• Published 5th Apr 2014
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Fortune Favors The Bold - TheEquestrianWing

A member of the Canterlot Royalty relocates to Ponyville and aides the Mane 6 in many endeavors to protect Equestria from various dangers.

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Although Bronze Star had already made some significant progress in transitioning from royal life to civilian life, he figured that he could integrate himself much further by interacting with the residents of Ponyville. He felt that partaking in the party would be a good way to begin this endeavor. He made a mental note to speak to Twilight Sparkle later on. For now, he wanted to ease back and enjoy some social merriment.

He decided to start by striking up a conversation with the five mares. All of them seemed to have radically different personas, which implied that their interests may have been equally diverse. With that in mind, he was initially uncertain about how to open up the discussion. However, he quickly noted that all of the mares appeared to be in their early twenties. That implied that each of them must have had a job. So perhaps they would like to talk about their work.

"So, what do you mares do for a living?" he inquired in interest.

All five of them opened their mouths at once, as if they were going to answer in unison. Bronze Star held up his hoof and requested politely "One at a time, please."

Rarity spoke first. She told Bronze Star with a note of pride in her voice "Well, darling, I run the fanciest dress emporium in Ponyville, Carousel Boutique."

"I've heard of that shop," stated Bronze Star, "Your designs have attracted quite a bit of attention in the capital city.."

"Oh, that's simply divine!" Rarity squealed in happiness, "I've always wanted to make a name for myself in the fashion industry."

"Well, I wish you luck in that pursuit," Bronze Star told her, "It's always good to have ambitions."

"Can't argue with that," Rainbow Dash remarked. Right now, she was hovering in the air above Bronze Star's head. She publicized "I manage the weather patterns in the sky. Everything that falls from the clouds to the ground is produced by me. Rain, snow, sleet, the works."

"The weather in Canterlot is fairly consistent," Bronze Star explicated, "Clear skies are pleasant, but they can be a little monotonous at times. It'll be nice to have some variety."

Fluttershy had her turn next. Despite her somewhat insecure demeanor, she managed to look Bronze Star in the eye and tell him "I have my own animal shelter at my cottage, just outside the neighborhood. There are dozens of different types of animals there. Dogs, cats, mice, birds, and critters of all sorts, including my pet bunny Angel. Do you have a pet?"

"Actually, yes," Bronze Star replied, "I have a pet hawk. His name is Arthur D. Hawkins, but I call him 'Colonel.' He's as fierce and faithful as animals come."

"Did you bring him with you?" asked Fluttershy.

"No, he's still in Canterlot," the gold stallion informed her, "Depending on what happens here, I may have him move in with me at the embassy."

Out of nowhere, Pinkie Pie jumped in between him and Fluttershy and blurted out rapidly "I actually have not one, but two jobs! I work with Mr. and Mrs. Carrot and Cup Cake at Sugar Cube Corner, and I throw parties! However, I only get paid for throwing parties if somepony asks me to throw one. I don't really get paid for throwing parties on my own. But it's time-consuming and it keeps me busy, so I guess it counts as a job. I love my work; it's the best part of my day! And my night!"

"I see," Bronze Star muttered awkwardly. He gazed around the room and perceived "I take it you were the one who arranged this party?"

"Yes, indeedily!" she confirmed happily. She then procured a cupcake out of nowhere and handed it to Bronze Star, saying giddily "Here, have a free cupcake."

Bronze Star accepted the cupcake and scoffed in amusement. Then he turned to Applejack and stated "Guess that leaves you."

"Yup," she coincided, beaming slightly, "I work at my family's ranch, Sweet Apple Acres. We grow the finest apples in all of Equestria. Here, try one."

She picked up an apple from a nearby table and gave it to Bronze Star. He accepted it with his free front hoof and took a large bite. He chewed it a few times and swallowed hearitly. He raised an eyebrow and declared "Mmmm… Wow, this is… I can honestly say this is the best apple I've ever eaten."

"Why, thank ya kindly," stated Applejack, "I'm flattered to hear that."

"Well, it's the truth," Bronze Star assured her, taking another bite, "You should be proud of your agriculture. As well as the defining role it has played in Ponyville."

"What do you mean?" asked Applejack in mild confusion.

"Wasn't Sweet Apple Acres the very first establishment to be put up in this town?" Bronze Star observed.

"Yeah, my Granny was there when it was founded," Applejack answered him, "How did you know this?"

"I did plenty of research on the history of this town," Bronze Star elucidated, "From what I've read, the Apple family has contributed more to its development than any other clan. That's quite an accomplishment."

Applejack lightly shrugged and said "I suppose it is. I never really saw it that way."

"Oh, why do you always have to be so humble, AJ?" Rainbow Dash remarked snappily, landing next to the farm pony, "The guy's giving you a compliment; you should welcome it."

"There's nothing wrong with modesty," Bronze Star told the weather pony, "To be frank, it's a relief to meet somepony who doesn't take every opportunity to gloat about her achievements. That's quite rare in my line of work. Most of the time, the only people I confer with are policymakers, delegates, or military officials. Whenever they're not discussing governmental reform or national politics, they're marveling over their most recent triumph. That can get very tedious at times."

"I find that a little hard to believe," Fluttershy stated tenderly, "I'm not saying you're a liar… It's just… well, you seem to be a stallion who values his work very highly."

"I am," the gold stallion remarked, "I'm a very busy pony. I cannot abide the idea of being unproductive."

"That's rather… splendid of you," Pinkie Pie professed. For once, she was speaking in a tranquil and discreet voice.

"I must say, darling, you're a lot livelier than our last ambassador," Rarity pointed out.

"Yeah, and you're awful young for somepony with that much responsibility, sugarcube," Applejack noted.

"I'm not that young," Bronze Star revealed, "I'm twenty-five."

"That's a surprise," Fluttershy muttered softly, "Most of the representatives from Canterlot tend to be middle-aged."

"A pony's age is not directly proportional to his capabilities in the workforce," Bronze Star professed, "I can assure you; I'm suitably qualified for this position. If I wasn't, Celestia would not have assigned me here."

This last remark caught the attention of all five mares.

"The Princess sent you herself?" Pinkie Pie queried.

"Yes, she did," Bronze Star affirmed, "She directly selects all her emissaries."

"How well do you know her?" asked Rarity.

"Very well," Bronze Star replied, "But that's all I can say. I cannot tell you about anything about the nature of my relationship with Princess Celestia, or anything that goes on at the castle. I'm under oath not to discuss any of that outside of Canterlot."

The five mares were content with this response, albeit a bit disappointed. Before long, they changed the subject. For a while, they talked more about their personal lives. For obvious reasons, Bronze Star did not contribute much to this topic. Fortunately, he had no shortage of engaging themes to converse on.

Altogether, the conversation lasted for approximately two hours. After that, Bronze Star left the group and went around the room to meet some of the other ponies. He encountered some rather interesting characters, including a beige Earth Pony with a fluctuating voice, a mint green Unicorn with a strange interest in creatures with opposable digits, and a grey cross-eyed Pegasus.

Sometime after midnight, Bronze Star recalled that Twilight Sparkle was still upstairs working by herself. He was starting to tire of the party, so he decided he may as well to go upstairs and assist his friend with her research. He noticed SIG Sauer and Noble Edict were standing in a corner of the room speaking to each other; most likely on business matters. He went over to them and stated "I'm going to talk to Twilight. You guys wanna come along, or would you prefer to stay here?"

"We'll remain down here," Noble Edict responded, "A festivity this large in a space this small needs supervisors. Plus, we're a little preoccupied with reviewing the security measures for the ceremony."

"Alright," Bronze Star agreed, "I'll be upstairs if you need me."

He trotted over to a door on the opposite side of the room, opened it, went through it, and closed it. The noise in the front room faded a modicum, but it was still very audible. This next room had two stories. The first floor was circular and had shelves of books adorning the walls, much like the previous room. The second floor was wider, and there was a lot of furniture spread across it. There were no lamps or candles in this room; the only source of light was the glare of the moon which entered through the window on the upper level. Bronze Star could barely make out Twilight lying on a bed in the center of the higher level.

Bronze Star ambled over to the staircase at the far end of the room and climbed to the top of it. When he was at the same altitude as Twilight, he asked rhetorically "Could you use some help?"

His sudden outburst startled her a bit, but when she realized it was him, she eased down and said gratefully "Sure."

Bronze Star moved over to a seat next to the bed and sat down. He noticed that Twilight had a tall pile of books next to the bed. She was trying to read one of them, which proved to be a bit of a complication due to the racket and lack of light. It was difficult enough just to glimpse through the books.

"You don't seem particularly comfortable with your studying environment," Bronze Star observed.

"Probably because of how loud and dusky it is in here," Twilight Sparkle sarcastically commented.

"Well, there's plenty of room at the embassy," Bronze Star notified her, "If you want a more private, brighter place to work, we could move there."

"That sounds nice, but it would be a little time-consuming," stated Twilight, "The embassy is located all the way across town. It would take us a while to lug all these books there. We can make do with what we've got here."

"If you insist," was all Bronze Star said in response. He held his front hoof out and requested "Give me a book."

She nodded, used her magic to pick a book off the top of the pile, and transferred it to Bronze Star's hoof. He went to work examining its contents as Twilight returned to her book.

Twilight had been unable to find anything that focused exclusively on the Elements of Harmony. She had to resort to books that pertained to Nightmare Moon, the Mare in the Moon, or that had been written before Celestia became the sole leader of Equestria. She knew there were more books in the front room, but she did not want to go back out there while the party was still going on. Her current pool of information was not very vast, but Twilight was holding out hope that one of her sources would at least mention the Elements of Harmony.

Bronze Star had more luck than her. Two hours later, he was skimming through a book entitled "Ancient Mystical Tools of Defense and Attack." Halfway through, he came across a page that contained the phrase "Elements of Harmony." He decided to thoroughly read the whole column. It turned out the Elements of Harmony were only a minor part. The passage mainly focused on about another object that was sometimes used alongside the Elements. A detailed illustration of this object was included.

"I think I found something," he announced to Twilight.

She looked up from her book and gazed in his direction. He scooted closer to her and held the book so that they could both make out the contents of the page. Twilight focused on the illustration first. It appeared to be a drawing of a cloak or a cape. She inquired in interest "What is it?"

"It's called 'The Shroud of Valor,'" Bronze Star enlightened her, "According to this, the Elements of Harmony could be used to vanquish malevolent forces. However, the wielder of the Elements was still vulnerable to an attack when they were in use. The Shroud of Valor was utilized to shield the wielder from any threat of hostile retaliation."

Twilight Sparkle was impressed by this knowledge. She asked in curiosity "Does it say when or where the Shroud of Valor was last used?"

Bronze Star turned to the next page of the book and continued reading. Then he stated "The locations are excluded, but here's a list of all the known dates the Shroud of Valor was employed. The last one was exactly one thousand years ago today. The same day Nightmare Moon was banished."

"And the last time the Elements of Harmony were used," Twilight pointed out. She lightly grinned and stated "This is probably the best resource we've gotten all night, Bronze. I'm going to browse through the shelves again and look for anything that relates the Shroud of Valor. If we can find it, we may be able to find the Elements of Harmony, too."

"Now that's good wishful thinking," commented Bronze Star.

Twilight had managed to find two more books that focused primarily on the Shroud of Valor, and six others that mentioned it in certain sections. She and Bronze spent most of the next hour methodically studying these books. At one point, Bronze happened to look at the clock next to the window.

"It's three in the morning," he announced, "The sun will be up in three hours."

"That means we've got three more hours to find some conclusive evidence about Nightmare Moon's return," Twilight presumed.

Bronze Star chuckled and remarked "Twilight, I appreciate your resolve, but you should probably take a break from this exhaustive research and get some rest. You've been awake for nearly twenty-four hours."

"So have you," she pointed out.

"Yes, but Alicorns don't require as much sleep as other ponies," Bronze contended, "My mother once stayed up for a whole week without any sign of fatigue."

"Well, aren't you supposed to be passing yourself off as an Earth Pony?" Twilight disputed, "You know, seeing as how you're going undercover and all."

"That didn't stop you from calling me 'Bronze' a moment ago," he countered. He placed his hoof on her shoulder and told his friend "Twilight, I'm not trying to sound overbearing or anything like that. I just don't think it'd do you any good if you keeping put all this pressure on yourself. At this rate, you'll have worn yourself out by the time of the ceremony. I'm sure you don't want that."

Twilight reflected on Bronze Star's assessment, and she had to admit that he was making a very valid and logical argument. Despite her desire to continue her research, she did not want to be too drained to attend the ceremony. So she gave in and stated "Alright, I guess I'll lie down for a few hours. I cannot guarantee I'll get any sleep, but I will try to settle down."

"I can always count on you to make the smart choice," Bronze Star proclaimed, smirking. He cleared off the books on the bed so that Twilight had plenty of room to spread herself out. Then she stretched her front and hind legs, yawned loudly, rested her head on the pillows, and closed her eyes. Bronze Star pulled the comforter over her and gently patted her on the shoulder. He informed her "I'll be out in the front room if you need me. I'll tell the others to keep it down a little."

"Thanks," she muttered without opening her eyes, "I guess I'll be seeing you around."

Bronze Star quietly descended the staircase, approached the door on the ground floor, and went back out into the front room. He had braced himself for the huge wave of commotion on the other side, but he made certain to shut the door quickly so that it would not bother Twilight.

He found that the crowd had decreased to about half of its original size since he left the room. Spike hanging out with a young filly. She was an Earth Pony with a yellow coat, a red mane, a large pink bow in her hair, and no cutie mark. As Bronze Star approached the two of them, the baby dragon soon noticed him. He cordially remarked "Hey, Gold. How's Twilight doing?"

"She and I have made some progress on her research," Bronze Star apprised him, "However, I've managed to convince her to take a break. Do you suppose you could get everypony to decrease the level of noise in here for a while?"

"I could try," Spike proposed, "But I can't promise anything. These ponies really know how to party."

"So I see," commented Bronze Star. He gazed around the room as if he was looking for somepony in particular. He was actually searching for two ponies, but he could not spot either one. He turned back to Spike and enquired "Have you seen SIG Sauer and Noble Edict?"

"Yeah, they left about thirty minutes ago," answered Spike, "You see, a group of Royal Guard arrived shortly before that. SIG told me that he and Noble needed to go to Town Hall to give the officers their assignments."

"Alright, thanks," stated Bronze Star approvingly. He headed over to the library's front entrance and called over his shoulder "If Twilight comes downstairs, tell her she can find me at Town Hall."

"Got it!" Spike acknowledged.

Bronze Star then left the library and made his way through the city streets. Since it was three o'clock in the morning, there was very little activity going on outside. The streets were nearly deserted and most of the houses had all their lights off. But Bronze Star wagered that it would not be long before the whole town was up again.

Soon he reached Town Hall. Unlike the rest of the neighborhood, this building was bustling with activity. There were Earth Ponies on the exterior of the first floor, Unicorns on the veranda of the second floor, and Pegasi flying along the roof. Half of them appeared to be in Royal Guard armor. The rest of them were wearing uniforms of typical security officers. A stallion dressed in the latter type of apparel was standing at the main entrance.

When Bronze Star approached the front entrance, the stallion stepped in front of him and told him in a gruff voice "Sir, this area is restricted until 0500 hours. Only people with government clearance may enter before then."

"Right," Bronze Star commented. Fortunately for him, he was still wearing his knapsack from earlier. He snapped it open, removed a thick folded piece of leather, and gave it to the security guard, saying "Here you are."

The stallion took the piece of leather and unfolded it. This was Bronze Star's badge as the envoy to Ponyville. After a few seconds, the guard handed it back to Bronze Star, stepped to the side, and told him apologetically "Oh, pardon me, Mr. Ambassador. Go right in."

There were many more ponies inside Town Hall. This crowd was not limited to the Royal Guard and Ponyville's security force. The Mayor and all of City Council were gathered there as well. They were reviewing the intended outline of the Summer Sun Celebration with Bellerophon.

SIG Sauer and Noble Edict were near the center of the lobby, supervising all the activities of the guards. The gold stallion approached the two of them and proclaimed "I see you two have wasted no effort in securing this place."

"Indeed not, sir," Noble Edict concurred, "In fact, if we bring in any more of the Royal Guard, we may as well declare martial law."

"It may seem that way, Noble," SIG Sauer perceived, "However, if we did declare martial law, we would not use the Royal Guard. There's a private division of the army that's specially trained for that line of work. We call them the Constabulary Contingent."

"Is that so?" stated the red mare, intrigued, "I was unaware that there's an entire section of the army dedicated to public law enforcement."

"I didn't say martial law was the Contingent's only directive," SIG Sauer clarified, "If it was, we wouldn't have much use for it. There hasn't been an insurrection in this country for centuries, and civil unrest has no place in Equestria. The Contingent exists mostly as a precautionary measure, in case of a sudden national crisis or something. Once you've been in the military for at least three years, you can apply for admission into it."

"Were you ever part of that troop, sir?" inquired Noble Edict.

"No, my career in the military was limited to the regular army and Special Forces," SIG Sauer expounded, "The commander of the Constabulary Contingent once tried to recruit me, but I turned his offer down. However, my son was recently accepted into the Contingent. He tells me that the exercises and programs are difficult, but he has not regretted his decision."

Noble Edict raised an eyebrow in fascination and remarked "You have a son in the military?"

"Yes, he's been a soldier for almost five years," Bronze Star replied for his trainer, "You could say that SIG's entire family is involved in some very prestigious organization whose fundamental purpose is to serve the greater good. His daughter is enrolled in Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. She's actually a classmate of our associate Twilight Sparkle. She has an aptitude for medicinal spells, and her ambition is to become a doctor."

"An admirable goal," commented Noble Edict, "We could always use more physicians. After all, the public relies on people like myself and Mr. Sauer to keep them safe, but what they really need are more people who can keep them well."

"My daughter sees it that way, as well," SIG Sauer professed.

"How old are your children?" queried Noble Edict.

"My son is twenty-two, and my daughter is nineteen," SIG Sauer responded, "Even though the three of us lead very busy lives and don't see each other that often, I'm just as close to them as I was when they were foals. Don't tell anypony else this, but they're the only things in the world that I value more than my work."

"What about your wife?" stated Noble Edict cheekily "Are you and she not on good terms?"

SIG Sauer grimaced at this remark. He appeared angered by it at first, but after a moment, he just turned away from Noble Edict and frowned in despair.

The red mare asked in concern "What? Did I say something to offend you?"

Once again, Bronze Star answered for his trainer. He leaned up to Noble's ear and whispered "Let's just say that he and his wife are not on any terms. But they were on very close terms when she was still around."

Noble Edict quickly realized what the gold stallion meant. She turned to SIG Sauer and told him "I'm so sorry, sir. I can't believe I just said that…"

"It's alright, Noble; you didn't know," the pine green stallion interrupted, gazing back at Noble Edict, "I suppose the fault is partly my own. After all, we've been together for almost every minute of the past fifteen hours, and I never once thought to mention that I had children until now. However, I would prefer it if we did not talk about my wife."

"Alright, then we'll just talk about something else," Noble Edict decided.

"In that case, perhaps we can discuss that thing you saw the other day, Noble," Bronze Star proposed.

"What thing, Mr. Streak?" she asked in confusion.

"Earlier on, you said you saw an anomaly that you believed may have been related to Nightmare Moon," Bronze Star reminded her.

"So I did," she assented, "To be honest, I'm not entirely certain what it was. All I do know is that it was highly abnormal and of unknown origin."

"Tell us what you witnessed," SIG Sauer requested.

"It happened in the early morning, just after I completed the night shift at the hospital," Noble Edict recounted, "I was walking home when a bright blue flash of light erupted in the sky. The ball of light descended to the ground with tremendous velocity, like a meteor. It landed somewhere in the Everfree Forest. I went to investigate, and I found a huge spherical cluster of energy in a clearing. It emanated a strange humming sound which got progressively louder as I got closer to it. I managed to get close enough to physically touch the energy cloud, and once I did, the humming sound ceased. Despite being made of energy, the surface of the cloud was solid. I examined it from all sides, and it did not appear to pose any discernable threat. Ultimately, I left the energy cloud, but I decided to keep it under watch until further notice. I couldn't afford to spare anypony from my own detail, so I sought out three volunteers – deputies, if you would – to attend to the energy cloud. They're not trained, but they're all reliable. I've instructed them to return to town and alert me if anything new happens with the anomaly."

"Intriguing," Bronze Star observed, "That's definitely not something you'd encounter every day. However, what makes you believe this energy cloud is related to Nightmare Moon?"

"Truthfully, nothing," Noble Edict admitted, "However, Nightmare Moon's actions would probably be the most rational explanation for the energy cloud's presence. If she was able to blot out the Sun for a short time, it would be relatively simple for her to create a stable ball of energy."

"That's certainly a logical observation," stated SIG Sauer, "However, we shouldn't jump to conclusions just yet. Perhaps we should send a magic expert to conduct a more thorough examination of the cloud."

"We can do that after the Summer Sun Celebration," Noble Edict recommended, "For now, our priority is to provide security for the ceremony."

Bronze Star and SIG Sauer agreed to this arrangement. After about twenty minutes, the pine green stallion and the red mare went to conduct another inspection of the grid formed by the Canterlot Royal Guard and the Ponyville security officers. There were still two more hours until the sun was supposed to rise; Bronze Star wanted to find another way to pass the time. He soon noticed that Bellerophon was no longer conversing with the Mayor and her staff. So he chose to spend the next two hours with the chief of staff.

They talked about a variety of subjects, such as what they had accomplished since they arrived in town, what they planned to do after the ceremony, how the quiet life in Ponyville compared to the eventful life in Canterlot, and how Bronze Star had adapted to living as an Earth Pony. An hour before the sun was supposed to rise, the doors of Town Hall were open to the public. Bronze Star and Bellerophon decided to go upstairs where they could continue speaking in relative silence.

While they were upstairs, Bronze Star brought up the matter of Nightmare Moon. Bellerophon was more than willing to listen, so Bronze Star recounted everything he and Twilight Sparkle had learned in the past few hours. At first, the young prince thought the palomino Pegasus would choose to dismiss the whole Nightmare Moon affair as needless worrying. However, as Celestia's chief of staff, Bellerophon took all threats to her reign very seriously, even if the only proof of one was in the form of a prophecy.

Princess Celestia was scheduled to arrive just ten minutes before she was supposed to raise the Sun. Bellerophon asked Bronze Star if he would like to speak to his mother on the affair once she reached Town Hall. The young prince figured he may as well. After all, he had promised Twilight Sparkle that he would help her bring any new news of Nightmare Moon to Celestia. While their evidence was debatably circumstantial, it was still enough to present a case. So he decided to just wait patiently until his mother got in.

Five minutes before the six o'clock, Bellerophon came back to Bronze Star and informed him that his mother had just gotten in and that she was prepared herself in the mayor's office. The young prince went to go see his mother, but he arrived at the mayor's office, there was nopony there. He found this rather perplexing, as did the guard who stood outside the office. This guard had seen Celestia enter the room, but he had not seen her exit. Bronze Star checked in with the guards posted at the other entrances to the mayor's office, and none of them reported seeing her leave.

This was rather strange. Celestia's whereabouts were always monitored by the Royal Guard, yet none of them could account for her current location. However, Bronze Star saw no cause to panic; he simply concluded that his mother must have proceeded to the lobby without her bodyguards. To ascertain this speculation, he made his way to the indoor balcony on the second floor. But halfway there, he heard a prissy voice – it sounded like Rarity's – yell "She's gone!" This was followed by a high-pitched scream.

Suddenly, a dark blue light filled the entire building, but it glowed the brightest in the lobby. Bronze Star faintly heard a deep, booming feminine voice coming from that same room. He galloped as fast as he could in that general direction.

Soon, he reached the balcony. But his mother was not there. Instead, there was a tall black Alicorn with a dark vest, dark blue boots, and a dark blue crown that doubled as a mask. She was gazing down at the crowd of ponies below. She had her back to Bronze Star, but he had a fair idea as to who she was.

The black Alicorn bellowed crossly yet amusingly "Does my crown no longer count now that I have been imprisoned for a thousand years? Did you not recall the legend? Did you not see the signs?"

A voice which Bronze Star recognized as Twilight's responded from the ground below "I did. And I know who you are. You're the Mare in the Moon – Nightmare Moon!"

There was a collective gasping all across the room. Nightmare Moon grinned and stated "Well, well, well; somepony who remembers me. Then you also know why I'm here."

Twilight tentatively replied with "You're here to... to..."

She was unable to finish; like everypony else in the building, she was absolutely speechless. Nightmare Moon just chuckled and announced in a very menacing tone "Remember this day, little ponies, for it was your last. From this moment forth, the night will last forever!"

She broke into a maniacal laugh, which was accompanied by the crashing of thunder and the striking of lightning.

So the rumors were true. Twilight Sparkle had been correct all along. Nightmare Moon had returned, and she was there to reclaim her hold on Equestria. For now, the Sun was gone. So was Princess Celestia. Equestria's beloved leader had disappeared right under the notice of her protectors. But she would not vanish forever. Not as long as her subjects and her son had something to say about it.

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