• Published 19th Apr 2014
  • 1,619 Views, 18 Comments

The Viral Video Voyagers - CassandraMyOCisBestpony

Three freshman girls at Canterlot High are on a Crusade to become internet famous by any means necessary. These are the adventures of the Viral Video Voyagers

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If At First You Don't Succeed...

After school the next day, the Viral Video Voyagers found themselves an empty classroom, and watched each others' videos on the tiny screen of Applebloom's iPhone. It wasn't an ideal way to watch videos, but they dared not go back to the library. Sweetie Belle insisted on going first, so she located her video, tapped the thumbnail, and passed her phone over to her two friends so they could have a better look.

In the video, Sweeite Belle was sitting on her bed with an small unopened Coco Chanel box. "Welcome to episode one of Sweetie Unboxes, where I show you all the cool stuff my sister and I bought. Now, if you like cosmetics as much as we do, this is something you may be remotely familiar with" she chuckled at her own joke, "it's Coco Channel."

"It's pronounced Chanel, Sweetie," called a voice from off-screen.

"An-yway" continued Sweetie Belle in a snippy voice, "This is called Rouge, and it's one of Macy's most popular lipsticks. Let's go ahead and open it up. The box has a cardboard tab here, and you open it like..this." She took the lipstick out and held it up close to the camera. "Now, let's just put it on... like sho" her voice was slightly distorted as she ran the cosmetic across her lips, unknowingly getting quite a bit on her chin and teeth. She smacked her lips, "And there we are. Don't I look pretty? RARITY! Come up here and tell them I look pretty!"

The voice offscreen called back, "I'm busy right now, Sweetie. Can't you play by yourself for a while?"

"I'm not playing! Making viral videos is not a game!"

"But wasn't your friend was making videos of herself playing games?" The video cut out.

"Right about then's when my camera died," explained Sweetie Belle, "but I was about done anyway. Whaddya think?"

"Well it's a good start" said Applebloom, "but where are ya gonna go from there?"


"Yeah, it's not like ya could make a whole video series of yerself just openin' boxes."

"How do you know that?"

"Because it's boring" interjected Scootaloo, "here, let me show you something that's 10 times better than makeup! This is called parkour" She took the iphone and tapped on her video. An instrumental version of the "Cutie Mark" song played over a montage of Scootaloo doing decidedly safe stunts, like jumping onto a two-foot table, doing a spin-kick on her scooter, and slowly climbing a chain-link fence.

"Pretty cool huh?"

"It's ok, I guess..." began Sweetie Belle. She was interrupted by a pinging noise.

"Hey Scoot!" exclaimed Applebloom, "you just got yer first comment!"

Scootaloo's face lit up, "what's it say???"

"Let's see... It's from... Diamond Tiara?" she replied bewilderedly

"Let me guess" deadpanned Scootaloo. She made air quotes and spoke in an exaggerated valley girl voice, "epic fail lol. Fake and lame. parkour for the lose..."

"Actually...'Mah father's friend is a talent agent, ah showed it ta him an' he loved it! He wants to represent you! Here's a link to his contact info.'"

"Click.it! Click it!"

"Alright, hold yer horses." She clicked the link, and the music video of "Never Gonna Give You Up" began to play, opening with a with a hard synth-percussion beat, and a skinny red haired man singing and dancing around an old fashioned microphone.

"Seriously? Rickrolling? Who still does that anymore?"

"Diamond Ti-"

"rhetorical question," butted in Sweetie Belle, "anyway, Applebloom, how about you show us what you've got?" Applebloom turned her head away and looked downcast.

"I....got nothin'" she muttered, "ah couldn't think o' any ideas. Ah spent all last night brainstormin' an' all mah ideas were stupid. It's hopeless! We'l never get find our viral video." She buried her face in her hands.

"Applebloom don't say that" said Sweetie Belle, placing an arm around her, "we just have to keep trying. We will find it someday."

"You know we will!" added Scootaloo, "because who are we?"

Applebloom looked up and wiped the tears from her face, "th-the vrial video voyagers?"

"Can't hear you."


"That's better. Now, the Fall Formal's tonight. I say we forget about this viral video junk for one night, and just have a blast."

Applebloom smiled, "yer right, girls. Ah shouldn't be gettin' all upset over this. Thanks, by th' way." Sweetie Belle gave her a warm hug while Scootaloo made a gagging gesture.

Principal Celestia stood on the illuminated stage, holding the fancy envelope. "The Princess of this year's Fall Formal is...Twilight Sparkle!!!" The crowd cheered, as good triumphed over evil, and for the first time in too long, the crown was awarded to a student who truly deserved it. All of a sudden, from the back of the room came an unfamiliar voice.

"Twilight, HELP!!!"

"Did that dog just talk?" whispered Applebloom to her friends. Before either of them could respond, Applejack and Rarity, plus four others, darted outside in pursuit.

"Girls, somethin' big is happenin! exclaimed Applebloom, "Let's git after'em! That could we th' next viral video an' we're gonna catch it on film!"

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo rolled their eyes, but they followed their friend, genuinely curious to see what was going on. They arrived in the courtyard just in time to see Sunset Shimmer engulfed in a beam of light. They stood, frozen and slack-jawed in awe, before Applebloom shook herself out of it. "Phones, girls!" she reminded. They took out their phones and began to film, as Sunset Shimmer ripped apart the main entrance with her magic, before zombifying the students in the crowd. Unnoticed by Sunset Shimmer, the Voyagers ducked behind a corner, and continued filming as their sisters battled and defeated the demonic monster.

They could hardly contain their grins and giddiness as the excitement drew to a close. "This is it, girls" declared Applebloom, "we've finally done it!"

"Ah can't help but think we'd get more views." lamented Applebloom

"A thousand is more than we've gotten on the other videos combined." offered Sweetie Belle.

"And just look at all these comments!" beamed Scootaloo.

"Have ya actually read 'em?" asked Applebloom gloomily, "So obviously fake...ah can see th' wires...yer CGI is terrible...and fer some reason a whole lotta people sayin' they hate the blue-haired kid."

"Oh." sighed Sweetie Belle, "so what do we do now?"

"I've always wanted to try base jumping" suggested Scootaloo.

"Base jumping?" asked Sweetie Belle quizzically, "hmm, that could work."

"Base jumpin' it is then!" finished Applebloom. In unison they cried out,