• Member Since 30th Jun, 2012
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Everyday We Shufflin


Something is disrupting the technology in Equestria and Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and a few guards go to check out the problem. Their night turns from a quest to find the source for the problem, to a challenge to survival. All caught on tape.

This was also a collaboration with: Zombiehunter4579

New cover by Nymbyte

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 29 )

..............luna, killed by a mere monster............... she makes a career with slaying the fiends of the night.............
why do so many stories love treating the regal ones like shit?

4253665 It's just the ways of this series. I hated doing it, and I knew that it wouldn't go down like this, but that's just what happens. I needed to make one of them die, and Luna was the one no one would expect to die.

4253745 then you made a mistake then. i have said it many times to many otyhers, but while storytelling can have many variations, there are a few rules that are universal.
narrative should serve the characters. because when you focus on where you wan tthe narrative to go rather than how the characters get there, the character will say and do things they would otherwise not do.

put simply this story is implyingf this monster is more powerful than discord, sombra, and various other beings the regal ones have fought, both known and unknown.

4253769 Different universes. I have to make sacrifices. And actually, it's not my fault, I wasn't implying it, the guy I was collabing with came up with this idea(I hate putting the blame on him though, because I know I am the better writer of the two of us, if I can toot my own horn.). I tried to keep it on the ground and as close to both shows as possible. And that did work for about 2 of the stories, and then we decide to just go all crazy with these and make our own rules to what we do here. Which is basically just mashing whatever we can do with these two separate shows. To be honest, we are focusing more on the Lost Tapes aspect rather then the MLP aspect. And I know what you are going to say: "We need to find a balance between the two" and trust me, we have for the most part, in all our other Lost Tapes crossover fics, but this one was so different we just didn't know what to do to get it to work. We could have just abandoned the idea, but working on it was too fun.


4253665 I don't know, why is it people in both the story and the comment section use too many periods to express a pause in a quote?

4253884 it to emphasis a pause. there is no other way i can think of showing that your thought had paused during a comment.

4253798 .......... then you should have abandoned it. ever since idsocvered a mlp fanfic that made me realize exactly how talented those who love the show can be, i have tried to write my own. i got at least ten story ideas i totally abandoned because i knew they were not good enough.

and alternate universe is not an excuse. you cannot have it that somehow in this alternate universe the regal ones were weak enough t obe slain by a mundane forest monster yet able to defend their kingdom against monsters. alternate universe is not a do whatever you want option. it means events are different from how the show is somehow. technically all fanfic is alternate universe.

put simply it makes no sense that they would be killed let alone so easily. if your swtory makes no sense then it needs to be scrapped.

if you wanted character vulnerable enough to be killed then you should have used just royal guards or something. the regal ones are far too powerful for a monster armed with only fang and claw and maybe a trick or two to bring down. it could hurt them, probably, but the alicorns have attributes from all pony races, from magic to strength to flight.

4253955 Bull shit! (excuse my language, I normally wouldn't say that, even if I was mad, which I am not here) They have been proven to be more then capable to get harmed by others. Celestia has gotten harmed by Chrysalis, she doesn't fight back against Discord again with Luna when he first came around, and both had been beaten by some weeds. They are not all powerful.

4253937 ... *sigh* whatever. This is very similar to an idea I had back a couple months ago. Creepypasta fic... Didn't workout.
Also, Pyriel just proved his point.
O'mielly, no one asked you. But thank you anyways.

4253877 the ending to that. Just UGH!? Du fuq?!

4253987 I don't know either, I just wen't along with it.

Woooo! Lost tapes! God I missed this show, so much research I had on all the monsters. Thank you so much for making this. This warms my wild heart tenfold

4253982 i never said they were all powerful. but think about what hurt or wards them. chrysalis surprised celestia, and even chrysalis herself did not see it coming. the love she stole from shining wsa of high quality.
celestia has grown more powrful than she was from long ago, but at the time it seems luna was still recovering, regaining her strength. and even then discord is not an enemy that goes down with any form of ease. there would be far more harm caused fighting him than letting him play.
......... those were not weeds. those were vines that was draining the life from a god tree, a god tree that was beyond even discord himself. a god tree that was holding back an Eldritch forest for a thousand years without its full power.

true the regal ones are not invulnerable, but that does not mean anything can slay them. and the things that have been capable of defeating them were incredibly powerful things, and were all far beyond a forest monster.

with alt universe......... an alternate universe is not a universe where something is weaker, dumber, or totally different. it is a place where left was chosen over right. making someone more vulnerable than they are in the series is not alternate universe it is bad writing caquse they could not figure out how to deal with it if the character was them-self. far too often used to kill off a character otherwise too competent to slay.

4254068 You don't know how powerful the creature is though, heck even me and the other writer don't know. That's the whole point. Heck, that is where the horror aspect comes from in this story. It is not know how powerful something is allot scarier to not know what it can do. We don't even know what it does to Luna. Heck, she might have just been captured or something, we don't know, and that's a good thing. And given both of the writers(me and the other guy, duh) are big horror fans, we try to use different types of horror. But I can let go what you are saying, after all, it isn't very clear what we were trying to do with the story.

But there is something that kinds made me mad, not all that mad, but it's still it makes me kinda mad.

true the regal ones are not invulnerable, but that does not mean anything can slay them

This makes me think that you just think it's as powerful as a wounded deer. It is strong, and smart. So I'm assuming that it would be able to kill at least Luna.

4254253 only three beings in the series ever held power enough to harm them, and one only held it for a short time. why would some random eldritch thing be powerful enough to hurt them?

a creepypast story does not work when the characters being attacked have powerful supernatural abilities themselves. even if they somehow cannot see the monster to attack it, they can teleport several miles at a time. it is kinda hard to attack someone when they can escape with a flash of power. and to say it could somehow stop it does not prevent them from leveling a large swath of forest to escape through. interesting thing about blasts able to break castle walls. trees are even easier.
that is my point. the regal ones have far too many abilities both offensive and defensive. if they cannot kill it or stop it they can at least escape it be it magic, raw force, teleportation, or flight. they have far too many options. somehow it would have to be able to stop every single one of their abilities from working.

4254391 (Sorry for the delay, I wen't to see captain America with my family) Again, you know nothing about the power of this thing! It is from space! He isn't just some random turtle you picked up off the sidewalk, he is allot more powerful then you know!

And it is not a creepypasta. It is a horror story. Stephen King did not create creepypastas. He created horror stories(No I am not comparing myself to Stephen King). And also I did give a reason as to why they cannot use magic

“No.” She starts, “Flash, fly up and check where we are.”

“Yes mam.” He salutes and flaps his wings, trying to get off the ground. He only gets about a foot before falling down with a thump. “Huh?” He tried again, same results. “I can’t fly!”

“Something is wrong here.” Bluelight says, “I can’t use my magic either.

So, there ya go. Oh and by the way, there are allot more thing wrong with this story then just that. In fact, worse things.

4255625 rubs eys............ if there was a book on lazy elements to use in a story, the magic don' work would be near the top. there is no way to explain how it does it. not to mention to get technicaly it would require magic to do so. not to mention if the ponies can use magic in the everfree forst than they can use magic in any area with alien or foreign magic to their own.
and surpressing the power of the regal sisters would probably take far greater power than even discord possess.


4258101 i know they only work if they involved vulnerable beings. and the regal ones are NOT vulnerable beings in any sense. making them unnaturally vulnerable only makes it less believable.

a horror story works by having your characters vulnerable to the threat. the problem is more often than not most horror stories make their characters incompetent. they do this because it is hard to balance competent characgters with significant threat to them.

it would have been more clever if they were vulnerable in a very different way. the beast could do nothing to harm them, they are too great.......... but they could do nothing to keep it from harmign their loyal guards, and were forced to watch them one by one fall to it.

4258128 GOOD GOSH MAN!!! WILL YOU JUST LAY IT OFF ALREADY?!?! THE MONSTER IS STRONGER THEN THEM!!!!!!!! DEAL WITH IT! IT DOESN'T MATTER! It is just a style of horror! The unknown! OK, so apparently you know so much about this monster! Educate me! Please! I need to know!

4258147 i know that the possiblity it is more a threat to them than a chaos beast who can alter their veyr environment is pretty low if not impossible. and they escaped discord when that battle went south, and were sitll so strong he could not subdue them himself.

though perhaps it is also my frustration that everyone in fanfic treats them as if they re made of glass or something, even if it makes no sense for someone that incompetent to fight off evil for a millenium.

4258162 OK, I just made a bad decision. Because apparently I can't kill off the "Regal Ones"(I don't get why you keep calling them that). Because that doesn't add to the overall fear factor, apparently. The fact still stands though. You know nothing about this monster. Hell, you don't know much about the "Regal Ones" either! Aside from a few things here and there, not much has been told. Unless it is Luna, in Luna's case, we know that she is very much human(I say Human because saying "Pony" would just sound weird).

How do we have 9 likes on this fic?

4271484 Same way I have 9 freckles. It just happens. Oh, hey, are you going to be on tonight?

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