’s nothing personal, Dewdrop.”

Dewdrop rolled her eyes and walked out of the office.


Cadance paced around in circles, looking very much like her usual Princess self. Shining Armor looked like his normal self as well, except he was lying on his belly on a seating cushion instead of sitting on it. “I don’t think I’m going to be able to sit on my haunches for a week, dear,” he said in a very matter-of-fact tone.

Cadance stopped her pacing to stifle a yawn before responding, “Oh please… You have any idea how hard it was to sit on a stone throne for hours on end during court last year?”

Shining Armor smirked with a hint of satisfaction. “Isn’t that why you cancelled court for a week last time?”

“No, I only cancelled for the first day. I endured the rest of the week, thank you very much.” She smirked, looking back at her husband. “And now it’s your turn.” She shrugged and turned her attention to the door of their private chambers. “Anyways, where is Dewdrop? I thought I told her to be here by now.”

“Maybe something happened?”

Shining Armor’s voice echoed in Cadance’s mind as she sighed. “Shiny, nothing bad happened. She’s just taking her time, maybe she likes being a stallion.” A nervous smile appeared on her muzzle. ”Yes, that’s probably what’s going on.” Cadance resumed her pacing. ”She’ll be here any time now. Any time now…” she said in an uneasy tone.


Dewdrop approached the front door of her house. She took a deep breath to calm her nerves, knowing she might have to do something she really didn’t want to. *I’m sure Flash was able to figure this stuff out on her own,* Dewdrop thought.

She opened the door and found Flash sitting on a reading cushion in the living room. Flash was no longer flushed and her mane looked clean and well groomed. She was reading the latest copy of Equestria Daily and didn’t notice Dewdrop enter the room. “Hi Flash, you’re looking much better.”

Flash peered up and smiled. “Hi Dewdrop, yeah that advice of yours was great! It… wasn’t easy at first, but I kind of got the hang of it.” Flash’s cheeks flushed at the thought of what she had been doing earlier.

Dewdrop breathed a sigh of relief. “That’s good to hear,” she chuckled. “When you’ve been though a few heats, you figure out what works and what doesn’t.” She paused for a moment when the realization struck her. “So, Flash. What are you doing down here anyways?”

“Oh,” Flash chuckled nervously. “Well, I had to take the sheets off of the bed, and there was no place to really sit in your room.”

“Wait… why did you have to do that?”

“Well,” Flash began nervously, “your advice worked so well that… I kind of…” She smiled while rubbing the back of her head.

The color drained out of Dewdrop’s face at the realization of what Flash was trying to say. “I thought you were going to take the magazine to the bathroom!” Flash’s ears wilted as she blushed furiously. Dewdrop galloped up the stairs to her room and swung open the door.

She stared in disbelief at her bed. The pungent odor was still lingering in the air. “Flash! Why would you do it on my bed?! I sleep there!”

Dewdrop turned around with a hoof in the air and was about was about to yell but stopped. Flash’s ears were wilted and she was looking down at the mat. She lowered her hoof and took a deep breath. She did this a few times before she lowered her head. “This is my fault… I should have known better.” Dewdrop walked back down the stairs. “There should be same spare sheets in the closet. But first, we need to talk.” She came alongside Flash and sat down next to her with a sigh. “I couldn’t get an audience with the Princess.”

Dewdrop spent the next few minutes telling Flash what happened back at the castle. Flash said nothing throughout the entire explanation, merely sitting there with her head down, her mane obscuring her face. “When will you know?” Flash asked.

“In a few hours probably, if–Hey!” Flash had stood up and started walking to the door. Dewdrop jumped at the sudden movement. “Flash, what are you doing?”

“I’m going to impersonate my fake sister and report my absence at the Barracks.”

Dewdrop got up and trotted in front of Flash, placing a hoof on Flash’s shoulder. “Whoa whoa whoa… Wait!”

“Dewdrop, I was suppose to report an hour ago, so I’m already AWOL.” Flash put a hoof on Dewdrop’s shoulder and smiled. “I just want to keep things from escalating any further than they have to in the meantime.”

“No! This is unnecessary!”

“Dewdrop, if you want to hide you hide in plain sight.” Dewdrop stopped and stared at Flash with a puzzled look. “Look, I need an alibi at this point and it will just look like I’m on medical leave. Nopony will be the wiser.” Flash took a breath and smiled.

Dewdrop lowered her hoof and took a few steps so she could nuzzle into Flash’s shoulder. “I just don’t want you getting hurt, but if it means this much to you, then let’s do it.”

Flash nodded before grabbing Dewdrop by her shoulders and thrusting herself back to make eye contact with her. “Wait, what? You don’t have to come along.”

Dewdrop smiled back at Flash. “I’m not letting you run around like this by yourself.” She brought a hoof to her shoulder and placed on her hoof on top of Flash’s. “So what name are you going to go by? You know, in case they actually ask your name.”

Flash paused for a moment, placing a hoof on her chin in thought. “How about… Flare Warden. Has kind of a nice ring to it.”

Dewdrop nodded. “Alright, works for me. Let’s get going.”