• Published 25th Jun 2014
  • 2,203 Views, 33 Comments

Well This Stucks! - anotheraccount

Twilight builds a locked compartment like Celestia used to store the Elements of Harmony, but something goes wrong and her horn gets stuck in the wall. Things spiral out of control when her friends try to help...

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Chapter 1 - It's Always That One Missed Detail

Author's Note:

This is my first fanfiction :-)

This is a work of fanfiction (unofficial stories that lovingly borrow characters/settings, written by a fan of the show) - please do not confuse this with the the show. This story takes place in a somewhat alternate universe.

I do not own the characters or setting of the FIM universe - they belong to Hasbro. Please support them by purchasing their products (collectibles, videos, toys, etc.) - they are available at many physical stores as well as online.

Chapter 1 - It's Always That One Missed Detail

Twilight Sparkle stood in her library facing the wall opposite the front door. There was something different about the wall, something she had been working on in secret whenever nopony else was around. The wall she was facing had the bookcase moved to the side and directly behind it was a small panel with a star in the middle with smaller stars surrounding it, and in the middle of the central star was a small hole.

Twilight slowly approached the panel. “Spike out on an errand that will take him all morning? Check. Finishing touches done on secret cabinet with magic lock? Check. Somepony eager to test out the magical lock she's been working on for days? Check.”

Twilight had been fascinated with the security measures that Princess Celestia had used for safekeeping the Elements of Harmony. She came closer to the panel and then stopped when she was just inches away. She slowly traced the designs with he eyes as she inspected the panel one more time. “Everything appears to be in order. The magical lock has been activated as well as the magic-nullifying runes inside of the lock.”

Twilight had realized quite quickly that if she didn't create runes that blocked out all but the specific unlocking spell for the lock, then any unicorn could open it without much effort. Twilight slowly lowered her head and aligned her horn with the hole in the panel. “Ok, let's give this a try and see how well our lock works.” She slowly inserted her horn into the lock and began picturing the lock opening with the arcane commands flowing through her mind. A glow slowly enveloped her horn and flowed into the lock, causing the star on the panel to glow as well.

The star, however, was the only part of the panel that glowed....the light did not reach the smaller stars surrounding the central star. Twilight could sense the state of the lock with her horn and slowly turned her eyes upwards on the panel. “Hmm, it looks like we need to make a minor adjustment to the runes. I'll just go and get,” Twilight said as she tried to pull her head backwards, “hurrm...my...oof...blueprints....ow.” Twilight tried pulling her horn out of the lock, grunting with the effort and stopping when the pulling began to hurt. She looked up at her horn in the lock and blinked a couple times. “Oh, dear.”


It was mid-morning on a Saturday and three young fillies were enjoying a morning without school as they walked down the road towards the library. Or rather the earth pony and unicorn were walking and the pegasus was riding her scooter, propelled by her buzzing wings. “Sweetie Bell, I know you're good with lyrics and all,” the pegasus said, “but I don't think getting a cutie mark in poetry will be very exciting. What is the point in getting a cutie mark that looks like we are studying?”

The unicorn replied, “We tried everything you wanted to try last weekend, Scootaloo. Including the horseshoe toss...I'm going to be paying for that window with my allowance for weeks!” The three fillies shared a shudder...they all would be paying from their allowance for a few weeks. “Of all of the places we could have tried that game, with all of the space in Sweet Apple Acres, why did it have to be right next to Apple Bloom's house?”

“Yeah, big sis was none too happy about that,” said the earth pony of the group. “I got to listen to her talk about bein' responsible all through dinner.”

Looking at both of her friends, Sweetie Bell said “I just wanted to try something low-key this time. Something we could enjoy without causing any damage.”

“Ok, we'll try the poetry, but none of that mushy stuff.” Scootaloo slowed her buzzing wings, closed her eyes and hunched over her scooter's handlebars, and then stuck out her tongue. Standing back up on her scooter she said “I'm going to write about something cool that Rainbow Dash would like to read.”

The three fillies, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, approached the library and knocked on the door before opening it and going in. Twilight was standing at the wall, facing away from the door. Her ears perked up as they entered the main room, but she didn't move otherwise. “Mornin', Miss Twilight” Apple Bloom said as she and her friends entered the library.

“Good morning, girls” replied Twilight, not turning around to greet them. Well, this is awkward, Twilight thought to herself. There has to be a good way to explain this one...

Apple Bloom looked at her friends and raised an eyebrow about Twilight standing at the wall, and then shrugged it off as they headed over to the bookshelf containing books on poetry. She, Sweetie Bell, and Scootaloo each chose a book and went over to the table to read.

Maybe they will just find a book quickly and sign it out, Twilight thought. Things could get out of hoof easily with these three.

“Look!” said Sweetie Bell. “This one has poems written by ponies right here in Ponyville! Let's start with this one.” She opened the book to a random page in the middle of the book.

Still standing over at the wall, Twilight thought to herself, that book sounds familiar...

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo looked over at Sweetie Bell and then moved over to sit beside her.

“It looks more like a notebook than a book,” said Scootaloo as she leaned her head down onto a propped up hoof, “really exciting.”

I think I've read that one before, thought Twilight as she started to tap her muzzle with her hoof, but then thought better of it and put her hoof back down onto the floor.

"Trotting along the snowbank,

I gaze longingly up at the moon,

The chill of the air will soon be gone,

And springtime will be here soon."

“That's it...there isn't any more of that one and it doesn't say who wrote it. I don't get it.” Sweetie Bell scratched her cheek with her hoof and then turned to another random page.

"With a bang the contest was started,

colts eating their big bowls of beans.

Swiftly the contest did come to a close,

since one of the contestants had "

Sweetie Bell covered her mouth and then started to giggle. Softly at first, and then growing in loudness until she was shaking from mirth. “Rarity would definitely not like this one!” She then began laughing as the other two started laughing as they realized what was funny.

Twilight closed her eyes and frowned. Classy. Really classy. I don't think I'll hear the end of this from Rarity for quite some time.

“Who wrote that one?” asked Apple Bloom as she leaned closer to the book to get a closer look. She didn't get to see the name because Scootaloo grabbed the book and started turning pages.

“I'll read the next one,” she said as she randomly opened a page and started reading the first poem that her eyes fell upon.

"There once was a pegasus valiant and true,

and rare was the pony that she would not do."

Twilight's eyes snapped open and her mouth hung open a moment. “GIRLS!” Twilight yelled. “PUT DOWN THAT BOOK!”. Oh, dear Celestia, now I remember... I thought we put that book somewhere safe where no fillies would be able to read it....most of the poems in it are harmless, but the ones by Cloud Kicker...

The three fillies jumped at Twilight yelling and then looked over at her...standing at the wall. Scootaloo closed the book on the table and then joined her friends as they started walking towards Twilight.

“Are y'all ok?” asked Apple Bloom.

This could work, thought Twilight, divert their attention and maybe they'll forget about that book...right now I can't take it from them using magic... “Um, well you see...I'm kinda stuck.”

“Yer stuck? I thought it was kinda weird y'all were standin' there starin' at the wall since we came in” said Apple Bloom.

“How did you get stuck?” Sweetie Bell asked as she tilted her head to get a better look at Twilight. “Did you get glue in your mane? I got glue in mine once and it was really hard to wash out the glitter.”

Twilight smiled as she looked down at the fillies with her eye that was facing them. “It's a bit of a long story,” Twilight said, “it started with an experiment that didn't go exactly as I had planned.”

Lowering her head, Scootaloo said “just like some of our recent adventures.”

Twilight and the three fillies were silent for a moment before Scootaloo quickly looked up at her friends with a smile. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell looked at her and grew smiles of their own as they realized what Scootaloo was thinking. The smile left Twilight's mouth as she thought, wait...oh, no...