• Published 3rd Apr 2014
  • 8,795 Views, 974 Comments

The Rock Farmer's Daughters - Sketcha-Holic

In an AU where Pinkie barely misses the Rainboom, neither she nor Cheese Sandwich are party ponies. However, Cheese ends up working at the Pie family rock farm.

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31. Get Outta Town

Later that morning, Igneous was having a word with his second-eldest daughter in the living room, while his wife was talking with the younger two in their bedroom. He didn't know how Cloudy was dealing with Marble and Limestone, but he was dealing with a mare that wasn't nearly as meek as the stallion he had released earlier.

Pinkamena stomped her hoof hard on the floor. "Pa, this isn't fair! Cheese did nothing to deserve losing his job!"

Igneous glared out the window, grinding his teeth. "Pinkamena, I trusted him. He broke that trust, and there is no way in Tartarus I'd let him get off scot-free for that."

"But firing him? Come on, I assure you we only played harmless carnival games and tried new food. And if anything, I'm to blame for us sneaking out to the carnival."

Igneous turned to face his daughter, whose glare was fiery, and those curls of hers were dangling in ringlets over her face. He didn't even flinch. "And I suppose you're to blame for that kiss that I caught you two sharing?"

Pinkamena backed up and flushed. "Well, uh, yes, I..."

"So just tell me how he won you over? What kind of smooth talking did he do to get you so infatuated with him? What kind of mask did he wear when you two were alone? And how do I know that wasn't the first time you two had kissed?"

Pinkamena stomped again. "There was no smooth talking! He's an awkward sweetheart through and through, and you're letting one night out and some stupid letter make up your judgement of him."

Igneous snorted. "How do I know you're not lying? Had you not been caught, you would have been perfectly fine in keeping carnival night a secret. Who's to say you're not keeping other secrets?"

"I'm not keeping any other secrets--you're just overreacting! How do I know that you just didn't like him and wanted an excuse to get rid of him?"

Igneous squeezed his eyes shut and took a deep breath. "I did like him. But he promised that he wasn't to woo any of my daughters, and you don't break a promise to a Pie. Sneaking out with you three has some unfortunate implications that I can't ignore. Plus, he had invited his sick-minded brother over here, and that letter smelled of a crook--we're lucky that Tomato was too busy to come around. Still, keeping Cheese around longer would have soon put a criminal in our midst, and there was no way I was going to let that happen."

Pinkamena stared forward for a moment before she looked at the floor. Feeling her eyes begin to water, she growled, "Pa, I can protect myself. I don't need you to do it for me!"

"Yes... I know you can protect yourself from a full-on assault. Your mother and I have raised you and your sisters well in that regard. But when it comes to matters of the heart, emotional manipulation is harder to protect against. It was a mistake for me to hire a stallion at all, no matter how harmless he seemed on the surface."

For the third time, Pinkmena's stomp rang through the house, and a dent was left in the floor. Igneous was nearly startled by the look on his daughter's face, which was a cross between ready to kill somepony and about to cry. Giving him a hard glare, Pinkamena yelled, "Has it ever occurred to you that you're overprotective?!"

Taken aback, Igneous replied, "Don't you dare raise your voice at me, young lady! I've seen too many crooked stallions in all my years! Several of them harassed your mother, even when she was pregnant, your grandmothers have had to fend off some unwanted attention, and my sister had been driven out of town by some scumbag who used her! I have good reason to be wary about any attention from colts you girls get." He turned away and looked out the window. "Cheese wasn't going to stay anyway. His special talent is roaming all over Equestria, and no attachment to any place could stop him."

Pinkamena was taking sharp inhales and exhales, and she stared at the floor. Her vision was growing blurrier by the second. "You're conveniently forgetting the good ones, aren't you? Don't they outnumber the bad?"

Igneous leaned his forehead on the glass. "Not in Nickerlite, they don't. Just go to your room, Pinkamena. We're done talking."

With a deep breath, she turned and bolted up the stairs. Turning down the hall, she paused as she passed what used to be Cheese's room. The door was wide open, so she forgot about going to her room, and instead went into the room where many a funny story had been told to the Pie sisters. She stood in the middle of it, gazing as her head turned to every corner of the room. Not a trace of him was left, and the warmth and vitality that once defined this very room was gone and was not going to return.

She sat on her haunches, and began to cry.

A chipper Bluejinx trotted down the street towards the post office, a big smile on his face. He still had the music from the carnival ringing in his head, and he had just finished an article about it for his aunt to print. As of now, he was going to retrieve letters for the both of them. He wondered if his mother was going to remind him to brush his teeth and keep his horn clean, and what news his friends had for them.

He went in, received several letters from nearly all sources, stuffed them in his saddlebag, and strolled on out. What he saw next was soon to put a damper on his mood.

Cheese Sandwich walked past slowly, his head hanging low and his eyes obscured by a hat. He had his saddlebags, with one containing a rubber chicken for some odd reason--he could tell because its head was sticking out. He appeared to be heading toward the farmers' market, and everypony just stopped, stared, and whispered as he strolled past.

Bluejinx waved and said, "Morning, Cheese!"

Cheese stopped for a moment, turned to glare at him, and snorted. Then he continued on his way.

Taken aback, Bluejinx cantered until he was beside the lanky stallion, and asked, "Um, so... carnival last night was fun, wasn't it?"

"Yeah... fun... woohoo," Cheese snarled.

Bluejinx blinked and scratched his head. "Cheese, are you okay?"

Cheese laughed darkly. "Okay? Oh, yeah... it's nice to know that my brother happens to think that I've hit the 'jackpot', that he really wants to meet the Pies, and most importantly, that he believes he's already an uncle!"

Bluejinx raised an eyebrow. "Uh... what? Why would he think those things?"

"Oh, you don't know? I guess he's been living a dirty double-life under your nose! Igneous smelled the letter, and it smelled like a crook!" Cheese snorted, and continued walking forward. "I'm done with the sleazy twerp... got me fired..."

"Wait, wait, wait... Igneous fired you over a letter," Bluejinx deadpanned.

"And for sneaking out. And for 'seducing' his daughter. And for... well, breaking my word that I wouldn't attempt any sort of romance with any of his daughters." Cheese sighed and shook his head. "It was a dumb move to fall in love with Pinkamena."

Before they knew it, they were at the marketplace, and Cheese just walked to the first stall in sight. "I'm back at square one. I'll just buy some food, and then take the next train out of here. Nothing left for me in Nickerlite, and nopony seems to want me here anyway."

As Cheese lifted his head, he found himself at the apple stand, and face to face with, out of all the Apple family, Cortland. Bluejinx was beside Cheese in a heartbeat, and stood by, hoping to quell any conflict that arose.

Cortland stared coolly at Cheese, asking, "How can Ah help you?"

Cheese mirrored the expression. "On second thought, I think I'll wait until my train stops in another town to buy an apple. I hear they're awfully sweet in Ponyville."

Cortland snorted. "What? You biased against Nickerlite apples?"

Cheese backed away. "I'm not in the mood, Cortland. I'll just get me something else." He started to walk away, and Bluejinx followed, thankful that the conversation was short. Or so he thought.

"Ya seem ta be in an awfully bad mood, Cheese. Didn't have enough fun with the Pie sisters at the carnival?"

Bluejinx turned and growled, "Oh, be quiet, you! He doesn't need your commentary on the subject."

Cortland put a hoof on his chest. "Hey, Ah'm just sayin' the town's abuzz about that drifter having successfully seduced three of the most somber mares in town. And good ol' Iggy most likely didn't like that, I'm sure--Cheese sounds like he's out of a job."

Cheese groaned. "Give up the stupid rumors, Cortland. You just want to slander me out of spite, don't ya?"

Cortland shook his head. "Ah didn't start this one; didn't Pinkamena tell ya Ah came clean? Everypony saw you with 'em at the carnival."

The mare at the flower stand hopped up and down. "It's true, I saw them! Knowing the Pies would never let their daughters have any fun, it's obvious that this fellow talked them into it!" She glared at Cheese. "Who knows what else he talked them into doing?"

The stallion at the tomato stand joined in with the glaring. "Yeah... I saw 'em, all right. There he was, struttin' around with the mares like they were his little prizes or somethin'. Igneous would do right to get ridda him."

The mare at the orange stand gasped. "What if Cheese has already had his way with them, and is leaving them as we speak? Oh, dear, I can't imagine being in those mares' position!"

Mr. Green the Cabbage Stallion hopped up and down. "And they wrecked my cabbage cart!"

The other stall keepers--as well as Cheese and Bluejinx--stared blankly at Mr. Green. Then, the murmurs of the other ponies erupted again, as they continued to say unsavory things about Cheese and calling him a "walking lump of mold." The lanky stallion shifted uncomfortably, realizing that coming to the marketplace was a bad idea. Bluejinx tilted his head, and started to lead him away.

Cortland picked up one of his apples, and looked straight at the leaving pair. "Now, now, aren't ya here to pack yerself some food? Here, have an apple... on the house!" Just like that, he chucked the fruit straight at them, and nailed Cheese on the back of the head, knocking off his hat in the process. The orange stallion stumbled forward, and rubbed his head, muttering something under his breath. Bluejinx picked up Cheese's hat, horror gracing his features.

The unicorn jumped when the stallion at the tomato stand shouted, "Oh, horsefeathers--it seems I have accidentally put some rotten tomatoes in my stand. Well, I guess I should get rid of them!" With that, the pony threw some tomatoes at Cheese, who had been in the process of turning around. The tomatoes hit him in the face, and his glasses were knocked off as well.

"Oopsie! I have some bad oranges, too!" Oranges were added to the list of produce that Cheese was pelted with, and soon enough, ponies were throwing produce that they had found rotten at him. Some of the marketgoers arriving were puzzled at first, but then soon joined in when they realized it was that drifter. They scooped up some dirt and threw dirt clods and pebbles at him.

Bluejinx jumped between them, catching some of the projectiles with his magic and getting hit by some of the produce and dirt. He took a moment to glance at Cheese, who was trying to wipe the muck he had obtained off of him, and squinting his eyes as he looked for his glasses. He was biting his lip, and he looked ready to panic.

However, a pebble hit Bluejinx's horn, and he cried out, taking a moment to cradle it in his hoof. His eyes were squeezed shut for a few moments, and once he opened his eyes, he found the townsponies surrounding them, still pelting them with dirt and pebbles, but still mainly aiming for Cheese. He looked around in horror, worried that this group was turning into a lynch mob. And then he looked at Cheese, blinded, bruised, and filthy, as well as exhibiting that timid colt he had been in youth.

All of a sudden, there came a crack of a rod hitting something, and this time it was Cortland who buckled down, his hat having been knocked off. The crowd stopped, and above them was an angry white pegasus, holding a broom and looking for her next target. All were looking up, except Cheese, who searched for his glasses.

Sugar Glider's eyes swept the crowd. "How dare you! Pelting these colts with dirt clods and rocks! I don't care if you don't like them, that's no excuse for that awful behavior!"

A pony raised his hoof. "But... Mrs. Candy Shop Owner--"

"No, I don't want to hear a ridiculous rumor! Now, you all get back to your stalls and shopping and whatever you ponies were doing! I don't want to see this kind of thing again!" She patted her broomstick in her hoof, looking ready to beat another pony who made the wrong move.

The ponies got the message, and they slinked away back to the marketplace. Cortland in particular grabbed his hat and kept on rubbing his head, cursing under his breath about the broom. Bluejinx sighed in relief, found Cheese's glasses, and set them back on the other stallion's muzzle.

Sugar landed and exhaled. "My goodness. Why were they doing that?"

Cheese adjusted his glasses and looked at the two ponies in front of him. Then he looked away. "Oh, everypony in town thinks I'm some sleazy, no-good seducer, just because they saw me with the Pie sisters at the carnival last night."

"Oh... well, they assumed the worst. You're a sweetheart, Cheese, you don't deserve to be treated like that. And neither does your friend here. You should go tell the Pies what happened and get yourselves cleaned up."

Cheese shook his head. "I can't. I got fired."

Sugar's jaw dropped. "What?"

"Yeah, I'm sure Igneous doesn't want to see me again."

"But why? I can't wrap my head around any reason why a sweetheart like you would lose his job."

Bluejinx stepped forward. "He kind of broke a promise."

Sugar huffed. "Well, Igneous Rock made a mistake. Who wouldn't want this pony working for them?"

Cheese groaned. "Well, life's not fair. I've got to leave this town as soon as possible, and just continue on with how my life has been for years."

Sugar wrinkled her nose. "Well, you better take a bath. I'll go inform Lemon Drop about your... uh, termination, so he understands why you're bathing at our house again." She looked at Bluejinx. "And you better go home and bathe as well."

Bluejinx nodded, and parted ways with them. He sighed and shook his head. It was unbelievable just how much went sour so quickly, and now Tomato was not going to reunite with his beloved brother, who once again wanted nothing to do with him. Still, he couldn't help but wonder just what that letter said that made Cheese think that way and pushed Igneous to fire him.

It felt good to be in power over that stallion. The implication that he had been fired was just too glorious. He didn't need to start a rumor to spite the drifter; everypony else had already done so. Just seeing Cheese Sandwich cower under all the junk that was thrown at him had filled Cortland with satisfaction.

But it didn't feel good to have been whacked by a broom.

As he returned to the stand, rubbing his throbbing head, he was expecting life to return to normal in Nickerlite. Sure, all his chances of getting with Pinkamena had been dashed through many unfortunate circumstances, and he was sure that others were talking about him behind his back, but at least his life was better than the pathetic hobo named after a sandwich.

As the day went on, things went on as normal, though not very many ponies were exactly willing to buy from a dishonest Apple. That was really annoying, but his father said he'll live. Still, there was something that bothered him.

The most prominent obstacle to Pinkamena was going to leave town soon. That should have satisfied him completely, but those feelings lessened over the course of the day. Even when seeing Cheese finally head for the train station, he felt like his work was unfinished, and that revenge was not entirely complete.

What was he missing? What was the other thing that would get this feeling to stop nagging him?

He gathered the remaining apples that evening, and set off for home. The question kept gnawing at his mind, telling him that those responsible for ruining his chances with Pinkamena were not all put in their place. He pondered why he was feeling this way when Cheese had been fired and on his way to the next town. He reviewed the last several months, and the only other obstacles he could think of were Pinkamena herself and her father, Igneous Rock.

And then it hit him. Igneous had been around longer than Cheese, and had no doubt been brainwashing his daughters into their somber states. He even influenced Pinkamena into rejecting poor, well-meaning Cortland! And yet the stallion had been stupid enough to let a drifter among them. Still, it was clear to Cortland that the old, gruff stallion had been a bigger problem than Cheese all along.

Somehow, Igneous Rock was going to pay.

Pinkamena had shut herself in the spare room, refusing any company that knocked. Not even Maud was allowed in. All she wanted was to be alone, and to wonder why this had all happened.

Why did she let Cheese into her heart? She shut her eyes and envisioned his face, with the childlike glow, the warm dimpled smile, and those green eyes that spoke gently to her. She heard his voice, ranging from his deep and smooth voice when calm to his higher and more ecstatic voice when excited or when singing.

She thought of the moment where he offered her a hug, just because her grandmothers were unable to give her one due to being deceased. She thought of his reluctance to admit his story, but ultimately confessing about his colthood. She thought of him just showing her and her sisters the landscape when they had scaled that mountain. She thought of how gently he held little Butterscotch, and how funny he was. She thought of the fun they had at that carnival.

And finally, as she stroked her mouth, she thought of the kiss they shared. She remembered that her heart had been soaring, that she had felt much warmer than ever before, and just how warm he was. It was funny how he started out stiff, thanks to being surprised, but ultimately, he had kissed back with such tenderness that she had felt like she was going to sprout wings and carry him up to the clouds, so that she could hug him and caress him and kiss him forever.

And where was he now? Off to some other town because her father was being overprotective. She groaned, filled with anger that the pony who had brought sunshine back to their farm was now gone, and that sad, boring days were surely returning. Nickerlite would have the ridiculous speculation about the Pies as usual, except there were going to false rumors of a demonized Cheese Sandwich, who had taken the farm by storm and had taken in the three foolish younger daughters for his flights of fancy.

She sighed. She was tired of it all. She was tired of the rock farming, tired of being protected, and tired of the stupid gossip. She was tired of feeling like a caged bird, and tired of not having seen what was beyond the town of Nickerlite. She wanted to see where the railroad led, and see all the places that Cheese had seen.

Her eyes fell to the window. It was still light outside, but she could tell that the sun was beginning to set. After staring a good deal at it, she stood up, strode forward, and punched the lock off. She opened the window, and climbed out... only to find herself dangling from the window, thanks to the rocks having been removed. She took a deep breath, and fell, using her currently bushy tail as a cushion to land on.

She stood up, and stared at the forest. She swiftly went in, going to find away around the farm and to the railroad.

After having his bath and a long day of working in the print shop, Bluejinx finally had a chance to read his letters from his mother, cousin, and friends. He read his mother's first, and of course, she was reminding him to brush his teeth and keep his horn clean. His cousin Royal Pin talked about how Ponyville came together to recite Wonderbolt history to a mare in town; Cirrus and Nimbus' letter told him that they got parts in "The Rose of Blood Bay" play; Flora's letter talked about how her brother came to town and entertained the others.

He got to Tomato's letter, and thought about Cheese. He thought about asking what his reply to Cheese's letter was, and explaining what had happened. Bluejinx sighed, hating to have to pass on the disappointing news of Cheese leaving, going to who-knows-where and not wanting anything to do with his brother. He opened the letter, and read:

"Dear Bluejinx,

"It seems to me that you and your aunt have some of the funniest arguments. Seriously, bread? Why would that even make a good bar of soap? Seems like a waste of a baked good if you ask me. And there is no way that I'm putting blueberries in my hair to attract mares. I'll just focus on my studies, thank you very much.

"It's been a while since I sent that letter to Cheese, and he still hasn't replied. Figures. I should have known that he still hated me and had torn up the letter. All I want to tell him is that I'm sorry for all the strife I've given him, and that I would like to have him as a part of my life again. But, if he's happy just roaming around Equestria or working on that rock farm, I guess I should just drop it. All I am to him is the annoying younger brother.

"But, enough of that depressing factor. Flora made me a flower hat that was twice my height. It attracted a lot of bees. Not fun. Have any of your new friends in Nickerlite done funny stuff to you? I imagine that pegasus mare with the baby must be really funny, and I'd like to meet some of your print buddies someday.

"Anyway, take care, and I hope to see you soon.

"Your friend, Tomato Sandwich"

While Bluejinx had chuckled about the letter, he found something off about it. He scratched his head. But Cheese did write you, Tommy. In fact, you sent a letter back... didn't you?

He reread the letter, hoping to understand why Tomato had forgotten about Cheese's reply and the letter he had wrote. Pegasus mail was typically fast, delivering under a week, so the only way that Tomato didn't receive Cheese's letter was if it had dropped out of the bag somewhere along the way. But that still didn't explain where that reply came from.

He put a hoof on his chin. "Something fishy's going on around here..."

Pinkamena found her way to the top of the hill where her grandmothers were buried. She gazed down at the town, which she had learned to despise in a matter of months. Her eyes fell on the train station, where a train awaited passengers to board it. To her amazement, she had spotted Cheese.

She did not know the why and how of his delay, but she was happy for it. She tried to check her saddlebags to see if she had enough bits for the train fare, only to realize that she didn't bring anything. Even worse, the train was whistling, Cheese had boarded, and it was coming out of the station.

Panicking, she sped down the hill, and as the locomotive pulled out the cars behind it further and further from the station, she stumbled down the hill and fell flat on her face. She hopped back up, and not caring who or what was watching, she dashed forward, and leapt onto the caboose. She held on to the railing, and watched as Nickerlite became smaller and smaller as the distance between her and the town grew.

She smirked. "So long, Nickerlite. I'm off to see new places."

She thought of her family, and she let out a sad sigh. "And goodbye, my family. I'll miss you."

Author's Note:

You people keep correctly predicting things I'm planning. Am I really that predictable? Aw, man...

No worries, Sketch, you still have a few tricks up your sleeve...