• Published 25th Mar 2012
  • 3,841 Views, 16 Comments

Nightmare Moon Returns - Deathsia

Nightmare Moon is back....WITH A VENGEANCE! Will the mane six survive it?

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Ponyville Under Siege!







“Charge!!!!!!!” A male colt yelled out followed by thousands of pounding hooves on the ground as Princess Celesta's and Nightmare Moon's forces clashed in a barren wasteland that had been rendered to this state over the course of many years of wars.

The many dying cries of colts and fillies alike could be heard echoing throughout the land as soldiers from both sides trampled each other,used forbidden magics to slay each other on the ground.

Meanwhile up in the sky hundreds of Pegasus clashed hooves that had be equipped with deadly sharp pointed ends to stab their foes with. Feathers flew,wings were ripped apart,Ponies fell from the sky and hit the ground with a sicking thud. The bodies of hundreds of dead Pegasus lay scattered through the land as troops from both sides fought on ignoring them.

“AAAHHHHHHHH!!!” A colt shouted at the top of his lungs as he charged in using his sharpened hooves to impale four foes at once however becoming gravely injured in the process. “Standing up wearily he looked at the coming forces to finish him off and gave a short snort and a sigh “I suppose i'll never see my daughter or wife again after this....” The colt thought to himself taking her stance, his cutie mark which was party hats brandishing in the moonlight as he prepared to clash. “For my daughter!!!!!” The colt shouted at the top of his lungs and charged forward...

Several days later in a camp not far away from the battle a solider colt walked into a tent and saluted a mare whose flank sported a cutie mark of cupcakes. She also wore a hat with many stars on it.” General Pie. I have a urgent report from the front.” The solider colt said handing the mare a rolled up scroll. “My god.....and what of my husband?” The mare asked as she looked over the report.

“I'm afraid commander Pie died in the line of duty.” The solider said lowering his head only to be startled by the mare slamming a hove on the table.
“This is enough! I don't care what the princess says! This war must stop!” The mare said and began to make for the entrance of the tent only to stop half way as a brand of dark magic hit the ground mere inches from her. “Who could have-?” The mare thought to herself as she dashed out only to gasp.

“Elena Pie....or rather general pie....nice to see you again.” Nightmare moon said with a malicious smile.

“Nightmare Moon...you won't take another step!” Elena said taking a stance.

“Oh? And what would a feeble pony such as yourself do?” Nightmare Moon said with a cackle and short a beam of dark magic from her horn at Elena who dodged barely but her hat was knocked off revealing a horn.

“A unicorn?!” Nightmare moon said in shock. “so that's why you always wore hats....” Nightmare moon said with a fierce expression.

“It's time for you to find out why I was hove chosen by princess celesta as general. She knew you would come for the general directly!” Elena shouted as her horn glowed brightly and fired at Nightmare Moon who countered with her own dark magic.

The beams of magic seemed to be at a stalemate for sometime until Nightmare Moon's beam of magic seemed to be growing stronger pushing back Elena's. “It...can't....be!” Elena said in a strained voice as she concentrated all her magic but it seemed to be feeble against Nightmare Moon. Eventually Nightmare Moon's magic overwhelmed Elena and sent her flying back hitting the ground a few times before rolling on her side on the ground barely conscious.

“Selena.............I love you....my daughter....” Elena said as a hove came crashing down with a sickening thud.

At that precise moment a loud clash of thunder echoed outside a home in Ponyville. A pink mare shot up from her bed beads of sweat running down her head as a storm raged outside. She breathed heavily looking out her window. Her normally puffy and frizzed hair was flat and smooth as she tried to figure out if the dream she had was real or something her mind just made up. “wow-wie....that was some dream...” The pink mare said as she got out of bed and stretched. Her cutie mark which was balloons showing on her flank as she stretched. As she stretched her flat and smooth hair suddenly poofed out into it's normal frizzy and puffy appearance. The mare looked outside her window at the raining sky and the lightning bolts that shot through the sky. “Why do I keep having this dream? Oh Pinkie Pie...maybe you should lay off the cupcakes...they are giving ya weird dreams...” Pinkie Pie said to herself. Pinkie Pie of course never knew how her parents died. She often tried not to think about it but these reoccurring dreams of hers were causing her to think and wonder about it more and more as of late...

Later that day Pinkie Pie visited with her friends who were gathered at their usual spot which was at Twilight's house. Twilight was the first to notice that Pinkie Pie wasn't being her usual cheerful self.
“Hey Pinkie, are you okay?” Twilight asked in a concerned tone.

“Yepie,depie!” Pinkie Pie replied however her face said otherwise.

Applejack was second to notice.” Pinkie...you're looking like you just lost the a best party contest or somethin their sugarcube.” Applejack said looking at Pinkie Pie.

“Oh darling, Applejack's right. You look positively depressed. What happened?” Rarity chimed in.

“I'm fine!” Pinkie Pie replied however none looked convinced.

“Are you sure you okay? You can talk to us about it. That is...if you want to.” Fluttershy said taking note of what everyone else noticed.

“Would everypony just lay off! I'm fine!!!” Pinkie shouted in a abnormally rude tone and ran off just as Rainbow Dash flew in.

“Wow...what's up with Pinkie Pie? She looked pis-” “Yes we know rainbow. She's upset about something and she's not telling us....” Rarity said cutting off Rainbow Dash and looking at Pinkie Pie who was just about out of sight by now.

“This isn't like Pinkie Pie girls. I don't know what's bugging her but it can't be good.” Twilight said after a moment.

“Uhh...Twilight....i think we have more pressing matters to attend to.” Rarity said looking out to the sky which was now darkening suddenly.

“Whoa Nelly! What in tarnation is up with the sky going dark like that?” Applejack said noticing it herself.

“I'm gonna find out!” Rainbow Dash said and flew out the door and too the skies. As she flew up and looked around she noticed an ominous cloud approaching Ponyville.

Meanwhile on the ground Pinkie Pie was trotting slowly and looking rather depressed until the sudden darkening sky made her look up. What happened next seemed to be a flash before Pinkie's eyes as she found herself in a all too familiar scene. Pinkie looked around as colts and fillies fought killing each other around her. Then in the seemingly same moment flashed back to the current scene that beheld her. “Holy moly! What the heck was that about?!” Pinkie asked aloud suddenly. Was she dreaming? No it couldn't have been something that simple. In the moment she found herself in that horrifying scene she could smell the blood soaked air and hear the dying cries of ponies around her. “What in equestria is going on here?” Pinkie asked herself seriously as the sky continued to darken.

Meanwhile back in the skies the ominous dark cloud soon turned out to be thousands of Pegasus ponies,colts and mares dressed in dark armor, flying strait for Ponyville. (Play Angel of Darkness now)

Before Rainbow Dash could fully grasp the sight that beheld her one of the ponies dashed forward ahead of the pack and thrust a hove which was sporting a sharp blade on it at her. Rainbow Dash reacted on impulse evading the pony with a flash and a rainboom leaving the pony stunned.

“Whoa....how did I pull that one off?!” Rainbow Dash asked herself however the rest of the dark armored ponies were now catching up. Rainbow Dash flew as fast as her wings could carry her back to Twilight's house. “Twilight! We got big trouble! Those Pegasus ponies mean business! One tried to kill me!” Rainbow Dash said dramatically earned horrified gasps from everypony.

It was at this precise moment Pinkie Pie was rushing back to Twilight's house as breakneck speed performing a comical bowling ball “STRIKE!” on all the ponies in her way. “Oh sorry!” Pinkie Pie said with a giggle as she popped her head out of a pile of books however her laughter was short lived as the reality of the situation came back to her head.

“This can't be good.....” Twilight said as the Pegasus ponies landed a short distance away and the horrifying screams of ponies could be heard echoing throughout Ponyville a short few moments later.

Spike who had just been standing frozen in horror up to this point suddenly belched out a letter. He immediately opened it and gasped. “Twilight! This is bad! According to this princess celesta has gone missing!” Spike exclaimed causing everypony to turn around and gasp.

“Who could be doing this?!” Twilight asked in a horrified tone.

“Nightmare Moon.....” Pinkie said in a serious tone.

“Uhh....Pinkie...I don't think that's possible darnlin.” Applejack replied.

“Don't ask me how I know. I just do! It's Nightmare Moon!” Pinkie replied dramatically.

“But Pinkie, Princess Luna put aside her anger and rage against her sister and chose to rule equestria with her as an equal. She would never do this.” Twilight Replied trying to talk some sense into Pinkie but at the same time reassuring herself this wasn't the work of Nightmare Moon.

Suddenly seemingly out of nowhere dark armored ponies charged down Twilight's door. And began swinging bladed hooves at the ponies. “I found them!” One mare shouted. As a flurry of bladed hooves and normal ones flew throughout Twilight's home.

As suddenly as it had happened it ended with Applejack standing on two ponies having them tied up by the hooves on their backs. “I don't know about y'all but these ponies mean business!” Applejack said hopping down.

“Is everypony okay?” Twilight asked looking around until she stopped suddenly. The blood seemed to drain from Twilight's face as she stared at her number one assistant laying in a puddle of blood with a shocked expressed on his face on the floor.

“S-s-s-spike?” Twilight said in a stunned tone her voice cracking as she spoke his name while she slowly walked over to spoke unable to speak anymore.

“What's wrong Twi-” Applejack began to say only to gasp mid-sentence as she looked where Twilight was looking with a horrified expression on her face.

“Oh my god.........” Fluttershy said after a moment putting both hooves over her mouth as tears flooded her eyes.
All Rarity could do was try to speak words that would not come as she stared on as twilight slowly made her way to Spike.

“No way.......” Rainbow Dash said as she stared on unable to move.

Pinkie Pie just stared in horror. Her normally frizzy and poofy hair suddenly deflated with a balloon suddenly losing air sound. “It's just like in my dream.....” Pinkie Pie thought to herself as she looked around at Ponyville through the window which was now in flames.

Twilight tried to make her legs move faster. She wanted more than anything to rush to her friends side but for some reason her body refused to move any faster. Each step she took seemed to take an eternity to make. Finally she stepped to his side and knelt beside him. She wanted to lift him up and hold him but as she shaking hooves grew close to him she suddenly slammed them to her face and began to sob loudly.

At last Applejack regained her senses and turned to the dark armored ponies who were trying to get loose but couldn't. Fueled by rage Applejack turned hind end to the dark armored ponies and gave them one hell of a applebuckin strength kick. “Now y'all are gonna tell us who sent ya. Or so help me. I'll use your corpse as fertilizer for my apple orchard!” Applejack shouted lifting one of the dark armored ponies with a hove so it was head level with her.

“Nightmare Moon will come for you. You're the only thing that stands between her and eternal night...” The dark armored pony replied but said no more.

“Nightmare Moon eh?” Twilight's voice suddenly spoke up sounding cold and emotionless.

In the next moment Twilight's horn glowed with a dark aura and her eyes glowed darkly as she shot at the two dark armored ponies evaporating them into ashes on the ground.

“Whoa nelly! Twilight what in tarnation did you just do?!” Applejack said as she jumped back shocked by the dark armored ponies suddenly turning to ashes before her eyes.

Twilight's eyes suddenly returned to normal and she looked about as if she was unaware of what she just did. In the next moment she fell to the ground and began to once again sob loudly.

“Listen. I don't know about you guys. But I don't think Twilight's house is the safest place to be at the moment.” Rainbow Dash spoke up after a few moments seemly ignoring what Twilight just did.

“I want to bury spike.” Twilight said after a few moments.

“Of course darling. I will personally fashion a casket for him.”

A mere hour later just outside of Ponyville the ponies gathered around Spike's grave with their heads held low. (Play “May it Be” now)

“Spike....you were the best assistant I had ever had...i'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you....” Twilight said in a saddened tone.

“Spike...you were the best darn tooten dragon I ever knew....You were always there to remind us of what true friendship was...” Applejack said wiping a tear from her eye.

“Goodness me...i don't know what to say. I mean...” Rarity said trailing off and began to sob quietly.

“I remember when I first met you spike....you told me everything about your life up till the moment you met me...i'll never forget any of it.” Fluttershy said with a smile even though tears were obviously in her eyes.

“You were the coolest dragon I ever knew. In fact you were twenty percent cooler than i'll ever be...” Rainbow Dash said trying not to cry like Rarity as her voice cracked while she spoke.

“Gosh....I can't even begin to tell you how fun you were to hang with at parties and all. I mean you were always so quiet and I was always so hyper. But you were always the most fun at parties.” Pinkie Pie said trying her best to smile.

After a few moments of silence Twilight turned to face all the ponies. “Nightmare Moon has returned. We must harness the elements of harmony again to defeat her as we did before. So first thing tomorrow we head for canterlot were those Pegasus ponies came from and we end this!

Each and everypony stood watching the horizon as the moon showed brightly in the sky as the wind blew through their manes in the wind as they stared off in the distance....