• Member Since 29th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

Scipio Smith


Prince Blueblood returns from Ponyville humiliated by his failure to successfully win the hoof of Princess Twilight Sparkle. Shamed, the last thing the vain and spoiled prince wishes to do is indulge in some self-reflection. Rather he dismisses his servants and seeks to sate his craving for affection as he always has - by buying favours and calling it friendship. But, when the strangely endearing Lyra Heartstrings takes a job as Blueblood's new valet, he finds himself being drawn into a world he never new existed, a world where he is beguiled by the beautiful and restrained cellist Octavia, the only mare in Canterlot to ever refuse his advances.

When Prince Blueblood's former valet takes his revenge by ruining his erstwhile master, Blueblood will discover the difference between friends and flunkies, and might even find some meaning in a previously hollow existence.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 2 )

Can't wait to see what's going to be printed in the newspaper.
Blueblood is going to be in for a rude awakening, especially after Celestia reads all of the stunts he has pulled.

Now how did this slip past me? I'm most intrigued.

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