• Published 23rd Mar 2014
  • 20,646 Views, 941 Comments

My Little Villains - HiddenUnderACouch

It was supposed to be a normal day in Ponyville. But, as it is known, there are no normal days in Ponyville. Due to Twilight's failed expirement (another one), Fluttershy has to deal with a problem. Three of them, to be exact.

  • ...

Mission Chry-possible

Sombra crept slowly through the darkened halls of Fluttershy's house. Every shadow, every dark corner seemed alive and infested—with scary monsters, insect-like little demons.

Maybe this wasn't a good idea, Sombra thought, yet he proceeded, without really knowing where he needed to go. He had passed some doors on his way, but none of them led to where he was going. He saw only animals sleeping in their cradles, on piles of hay, and in the boxes too.

He wondered if this yellow pony kept any carnivores in her house. What if she did, and Nightmare Moon was to be used as food for them? Sombra shuddered at the thought. The pony looked sweet and nice outside, but what was she really hiding?

Maybe he should have followed Chrysalis and escaped this place, but he knew he would not be able to live with the thought that he left Moon here.

Sombra noticed another door—no different from those he saw before. He slowly approached it and nudged it slightly. The door gave way revealing a menacingly big and badly lit room before him. Moonlight seeped through the window, making the environment around him seem far more mysterious and menacing than they should.

But, out of all the half-lit pictures and shelves present in this place, Sombra saw a bed, not too far away from him.

Fluttershy had mentioned something about her bed being occupied. This room looked creepy enough for its owner—featuring a large bed, too. Sombra carefully crept up to the bed, and jumped swiftly on it.

To his great relief, Nightmare Moon lay there. She appeared relaxed, her gentle breath coming slow and steady as she buried her muzzle into her pillow. She was safe. Sombra let out a sigh of relief.

Now, he had to apologize to her. Just say sorry, and then offer her to leave together. Sombra was just about to open his mouth, but hesitated as he stared at the miniature nightmare. She was sleeping so... quietly. It would surely be criminal to simply drag her out of the land of dreams.

She looked so peaceful and calm, as she hid beneath the blanket, and she actually seemed to be smiling. Sombra just couldn't bring himself to wake her up. Instead, he slowly joined her under the blanket and wrapped his forehooves around her in a warm hug. She wouldn't mind... would she?

Unexpectedly, Sombra found his nose in her mane, and was once again reminded of just how delicious it was. Not only did it look beautiful, it also tasted like ice-cream... and rice-pudding! Combined!

He couldn't hold back, he just couldn't. He carefully nommed at the thickest part of Nightmare Moon's mane. How delicious!

“’Tis a little too much too quickly, is it not?" Nightmare Moon said, scaring the living croockles out of Sombra. He immediately released her mane and crawled away quickly, not noticing the edge of the bed from which he promptly fell. Nightmare Moon moved herself closer to the edge and looked down upon the fallen unicorn.

"Oh... sorry I woke you up..." Sombra said, turning red as a tomato. Nightmare Moon squinted.

"I wasn't asleep, thou silly head. I do not sleep at night," Nightmare Moon cynically exclaimed.

"Oh... sorry... I just wanted to apologize... for what I did at the supper..." Sombra covered himself with his forehooves.

“This is thine idea of an apology—sneaking into my bed and chewing my mane?"

An awkward moment of silence descended upon the room.


"Thy logic is either convoluted beyond understanding, or incredibly stupid... Or both." Nightmare Moon scratched her chin.

"So... will you accept my apology?" Sombra interrupted her flow of thoughts. "I'm really sorry. I didn't think the ceiling was that sturdy."

"Thou’st wanted to ram the ceiling with me?!" Nightmare Moon’s jaw dropped

"No, no! I just wanted to see... if the ceiling was.... Yes, you're right—I did want to ram you through the ceiling."

"But... why? For what reason?"

"I... don't know. I just thought you would like me more if I did that."

Nightmare Moon gave him a long and questioning stare.

"Be thou from the outer bounds of deep space? I can find no other explanation for thy logic," she said. A grim shadow settled over Sombra’s face.

"So, you're not forgiving me? Should I leave?" He looked to the door.

Sorrow crept into Nightmare Moon’s heart. She looked at the poor foal; he worried so much about her, while others—she was sure—wouldn't even care.

"Thou art forgiven. I bear no malice against thee," she said. “’Twas a simple mistake, anypony can make those.”

Instantly, Sombra brightened up. He prepared to leap into the air and scream with joy, but quickly stopped himself, knowing far too well what that would lead to.

"Yaaay!" he whispered. "So, Nightmare Moon... do you want to get out of here? Did that strange pony try to feed you to her animals?"

"What? Nay, ’tis false!" Nightmare Moon declared. "Fluttershy is rather sweet, I say. She treated my bruise and let me sleep in her bed."

"Whoa... so this is her bed?" Sombra looked at the construction.

"Yes. She's much nicer than I thought she would be. And her house seems not like a jail," Nightmare added.

Sombra clambered back on the bed and sat down. Nightmare Moon scanned him with a question in her eyes. Sombra turned red under her gaze. “Moon,” he began, “do you... mind if I stay here? It's scary outside... it's really dark.”

Nightmare Moon chuckled. What was so scary about darkness? Didn't this little unicorn know he could light his way with magic? But reminding him once more of his own silliness would be highly unladylike, and so Nightmare Moon nodded.

"Aye, of course thou may’st stay. Thou may’st have the right side of the bed, and I'll take the left."

Chrysalis approached the front door and squinted her eyes, trying to peer through the late-evening darkness. The glimmer of an iron bolt alerted her senses and she hit the ground with her right forehoof.

"Blast it, foiled!"

Her brilliant plan of walking out the front door was ruined. However, she was a smart little changeling, and she knew she could get out some other way. The doors weren't the only path of escape—there were others. Like windows!

Chrysalis turned away from the door—stupid door! It may have foiled her plan, but the windows wouldn't be so malevolent! Making no unnecessary noises, she sneaked past Fluttershy, who was peacefully snoring on her pillow.

Silly pegasus. You can't keep me in here! she thought. I'm a free filly, and I have to run free!

Her excitement building, she started a little dance. Drumming a catchy tune with her hooves, she walked onward, swinging her backside to and fro.

"Don't stop me now... I'm having such a good taaaime... I'm escaping your hoooome...." She started to add lyrics to her little dance. "Don't stop me naaaaooow... I'm having such a good time... Escaping your hooooome!"

The window was just up ahead, ever-so-inviting. It begged to be opened, to be crawled through. That's what Chrysalis was going to do. Though, she still had to be careful—the yellow pegasus might wake up. That wouldn't be so pretty.

But Chrysalis was smart. She was also very nimble and agile—if things went south, she would just run away. She didn't need those other two; they would just be a nuisance, they would slow her down.

Pff, friendship, what does that taste like?

Suddenly, Chryssie’s sensitive changeling ears detected a barely discernible sound. It sounded like the silent stepping of furry feet on the rough wood. She slowly turned around to check who it was, and was shocked—she actually saw the offender: a small, long-eared white one.

"Oh... hi, Holy the Bunny... why aren't you sleeping? He-he-he..." Chryssie laughed nervously in the critter’s direction. "I thought... you were supposed to be sleeping."

The bunny squinted at the little changeling. He began tapping on the floor with his left foot, his arms crossed. Judging by his expression, Angel didn't quite like the idea of Chrysalis escaping.

The tapping increased in volume, and the little changeling's heart started to race. This little animal could wake Fluttershy—it seemed like that was his plan all along.

"Now there... no need to judge so fast..." Chrysalis said, taking a step towards the bunny. He could ruin everything. Maybe she could tie him up and put him quietly back into the bed, where he wouldn't cause any trouble.

However, the instant Chrysalis moved her hoof forward, Angel took a step back, and tapped with his foot once more, harder and louder. Chryssie cringed as the sound reached her ears.

"Don't do that, please... Just let me say something." Chrysalis stopped dead in her tracks, improvising a cunning plan. "Do you like... carrots?"

Angel nodded several times and smiled.

"I can give you a lot of carrots, if you let me go and don't wake up Fluttershy. Deal?"

Angel closed his eyes and gave a brief chuckle into his paw. He pointed at the window. It showed a view of the hill, where Fluttershy had a garden. From the looks of it, it was full of all kinds of vegetables, probably including carrots.

"Urgh. Alright, you win this one." Chryssie turned back to him, only to have an open book shoved into her face.

It was a recipe book, and on the page open it depicted a giant tower of ice-cream. As Chryssie stared at the tantalising image, she actually felt her tummy rumble. The construction included cream, strawberries, lemon juice, berry juice and—most important of all—vanilla.

"Wow..." Chrysalis gasped at the picture, then snapped out of her amazement immediately when Angel’s expectations became evident. "You want me to get that for you?"

Angel nodded with affirmation. Chrysalis thought carefully for a moment—she had to find a way out of the situation. She couldn't very well go to the kitchen and make such a dessert for the bunny. There had to be a quicker way.

"You know what? Not in a million...'ears'!" Chrysalis buzzed her insect-like wings and took flight. With barely a moment's notice, she turned around and rushed through the air to the window.

"Ha-ha! Better luck next time!" Expecting to feel the cold air of the outside world welcome her in a moment, her dreams—as well as her muzzle—were crushed against the glass.

Angel leaped away from the windowsill, laughing. He’d timed his jumps just right and got to the window before Chrysalis did—closing it immediately.

"Argh... Ouch!" Chryssie growled, rubbing her pounding head. "Grrr, you little..."

Angel only poked his tongue out at her and began mocking her. Little Chryssie gritted her teeth and bared her little fangs. Her horn was set aflame with green tongues of energy.

"I'm going to get out, whether you like it or not!" She rushed to another window, fast as she possibly could. The air whistled in her ears, her mane fluttered in the majestic flight. She felt free, powerful. She could get out!

Or not.

History repeated itself as Chryssie crashed into the window once more. This time, her impact was strong enough to leave a crack in the glass.

The changeling backed up, rubbing away the pain. Tears gathered in her enormous green eyes, and a little droplet found its way to the floor. Bitterness rose with the bile in her throat.

"You.. you stupid, big-eared pile of poo!" Chrysalis growled the most offensive insult she could come up with. "You'll pay for that!"

Losing all sense of logic, the changeling's mind filled with nothing but thoughts of revenge. She swooped down at the bunny, who continued poking his tongue at her. She cut through the air like a knife through butter, her wings whistling in her flight.

Angel jumped up from the sudden scare, hopping away from the fast-approaching Chrysalis. In desperation, he bounced onto the table, hoping that the presence of Fluttershy's favourite vase, where the red roses were, would shatter her resolve. Realizing that she wasn't going to stop, he jumped off at the last possible moment.

Chrysalis didn't even see what she’d hit. She swooped through the vases and pictures that lined the shelf, sending them all crashing to the floor. Several ornaments hit her head on the way down, generating an intense dizziness. Her wings spluttered and ceased vibrating. She could barely even move her limbs as the power of gravity brought her spiralling down to the ground.

Angel witnessed the entire thing. He saw Chryssie about to fall. On impact, she was sure to hurt herself.

There was no time to lose. Angel gritted his teeth, knowing that he would probably be better off just running away. Against his better judgment, he leapt at the falling changeling, knocking her away from the designated course and right into her own bed.

The soft mattress softened the impact immensely. Of course, it also helped that, doing barrel rolls during her fall, Chrysalis landed right on top of Angel.

Pinned underneath the distressed damsel, Angel fought to extract himself, finally managing to do so by pushing the filly off himself. Chrysalis uttered a few moans and fell silent—it seemed she was knocked out.

Fluttershy briefly uttered a short snort... and turned around on the couch.

Angel felt a little disappointed. Sure, she always seemed to wake up when he decided to steal some cookies from the cookie jar. But a filly in her house destroying her favorite vase? Nope! Not a peep.

Speaking of the vase, a lot of conversations were bound to happen tomorrow. Angel snickered. The little changeling was in a lot of trouble, once Fluttershy finds out. Oooh, how exciting it would be to see that meanie get a taste of Flutters' good ol' Stare.


The rooster's cry echoed throughout the green trees of the forest. The sun seeped through the window, teasing Fluttershy's eyes. The pegasus slowly opened her eyes.

Her body felt rested and energized, ready for whatever the upcoming day held in store for her. Her mind sang and danced as one

Now, to actually wake up, and greet the sun and the world. Usually she would fly outside and sing a melodic tune, calling upon her furry friends to join her for breakfast. She always fed her animals first, before having some oatmeal and then flying off to do chores. Today especially, she had a lot to do.

Fluttershy sprang up from her bed-couch, throwing away the blanket and spreading her wings wide.

"Good morni—"

The sentence died in her throat as she made the unfortunate mistake of opening her eyes. Witnessing the state of the room, she blinked a few times, unsure of whether or not she was still dreaming.

Did a war erupt while she had been asleep? Did an army of demons appear from the portal and laid waste to the room? Poor Fluttershy flickered her eyelids in confusion.

Pictures and vases that once stood peacefully on the cupboard now lay on the ground, smashed to pieces. A small, half-dried puddle of water could be seen, the red roses within already dark and withered.

Oh no... Her favorite vase—a birthday gift from her mother—lay in hundreds of shards. Who could have done this?

Fluttershy scanned the room for more destruction. Mercifully, the only thing she noticed was crack in the window, and the fact that both of them were closed.

Suddenly, Fluttershy noticed the most crucial detail: Sombra was missing! His bed was all disheveled and messy, but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Oh no!" Fluttershy’s lingering drowsiness evaporated in a millisecond as her eyes flew wide open. If one or more of the villains had escaped outside… there was no telling what they would do!

Twilight's going to kill her!

Anxiety grasped Fluttershy tightly. She felt her heart rate accelerate, pulse pounding in her temples. Worry grabbed her throat with its long sharp claws and squeezed.

"Calm down, Fluttershy, calm down," she whispered to herself. "What would a brave pony like Rainbow Dash do in this situation? Probably sit down and think logically—where could he possibly be?"

Or circle around the town, calling for him until he was found—that could work too.

Fluttershy decided she should check upstairs first. Who knows, maybe he was still inside the house. It was never late for hope, right?

"This is very... very awkward," Nightmare Moon whispered to herself when Sombra poked her with his hoof for what felt like the hundredth time. "’Twill the last time I ever let thee in my bed."

She wasn't really going to sleep—her very nature prevented her from falling asleep at night—but Sombra ruined every possibility of her having even a little shut-eye.

The instant he fell asleep, he’d immediately crawled closer to Nightmare Moon and started munching on her mane. Even now, the end of her sparkly hair was in his mouth as he periodically chewed it, smiling and uttering some kind of a pleased murmur.

Nightmare desired to push him away, but... Sombra was very warm. He served as a nice second blanket, so she decided against it.

"Mrrmmm..." Sombra burbled once again and moved closer to little Nightmare Moon, wrapping her mane around his body. What was it with him and her mane—she couldn't possibly know. Or maybe it wasn't just her mane he was after; he did chew Twilight's mane as well. She should ask him about this when he’d wake up.

In fact, he should wake up now, because otherwise her mane would be soaked in his saliva for weeks.

"Arise and shine, thou great apologizer."

Sombra quickly opened his eyes at her strong voice and looked around, still holding her mane in his mouth.

"Wuh? Wuh? Whuh am wah?" He murmured something barely comprehensible, before finally realizing what he was holding in his mouth.

"I advise thee to release my mane, else thou wilt not reclaim thine ability to talk," the alicorn recommended. Sombra followed her advice, opening his mouth. The sullied, chewed mane drooped to the bed, saliva dripping on the blanket.

"I wish not to offend thee with this remark but... eww..." Sombra blushed at her words.

"So-sorry," he said, looking at her mane. "I can fix that, if you want."

Before he could squeeze the saliva out of her mane, she moved closer to him and put her hoof to his lips.

"Nay, ’tis unnecessary. I can handle myself just fine. But, please, next time, if possible, pick a place to sleep away from me," she said, making Sombra’s cheeks bloom brightly with colour.

"Oh... okay... Sorry about that... I can't really control it, especially when I'm asleep. It just... happens," he said, rubbing the back of his head.

"Especially when thou’rt asleep? So... thou canst not control it at all?" Nightmare Moon noted. "Art thou possessed by an ancient spirit that takes of thee from time to time, causing thee to chew on the manes of innocent ponies, no matter if they like it or not?"

She stood up and took a storyteller’s pose, raising her left forehoof as if she was holding something, and started her epic speech.

"’Tis an old legend, of a spirit that was obsessed... with manes! It is believed that it possesses those who misspelt its name, as it seeks vengeance for the butchery that was committed unto its sacred name!"

Sombra quivered slightly. He thought he liked chewing manes for one reason—but suddenly his whole world had changed! He was possessed by... by...

"What is its name?" Sombra gulped. If he was possessed... it might be the end of his life. He, little Sombra, who didn't manage to do anything in his life, would die by demonic possession.

"It's name is..." Nightmare Moon moved closer to Sombra, baring her fangs, "manes!"

An awkward pause followed.

"Manes? Really? Who would make a mistake with such an easy word?" Sombra asked, raising his eyebrow. And he’d been worried? Bah.

"Yes, thou art right. Manes is the word. And... I know not who would make a grammatical mistake therewith. I thought you would."

"No, no! My grammar is quite good!" Sombra said, sounding somewhat proud.

"Then thou’rt not possessed. So, the origin of thy mane obsession remains a mystery..." Nightmare Moon said, turning to the window. "A pony, eyes burning like red coals, of a mane darker than the night, and with an obsession—the origin of which we may not know. How... romantic."

"What was that?" Sombra asked, unable to hear her whisper. Nightmare Moon's cheeks turned pink and she smiled shyly.

"Nay, tis nothing. I said nothing..."

They both leapt up at the sound of the door smashing open. Sombra almost fell off the bed, while Nightmare Moon eeped and backed away on the pillow.

"Nightmare Moon, Sombra ran away! Do you know if—" Fluttershy fell silent the instant she stuck her head into the room and saw the terrified foal sitting on the bed.

"Oh... I see... Umm... You're busy." Fluttershy turned red as a tomato. "I'll just... go away... Come to breakfast, when you're... done. I won't interrupt..." She closed the door, leaving the two foals to listen to her receding steps.

"What was that?" Sombra asked, looking at Nightmare Moon.

She only shrugged. "Unknown to me. There is worry in her heart about you, though, methinks."

Sombra made a sheepish expression. "Well, I guess I didn't leave a note behind that I was going to visit you and apologize... Whoopsie," he said. "I hope it didn't cause much trouble."

"There's one sure way to find out: let us descend downstairs and see if thy sudden disappearance made Fluttershy mad." Nightmare Moon jumped off the bed. Her mane still needed a little drying, but she decided that it could wait. For now, she had to check on her holey comrade.


Sadness weighed heavily on Fluttershy’s heart, as she looked at the remains of the vase she adored so much. She remembered the day her mother bought it for her, long ago, when she was just about to move to Ponyville.

She’d been beyond terrified; it was a whole new world. New town, new ponies, new faces! Thankfully, Rainbow Dash was by her side, but even her presence did little to assuage her fears.

Only when her mother approached her with the vase—words that were forever engraved in Fluttershy's soul—could she finally pack her things and go.

"You're never alone. We're always with you; always by your side," her mother had said, smiling brightly at the young and scared pony. "Your father and I will always watch over you—even when we're far away from each other."

It was the moment Fluttershy took a step into the adult life, and this vase was the symbol of her growth. On the side of the vase their address was engraved, in case Fluttershy ever forgot where she used to live.

Every time she wrote a letter, she needed this vase. Every single time.

Fluttershy had already placed the red roses in a different vase. All that remained was to clear the floor of shards of this particular vase, but she just couldn't bring herself to collect them and throw them into the trash. It seemed so wrong.

Maybe she could remake it, put the pieces back together. Shouldn't be too hard, especially if she asked Rarity to help.

Angel crossed his paws and looked at Fluttershy, tapping his foot on the floor. He expected Fluttershy to take action towards the vase's destroyer: Chrysalis, who still lay snoring on her bed. Not that it wasn’t obvious—in the changeling's mane, Fluttershy saw tiny pieces of the vase. Angel's loud exclamation and demands were completely unnecessary.

"So, she tried to run away?" Fluttershy looked at the sleeping changeling, and Angel nodded. He squeaked something in his language, clearly expecting Fluttershy to get mad at her for breaking her vase.

Fluttershy sighed heavily and turned away from Chrysalis. Of course, losing the vase was a sad turn of events for her, but... It was only a vase. Chryssie could have hurt herself in that chase—that was more important than a vase.

"No, Angel, I won't punish her. That wouldn't be fair," Fluttershy said in a soft, gentle voice. "Think about it: she has only been here for one day. Maybe... Maybe it's okay in the changeling society to smash the furniture of other changelings. Maybe they express their affection this way."

Angel looked at Fluttershy angrily. He grumbled something under his nose.

"Oh, don't be so mad, Angel. She just needs a little time." Fluttershy’s lips lifted slightly. "Today, I will explain to the kids why they shouldn't run away. They'll understand—you watch!"

She patted Angel on the head, but he still remained gloomy.

"When Chrysalis wakes up and Sombra and Nightmare Moon finish... doing what they were doing at night, I'll talk to them right away! You'll see—they'll understand!" Fluttershy smiled at the bunny and turned to the changeling. "I really should clean her mane. Those shards look painful!"

Fluttershy quickly prepared to take off and fly to the pantry to get a brush.

"Angel, could you clean up here? Please?" Fluttershy looked at her bunny friend with big round eyes. Angel closed his eyes, gritted his teeth and grumbled something—no doubt offensive—but obeyed.

The sleepy changeling finally opened her eyes when Fluttershy swept the final shard of vase from her mane. Chryssie’d had quite an unshakeable sleep, just like Fluttershy. Once she fell asleep, there was nothing in the world that would wake her up.

Probably not a good thing, considering her situation.

"Uuh... Where am I?" Chrysalis looked around groggily. When she realized that she was still 'imprisoned', she let out an annoyed groan. "Grrrah!"

"Good morning... Did you sleep well?" Fluttershy stood beside her bed, having put the brush away already.

"I slept fantastically, thank you." Chrysalis yawned while getting up. "Though my peaceful dreams of chocolate rain and cotton-candy clouds were interrupted by a certain bunny."

Fluttershy hesitated. Should she call Chrysalis out on her lie or ignore it? It was tough to decide. Calling her out might anger her, and then they would never reach understanding. Ignoring her lie might make her think she was capable of everything, ensuring another attempt at escape. If only Twilight was here; she had more resolve and was cleverer, she could sort this out.

Come on, Fluttershy, think!

"Oh... I'm sorry about that... Angel is usually very quiet at night." Safest option it was. It couldn't hurt—just this one time she'd close her eyes. Nothing would go wrong.

Chrysalis said nothing in reply, and just got up from the bed. Fluttershy felt something touching her leg.

"What is it, Angel?" She turned around to see the bunny showing her the bag he put all the shards in. "Oh, let me handle that."

"Something broke?" Chrysalis asked.

"Yes... A tremor at night, so the vase and a few pictures fell off. Nothing too major," Fluttershy said, turning red. She was so, so bad at lying! She needed to take a few lessons—either from Discord, or any of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

"Good morrow to thee, fair Fluttershy! Good morrow to thee, my holey comrade Chrysalis!" Nightmare Moon loudly announced her presence, striding proudly into the room.

"Hey! Look at yourself, you 'Full Moon'!" Chrysalis suddenly blurted angrily, covering her hooves with the blanket. "Pff! 'Holey' comrade! Blah!"

Nightmare Moon looked at Chrysalis with confusion.

"Err, I cry thy pardon, fair maiden... I'm sorry for... something I said... that was offensive," she spoke.

"Urgh, forget it!" Chrysalis grumbled, jumped off the bed and trotted to the kitchen.

"Oh, you're both awake!" Fluttershy finally decided to join the conversation. "So... how did... it... go?"

"Oh, ’twas alright," Nightmare Moon said. "Sombra showed himself as a true gentlecolt and apologized for the woe he caused. Ergo, we hold no grudge against each other; now we simply desire the consumption of food."

Sombra turned as red as a Fuji apple.

"Ooooh... so that’s what you were doing... But why didn't you tell me?" Fluttershy looked at Sombra. "You could have woken me up, I don't mind at all."

"Well... I didn't want to... and it just took... two minutes... yes." Sombra turned an even deeper crimson, hiding one forehoof behind another. "I totally didn't sleep in her bed because I was scared to go back... totally not."

"I see. Well, I just got confused," Fluttershy said, smiling. "I thought you two were... never mind..."

An awkward pause blanketed the room.

"Come ooooon! Are we going to eat or not? I'm huuuungry!" Chrysalis drawled loudly, jumping up on the chair. Sombra quickly joined her and sat down on the chair next to her.

Fluttershy made to enter the kitchen and make something to eat, but Nightmare Moon stood in her way. She winked at her, tilting her head to the left. Intrigued, Fluttershy followed her to the corner.

"Fluttershy... I just want to apologize to thee for calling thee a jailer. Thou art no jailer—thou’rt actually... very nice," she concluded. Fluttershy's cheeks could have burst into flames.

"Oh, it's okay. I wasn't angry, but I'm glad you don't think so anymore." Fluttershy smiled, earning a return from Nightmare Moon.

She was so adorable when she smiled. Fluttershy couldn't even imagine how such a polite, nice-yet-extravagant filly could ever be a threat.

"I'm glad we settled that... although, your friends don't seem to believe me." Fluttershy’s face fell.

"Worry not, I shall do my best to persuade them," Nightmare Moon assured the pegasus. "Now if thou wilt, I would like to get a dose of food for today."

"Sure!" Fluttershy flew to the kitchen, newly energized; she’d actually managed to make friends with Nightmare Moon! Well, it wasn't a real friendship, but they seemed to like each other.

Everything was going well so far! Maybe it wouldn't be that bad.