• Published 4th May 2014
  • 6,555 Views, 166 Comments

That's Not Quite How He Told It... - Calm Wind

Shining Armor and Princess Cadance tell hilariously conflicting versions of how their first date went.

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Chapter 3

That’s Not Quite How He Told It…
By: Calm Wind

Chapter 3:

(Shining Armor)

It was a nice calm walk to the movie theatre. I knew I was doing something right because her grip on my arm was getting tighter. Nothing is better than knowing a mare is having such a good time with you that she won’t let go.

We made it to the theatre with plenty of time to spare. I picked up the tickets I reserved ahead of time and we were ready for a good scary experience. I’m quite the horror movie veteran. The reviews claimed Nightmare Night 4 was the scariest movie to date, but I was up for the challenge.

And what better way to show manliness than to not flinch at all with a mare clinging to your side? Bring it on.


At first I was worried about getting movie tickets after Shining forgot his money. But he had apparently reserved those to. He may have been bumbling around a bit, but he had prepared well.

We took our time and arrived five minutes after the movie started. I had recalled Shining being a fan of horror movies. I had seen my share of them myself. They never really scared me. I usually ended up laughing at how silly they were.

I had a feeling Shining chose a horror movie to look tough. Colts will be colts after all. The date had already been rough on him, so I figured I might play it up a little and act a little scared.

He led me into the theatre and we took our seats right as a pony got its head lopped off. It was so over the top I had trouble keeping in the laughter.

(Shining Armor)

The reviews weren’t kidding. There was some freaky stuff going on in the movie, but I could take it. Despite her delicate appearance, Cadance had and still has a pretty tough exterior. She held up pretty well for a while despite how gruesome the movie was.

I held strong. A lady loves a stallion with steel nerves. It didn’t take long before she clung to my arm. I leaned into her to give off more of a presence, to let her know I was there and watching over her.

Ladies love that kind of thing. Take my word for it Spike.


It was far and away the most ridiculous horror movie I’d ever seen. It wasn’t so much scary as it was exaggerated with everything. After an hour into the movie, there had been so many gruesome scenes that nothing else would surprise me.

I took note to lean into Shining and hug his arm. I wanted him to feel like I was scared and he should protect me. Funny thing was he was actually shaking! He jumped slightly and forced himself to stop a few seconds after I grabbed him.

I stole a glance at his face and he had a very determined look in his eyes. Every time something “scary” happened I felt him flinch a little. He was clearly a little shaken, but he didn’t want to show it. I hugged his arm tighter and faked a little yelp when something popped up on the screen. Shining looked at me before taking a deep breath and glaring at the screen.

Yes I was faking it, but I wanted him to feel better. It had been a rough night so far despite how nice he had been to me. He deserved to feel a bit empowered.

(Shining Armor)

“Eh, I’ve seen scarier.” I shrugged off the movie. “It was a little scary, but nothing I couldn’t handle.” Never show fear Spike, it’s a one way ticket to a mare being skeptical of your manliness.

“It was a bit frightening.” She said as she clung to my arm even tighter. Two parts down, two more to go. This date couldn’t have been handled better. “So now where to?” She asked. It was time to slow it down. We had out meal and our fun. Now we could have some romance.

“I was thinking of a quiet walk through Cherry Blossom Park. It’s a nice night, I can’t think of a better place to take a pretty mare.”

“Oh, that sounds lovely Shining.” She smiled at me as we walked down the street.

Cherry Blossom park is a great place to bring a love interest. It was also perfect timing because the cherry blossoms, that the park is named after, were in full bloom. The sun was setting, but the rising moon was full and sure to shine a soft glow down on the park.

It was a little bit of a walk. The park was across town, and we had to pass through a part of town that wasn’t quite the best. Oak Valley. I wouldn’t call it a bad neighborhood, but it wasn’t always known for being “safe.”

As we turned a corner, I don’t know if I could call it good or bad timing. An old earth pony mare was walking down the street. A shady looking unicorn ran past her and used his magic to pull her saddle bag right off of her.

“SADDLE SNATCHER!!!!” She yelled out as the unicorn came right towards us. Now, this was before I had joined the royal guard, but it was only a few months before I was to begin my training at the palace, so I had been doing a bit of practice on my own.

“Watch out Cadance!” I gently pushed her aside as the shady unicorn approached. I used my magic to create a small wave that undercut his legs. He lurched forward and I grabbed him around the neck. With a solid pull I yanked him to the ground and forced my weight down on top of him. I quickly used my shield magic to nullify his horn, encasing it in a small aura.

“Shining!” Cadance yelled as she backed away and watched. She looked around and called out for help. “Help! Help!” She called out. Luck would have it that two pegasus royal guards were passing overhead. They heard Cadance’s call and quickly dove down.

“Citizen! We’ll take it from here!” They assured me as they got down and restrained the unicorn’s limbs. I nodded to them and stood up while grabbing the old mare’s saddle bag. I walked it back over to her.

“Here you go ma’am.” I hovered it back over and placed it on her back.

“Thank you young man,” she smiled and gave me a hug before going on her way.

“Shining!” Cadance ran up to me and threw her hooves around me. “Are you alright?!” She looked over me, face wrought with concern. I smiled and nodded in assurance.

“I’m fine Cadance. I’ll be doing this kind of stuff as a guard anyway. Thought I’d start a little early.” I joked with her.

“Just don’t worry me like that!” She clutched my arm.

“I promise I won’t, at least tonight.” I added with a chuckle before we continued on our way to the park.


“Interesting movie huh?” I asked as we left the movie. Shining looked a little flustered, but he quickly regained himself afterward. He even remembered to offer his arm before leaving this time. A good stallion catches onto things quick Twilight. Your brother was always a fast learner, even if his first few steps ended with him tripping over himself.

“Yeah!” He answered. “I wasn’t scared at all!” He proudly stated.

“I never asked if you were scared.” I teased him a little. He averted his eyes and was clearly thinking about how to follow up. I giggled and gave his arm a squeeze. “I’m just teasing Shining. It was a rather gruesome movie.”

“Oh, yeah, haha.” He blushed and looked down. Still so nervous and embarrassed, but still so cute in the process.

“So where are we going now?” I asked. He didn’t answer at first. “Shining?”

“AH! I wasn’t scared!” He suddenly blurted out. I couldn’t stop the giggle fits. “Oh, I mean, what?”

“I was wondering where we’re going?” I asked again. He took a moment to think.

“Oh! I was thinking we could go for a walk in Cherry Blossom Park?” He suggested. Cherry Blossom Park? He had definitely thought this out. Cherry Blossom Park was a well known spot for couples, especially on the night of a full moon like this one.

“That sounds lovely!” I hugged his arm tighter, but then I remembered something important. “But don’t we have to pass through the edge of Oak Valley from here?” I pointed out. Oak Valley wasn’t the best neighborhood. We would only be skimming the outer edge of it, but it didn’t mean the road was safe.

“Hmm, that’s a good point.” Shining looked down. We could’ve gone around, but the path to avoid Oak Valley would take almost half an hour. We wouldn’t get to spend much time in the park if we took that long. “Nah, we’ll be fine. We’ll be on the edge of it for only a few minutes. What’s the worst that could happen?” He puffed his chest out.

“Alright.” I agreed with him, but I would keep an eye out.

As he said we would be on the edge of Oak Valley for less than five minutes. Too bad something DID happen.

We had hit Oak Valley and passed by it with no problems at all, but right before we were out of the neighborhood’s range, we heard an old mare cry out as we turned a corner.

“SADDLE SNATCHER!!!!” She yelled out. We came around the street corner and a shady unicorn holding a stolen saddle bag ran head first into Shining. His arm was ripped free from my grip and the two fell into a heap on the ground. The saddle bag flew up into the air and I caught it with my magic.

I looked down in alarm as the unicorn began wrestling with Shining as if he had intentionally tried to get in his way.

“Shining!!! Get off him! Get off him!” I yelled while smacking the saddle bag on the unicorns head. I reclined as Shining took a hoof to the face RIGHT before a royal guard on patrol came screaming down from above and tackled the unicorn off of him.

The guard had the unicorn subdued and whistled for backup as I rushed up to Shining. I helped him sit up as he wobbled and groaned. His suit was all dirty from rolling around on the ground and his nose was bleeding very lightly from being punched.

“Oh dear… Shining…” I gave him a hug, but he just shook his head.

“I want to go home.” He whined as he rubbed his nose.

I could not think of any way this date could have gone worse for poor Shining. He had kept strong despite everything that happened, but this was straw that broke the camel’s back.

But he had tried so hard for me. I didn’t want him to give up.

“Shining, let’s go to the park.” I suggested as I got up and handed the saddle bag back to the old mare.

“Why? Things are just gonna go bad there too.” He was extremely depressed. All the embarrassment stacking up and being punched in the face on top of it.

“No,” I took a chance, leaned down, and kissed him lightly on the cheek, “It won’t.” He looked at me in surprise, with a blush blending in with his slightly bloody nose. I used my magic to grab the handkerchief out of his coat pocket and dabbed the small trail of blood. I refused to let it end like this for him. He had been so sweet to me and deserved better. “This is still our night. Please Shining? For me?” He sighed and slowly stood up.


“I can’t believe you two got married after all of this.” Twilight chuckled as they left the café.

“Oh it got better from there.” Cadance smiled as they began their walk back towards the library.

“Still though…” Twilight giggled.

“He told you a different story didn’t he?” Cadance rolled her eyes.


---To be Concluded---

Author's Note:

Woo! Short chapters are fun!

Only one more to go. I hope your ready for extreme fluff from two different perspectives ;D