• Published 25th Mar 2014
  • 18,081 Views, 1,349 Comments

Flying Sky-High - Calm Wind

Sequel to Head in the Clouds. Rainbow Dash and Soarin are unsatisfied with how they decided their friendship would work. An approaching event gives Rainbow Dash a chance fix that. Love is a powerful thing, and no barrier is strong enough to stop it.

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Chapter 9

Flying Sky-High
By: Calm Wind

Chapter 9:

“Five bits on Soarin.”

“Three on Rapidfire.”

“Seven bits says Rapid doesn’t land a single punch.”

“Three bits on it gets called because they try to kill each other again.”

Dash wasn’t sure how she felt about this. She was excited to see Wonderbolt combat, as was everypony else in the combat dome, hell they were placing bets! But Soarin was out there. Her Soarin. And while she knew he was bigger, faster, stronger, and most definitely better looking than Rapidfire, Rapidfire was a rogue. There was no telling what kind of dirty or cheap tricks he would pull. Plus he was a master of cloud and element manipulation. It was his role on the lead squad after all. He could do many different things to mislead Soarin. It could get ugly, and while Dash was confident and believed in Soarin, she couldn’t shake the feeling that Rapidfire could really hurt him.

Spitfire glided over to where Fleetfoot and the second squad settled to watch. She sat down for a moment before standing right back up and turning to them all.

“I doubt either of them listened to me. If one of them gets the upper hand and goes overboard,” she pointed to the two male members of squad 2, “Wave Chill and Silver Lining will help me restrain him. Fleet, Blaze, and High Winds, will cover the other in case we can’t hold him back.”

“Roger!” They all saluted. Spitfire turned back and stared out into the arena. She wanted to stop it right then and there, but regardless this was her system and it was fair. The competition helped morale of the Wonderbolts as a whole. She just didn’t want to be responsible for any serious injuries. And between these two? It was going to happen.

Soarin turned and faced Rapidfire. Fifty meters stood between him and a smarmy face he desperately wanted to rearrange. He shook out his legs and did a few quick stretches, looking at the crowd that formed. Once again he and Rapidfire drew the whole damn compound to their random matchup. After scanning the crowd briefly he found what he was looking for. It was hard to miss that rainbow mane. He pointed towards Dash and nodded. She must’ve seen it because she waves both her arms in the air quickly to let him know.

Now this was even better. He obviously hadn’t told Dash about Rapidfire’s very classy name calling earlier, but she didn’t need to know. He could beat Rapidfire into submission in front of the mare he so readily wanted to defend earlier. This was for him and for her.

He cracked his neck back and forth before grunting and setting his hooves firmly into the mat. He eagerly awaited the buzzer to signal their start. Rapidfire had readied himself as well and the whole crowd went silent. The large clock, high up on the far end of the dome was set for ten minutes. The pony at the controls looked to Spitfire nearby. Spitfire waved a hoof at him.

The buzzer sounded.

Soarin’s eyes shot open and he went through the motions of his Sonic Blast-Off. With each step executed smoothly and perfectly, he fired from the spot and broke a sonic boom mere feet from the starting line. He screamed like a missile along the ground towards Rapidfire, who hadn’t moved a muscle. Soarin closed the distance between them in seconds, pulling back a hoof and aiming right for Rapidfire’s smirking face.

Rapidfire leapt into the air right before the punch could connect and headed towards the clouds. He had not anticipated Soarin’s turnaround time though. Soarin slammed his hooves to the ground as his momentum carried him, pushing his trajectory up, he thrust his wings out and angled hard turning very sharply a few feet from spectators. His turn blew a gust of wind past them so fierce that it knocked a few. Soarin locked on Rapidfire and pumped his wings to speed up even more. Rapidfire turned just in time to shield himself as Soarin collided with him and sent them both careening towards the clouds overhead.

Soarin caught a brief glimpse of a smirk on Rapidfire’s lips right before they passed into the clouds. As soon as they were in, Soarin felt the weight in front of him vanish and he exploded out the other end of the cloud alone.

“Crap!” Soarin grunted as he thrust out his wings to air brake and frantically glanced around. He couldn’t believe he fell for that so easily. Out of the corner of his eye he saw something come flying at him. He turned and punched at it, but it was only a cloud that burst upon impact with his hoof. Two more came flying in his peripheral vision. He punched the first, then the second, but his eyes widened as Rapidfire was directly behind the second.

Rapidfire connected the first punch, hooking Soarin right across the jaw. Even with the padding the impact sent Soarin’s head sharply to the left. The crowd reacted with surprise as Soarin tried to bring up a defense, but he was just disoriented enough that he blocked too far to the right. Rapidfire struck him from the other side and sent Soarin into a tumble downward. Rapidfire followed after him and readied his legs to kick Soarin towards the ground. Cocky mistake.

Soarin’s head wasn’t quite as fuzzy as he let on. He grabbed Rapidfire’s hoof as he kicked and held on tight. He flapped his wings to pull them both upward, yanking Rapidfire right out of his flight path. Soarin steadied himself and began to spin. He used Rapidfire’s weight to speed up the motion, spinning faster and faster before he let go, flinging Rapidfire towards the mat.

Despite flipping nearly uncontrollably, Rapidfire managed to mostly even himself out before slamming hard to the mat with a grunt. He quickly leapt from the spot with a tuck and roll as Soarin slammed down hard to Rapidfire’s former position. His hoof went through mat and struck the metal floor beneath it with a loud clang.

Rapidfire got to his hooves and took flight along the ground, but Soarin quickly executed the Sonic Blast-Off from his spot and closed in on Rapidfire instantly. Rapidfire turned and tried to guard himself as Soarin unleashed a flurry of heavy punches, but this was where Soarin had the advantage. A punch got through Rapidfire’s shoddy guard, clocking him right in the cheek. His guard completely fell and Soarin unloaded all his strongest blows. A right, then a left, to the chest, to the chin. He was pushing Rapidfire all the way towards the 5 foot wall that separated the arena from the bleachers.

Spitfire, Fleetfoot, and the second squad stood up from their spots, but Spitfire held a hoof out for them to hold. Soarin aimed a strong punch towards Rapidfire’s face directly, but Rapidfire pumped his wings hard and pushed himself up and over Soarin. Soarin’s hoof connected with the wall and the nearby bleachers shook. Dash fell out of her seat, but quickly scrambled up to continue staring in awe as she watched Soarin directly in front of their view.

Dash watch with immeasurable excitement as Soarin hopped up and did his motions for the Sonic Blast-Off sideways and against a wall before the bleachers shook again and Soarin was shooting after Rapidfire once more.




Dash had no other words to describe what she was watching. If this was the kind of combat she’d eventually be capable of, then she’d officially be the most badass pegasus ever.

She admittedly freaked out a little when Rapidfire got an early upper hand, but Soarin was now giving Rapidfire a beating he deserved. She was also going crazy over Soarin’s ability to control the Sonic Blast-off. When she pulled it off in Ponyville for Scootaloo, she could barely control her trajectory. All she could manage was the longest turn she had ever executed before she lost the speed. Soarin had just used it three times, one of which he did while turning his body and the other he did off a wall. It was so awesome she felt like screaming.

But another thing she noticed was that Soarin showed no fatigue. Back when he visited Ponyville Soarin had mentioned three blast offs was his limit. Either Soarin had done some serious training in the past months, or it was the dark magic he had mentioned early that morning. She hoped it wasn’t the latter.

She decided it wasn’t the time to worry because she was busy watching her stallion beat up a douche that deserved every bit of it.

“GET ‘IM SOARIN!” She yelled out for him as the rest of the crowd cheered.

“So why did you stop us?” Fleetfoot asked Spitfire as she glanced up and read the clock. There were five and a half minutes left.

“If Soarin were on the receiving end of those punches, I probably would’ve called it.” She explained. Fleetfoot blinked and stared at Spitfire with her mouth ajar. “Rapidfire could use a little extra beating.”

“That is surprisingly evil of you!” Fleetfoot snickered with a smirk.

“Are you complaining?” Spitfire smirked right back.

“Absolutely not!” Fleetfoot agreed and turned back to watch.

“Dammit!” Rapidfire cursed as Soarin closed in quickly again. Three Sonic Blast-offs and Soarin showed no sign of being tired. He twisted left to avoid Soarin’s incoming punch, and tried to make it to the clouds, but Soarin veered left so hard he looped all the way around back towards Rapidfire and delivered a hard kick to his side. Rapidfire grunted and put up a hoof to block another blow to his face, but Soarin spun while swinging his other hoof around and down before bringing it up and upper cutting Rapidfire fiercely below the chin. Rapidfire flipped backwards to regain control and growled. He stole quick glances around the crowd and saw them all cheering. The name “Soarin” was being called out. He was clearly losing hard, but no one was stopping the match, and it was making him angry. VERY angry. He shifted sideways to avoid another kick from Soarin, and pushed off Soarin’s body as he passed to send himself into the clouds.

“Shoot!” Soarin glared up at the clouds. He was hoping he could keep Rapidfire lower to the ground. Rapidfire was in his element among the clouds, and it was the one place he had an advantage over Soarin.

Not wanting time to expire before he gave Rapidfire a good full thrashing, Soarin flew into the clouds and focused, trying to take note of everything around him. Rapidfire suddenly appeared from a cloud above him, bringing his elbow down. Soarin guarded, but the force sent them both downward into another cloud. Soarin fell through it, but Rapidfire was gone. Soarin’s eyes darted to and fro, spotting Rapidfire jumping quickly from cloud to cloud. He gave chase, trying to follow Rapidfire’s movements, but it was difficult. Rapidfire was changing direction so suddenly between each cloud that Soarin felt like his eyes were crossing trying to find him. Then out of the corner of his eye he saw something else move at the same time.

“What?” He turned a looked, then blinked and looked all around. Clouds that were pony shaped began firing out of every single cloud amassed in the area. They would jump from one to another so quickly that Soarin never had time to deduce if it was Rapidfire or a fake. What he didn’t realize though, was that Rapidfire was no longer among the clouds.

Rapidfire had dropped beneath the cloud level with five clouds that he had pulled down with him. He forced them all together, the cloud turning darker with each one pressed together until it was a single mass and dark with rain water from the accumulated condensation. He glanced up to make sure Soarin was still distracted as he pumped his wings to pick up speed and angled towards the ground. He slammed his hooves to the ground, screeching them against the mat. He turned around as he slid, pressing the cloud to the heat of his trail across the mat.

“What’s he doing?” Spitfire suddenly stood up as they watched.

“He made a small rain cloud…” Fleetfoot blinked. “And now he’s dragging against the ground… that would… Wait…”

“He’s making a compressed thundercloud!” Spitfire made a hoof motion towards the arena. “STOP HIM! NOW!”

The cloud crackled full of electricity. Rapidfire sneered as he looked up at Soarin. They used lightning in their shows before, but it was always very controlled. Rapidfire knew many other ways to manipulate lightning, and this one would give Soarin a very painful experience.

Soarin finally figured out that Rapidfire was in fact, not even in the clouds and quickly looked down to see him on the ground. He readied himself, but then spotted the thundercloud too little too late.

Rapidfire tossed the cloud lightly up into the air, pulled back and threw a punch into it, aiming it towards Soarin. An intense ribbon of electricity erupted from the cloud and seared towards Soarin. Soarin couldn’t shield himself at the speed of light.

“SOARIN!!!!!” He heard Dash’s voice from the stands right before impact.

The lightning struck him and he instantly felt the electrical pulses surge through him painfully. He didn’t hesitate, it was much more powerful than any lightning he had ever handled, but he tried to control it anyway. He had to spread out his body so the electricity couldn’t concentrate and eventually be forced out. The only problem was that this electricity was so strong it felt like it was holding him in a straight jacket. If he didn’t spread his body out soon, it would be bad. Very bad.

“HHHRRRRGGG!!!!!” He strained himself to the limit and beyond. He refused to give in. He would never give in no matter what the opponent! The dark blue glow began to slowly shine from his body again as it had two weeks ago on the obstacle course. As it did, he slowly began to push his legs outward. The grip of the electricity began to weaken as the blue glow became stronger. “RRRRAH!!” With one final push, Soarin spread his body completely. The lightning fired out of him upward and careened into the clock overhead. It exploded upon impact and several pieces of fiery debris fell from above. The Wonderbolts in the stands below all quickly flew aside as the pieces clanged and clattered against the bleachers. Multiple pegasi were quickly over to the scene with fire extinguishers.

Soarin exhaled and fell limply towards the ground. It felt like that was the most effort he had ever pushed towards something and he had absolutely nothing left. He noticed the supposed blue glow around him this time, so he figured he would probably pass out like before too.

“GOTCHA! OOF!” His eyes shot open as somepony caught him and they landed roughly against the mat. He glanced over and saw Dash on the ground with him, staring back at him worriedly. She quickly hugged him tightly. “Are you okay?!?!” she frantically asked.

“Better now that I’m lookin’ at you.” He joked despite feeling extra weary. Fleetfoot, Blaze, and Highwinds had made it over to him as well and were relieved to see Dash had caught him. They all looked towards Rapidfire, who struggled in the grip of Silver Lining and Wave Chill.

“What the hell?! Let go of me!” He whined as Spitfire landed right in front of him, nostrils flaring and breathing so hard you could hear how angry she was.

“You…” She gritted her teeth and roughly pulled the mask portion of her uniform off. “YOU FUCKING IDIOT!” She stepped forward and pressed her face into his. “You just tried to kill him! You REALLY ACTUALLY just tried to kill Soarin!” Her eyes were filled with rage, rage that seemed like she was just barely keeping at bay.

Dash looked around and saw the rest of the Wonderbolts in the bleachers being shooed out by the members of the third squad. They all looked eager to leave so as not to get caught in the storm that was their captain enraged. Soarin reached up and patted Dash on the shoulder and slowly rolled over. She kept an eye on him as he shakily rose to his hooves. He didn’t nearly have as bad of a repercussion after the dark magic this time. He figured Dash’s presence had something to do with it like how he helped her sleep.

“You’re lucky Soarin knows how to handle lightning! Anypony else and they would be DEAD right now! Is this clicking in that thick head of yours!? THEY. WOULD. BE. DEAD! She kept barking in his face. Spitfire pulled herself away from Rapidfire towards Fleetfoot.

“Call in security, and then get a hold of the Canterlot Police.” She ordered.

“Yes ma’am.” Fleet replied professionally and quickly left.

“Everypony else restrain him until security gets here, then bring him to my office.” She said nothing more before quickly leaving the dome. Soarin put his hoof around Dash’s shoulder.

“Let’s get out of here.” He suggested while glancing back at Rapidfire. He had stopped struggling in the grip of the squad two stallions, but now he was glaring harshly at Soarin and Dash. Dash saw it too. It scared her. The look they were receiving from Rapidfire was menacing. From his eyes alone it looked like he really wanted to hurt them. Dash had looked danger in the face many times in the past, but the intent written in Rapidfire’s expression just plain frightened. She leaned close into Soarin as the two left the dome.

As soon as they emerged from the dome Dash thrust herself at Soarin and hugged him tightly. He was taken by surprise, but returned the embrace gently. Just like Dash had thought before the match started. She had a feeling something would go wrong and something almost did. Soarin had already almost died once in her life, the fact that it could’ve happened again made her want to squeeze him for two reasons. For being a jerk that kept trying to die on her and because she never wanted to deal with that fear ever again.

She was also still thinking about the way Rapidfire glared at them. The intent in those eyes just made her shiver. She’d never felt so much direct ill intent from another before.

“So you’re okay?” Dash asked without letting up her firm grip at all.

“Are you?” He asked right back. She had been shivering against his side since they started walking. He could tell she was uneasy.

“I’m, I’m just scared of him.”


“Yeah.” She nodded as he draped one of his large wings over her back. “He just tried to kill you. He didn’t even hesitate. I’ve just, never seen anypony do that before.” She shuddered. “Well, the Shadowbolts tried to kill us, but Rapidfire is your own comrade! It just, struck me differently.”

“Don’t worry about him. I’m sure he just earned himself a one way ticket to being discharged from the Wonderbolts. I think he violated over ten of our prime rules with that.” Soarin lightly stroked her mane.

“Now answer my question,” she pushed off and put herself in front of him, “and no avoiding it.” She looked firmly into his eyes. He glanced at his body, and besides maybe one bruise form the few blows Rapidfire connected, he was fine. His body felt inwardly tired from handling the lightning and the dark magic activating, but he already felt like he was recovering from that. More work from the strange power in him probably.

“I’m definitely a bit… shocked.” He failed to keep a straight face. Dash’s eyes and ears instantly flattened as the pun set in. “But otherwise I’m okay.”

“It’s gonna take me weeks to forget that one.” Dash rolled her eyes and shook her head before smiling. Soarin just almost got killed, and he cracked a very bad joke in its wake. “Never change you dope.” She pulled him in again for another tight hug.

“Commander Soarin! Miss Dash!” Fire Streak’s voice caught both their attention. They both turned to see the third squad approaching them. Fire stopped and saluted Soarin while the rest caught up. “Sir, are you alright?” Fire asked Soarin frantically.

“I’m fine Fire, you can relax.” Soarin chuckled. “The lightning didn’t hurt me at all, and he only landed a few blows.”

“Dude, you were like, messing him up good. He’s a real ass huh?” Lightning Streak came over and jabbed Soarin in the side.

“Brother! Higher ranking officer!” Fire loudly mumbled to his brother, but Lightning completely ignored him.

“THAT WAS COOL!” Surprise bounced up and down in front of Soarin. “YOU GOTTA SHOW ME HOW TO DO THAT WITH LIGHTNING!”

“I’d rather not get you killed Surprise.” Soarin shrugged. “Maybe with less lightning I can, but Rapidfire kinda broke a lot of rules with that one.” He blinked as Misty Fly tapped him on the shoulder. He turned and faced her as she made a few motions to him. Dash perked up and watched carefully. “Oh! Uh…” Soarin thought for a second. Dash internally squealed delightfully when Soarin brought up his hooves and along with his wings made a few shaky gestures before smiling. Misty Fly tipped her head to the side in confusion.

“Close.” Fire said while snickering. “Three feathers out not two. You said ‘me am super’”

“Oh! Haha…” Soarin repeated the gestures with the slight corrections. Misty Fly smiled and gave him a quick hug. Dash wasn’t sure how much more she could fall in love with Soarin. She didn’t even think about if he knew how to “speak” to Misty Fly, but he put forth the effort. She wasn’t surprised, it was just the kind of stallion he was after all.

“HEY!” Dash was cut from her thoughts and almost fell over when Surprise yelled into her ear. “It was also WAY COOL when you flew out there and caught Soarin!”

“Uh, thanks?” Dash replied, slightly flustered by Surprise’s very sudden way of doing things.

“Well, it was more like breaking his fall, BUT IT WAS STILL COOL!” She added and kept bouncing.

“Haha.” Dash rolled her eyes but then smiled in Soarin’s direction. “I owe him a catch, so I guess it was worth it.” She winked at him.

“I suppose it counts.” Soarin smirked back. He turned and looked over squad three. “Well, I hate to break this up, but we should get back to our schedules.” He was quickly yanked down to eye level by Dash.

“WAIT! You’re not seriously going back to your workouts after that! You just got struck by lightning!” She shook his head with her hooves.

“I’m fine Dash.” He pouted.

“At least go get checked out by the trainers.” She demanded.

“Dash, I said—” he began, but froze when her eyes narrowed, “okay, I’ll get checked out first.” He succumbed.

“Good.” She nodded in satisfaction. Soarin glanced at the members of squad three and saw that they were all occupied. He hooked a hoof around Dash’s neck and drew her in, planting a quick kiss on her lips. She let out a little yelp in surprise. She blushed furiously. “Soarin!” She whispered as her eyes darted to the third squad, they were all looking away except for Misty Fly who was swooning and d’awwing silently in their direction.

“I felt great having you out there watching.” He whispered back. “Gotta run, I’ll see you later.”

“Get out of here jerk!” She giggled quietly and pushed him along. She sighed happily as Soarin left and she moved to rejoin the third squad, flashing a grin at the beaming Misty Fly as she approached. She was glad only Misty Fly saw, while she was capable of telling the rest, Dash was sure Misty was more than good at keeping things quiet. It definitely wasn’t a secret that Dash and Soarin were a thing, but Dash didn’t want to strut it around.

A silence washed over all of them however as Fleetfoot walked passed with a large team of Wonderbolt security guards in tow. Dash was reminded of Rapidfire and the way he glared at her and Soarin. She had no idea what was in store for Rapidfire now. Her opinion of him had changed from asshole to somepony with a few screws loose, and definitely in the worst way possible. She did her best to not think about it as she followed the third squad to their next scheduled activity.

“Thanks!” Soarin waved to the medical staff as he left the infirmary. The lead squad was all busy now with certain things, but he wasn’t going to skip out on training. Even if he did just get struck by lightning and it might have killed him. One thing he had to do though was get a different Wonderbolt uniform. His current one was full of rips and tears from the lightning. Whatever, it’s not like he had only one set of the spandex. He had a closet with at least thirty of them. He made his way up the stairs casually, still disregarding most of what just happened, only to stop when he heard yelling coming from the direction of Spitfire’s office.

Oh, that’s right. Rapidfire did just try to kill him. His curiosity got the better of him and he approached Spitfire’s office. He was not surprised at all to see Fleetfoot already eavesdropping. She gave a quick glance at Soarin as he approached, but only gave a nod before motioning for Soarin to listen in too.

“—face it Rapidfire, there is no way to snake your way out of this one!” Spitfire’s voice.

“Oh and you didn’t think to stop the fight when he started beating me up?” Rapidfire.

“It was clean and you were wearing protective gear! A compressed thundercloud is much more serious than a few punches!”

“What are you gonna do huh? I have a contract, and I’m sure my parents: should I remind are massive donors to this organization, wouldn’t be too happy if you discharged me.”

Soarin grit his teeth and growled. What an asshat. What a spoiled little brat. Trying to make excuses and hide behind his personal shield of his family name. He really didn’t understand the gravity of what he’d done.

“As a matter of fact,” Spitfire’s voice came again, “I have your contract right here. And oh look! There’s this little tidbit at the bottom about violation of prime rules. It clearly states that any severe direct violation of the prime rules is to be met with immediate discharge from the Wonderbolts. Oh and look! The very first and most IMPORTANT prime rule is ‘No Wonderbolt shall partake in any action meant to severely harm or injure another Wonderbolt.’” A loud slam came from in the office. “A compressed thundercloud is extremely dangerous, not to mention you packed more lightning into it than is deemed safe to handle under any circumstance. Then, without a second thought, you fired it at Soarin. You’re the lead squad effect specialist, you know DAMN well how dangerous those are, but you did it anyway. If not for his expertise on handling lightning, Soarin would be dead.

“Feh.” Rapidfire clearly didn’t even care.

“So not only do I finally have a reason to get rid of your ass, but I hope you enjoy what this little fiasco has gotten you into. The Canterlot police are on their way. I am going to discuss with them what happened and how you are to be punished for attempted murder.”

“WHAT?!” Rapidfire suddenly had a reason to care. “THAT’S BULLSHIT!”

“Don’t expect much support. You only did it in front of every single pony in the compound. Congratulations Rapidfire, you’ve dug a hole so deep no matter of name stating or anything else can save you from it. Get him out of my face.”

“Where to?” A security guard inside asked.

“Lock him in his room and seal the armor shutter over his window. We’ll hold him here until we get word from the police.”

“YOU!!!!” Rapidfire yelled out.

Soarin and Fleetfoot stepped back as they heard scuffling in the office. The door opened and Rapidfire was being shoved out and restrained by four security guards. He was kicking and grunting as they led him out. He shot two sharp glares at Soarin and Fleetfoot as they passed. Spitfire stepped out and didn’t look too surprised to see Soarin and Fleetfoot there.

“You okay?” Soarin asked. Spitfire sighed.

“No.” She stated without much movement. “Both of you go finish your training for the day.”

“What about you?” Fleetfoot asked. Spitfire shook her head.

“I need to do two things: Think about all of this and figure out how I’m going to explain this to Blaze Tail and Flash Wind.” She went back into her office and shut the door. Fleetfoot tried to say more, but Soarin put a hoof on her shoulder and shook his head.

“Leave her be. Let’s go.”

---To be Continued---

Author's Note:

I know i said fluff in this chapter but the battle took up more space than i thought >_<

BUT THERE WILL BE EXTRA FLUFF in the next i PROMISE this time xD