• Published 28th Feb 2014
  • 18,906 Views, 448 Comments

Rainbow Dash, Please Describe Red - x Silver Tongue x

Rainbow Dash finds out she is colorblind. Everyone in Ponyville cracks up at the irony.

  • ...

~A LONG Awaited Referral~

Author's Note:

Pun Intended, of course.
For those of you who tolerated me seventy some weeks ago for a chapter about mentally unstable Pinkies and an attempt to be a scientist, here's an extension of the plot you've requested so that I may not burden you with the "Incomplete Tag" any longer. Thanks for still watching :rainbowdetermined2:

Rainbow had been completely oblivious to the conversation between Twilight and Nurse Redheart for multiple reasons, all of which she thought were relatively valid. First of all, it was well outside of her particular interests about the situation; science, of course, was not her forte. Her incessant questioning regarding the logistics of colorblindness were her futile efforts to seem engrossed in their conversation, while more pressing matters loomed inside of her head.

She was, in all honesty, confused. Twilight Sparkle's entire life was shaped around the tiny, powerful sparkles that were magic, not to mention the Element of Magic, which she managed to harness to defeat evils. Who would Twilight be if she couldn't identify with the image that rested on her flank? This question was one Rainbow traced back to herself. Rainbow Dash, according to he medical experts uncomfortably huddling round her , had not the slightest understanding of what a rainbow was, yet her identity was shaped around her ability to spontaneously create a sonic boom showcasing such colors. Though she wasn't all that inclined to break into another rendition of "What My Cutie Mark is Telling Me," the very idea that she could not live up to her destiny sent chills up her vertebra once again.

Though, from the outside, everyone still assumed rainbow horse was simply being rainbow horse.

She attempted once again to appear at all interested. "Twilight," she articulated, "what's colorblindness?"

The frantic purple pony was negligent to address the unproductive comment. "Rainbow," she began irritably. "You have to be joking. Have you been listening to us at all?" Her mane was frazzled, sticking up in a firm position of unrest.

"Frankly no mam," she responded comically, her reflective attitude far behind her.

Twilight resisted the urge to go completely bananas. Instead, she ignored the pegasus and immediately questioned Nurse Redheart, whom wasn't far from where the two were standing. "So, what does this mean for Rainbow Dash, exactly? Besides completely killing her future ambition of being an artist or something?"

"I don't imagine much," she answered, fiddling with her ruby ballpoint pen as she scribbled some numbers on a notepad. "There isn't much I myself can advise against. You'll figure out what you can and can't do in due time as ponies reveal it to you. Though, I can expect you won't be flaunting your whole rainbow reputation for a while." She tore the page that she was sketching upon from its binding and handed it to Twilight. "Here's Rainbow's sign off to leave. Just meet with the front desk, pay the check up fee, and you can head out the door."

Twilight scanned over the list expeditiously before handing it to Rainbow Dash. "I'm really hoping that's an accumulative bill for the year, and not just this month. Nevertheless, you're paying for it."

Rainbow reviewed the list, having a similar traumatic reaction before handing it back to Twilight, who held it in her hoof. "This year, thankfully."

"Anyways..." Twilight began, beginning to trot towards the hallway to exit the office. "Thank you very much Nurse Redheart, we appreciate your time and energy. Speaking of time, you might want to check on Pinkie's patient right now, assuming you're free."

"That might be best," she agreed, suddenly anxious. "Thank you for coming to South Ponyville's Medical Office. Have a great day."

"You too," chirped Rainbow. "Also, I love your pen! Grey, how original!"

"Just kidding. Get out."

Twilight and Rainbow, exhausted from the afternoon's events, knew exactly where they wanted to retreat after the overwhelming diagnosis- somewhere they could eat their troubles away, preferably with friends. Though Pinkie was somehow still working her medical shift, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rarity were eager to rendezvous at Sugarcube Corner for a hayburger and several pastries. Within minutes, the trio arrived at the establishment, where Rainbow and Twilight had already been seated, talking about likely topics.

Applejack was the first to sit down, inspired to take shots at Rainbow Dash. "So Dash, got in another flying accident, didn't ya? How did that turn out?"

Rainbow was visibly flustered, whether by the secrecy she would have to uphold, or Applejack's newest attempt to take shots at her overblown ego. "Who's asking? Or are you just eager to laugh in other's misery after you completely bombed your lasso round at the rodeo and went head first into the closest apple tree?" In Rainbow Dash's imagination, a quiet, monotone hum of shots fired could be heard in the distance.

"Oh, no need to be brash," interrupted Rarity, who squeezed her head into the conversation. "It probably turned out as all thirty-seven of her recent accidents went: without drastic damage. Besides, we have more important matters to discuss. Everypony should sit down, for I have some exciting news to discuss with all of you!"

Once everybody, including Fluttershy, had found a seat, Rarity preceded to exclaim her revelation. "Today, I was invited to showcase a garment in the most prestigious fashion showcase in all of Equestria! Yes, I, Rarity, have been welcomed to the Las Pegasus Artistry Gala!"

Many impressed oohs and ahhs could be heard from the ponies circling the table, a telling sign to Rarity that she could continue revealing the big news. "Thank you girls. Since you are all so supportive of me, it was my first instinct to ask you all to critique my first sketch for the outfit I want to present." she whipped out a pasteboard from behind her, which had gone unnoticed to the ponies upon their arrival to the restaurant. On the large landscape, a flirtatious, airy garment had been traced in pencil, accompanied by meticulously outlined shading. More positive gestures were seen from the crowd, except for Rainbow Dash. Rarity looked slightly disappointed. "What, too much layering?"

The dress was undeniably fabulous, Rainbow had assumed, but her expression was not one of distaste. It was worrisome. What color was the dress? All she saw was grey, but could it also be red? Or blue? Had she been mixing up her colors all this time? Perhaps if she had listened more intently to the conversation between Twilight and Nurse Redheart, she would be able to accurately choose a color, but instead she had only a 33% chance of escaping the situation unscathed, without revealing any symptoms of her colorblindness. Concerned as to how she could best respond to the garment, she tried her best to seem struck by detail. "Well," she said frantically, "I just really don't identify with the, colors?"

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "What colors?"

Rainbow suddenly felt vulnerable, questioning her actions. It must've been the color white, or black, or any sort of shade or hue that was foreign to her. "W-wh- wha-what do you mean?"

Twilight nudged Rainbow, attempting to offer clarification. "Rainbow Dash, it's a sketch. It doesn't have any color."

Rainbow Dash got the hint and was immediately regretful of her comment. "Oh hahahahahahaa," Rainbow stated shamefully, feverishly eyeing the ponies around her. "I knew that, of course. Just me, old Rainbow, critiquing fashion because I think fashion is overrated! Not your fashion though. But I mean when have I ever even liked fashion! I don't even wear clothes. Daring Do wears a hat. Hey do you think I should get a hat? Maybe the outfit should have a hat. Sherlock Hooves had a hat and he was a good mystery solver, kinda like Daring Do. When's the next book coming out Twilight? maybe we should get a book about fashion and-"

Rainbow paused when she noticed the four beady pairs of eyes awkwardly eyeing her down from across the table. Fluttershy was the first to break the ice. "Rainbow Dash, " she shyly spoke, "are you ok? You're making me worried."

"Of course I am, why wouldn't I be! Why would you ever think something was wrong?! I'm completely fine, don't question me!"

"Are you sure darling?" inquired Rarity. "You aren't usually like this. Did I do something to offend you? Or did something happen at the doctors office-"


Everybody turned synchronously towards the window of Sugarcube Corner in search of a rodent, Fluttershy in particular concerned about the possibility that once of her animals had gone astray. However, when all of the ponies took their gaze off of the glass barrier, Rainbow Dash had disappeared. They all gave each other looks off confusion, which were returned with likewise expressions. Twilight unwillingly explained the disappearance. "You'll have to excuse her girls; she's had a pretty rough day."

The inevitable question made an appearance. "What happened to get her so flustered?" asked Applejack.

Twilight sighed, not wanting to be the person to share the news, but equally obligated to reveal it to her best friends. "It's kinda complicated. In fact, I'm not sure I quite have a grasp on it yet..." She took a sip of her raspberry iced tea she had ordered earlier, and took a deep breath. "So today, as you know, Rainbow Dash got in a flying accident, so it is mandatory for her to have a checkup at over at South Ponyville to insure all of her senses are intact, since a loss of sight or hearing could be a huge handicap."

"Of course, she's done this many times before," responded Rarity. "However, she looks perfectly fine with her motor skills and such, and she's never been embarrassed or disappointed by any of her minor injuries in the past. What makes this trip any different?"

"Did she loose her flying abilities maybe?" added Fluttershy. "That would be sad."

"No, she can still fly," answered Twilight, slowly leading up to the reveal. "In fact, she hasn't been damaged at all due to the accident. By now, she's probably built up an immunity to injury. She learned something else about herself that she isn't so inclined to believe yet."

"Oh, do tell," Applejack requested, seeking blackmail after Rainbow's embarrassing explanation of her rodeo accident. Twilight and Rarity showed her disapproving eyes.

"I will, but no using it against her AJ," reprimanded Twilight. She took a deep breath, not wanting to stretch the suspense any longer, since the answer was somewhat anticlimactic. "When they were checking her sight, Nurse Redheart learned that Rainbow Dash was colorblind. Yes my friends, rainbow horse can't see the rainbow."

Just as Twilight and Rainbow Dash had responded when hearing the news for the first time, nobody was laughing, nor was anybody spazzing out. The room itself basked in an atmosphere of confusion, submerged in an analytical silence. Everypony's face was deep in thought for a whopping five seconds.

Rarity was the first to intervene. "So what you're saying is, somebody who literally has rainbow in her genes also has a gene that prevents her from seeing it?"

"I mean, I guess that's what the situation is," Twilight noted uneasily.

"How does that even work?" questioned Applejack. "Isn't that like against the rules of reality or somethin'?"

"Nope, not technically," Twilight explained, " but its against the rules of what logically makes sense if you ask me."

"Well that's certainly ironic."

Everybody turned towards each other, wondering who the blunt one was, eventually turning to Fluttershy, who was cramped up against the wall of the Sugarcube Corner booth. She presented a nervous and embarrassed smile. "I mean, should we go check up on her?"

"Nah, give her some time to tend to her bruised ego," Applejack suggested, indifferent on the situation. "Besides based on the responses we've given, we won't be much help."

"Agreed," added Twilight, who dropped the subject as soon as possible. "On a totally unrelated note, does anybody know how Pinkie Pie got a medical license?"

Rainbow, drowned in a melancholy state, flew over the streets of Ponyville with her head angled down, vigilantly eyeing for any ponies she felt inclined to avoid. After pretty much blowing her plan of not telling her friends about the day's ordeal, she would have to do everything in her power to keep this a secret from every pony else, without exception. News of her colorblindness would be pretty irrelevant in any other pony's case, but the Foal Free Press could make a killing off of Rainbow Dash's small handicap if they got a hold on the information; besides, after getting her photo taken while getting a hooficure at the spa, she didn't need any more negative public attention. With that in mind, what color did she paint her hooves? Blue? Green? Eh, doesn't really matter; it was still embarrassing either way in her mind. The only public attention she would tolerate was that of her passionate fan club, and the 5% of Equestria that cared about the Elements of Harmony.

As Rainbow neared her house, where she planned to stay until the hysteria of the day died down, she noticed something clinging timorously to her mailbox, about to be carried away on an endless wind current. Concerned as to what it was, she speedily flew over to redeem the random piece of paper. She sprinted trough the air feverishly, ripping the note from its position as she zoomed past it at electric speed. When the letter was in her possession, she immediately ripped it open to see what was inside. However, when she opened it up, the note inside seemed to be empty. Nothing was written on it as she saw it through her eyes, simply a blank page.

"Great, there's nothing on here, as usual," she grunted, tossing the note off the side of her cloud home so that it might land on the bottom, next to the other two hundred notes she had discarded from earlier years. "I always get this at the same time of year; I must be getting pranked- again."

Upon tossing it off the cloud, the note situated itself face up. On it a message was scribbled in bright red ink.

Dear Wonderbolt Applicants for our 130th flight season,

Hello applicants! We, the admissions office for the Wonderbolts, are glad to inform you that you have met the qualifications to move on to the next stage of the admissions process! In order for your application to be furthered, all accepted applicants must pass the official Wonderbolt history exam, flight behavioral exam, and hearing/sight testing. Those applicants who fulfill these necessary requirements with flying colors (forgive our puns) will be subject to further review on their application. Those who perform poorly will be rejected by admissions. However, we wish you all the best of luck in your endeavors as you study and prepare for these exams. We believe all of you have the potential to succeed in this portion of the application process! Please complete these exams and document your scores within five weeks.

Best Regards,

Comet Cluster, Wonderbolt Admissions.

Comments ( 52 )

Damn...that sucks for Rainbow...

damn, that ending is messed up.

Eugh, that red ink is discouraging. I can only imagine how she can see Applejack and Big Mac.

Ooh... That's... Bad luck for Dashie. Really bad luck. If it hinders her that much, then her future is pretty much over. Poor girl.

It's all fun and games until it's shown to be completely ruining any chance of achieving your dreams...

who sends an acceptance letter written in red ink!? fuck, poor dash. thanks to a really shitty stroke of bad luck, she's been keeping herself from achieving her dreams all these years.

Oh god! :raritydespair:
The letter at the end! Nuuuuuuuuuu :fluttershbad:

So she can't distinguish colours, and she is entirely blind to red? That seems like an escalation to me.

Featured again, on 1/1/16!

I think it's supposed to be red ink on grey paper. Rainbow can't tell them apart due to her colorblindness.


"That was a bad pun, Rainbow, stop trying."

Are you implying that there are good puns?

Poor Dashie

she can't even see her boyfriend

This really needs a tragedy tag. :applecry:

Flying colours huh? Oh yeah if you want to be in arial teams of the air force here you can't be colourblind or have any other incorrectable sight issues.

All this wait, and you leave a link to an Onision video in the chapter? I really fucking hate you, right now.

First of all... holy hell it's been a while, hasn't it?

Second of all: That's not how color blindness works, unless by some cruel coincidence the grayscale of the paper was the exact shade as the grayscale of the ink. But whatever.

Aw man, Rainbow will be devastated once she finds out...:fluttercry:

Looks like she never had a chance to join the Wonderbolts at all. Ever.

Wait. This is Equestria. She's friends with at least two terrestrial goddesses. Fixitfixitfixitfixitfixit.

That banana is best banana.


You're using the wrong word for sense.

Make(s) sense, is an idiom, that means to be coherent or reasonable. Other definitions of that idiom are close to that one.

Since the revelation that Rainbow Dash is color blind. When she has a rainbow on her flank, is known for a technique that creates a rainbow sonic boom, and has all the colors in her hair. Leaving characters senseless, and clearly confused on to how that's possible. Means that it is, in a sense. A proper usage of that word.


Again. You're using the wrong definition of sense. You're using sense as in a faculty of perception, as well as the idiom common sense. Which means showing good sense and practical judgement in practical manners.

The idiom make/makes sense. Is something that's clear / coherent, and reasonable. Or in context something that the mind can grasp and understand. Sure rainbow ponies make up .006 % of the populace [honestly I stopped counting ponies after S3. So I'm rounding up to 1,000 [there are more than that in the world, there probably. But still with a 1,000 that's a good sample size]. And there were 6 Rainbow maned ponies in 6 seasons. Most one shot background ponies]. And then of that very small subset of ponies. You have [since they euqines in Equestria have eyes and color blindness rates similar to earth]. Is at 1 out of 200 women [and with 540 females [canon gender spit is 1.85 mares per 1 stallion]. Makes that 2 out 540 are color blind.]

So a .006% color scheme, whose Cutie mark is a Rainbow [only two known ponies with Rainbow Cutie Marks in Equestria canon so far [the other being Rainbow Shine]] putting her cutie mark rarity at .002% world population, and whose special talent is one pony every few centuries [you can do the odds on that]. Being one of the 2 out of 540 who're color blind. Is extremely, extremely improbable.

So that doesn't really make sense to those who'd hear about it. Nor would it seem as something that is, or could be possible.

We've seen how baffled ponies are about this discovery. How confused, and how absurd it seems to them. As well as how improbable it seems to the ponies InVerse. So it doesn't make sense.

As for logic. It is reasoning addressed or conducted according to strict principles of validity. In other words it's something that makes sense, and is structured in such a way as to easily come to a conclusion based on known data.

Rainbow pony with Rainbow powers, and a Rainbow Cutie Mark. Being in the higher end of color blindness [not as being green-red color blind [but still seeing blue and yellow], but only seeing blacks, whites, and greys]. When nothing about their cutie mark, or previous actions alluded to said color blindness. With a proper rainbow colored cutie mark [in a pony who wouldn't know what any of those colors are, or what order they'd belong in]. Yells in the face of logic.

Sure it's in the realm of possibility. But so is getting eaten by a shark, while being struck by lightning, which sets off a previously inactive sea mine. But like with that scenario while possible, is so improbable as to seem as not within the realm of possibility.

So yes. If you take into account what the idiom means. As well as putting logic into it. InVerse. Then it is correct. Since even after seeing evidence of it. It still seems as something both illogical (in a definition of the word), and baffling.

"Great, there's nothing on here, as usual," she grunted, tossing the note off the side of her cloud home so that it might land on the bottom, next to the other two hundred notes she had discarded from earlier years. "I always get this at the same time of year; I must be getting pranked- again."

Oh my... how many times had she missed her acceptance letter.

And yay! Glad to see the story return!

Dash is out of the race. Shiet...

Yeah, seems about right. :rainbowlaugh:

6789801 No, she'd be able to see him--just as a gray pony with four white stars and a light gray sliver (of what's supposed to be a bit of leaf on the apple). But the rest of his cutie mark would be pretty much invisible to her eyes--his red coat and green apple would both have nearly the same shade of gray to her vision.

I forgot, does Rainbow have the type of colorblindness that makes her not see bright red on white?
Still, that sucks.

Trust Fluttershy out of them all to be the one to point out the irony of the entire situation :rainbowlaugh:


She never said illogical. That's something I said, and is a word that's in the dictionary. Meaning lacking sense, or clear, sound reasoning. Which in the strictest sense of the word, it is.

And we're talking about a pony who used the words "scientific research" with "Pinkius Pieicus" in the same sentence. [Rather than the appropriate, "Rosea Crustum" would have been more appropriate]. And she does use the world 'logically' several times in the show in a way that's similar to this. If I'm remembering properly.

That and Propositional Logic is the logic used here. "Rainbow's have many colors in a specific arrangement."; "Color blind ponies can't see colors, thus wouldn't know what color goes where in a rainbow.".

"If Rainbow Dash has a rainbow cutie mark. And said cutie mark is 100% accurate in color placement. Rainbow Dash isn't Color Blind." ... Logical assumption = false.

Same as with: "Rainbow Dash's special move creates a super sonic rainbow shockwave. And claims to know what a rainbow is. Thus since cutie mark is accurate, and pony knows what X is. Said pony must see colors." ... Logical assumption = false.

Then there's Epistemic Modal Logic. Which this technically could be.

But regardless. Both with inductive and deductive reasoning. Coming to the conclusion that Rainbow Dash is Color Blind would be seen as a contradiction to facts inferred via observation, and previous assumptions. And logic doesn't allow contradiction. Thus in any school of logic. Where reasoning, inferred data, and assumptions have a logical conclusion.

That defies it.

It should also be said there are many, many types of logic. But they all have these things in common. And her statement stated that it made no sense in a logical stand point, that gained data was inconsistent with inferred, and previously assumed reasoning that made sense. As well as how there is no logic model that the gained data doesn't violate in one form or another.

Other than the logic model. "Test shows Rainbow Dash is color blind. Thus Rainbow Dash is color blind." Which is something that throws wrenches in the minds of everypony as they try to wrap their brains around that. Which shows consistency, soundness, and validity have contradict said truth.

But yeah. It's in character for Twilight. Not all that common. But it's all good.


Sending reply via PM.

Reeve #31 · Jan 5th, 2016 · · 1 ·

This story reminds me of the game "the last of us"... in that it's incredibly popular and yet I cannot see why


Similar thing happened to my Grandpa in WWII. He enlisted in the Army Air Core, but has to transfer to the 10th Mountain Division because he is colorblind.


Dank dremes can steel melt meams.

Unlikely, red ink on red paper would be essentially illegible and maybe not even visible to most of us I think.

IF this fic gets any more attention, I would love to see how RD would react to a pair of these:
Regardless, good work. It was fun to read.

6818205 Earlier in the fic it was stated that Rainbow also had difficulty distinguishing among different shades.

Just as I was growing used to not constantly thinking about fictional characters and their issues... you rope me back in XD :pinkiegasp: MOAR! :flutterrage:

But years? That's just so screwed up XD Also a tad unbelievable; I mean eventually someone from the Wonderbolts would have questioned Rainbow on why she keeps coming back to admission? :rainbowhuh:

6822361 I was thinking the same thing! :pinkiehappy:

I think I'm taking back my Favorite and my Like for this fic. The novelty of the premise wasn't really capitalized on, and it's not really funny at all. No Dislike, but I don't find it funny enough to keep the Like.

6790168 This isn't a tragedy, at least not yet. A tragedy is a story dealing with tragic events and having an unhappy ending, especially one concerning the downfall of the main character. This story is ongoing so it is not yet a tragedy.

So she cannot see that there are actual words written on the paper? My question is, WHAT KIND OF ACCEPTANCE LETTER IS WRITTEN IN INK OTHER THAN BLACK?

I guess anything a teenager writes about multicolored ponies amuses you.

Given Mommy!, yeah.

last seen Mar 27th, 2016

someone needs to continue this

So RD has Monochromatic vision? Well... balls

Oooooh, owch, where did that feels come from?!

What color was the dress?

Clearly black and blue. How could it possible be white and gold?

Tragic and sad. Good concept.

I can relate to Rainbow Dash here. While I’m only maybe 25 to 30 percent colorblind myself (give or take). It definitely effects my ability to read text on certain backgrounds. For example, I just had to turn off Night Mode on my iPad and in my account settings to type this. Before that, the text I was typing was virtually invisible. Interestingly, I have no issues reading red on white. Red on black is another story, though.

When I was younger, I wanted to become a fighter pilot, then an Airline pilot. My colorblindness is one of the main things that would prevent this. Maybe this is one reason why I relate so much to Scootaloo fanfics (including one I read about her being colorblind) and to some episodes about her on the show.

On the plus side, if the Rainbow Dash in this alternate universe learns the truth about the limitations that her colorblindness imposes on her, she might bond with Scootaloo more (at least eventually, when she learns to deal with the emotions associated with that) and become a better role model/big sister figure for her.

At one point, I wanted to become an English professor but between my inability to inability to see color well (at least mostly neurological) and my difficulties with body language and figures of speech I noticed that was pretty much out more than 20 years ago.

These days I am currently doing some IT work for my father’s business. I do some Network setup and troubleshooting and talk him through it on the phone. I also research new computers and printers when the time comes for him to buy new ones.

It is fortunate that it is not necessary to distinguish straight-through and crossover Cat 5e Ethernet cables all that often on sight in my day to day work (the wire pairs inside the cables are color coded).
Also, some cables have straight-through or crossover written on the cable itself and so in practice it is sometimes possible to distinguish them that way.

I intellectually know (for the most part) which one to use for which purpose and so I can usually tell someone shopping for an Ethernet cable which one to buy. I guess I’ll find out sometime this year if it also limits me in the Networking (or Internetworking) area as well. Luckily, I can use Telnet or SSH and I know my way around a command line pretty well and so (with any luck) my colorblindness won’t effect me too much in the real world (at least in this area). I guess time will tell...

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