• Published 30th Mar 2014
  • 16,268 Views, 866 Comments

Golden Grace, Headless Headaches - Thadius0

Defating foes from Beyond? Easy enough. Making Celly see where her mistakes lie? No problem. Being torn apart and reborn because of the Golden Sun? Okay, that one, I admit, knocked me for a loop.

  • ...

Chapter 4 - Dust in the wind, Tokens in the Void

"-And that's why I'm here now."

The armor, unicorn, and dragon looked at me with slightly stunned expressions on their faces. Well, those of them that had faces, anyways. I'm not sure which part of my story they didn't quite believe: that I was an interdimensional alien, that not long ago Dullahan and I were one and the same, that I survived the Golden Sun and what it did to me, or the part where I was in Celly's bedchambers.

I'd put money on the last one, though.

"So lemme get this straight. Ye pretended to be Celestia's lover to get out of any more questioning by the guard?"

Called it! "Yes, and in future retellings, I'll just say I was invisible if you're all going to act like that."

The two in front of me snickered a bit at the thought of me in Cel's bedchambers. I'd wisely kept the other part, the part where she turned the prank back on me, a secret, and turned to Dullahan.

Well, boy, I am glad to see you again. I was afraid I was the only one to come out of that blast, but apparently the powers of the Sun are greater than we knew.

I nodded at him. "And how. But first, I think there's a matter we should attend to. Discord said the sanctum is the only hole in his network, as a favor to me, so with your help, I'd like to update my callsign."

Dullahan slowly got up and clomped towards me. I am uncertain if I know how to do what you are talking about.

I held up my left hand and lit it up with my power, golden flames dancing up and down it. "Simple enough. Just focus on the essence of who and what you are, and bring it to your left hand. We're both extradimensional entities here in the place where the veil is thinnest. We should be able to do something with that, especially with my Understanding of how things work."

The armor finally reached me, and we clasped our left hands together. I nodded to him to tell him to begin, and as he started to 'speak', a dark hole opened above us.

I am Dullahan, the darkness, the shadow, the elemental wraith. They that would stand against the darkness that lurks in the hearts of us all, I call my allies!

I nodded and began my Call. "I am Auric Fulcrum, the light, the candle, the wielder of Alchemy! Reborn by the Golden Sun, I punish the wicked, no matter their form! You who would bring back balance and peace, I call friends to my cause!"

I searched for enough gold to make a bit piece, and it appeared in my right hand. I altered it ever so slightly, though. On one side was the atomic symbol for gold above a see-saw that was perfectly balanced. On the other was a picture of a solar eclipse. I looked to Dullahan's right hand and saw he had formed yet another book. I nodded at him, and he took his cue.

They that would call on us need only hold our tokens and invoke our names, and we shall answer your call if you are worthy!

And with that, he and I threw our tokens into the hole above us, and I could...sorta feel their presence leave this reality entire, before fracturing into a thousand thousand copies, which spread across the Multiverse, seeking worthy holders.

It wasn't long before I heard a voice whisper to me on the etheral winds.

I am Typhon, Heir of Breath; the presence, the absence, and everything in between. All who value and respect freedom are my friends, and all who would protect it may call me 'ally'. I shall fill the sails of those who call upon me.

I decided to take a gambit and try and nudge one of my coins towards that particular voice. It wasn't long before I felt a tugging sensation, and I followed it, trying not to direct it anymore, but anxious to see where it would lead.

After all, my high school counselor had told me 1,500 years ago that more human interaction would be good for me. It'd be a shame if I let her advice go to waste after all this time, right?

I pulled at my power and followed the sensation, across space and time...

(3rd POV - Celestia)

Celestia had been having a boring day, which briefly became an interesting day, which was now devolving into a day where she'd need medication for a headache.

Then again, she supposed she should be grateful that her student was currently only slightly obsessed with tracking Auric down. It wasn't at Smarty Pants level of obsession yet.


"I just don't understand! That much teleportation should be out of the leagues for any but those with a cutie mark in teleporting or magic in general, yet he managed to blink at least three times in rapid succession and showed no signs of fatigue! It doesn't make sense!"

Celestia carefully drew closer to her student and draped a wing over Twilight's back. "Twilight."

At this, she looked up at Celestia with a slightly sheepish expression on her face. "Um, yes Princess?"

"While I did say you would be in charge of studying him, I did not expect you to learn everything about him instantly. I am certain there will be parts to him that we will never understand, even if you studied him for a hundred years...Assuming he lives that long. You should take it as an extension to your studies in friendsh-"

The solar diarch paused as she felt something leave not only the country, but wink out of reality itself. "My student, did you feel that?"

Twilight nodded and scrunched her face up in concentration. "It felt like...somepony taking a candle out of a room. It's like you knew there was a light there, and now it's gone."

Celestia nodded. "That was Auric's unique magical signature. It seems to have left all reality, but not violently. Otherwise, it wouldn't have felt like the light merely left, but rather, was being slowly extinguished. Most likely, he slipped through a crack in reality. Did you manage to tell where it happened?"

Twilight slowly rotated to face Newvale and tried to remember if she had ever been to where the vanishing act happened. "Yes, me and the girls were there once. I think...yes! There's a village there! Dullahan may have turned us away last time, but this time..."

Before Celestia could stop her student, she was gone, rapidly chain-teleporting to the village. Celestia vaguely recalled something Dullahan had said about it when he was atop the mountain the first time. Something about how there was no love for the crowns in Newvale.

A crown which Twilight had just earned.

"Oh dear," Celestia whispered to herself as she put a hoof to her mouth.

(3rd POV - Dullahan)

"An' these are all the collected grievances that the villagers have against Sunbutt or her subjects."

The mighty armor picked up the scroll and 'looked' down it, whistling softly as he did so. Well, that's...quite the list. Good thing we got some of the more grievous ones out of the way on our path to lighting the Lights. Not sure about this personal vendetta one, but we definitely need to get the slavery ring sorted out. Contact Inferno Blaze, get the informa-

There was a sensation of tension in the air, and suddenly, the room was home to another occupant.

Another alicorn occupant.

Fortunately for the occupant, it was neither alabaster or blue, but lavender.

The trio still collected in the room (ShiverSpine, Silver Cross, and Dullahan) all turned to look at the suddenly appearing alicorn (SAA) as she turned and gave them a sheepish grin.

"Heh heh...any of you know where Auric went? Or where...I am?"

Silver slowly reached for some of his blades, while Shiver started to charge up his psynergy. Dullahan merely held up a hand and said Stop.

The other two looked at the headless armor with some degree of shock as it moved towards the lavender alicorn. Hmm. Accessing memories...Ah yes. Twilight Sparkle, right? Last I recall, you were a unicorn. How did you earn those wings?

Twilight moved to answer before Dullahan cut her off. Not important. How did you track Auric to here, and why did you track Auric?

Twilight closed her mouth, let out a huff, and glared at the armor before responding. "Auric has this unique magical signature that anypony with a horn could sense. It suddenly vanishing is cause for concern, because if he's gone suddenly and not violently, then that means there might be a hole in reality that he stumbled through. I tracked him so that I could find the hole, fish him out, and plug it."

The armor let out a chuckle then. You really don't understand the boy at all. He has allies in other dimensions, ones that he missed while he was away and thinking he would have to ask for all reality to be sealed from all others in order to keep Equestria safe. He and I updated our Call throughout dimensions, and this sanctum is the only hole in Discord's network, so that we may come and go as we please or are needed. Would you take him from those he considers allies and friends?

Twilight blinked and worked her jaw a few times before a smug look crossed her face. "If he needs to cross realities, then yes. He should make friends in the reality he helped save, not go gallivanting off at the first sign of turbulence."

Silver Cross spoke up then. "An' who be the source ah the turbulence, lassy! From what he tells us, ye'd a cut 'im open to learn about his insides while he was still usin' 'em!"

As Twilight sputtered and started to protest, the trio laughed, and ShiverSpine interjected next. "You do realize that he probably would have answered your questions if you had thought to, oh, I don't know, ask them, right?"

Twilight's entire face turned red and the blush slowly creeped down her neck before the armor held up a hand to stop the other two. The lavender alicorn turned back to the animate armor as he began to speak again. Very well, when he returns, I shall inform him you wish to speak with him. I would advise that you be ready for him come nightfall, because knowing him, he will sneak into your town after dusk has fallen, to minimize the chances of him getting caught...assuming he comes at all.

The alicorn sighed and hung her head. "If it helps any...tell him I'm sorry, and I'll try to be better about my questioning if he chooses to come talk to me."

And with that, her horn lit up one last time, and she was gone.

Author's Note:

Okay so THIS chapter was slightly delayed by Spring Break no longer being a Thing that was Happening. I probably won't be able to update daily anymore.
And the NEXT chapter will be delayed because a certain Heir of Breath and I are hammering out a crossover. Wanna get the fine details of that out of the way with him before I post again. We kinda need Auric here to do a chapter.
So yeah, just outta the gate and I'm already holdin' you guys back.
Apologies, but when I saw his story, I just knew, right away. That this was the sort of Thing I wanted In On.
So we'll work on a chapter that's sufficiently awesome for you guys and get back to you on that.
EDIT: 594 favorites already. 392 likes.