• Published 4th Mar 2014
  • 532 Views, 5 Comments

The Happy Adventuring Saga: The Bonus Chapters - Pennington Inkwell

Sometimes I get bored, okay? And holidays won't just celebrate themselves! Just general silliness for the sake of entertainment, not at all canon to the remainder of my stories.

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Chryswell (Facebook Vote Special!): The Queen's Captive...

As per our Facebook vote, the winning ship is Chryswell! I set up a vote to see which pairing my Facebook followers (http://www.facebook.com/PenningtonInkwell) wanted me to write a short, one-chapter fic about, and the vote came to the favorite ship being Pennington X Chrysalis!

If you're still around by now, I have only three more things to say.
1. Thank you to all of you who have come and liked my page on Facebook or followed me on Fimfiction! You're an inspiration to me every day!
2. Thank you to my lovely illustrator, Gina, without whom my stories would be lifeless.
3. I hope that you all enjoy this bonus chapter, because you asked for it!

Happy Adventuring!
-Pennington Inkwell

"Well, after what happened, I never imagined that I would come back here again..." Chrysalis smiled as she spoke to her "prisoner."

"Well, you know how it is... Just when you think that you've found the right one, she starts getting all grabby and overprotective... then you have to break the news that she's holding you back and she gets all offended and tries to burn your house down... and then uses magic to send you out about halfway to the next country..." The blue-and-lavender unicorn shrugged from his perspective on the ceiling. "Honestly, I'm not going to be mad at her for it, but I just felt like I needed to get away. Find someplace I would be comfortable."

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow as she turned back around, finding herself looking straight into his upside-down eyes. "Pennington... You're hanging from the ceiling. My drones glued you there when they found you sneaking into the hive again."

"Well, if I had been sneaking, they wouldn't have found me. But security certainly has gotten tighter since I was last here..." Pennington shrugged again, though Chrysalis could see his face starting to redden from the blood rushing to his head. "But I do feel comfortable here... Probably because of my partial conversion. I never really lost that connection to the hive mind, I just don't let it control me. Instead, I just let myself pass through the current of thought! It's really quite relaxing, and the hive mind is actually rather welcoming!" He gave her a smug grin. "I suppose the willingness to accept me so quickly was your influence, my queen?"

Chrysalis felt a slight twinge of amusement as the stallion addressed her with her royal title, as if his loyalties laid with her. "Well, now, what on Earth would make you think that?"

"Well, I know that you're the only one who can directly affect the hive mind, and I can tell that it's not only being made to accept me, but to welcome me in..." He tried to turn his head right-side-up, an act that proved futile as he swung back into place. "And I can read the hive mind like a book. It was a quick read, with my being an author..."

Chrysalis smiled as she watched him struggle. She felt a light burning sensation in her chest as she turned away again. It was a warm feeling, and she decided to let it grow. "That's hardly substantial evidence..."

"Not to mention, to the trained mind, it can act as a window straight into yours!" Pennington said smugly as she tensed. "I've seen a few of your more devious plans to get me back here... So, I decided to just come to you, instead!"

Chrysalis turned back on him, quickly advancing on the unicorn. "You looked into my mind?" She hissed, looping one of the holes in her legs around his horn. She pulled his head so that their eyes met, giving him no other place to look. "You would dare to-"

"Well, you let me in!" Pennington interrupted, refusing to squirm under her gaze. "All of those fantasies... Luna taught me a little about dreams, and yours have certainly been worth seeing!" He didn't blink as he stared her down. It seemed to be a battle of lavender versus verdant green as the two refused to blink. "Honestly, Chryssie... I wouldn't have to be part changeling to know what you're feeling right now."

Chrysalis's gaze narrowed as she continued to look into his eyes. She knew what it was that he was talking about. She could feel her heart rate speeding up and her instincts beginning to nag at her as to what she should do. Trying to keep her dignity, she ignored the impulses, but the distraction forced her to glance away. When she looked back, she could feel the smugness radiating off of Pennington.

When she had first met Pennington, it had been in the heat of a revolution. She had seen him at his strongest, and even fought with him against the previous king, and she had seen him at his weakest, when his limp body had flopped out of the conversion pod that he had been stored away in, half changeling and half pony, fighting desperately to hold on to his own name. Never, though, had she ever thought of how much his strength had appealed to her. Pennington was a survivor, just as she was. She had always found her mind wandering back to the few moments that they had spent together. She had almost wished that she hadn't stepped into the role of Queen, since it had been the only thing stopping her from trying to pursue him to Equestria at times. In her spare moments, in the dark of night, she had replayed the time that he had struck down King Entropy's horn dozens of times in her mind, every time looking at the expression of sheer defiance in his eyes. She had no time to think of him during the day, and her queenly duties prevented her from having the time to court any kind of suitor. If he hadn't come here and been caught, I wouldn't have even had the time to see him...

"You know... It's funny that I would know your own food better than you do..." Pennington whispered. "You still haven't figured it out, have you? That burning ache in your chest, those impulses that rake through your body and mind that take every ounce of your willpower to resist? It's said that only changeling royalty can feel the very feeling they feed and grow from... A little love."

Again, her instincts screamed at her in her mind what to do, and this time, she didn't smother them with her pride. "Oh, just come here, you little..." She muttered. Using her grasp on his horn, she pulled Pennington's face forward pulling him into a passionate kiss. From the moment that their lips met, Chrysalis felt as if her body were on fire, burning with a warmth from within, culminating in her brain being set on fire as she gave in totally to her instincts.

Pennington seemed surprised at first, unable to recoil from the sudden onslaught due to her front leg being wrapped around his horn. After a few seconds, however, he began to enjoy it, quietly humming with pleasure now and then as they both sank deeper into the fiery osculation. Every fiber of her being screamed at how right it felt to be kissing him, and she could feel herself growing stronger with every passing moment. She took a step forward, pushing herself more into the kiss, and in her excitement, she could feel the venom dripping off of her fangs and collecting with her saliva. As Pennington returned her force with a resistance of his own, either out of passion or the simple inflexibility of his inverted position, Chrysalis felt another wave of instinctive passion wash over her. With a final lunge forward, she pried open his mouth with her own, letting the venom spill inside. With this final action, she finally broke away from the kiss and took a few steps off to the side, trying hard to cope with the sudden flow of strange and unfamiliar emotions.

Pennington was swinging back and forth, his hooves still anchored firmly to the ceiling, sputtering and coughing for breath. The bright green venom that Chrysalis had deposited in his mouth was dripping out of the corners of his lips and his nostrils. "W- Woah..." He coughed again, sending green droplets through the air. "That was a new experience..."

"Oh, toughen up, Inkwell... You hardly even opened your mouth..." Chrysalis muttered playfully.

He glanced down at the front of his snout. "Uh, Chrysalis? Is this stuff supposed to be burning like a somewhat diluted acid?"

"Well..." Chrysalis grinned evilly as she turned back to face him, her eyes glowing a bright green. "I'm sure you'll get used to it quickly..."

Pennington blinked in surprise at the sudden change, then returned a malevolent grin of his own. "Well, then... Does that mean I get another dose?"

"Absolutely... Along with a few other things. Welcome to the hive, Pennington." Chrysalis finally freed him from his entrapment on the ceiling, gently placing him on the floor with her magic. "Let's start the tour with my personal quarters, shall we?"

"Please, Chrysalis... Call me Penny." The unicorn gave her an understanding smile as they walked away side by side.

Well, every queen needs a king...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Pennington looked up from his work, shocked and more than slightly disturbed at what he had written.

"Is... this what you wanted?" He asked, handing the commission to his customer.

The friend adjusted his glasses and gave it a quick glance. "Well, I was hoping for something where the two of them got a bit more... involved..."

"I don't write clop, Ace. If you want somepony to write you a story like 'Fifty Shades of Neigh,' You're going to have to look somewhere else." Pennington said bluntly to the changeling standing across the counter from him. "I know that you defended me while I was on trial, and I'll always be grateful for that, but there are some lines I won't cross."

Ace looked at him with a mix of disgust and amusement. "I didn't want a clopfic... But this will work just fine. How much do I owe you?"

"Just... never, ever, EVER let Twilight see it, and I'll call it even..." Pennington shook his head and walked away from the lobby area where he took and delivered commissions. That is the LAST time I ever take a commission order from Ace...

Author's Note:

Previously Chapter 26 of "Happy Adventuring, Twilight!" Published on 28 March, 2013.