• Published 27th Feb 2014
  • 10,683 Views, 357 Comments

My Little Ace Attorney: Equestrian Trials - Toonwriter

Phoenix Wright returns to Equestria with some of his friends for new cases in Equestria.

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Episode 2: Turnabout Treasure part 1

My Little Ace Attorney:
Equestrian Trials

Episode 2

Turnabout Treasure

Episode 1: She Wouldn't Dare Do The Deed

Daring Do's Abode

The scene opens at Daring Do (AKA A.K Yearling)'s house, as it was raining cats and dogs. It seemed the Pegasi had scheduled a storm over Cloudsdale itself, despite it’s height all the way up in the air.

She'd recently moved here from her forest hut with the money the books were making. She felt like seeing how everypony would react seeing her out and about. She kept her A.K Yearling name, though.

She was at her desk, trying to write her next book, dressed in her author’s glasses and shroud. Suddenly, there was a knock on her door.

"Coming." Daring called as she trotted up to her door, but saw nopony around, "Huh?" she looked around confused until she noticed a package at her doorstep.

On the package, there was a label that said: "To A.K Yearling/Daring Do, (Whichever the 'Real' name is) from a loyal fan of your work."

"A loyal fan, huh? How sweet.." Daring said with a smile as she brought the package in and closed the door before any more rain could enter, making a mental note to reply, telling the fan that 'Daring Do' was, at least, the name on her birth certificate. She never liked to take direct credit for the books, after all. It was too strange for an adventurer to also be a talented novelist. She was surprised she didn’t have two cutie marks, herself.

She placed the package on a table and began to unwrap it and then open it. When she looked at what was inside, her smile faded into a frown of both confusion and fear, and her eyes widened. "What the heck!?"

Inside the package was an ancient artifact in the form of an old, plastic rooster mask, with a bloody cleaver next to it, along with a note that says "Are you proud of me, now?" Daring was beyond disgusted by this.

"What kind of sick joke is this!?" Daring nearly screamed in horror.

Suddenly, the door burst open, alarming the author/adventurer.

"What the Celestia?!" Daring shouted.

"Daring Do, you are under arrest for the robbery of the Tsao Mask from the Canterlot Museum. and for the murder of all the six guard ponies who have been guarding it!"

"What?! No, NO NO!!! It can't be!!!"

Next thing you know, the police ponies came and grabbed Daring, placing cuffs on her hooves and wings and dragging her away, "Wait! Stop! You're making a mistake! I HAVE NOT stolen a thing, nor did I kill anypony! I swear! HEEELP!" she cried as she was taken away by the police ponies.

"I'm innocent! I swear! Please! You can’t send me to burn like this!"

The intro ends as Daring was taken away by the police ponies and everything went black.

Twilight's Castle
August 7th, 9 AM

The next day, in the castle, Phoenix and his friends join Twilight for breakfast at the dinning room. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. Well, mostly everyone, as Apollo was keeping himself quiet and reserved as he drank his coffee.

"Somehow, it feels good to see some old friends again." Phoenix remarked, "Even if they are candy colored talking ponies. No offense, but it’s a bit weird." (To say the least…)

"I'm glad I could see you again too, Phoenix!" Twilight said with a smile, "Though the spell didn't work the way I intended, I'm also pleased to have met other humans, besides yourself of course!" Twilight added, chipper as ever.

"Yeah. I actually like it here." Athena remarked with a smile.

"Yeah, it's not SO bad here." Maya said, "I mean, the folks around here are pretty friendly and we got some great snacks."
(No mention of burgers?) Phoenix asked in his thoughts. (That's a first.)

"Even the oatburgers taste pretty much DEAD ON to what burgers I normally eat!" Maya said, causing Phoenix to roll his eyes. So much rolling in fact, that they could have rolled down his bones and internal organs like a Pachinko machine.

"I am glad we got caught up in that spell, or else we would have never come here to begin with!" Pearl said happily. "Despite how...what's the word, Mystic Maya?"


"Yeah. Disco-whatever. Silly word. Make yourself pronounceable! Anyway, that word is how we felt when we got here, but I assume that’s normal."

"Anyways...Yeah, it's a whole new experience for us all." Trucy said, "Well, Daddy got the golden ticket to experience this before but, not with all of us present, right?"

"That's right, Trucy." Phoenix said.

"And yet, we could get used to this." Athena remarked. "Despite how off-the-wall it seems."

"Yeah, a whole new experience..." Apollo said as he took a sip of his coffee. Note that he said this very...almost, sarcastically and depressed at the same time.

"So, Twilight, how does it feel to be a princess?" Phoenix asked.

"Well, it feels good, but...at the same time, it can be stressful and demanding, too." Twilight said, "Like, sometimes I wonder if I'm really cut out for this, but I also don't want to let everyone down and make a fool of myself."

"The latter will become true if you keep up that attitude." Spike reassured. "You just need to chill Twilight. Keep a cool head and everything will be fine."

"Spike's right." Phoenix agreed, "It's like how I felt when I first became a defense attorney."

"Besides, you're the Princess of Friendship now!" Spike said, "If you ever get in trouble, your friends will be there for you. Have faith in us, and in yourself."

"You're right." Twilight said with a smile, "Thanks, Spike. You too, Phoenix."

"Anytime, Twilight. You just got to 'wing it' you know." (Heh...wing it.) Phoenix proceeded to ignore Twilight's dry, death glare upon how terrible the pun was.

Just then, Twilight noticed the Magatama on Maya as she exclaimed, "That’s...a Magatama you're wearing, right?"

"Why, yes." Maya replied, "You know what they are?"

"Phoenix showed me what it was like back when he was helping Rainbow Dash out of her being accused of murder."

"Hey, that's right." Phoenix said in realization, "I showed her how it works."

"And I...kind of got a taste of it’s powers when I picked it up with my magic." Twilight said.

"Huh!?" The Feys looked at Twilight in surprise.

"You mean...It let you see Psyche-Locks, too?!" Pearl asked in shock.

"Yeah." Twilight said.

"Even... black ones?" Maya asked.

Twilight paused for a moment, before she looked down in depression, "Yeah...on Trixie."

"You must have felt something negative from that, huh?" Apollo asked in sympathy. Twilight nodded sadly in reply.

"Don't worry, Twilight." Phoenix said, "I'm sure we could find some way of revealing Trixie's true colors. Without traumatizing her, hopefully."

"I hope so." Twilight said. "That poor girl needs help…"

Suddenly, the door burst open as a familiar voice called out: "Twilight! Nix! Guys! We got a big problem!"

Everyone turns in surprise to see Rainbow Dash fly into the room, with a look of panic and concern.

(Oh, please, no, no no NO NO....) Apollo mentally shrieked in terror.

"Huh? What's happened?" Phoenix asked.

"What?! What's the problem?!" Twilight asked in concern.

"Daring Do has been arrested!" Rainbow cried.

"WHAT!?" Twilight and Spike screamed in shock. "Not her, NO!"

(Who is this “Daring Do” and what the hell is going on?) Phoenix asked in his thoughts.

"'Scuse me. Who's Daring Do?” Maya asked in confusion.

"Who's Daring Do?!?" Twilight, Spike and Rainbow asked in shock.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHO'S DARING DO?!" Rainbow yelled in outrage.

(Thank goodness I didn't ask THAT question out loud!) Phoenix thought.

"Well, first of all, some of us are still new to this world, and second, just calm the hell down and explain. Calmly." Phoenix said.

"Right. You see, Daring Do is an awesome adventure pony in her very own book series!" Rainbow answered. “She writes the books based on her own adventures that she has under a fake name.”

"So, a fictional character was arrested?" Apollo asked dryly, "Is that why you're all freaked out? Geez...for a moment I thought a REAL LIFE individual was arrested."

"Of course Daring Do's real!" Rainbow shouted, "She has an author as an alter-ego who writes her adventures into storybooks! Is it that hard to get to grips with?"

"So, let me see if I get this straight..." Phoenix said, "You're saying, a real-life pony, has these awesome adventures, and then takes on the role of an author and writes down everything that happened in those same adventures into storybooks? Like, crossing fiction with an auto-biography?"

"That's exactly the point." Twilight said.

"And now, she got arrested for the crime because she's a treasure hunter, and I suppose you want US to to represent her in court?" Phoenix asked.

"Mm-hmm. Yeah. That's what's up!" Twilight said.

(I love this job…) Phoenix said in total sarcasm in his thoughts.

"Where is she?" Athena asked.

"She's in the Cloudsdale Detention Center." Rainbow replied.

"Then that's where we're going! Right, guys?" Athena asked the rest with determination., doing her 'fist smack into palm' gesture.

"Can't you go ask another attorney from THIS world, instead of us?" Apollo asked dryly.

"Sorry, but no...none of the attorneys of this world are as experienced with murder as you guys are." Twilight said. "We are friends, right?"

"Yeah, you guys are the ones we can really count on!" Rainbow shouted, "Please, you MUST take it!"

Phoenix sighed, "We’re SUPPOSED to be on vacation..."

Twilight wasn't gonna take Phoenix's answer. "No! You have to! We can't have her get banished away!"

"Look, Twilight, you have to understand that-" Phoenix was cut off by Twilight begging once more, except tears were slipping down her cheeks sadly. In the end, Phoenix lifted her onto his lap, stroking down her back reassuringly that everything was going to be fine. "Just...calm down, okay?"

Twilight sighed in relief. "Your hands are real soft………"

"Oh, all right..." Apollo groaned in exasperation. "We'll do it..."

"Alright! We knew we could count on you!" Rainbow shouted happily. "Right, Twi-erm...Twilight?"

She asked that in confusion for Twilight Sparkle had fallen asleep on Phoenix's lap. She just lay there, cutely snoring, flicking her hooves and ears occasionally, and generally looking adorable.

(Are you taking lessons from Pinkie Pie, Twilight? Where the hell did that come from?!) Phoenix asked in this thoughts.

(Ohhh, that flicking!) Athena exclaimed in her own thoughts.

"Awwww!" Maya, Pearl and Trucy exclaimed.

"Heh…" Rainbow spoke up. "She's sleeping soundly. Kinda need her awake, though."

"How should we get her up?" Athena asked.

"She's dead scared of snakes." Rainbow replied, "Very scared of them."

Trucy's face lit up evilly. "Daddy...you mind if I…"

"Alrighty. Go ahead with your 'evil plan'." Phoenix said with a playful smirk.

Trucy, eager as ever, gently tied a snake prop she had lying around in her hat to Twilight’s tail. While she was still on Phoenix’s lap. I think, dear reader, you can see where this is going.

Soon enough, Phoenix woke Twilight from her gentle slumber, mentioning how she'd never felt so relaxed, and she looked right at the snake prop. She turned away, initially, but then did a double-take, her eyes going wide in shock. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Soon enough, Twilight was running away as fast as she could, the snake still attached to her rear. Then she started flying around trying to dislodge it when she realized it had got her.

"Oh Celestia, it's following me! NO NO NO, NO NO...NO…GET IT OFF!!!! HEEEELP! IT’S GOT ME! SOMEPONY! ANYONE!
Nobody in the room could take it any longer, and soon enough, everyone had burst into laughter. Even after the snake was removed from Twilight's tail, she wasn't happy. (They'd better make up for this by saving Daring Do…) she thought to herself.

Twilight wasn't having it… "Seriously, guys, that's NOT FUNNY!"

"Aw, come on! It was only one of my stage props!"

Rainbow was in fits of laughter, nearly suffocating on her own laughs, and struggling to breathe.

"Don't ever do that to me AGAIN!" Twilight shouted.

"Well, EX-CUUUUUUUUUUSE ME, PRINCESS! It's not my fault you don't have a sense of humor!" This line came from Phoenix and Trucy, noting how they'd both always wanted to say that and have it make sense in context.


"So...where is this Cloudsdale?" Athena asked.

"That's easy. It's in the sky." Twilight replied.

"You mean...On a mountain, right?" Phoenix asked hopefully, already fearing heights.

"No, Nix, it's all the way up in the clouds." Rainbow corrected.

"Stop joking around, it's not funny. It’s impossible to live in the clouds, duh!" Apollo said, already fearing heights just the same.

"Not for us pegasi, it isn't!" Rainbow said proudly.

"Seriously, stop joking, you really must………you're serious, aren't you?" (Oh, this is gonna be bad!)

"And it is possible for species outside of pegasi to walk on clouds, so long as they have the Cloud Walking spell casted on them." Twilight said. "Of course, you need a unicorn who knows that spell for that to happen, and I happen to know how to use it."

"Are you sure about that?" Phoenix asked nervously.

"Don't worry Phoenix! I'm sure it will work out!" Twilight said.

"Cloud walking? This I HAVE to see! Err, try!" Athena exclaimed. (And I swear, if it doesn't work…)

"Oooh, I've always wanted to be able to walk on clouds!" Pearl said, "In our world, you could only do it in ya dreams."

"Well, then, Pearly, your dreams are about to come true!" Rainbow said with a wink. (Then again, you did describe this place as similar to a dream world, didn't ya?)

"Alright, let's do it to it!" Trucy said in badly-contained excitement.

"Yeah, work your magic, Twi!" Maya said, "My body is ready!"

(Oh, this is just great. Brilliant. It's amazing.) Apollo said sarcastically in his thoughts.

Then Twilight casted a spell on Phoenix and his friends, giving them the ability to walk on clouds.

"There. Now you're all able to be walking on sunshine...er, clouds." Twilight said proudly with a satisfied smirk. (And don't it feel good to walk on 'em, eh Twilight?)

"One little problem, though." Apollo said. "How exactly do we get to Cloudsdale?"

"Fly, of course!" Rainbow replied simply with a grin.

"Come on, Spike, we need to get that hot air balloon ready!" Twilight said.

"Yes, ma'am!" Spike saluted, loyal as ever to Twilight's side. Twilight didn't seem to mind being called 'Ma'am' at all. I mean, isn't she in her twenties? Whatever.

"Well, Cloudsdale, here we come. Hey, wait a second, you have a hot air balloon in here?" Phoenix said. Twilight nodded, mentioning it was a 'very prized possession' of hers.

(This is gonna be fun…) Everyone said in their thoughts. Phoenix and Apollo sarcastically, and the others truthfully. Though, Athena was undecided on the matter.

The Hot Air Balloon To Cloudsdale
August 7th, 10:15 AM

Upon entering the balloon, Phoenix and Apollo huddled up in separate corners of the basket as they both had a great fear of heights. Maya, Pearl, and Trucy, however were having the time of their lives.

"Wow! Look at this view!" Maya exclaimed.

"Yeah," Trucy agreed, "We're above clouds here."

"Speak for yourselves," Athena said, "I'm gettin' kinda nervous!”

"Join the club!" Phoenix piped up from his corner, "It's awesome in here!"

"What he said!" Apollo added.

"Don't worry, you two," Twilight said reassuringly, "We'll be at Cloudsdale soon." But when she turned to look at the two, she raised an eyebrow in confusion. (Are humans really this scared of heights? I know they can't fly, but this seems a little overblown!)

Pearl looked at Twilight and saw her looking at Apollo and Phoenix. She looked back at the alicorn and explained. "You see, poor Mr. Nick is kinda… afraid of heights."

"Has been since he took Trucy on that fairground rollercoaster," Maya added.

"Oh, I see," Twilight said in understanding, "I guess I can't blame you guys for that."

"You see, seeing as we can't fly…" Pearl continued trying to find the right words. Maya finished for her, though.

"It is actually a common fear," the spirit medium master said. Rainbow snickered at the sight of them from where she was.

"I had no idea that Nix and Polly are that scared of heights," she said. "What a couple of scaredy-cats!"

Maya got mad at this and slapped Rainbow's cheek. "OWW!!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"Knock it off!" Maya snapped.

"Yeah, Rainbow!" Twilight scolded, "Don't make fun of them!"

"Gah!" Rainbow said, rubbing her slapped cheek, "Sorry, Twilight!"

"Ha ha! That's the beauty of girl hands, Miss Twilight," Pearl said, giggling. "You can slap anyone you want across the face and leave them reeling."

"Aww...You humans are so lucky, you know that?" Twilight said, looking at the mediums.

"...How?" Maya asked in her thinking pose.

“Yeah, what's your point there?” Trucy added.

“Your hands for scratching, grabbing, and other things that we ponies can't do anywhere near as well as you do, and so on…” Twilight explained, trying to get her point across.

"Well, we can't fly, use magic, and one kick from that Applejack's apple bucking legs could snap our spines in two, or worse,” Pearl replied, "We can't even jump off tall heights without getting our legs broken!"

"Good point," Twilight said. (On the other...hand, you have hands.)

"But I guess these could be rather handy," Pearl added looking at her hands.

Pearl didn't realize that when she said "handy", she made a pun. Twilight however picked up on it and giggled. (At least somebody can make a good joke!) She thought to herself.

"Yeah," she said. Maya smiled and reached over to scratch Twilight's back. Twilight stiffened up a little bit, but then found herself relaxing as she let out a content sigh. She also, absentmindedly, started thumping one of her hind hooves on the basket. "That feels great...” she said, “Seriously! How do you make that feel so good?"

"I don't know exactly,” Maya replied grinning, "We just have 'The Gift' I suppose."

"Maybe it's just you," Pearl said thinking, "Often, we seem to get similar reactions from stroking any furry creature, being, or otherwise. Except now, they can talk. No offense."

"None taken," Twilight said, waving a hoof.

"But still, do they really feel like that?" Pearl asked.

"I guess," Twilight replied with a hoof to her chin, "I do recall Applejack stroking her pet dog Winona one time, but those were definitely not hands…"

"Then again, those would have been hooves," Trucy said, channeling her inner Captain Obvious. "See, our hands aren't as rough and firm, and are a lot softer. Often when we stroke a cat, dog, or furry thing, we get that sort of reaction. It's very weird when they start cutely moaning or sighing and encouraging you, though. Feels a little awkward. Either way, are we there yet?"

"Almost, Trucy," Twilight said looking back at her.

"Then what's that over there then?" Trucy asked, pointing ahead.

The whole group looked up, even Phoenix and Apollo stood up to get a look, to see a massive city made entirely out of clouds.

"Good eye, Trucy!" Rainbow said, "There it is!"

"Ah, here we are now," Twilight said, (Can't believe I missed that…)

Phoenix and Apollo looked at each other nervously and gulped simultaneously. (From bad to worse…) Phoenix said in his head.
(Goodbye, CRUEL WORLD!) Apollo thought fearfully.

Cloudsdale Entry Point
August 7th, 11:00AM

"Nix and co, welcome to Cloudsdale!" Rainbow announced with passion, showing Phoenix and the others the sky-loft, cloud-built city of Cloudsdale.

"Wow!" the girls in Phoenix's group exclaimed in awe, while Phoenix and Apollo looked astonished.

"This is Cloudsdale?" Phoenix asked in amazement.

(If this is what Heaven could look like, it really is something to look forward to...) Apollo remarked in his thoughts. Soon enough, the balloon landed on the cloud. Twilight was the first one to step out of the balloon and walk on the cloud, followed by Spike and last Rainbow Dash. The three of them looked at Phoenix and his group.

(No guard rails? At all? Yeah, that's SAFE…Gotta sue this place for lack of safety measures! This place is a COMPLETE O.S.H.A violation!) Apollo mentally spoke up.

"Come on, you guys." Twilight said.

"Just trying to build up the courage to step out..." Phoenix said. (I...I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die, and I bet Heaven is gonna look just like this! At least I get a preview, but...Gah! This isn't good! The things I do for the innocent, I swear to God!)

"Yeah, we don't wanna fall through the clouds and to a VIOLENT DEMISE!" Apollo shouted.

"I already casted the spell on you, so you'll be fine." Twilight assured them.

"Besides, if Twilight messed up the spell and you do fall through, Rainbow will surely come rescue you." Spike said. "Loyalty, and all."

(Gee, thanks, as if that little pony could carry us!) Phoenix and Apollo said sarcastically in their thoughts.

"I'll go first." Athena said. With an incredibly nervous gulp, she reached her foot towards the cloud and gently stepped onto it. Amazingly to her and the humans with her, she didn't fall through! Even when she put her full weight on the thing!

"What the!?" Phoenix and Apollo gawked in shock.

"Wow!" Maya, Pearl and Trucy exclaimed.

"Hey! I didn't fall through!" Athena exclaimed in surprise and delight, "The Cloud Walking spell really works! Kinda feels like soft grass to me.”

"Me next!" Pearl shouted as she climbed out of the balloon and landed her feet on the cloud without falling through, "Wow! It feels like cotton!"

Maya and Trucy climbed out next and they too walk safely on the cloud.

"Wow, this is freaky but...so cool all together!" Maya exclaimed.

"Come on, Daddy, Polly!" Trucy shouted, "I'm the magic expert, and I say it's fine!....Do you need me to hold your hand?" She called out, as reassuringly as possible.

Phoenix nervously tapped his foot onto the cloud before feeling that his foot didn't go through. After tapping his foot on the cloud two more times, he stepped onto it.

(Unbelievable! The spell DOES work!) Phoenix exclaimed in his thoughts.

"Way to go, Nix!" Rainbow cheered for him.

"Alright Polly, you're the last one!" Trucy said.

Apollo soon stepped onto the cloud, getting the same result as the others.

"Hmm..." He hummed. (The less I think about this, the better.)

"See? I told you it's safe!" Twilight smiled.

"Man... I never thought walking on clouds could be like this." Phoenix said. (Never thought I'd walk on clouds at all.)

"There's a first time for everything." Spike said.

"Well, anyway, let's hightail it over to the Cloudsdale Detention Center." Phoenix said. "Heh...hightail."

Athena had a thought. (How the hell is this place staying up in the air? Twilight would probably say magic. I’m guessing Flux Pinning, as in, quantum particles. Suspended in space-time at a fixed height. Or maybe air currents are keeping the place up...I must ask Twilight later!)

Phoenix's group, Twilight, Spike and Rainbow walk down the cloud road as they explore the city of Cloudsdale, home to the many pegasi ponies of Equestria. The pegasi around noticed the humans and gawk in awe and surprise.

"Dude! Isn't that Phoenix Wright?" one pegasus asked his friend.

"It IS him!" Another pegasus exclaimed.

"And there's the other two lawyers human friends with him!" A third pegasus said, noticing the other humans with Phoenix.

"Apollo Justice and Athena Cykes! From when they saved Rarity and busted Suri Polomare!" Yet another pegasus remarked.

"Wow, even up in the heavens you're famous Nick!" Maya remarked.

"And now, so are Polly and Athena!" Trucy remarked. "Just one murder defense, and we're making waves! Then again, death penalty by any other name, so it kinda makes sense."

"Mr. Edgeworth and the others would be so jealous!" Pearl exclaimed.

"I guess they would." Phoenix chuckled, but suddenly stopped when he remembered what happened the last time Edgeworth's name was mentioned, (No, NO! I'm NOT having that stupid fantasy again!)

"If I remember right, the detention center should be just around the corner here." Rainbow said as she led the way.

Soon, the group arrived at the Cloudsdale Detention Center.

"Well, here we are, go get 'em Nix and co.!" Rainbow cheered them.

"You got it, Dash." Phoenix nodded confidently. "Come on, guys."

(I sure as heck hope they’ll hear her out…) Twilight thought to herself.

"Right!" Athena shouted as she gave a thumbs up while Apollo nodded with a grunt.

"Halt! Only defense attorneys may enter the detention center!" the royal pegasus guard said.

"We are defense attorneys, here to see Miss Daring Do." Phoenix said as he and his fellow lawyers showed them their badges, "Here are our badges, by the way."

The two pegasus guards inspected their badges, before they said in unison, "Permission granted! You may enter!"

With that said, the three lawyers headed inside the Cloudsdale Detention Center.

Cloudsdale Detention Center
August 7th, 11 AM

"Alright, so where is this Daring Do female?" Athena wondered as she looked around.

"She's gotta be around here somewhere." Phoenix said.

They looked around the place until they come across the cell with a pegasus mare inside, that look an awful lot like Rainbow Dash, except for her mane and coat colors, which were light gold and grayscale rainbow respectively. Her outfit consists of a dark olivine vest and a tan pith helmet with a dark olive band. Her cutie mark was a compass rose.

"Darn! How could those jerks throw me in here like a thug!?" she grumbled in anger, "Oh, I bet it was a set up by Ahuizotl to make me look like the villain! Sounds like a scheme he would pull!”

"I think that must be her." Apollo said.

(Good gracious! She looks just like Rainbow Dash!) Phoenix exclaimed in his thoughts in surprise.

"Excuse me, are you Daring Do?" Athena asked the pegasus mare behind bars.

She looked back and asked, "Who wants to know?"

"The attorney who saved Rainbow Dash several years ago, and who just recently saved Rarity with the help of a few friends of his." Phoenix gloated. "As in, Phoenix Gosh-Darned Wright, Esquire." He snarked, additionally.

"No way! Phoenix? Apollo? Athena? No...It can't be, can it?" the pegasus mare asked in surprise. She felt as if heroes from a prophecy had arrived.

"Yep. We are them." Athena replied.

"In fact, Rainbow Dash herself sent us here, to represent you in court. Get your life saved, and all that jazz." Phoenix said, smirking. Apollo and Athena wondered if the fame was going to his head like their preferred styling products went to theirs.

"She did?" Daring Do asked in hope and delight.

"You got it. She sure did. She was practically begging." Apollo nodded.

"Sweet! I knew I could count on her!" Daring Do said, "And if you’re the same lawyer who saved her, then I'm sure you can do the same to me! After all, she has spoken highly of you. (PRINCESS CELESTIA HERSELF has spoken highly of you!)

"Before we take your case, we'd first like to know the details about the crime you're being accused of." Phoenix said.

"Anything for you and your companions." Daring Do confirmed.

"Great, let's hear your story then!" Phoenix said as he took out his pen and notebook.

"First of all, where were you at the time of the murder?" Apollo asked.

"Well, it all started last night..." Daring Do started, "It was a dark and stormy night, at about...a quarter past midnight. I was sitting on my desk, taking on the role of A. K. Yearling, writing down my latest novel. That's when I heard a knock on the door. I answered the door but there was nopony around except for this package that said "To Daring Do, from your loyal fan." Not one to say no to a gift from a fan of mine, I took the package in. But when I opened it, there was something inside...that made me feel sick to my stomach...!"

"I'm gonna regret asking this, but... what was in that package?" Phoenix asked.

"The Tsao Mask, an ancient artifact that is about 100 centuries old and that was supposedly being displayed at the Cloudsdale Museum." Daring Do said, "And next to it...was a blood-soaked meat cleaver and a message that said "Are you proud of me, Daring Do?". Oh, sweet Celestia, I nearly threw up at that!"

"That's horrible!" Apollo exclaimed. (I am NEVER gonna find these ponies IN THE LEAST bit cute ever again!)

"And then...that's when the cops showed up and arrested me, just like that!" Daring Do said angrily, "They wouldn't listen to me, no matter what I said to them."

"They said I was guilty of stealing the 'Tsao Mask' and for murdering six guard ponies from the museum, saying that they had enough evidence to pin the crime on me, but I would never do such a thing!" Daring Do said, "I beat up bad guys all the time, but I'd never kill a single one of them! Heck, not even Ahuizotl!"

"Like Superman, Batman, and such, huh?" Phoenix asked.

"No idea who they are, but whatever. You guys believe me right?" Daring asked them, "I'd never kill anypony, or steal stuff from others whatsoever!"

(Looks like none of my references are gonna be picked up on by these ponies…) Phoenix thought to himself. (What a shame. That’s where most of my remarks that Maya says are funny come from…)

"Rainbow Dash and her friends have faith in you Daring Do, otherwise, they would have never asked us to come here and help you." Phoenix said.

"And if they believe in you, then we believe in you." Athena said.

"So you'll take my case?" Daring Do asked hopefully.

"Before we get to that, there's something we need to ask." Apollo said in a serious tone.

"What is it?" Daring Do asked anxiously.

"Did you happen to visit the museum yourself on the day before the night you were arrested?" Apollo asked.

"Um, yes?" Daring Do said.

"And the Tsao Mask was still there?" Apollo asked.

"Yeah, it was being displayed inside a glass case, on the ancient artifacts exhibition." Daring Do said.

"And...did you actually happen to...plan to steal it that night?" Apollo asked.

"BUCK NO!" Daring Do yelled in anger while punching her front hooves on the window, "I've told you, I'D NEVER STEAL FROM ANYPONY, OR MURDER ANYPONY ON TOP OF THAT!!!"

Apollo stared at his bracelet, expecting it to react to Daring Do's words. But there was none.

(No reaction...that means she's telling the truth.) Apollo said in his thoughts.

"All right, then." Apollo said, "We'll take your case."

Daring Do calmed down and looked in surprise and delight, "You wil!?"

"Of course we will." Athena replied with a nod, "For Rainbow Dash and her friends."

"Sweet! I knew I could count on you!" Daring Do shouted in excitement.

"We should probably head to the crime scene then." Phoenix said, "What was the place? Cloudsdale Museum?"

"Yup. Rainbow Dash should know where it is." Daring Do said.

"We'll head there right away, then." Apollo confirmed.

"Good luck, guys!" Daring Do said.

Phoenix and his group said goodbye to Daring Do and left the Cloudsdale Detention Center.

After they left, however, Daring Do looked around, hoping no one was watching, then she released a strong wind from behind. When she was done, she sighed in relief, "I've been holding that one in all day."

...Hey, who's that on my camera?

OH...oh no…Somebody's coming!

James CyberLink's Office

James CyberLink looked to his camera, and grabbed a lead pipe, when suddenly, Pinkie Pie broke the door down, despite the magnetic locks holding it in place. Like an enraged pirate robot, she burst in and screeched out. "JAMES CYBERLINK!!!" she roared like a monster in rage.

"AAAAH! PINKIE PIE! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" James screamed in a near panic state.


"C-Calm down, Pinkie! I swear, I made it funny this time!" James assured, but Pinkie wasn't buying it.


James held the lead pipe tightly and prepared for battle as Pinkie Pie pulled out her Pinkie Iron Mark 7, which she had been working on since Turnabout Storm. "Then you leave me no choice! YOU'RE GOING DOWN!!!"

"GUNG HO!!!!" Pinkie yelled out madly as the two charged towards each other, about to clash.



Soon enough, Pinkie had simply taken enough. She pulled out her Party Cannon, as James looked on in horror.

To Be Continued In Chapter 2-2

Comments ( 278 )
Comment posted by James CyberLink deleted Feb 28th, 2015

Apollo sure panics a lot.

5681378 He's scared of heights in addition to Phoenix. There's nothing else panicking him.........Seriously, there isn't.

Is Toonwriter gone?! https://www.dropbox.com/s/i2i959wggcwn0i5/Document.rtf?dl=0

5681735 I have to ask when there going to rip sunbutt a new one becasue i just hate the idea of her doing something like that

5844229 i want sun butt to be having her ass rip open is all my god theres a reson why we never giver muders the death row becasue its inhuman to do so in the 1st plach

5844599 I think you're on the wrong story. You're not making any cohesive sense at all.

I can't understand a word of that, I'm afraid.

5844599 If by that you mean kill her and/or rape Celestia....

FORGET IT!!!!!!! :flutterrage:

5845742 what? NNNOOO! i mean kill her with facts why this is a bad thing to do.

theres a reson why we rarely sent people to death row becasue not only its inhuman and its wrong in all ways.

Theres a reson why some people want that death row to be remove and more and more people are telling the gorvment to remove a thing becasue its also agist basic human rights to live life, even it mean living it behide a wall or a barr window.

Jails that have better ways to do things like give muders and raper jobs inside the jail, if you look at jail that do things like this you see they rarely have a riot inside it.

If you ask me I would tell her that she doing it so her ponies can fear her to have peach and this is no way to real over someone at all

5846462 Not gonna do that. Nope.

5846462 ...I don't think either of us understand what the hell you're saying, mate. Not to offend you if English isn't your first language, or anything....


5912012 Where does that quote even come into the story? I'm editing it and I don't remember that being anywhere!

5912012 Where did you see the quote?

5912012 And plus you are using the logic of Layton x Ace Attorney which has a different Judge than all of the Ace Attorney games, and to be completely honest and SPOILER ALERT The witches weren't witches and the witches never died

5681735 is this still being updated. Please say yes

Soon enough, Pinkie had simply taken enough. She pulled out her Party Cannon, as James looked on in horror.

6380965 We're caught in a blind spot, but yeah, we're still cracking on with it. I think. Or whatever the hell Toonwriter and JP are doing over there.

Please continue this!

Here are some characters I'd like to see as witnesses:

Mr. (or Mrs.) Cake.
Maud Pie.
Doctor Whooves.
Derpy Hooves.
The Flim-Flam Bros.
Those two background ponies who look like the Lutece Twins.
Starlight Glimmer.
Mina the Dragon.
Prince Blueblood.
Anypony I should add?

7346591 How about the following?

Zephyr Breeze
Zesty Gourmand (She could be perfect as either an evil accomplice, or a criminal to be arrested)
Svengallop (I think he'd be perfect as either an evil accomplice, or a criminal to be arrested)
Coriander Cumin
Saffron Masala
The Spa Twins (Aloe and Lotus)
Spoiled Rich (Maybe either an evil accomplice, or a criminal, or whichever)

7361078 I like it! I found a few more, also:
Weevil (from the fan fiction "Citizen Weevil")
Garble the Dragon
The Diamond Dogs
The pony that was once Sunset Shimmer's human counterpart
Double Diamond
Bright Eyes the Crystal Unicorn (from rhjunior's Nyx stories)
Iron Will
Lightning Dust
Fluffle Puff (with Chrysalis as a translator)
Eris (a female Draconequus)
Pandora (Discord's daughter from a dimension where he married Twilight Sparkle)
Cupcake (Pinkie Pie's daughter from the same dimension Pandora is from, and Pandora's best friend)
Anypony else worth noting?

7361385 Weevil (from the fan fiction "Citizen Weevil")
Garble the Dragon
The Diamond Dogs
The pony that was once Sunset Shimmer's human counterpart
Double Diamond
Bright Eyes the Crystal Unicorn (from rhjunior's Nyx stories)
Iron Will
Lightning Dust

I can accept all except the following:

Fluffle Puff (with Chrysalis as a translator) - Chrysalis is an evil villain. I don't accept her and Chrysalis as a pair. So I decided to make up a new version of Fluffle Puff; one who will be able to talk (instead of blow raspberries), and who is a best friend to little Nyx.
Eris (a female Draconequus) - Ironically, I'm having an Eris as a daughter of Discord.
Pandora (Discord's daughter from a dimension where he married Twilight Sparkle) - I don't know what she looks like, and yet, I don't think she'll be there.)
Cupcake (Pinkie Pie's daughter from the same dimension Pandora is from, and Pandora's best friend) - Same reason as Pandora.

I've never seen Citizen Weevil before. I'll have to check it out.

7381766 Oh! Can Nyx be involved?

7383015 Are you kidding?!?! OF COURSE she'll be involved! I love her! She will be a major character in the whole story! :pinkiehappy:

And perhaps I could include references to Sweetie's Mansion!

7388023 How about Tick Tock from "Doctor Whooves and Assistant"? http://doctorwhoovesassistant.wikia.com/wiki/Tick_Tock

7392613 And some of the characters from familyismagic.tumblr.com and ask-princesssparkle.tumblr.com ?

7392626 Don't know them. Not using them.

7396523 You could check them out by typing in those links.

7397461 I did check them out.

7397630 Oh. Um... How about Thorax from "The Times They Are A-Changeling", then?

7533583 And the Doctor/Doctor Whooves/Time Turner? Not to mention his "evil other self" from a parallel timeline where he was "Discorded": Valeyard Whooves/Discord Whooves.

7533588 Perhaps even the Ponies of the Seven Sins? cdn-img.fimfiction.net/story/9ees-1432459307-68313-full (Aphrodite, Cashmere, Ennui, Kindling, Covette, Warble, and Vanity are their names, and they are deeply affected by Lust, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, Gluttony, and Pride, respectively. For more information on them, read this story: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/68313/sin )

I love it, I really want to see Edgeworth comes to Equestria one day. Maybe one case of Trixie be arrasted. Them make a good couple of prosecutors.

Please continue.

Do you think Gabriella might be a witness?

7556903 That is, Gabriella the Griffon from "The Fault in Our Cutie Marks"?

Perhaps we might see a jury (like in "<The Great Ace Attorney>"/"Dai Gyakuten Saiban: Naruhodō Ryūnosuke no Bōken")? Or conflicting witness testimonies (like what was introduced in "Professor Layton Meets Ace Attorney")?

7556903 Why, sure the Griffon will be a witness! :twilightsmile:

7581269 Hmm... that's a possibility.

7533892 Very interesting.

7546181 That's another possibility.

7581932 I'm really excited to see what will happen.

7581932 Maybe there might be a character who is similar, in some ways, to the Payne Brothers (personally, I'd call her "Jacqueline Dismay").

7607143 A brilliant idea! In fact, I think that shall be the mare's name! But what would she look like?

7615255 That is precisely what I need! Thanks, man!

7630563 The Squire's the griffon in green.

7630564 The Squire shall indeed appear.

7631781 What should we name the Squire?

7632673 Hmm... good question.

7632879 I'd call him "Squire Gavin", personally.

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