• Published 6th May 2014
  • 11,727 Views, 680 Comments

Shades of Night - Sketchy Changeling

When a friend tells you that they have a secret, your gut reaction is to say that it's no big deal, but what if it turns out to be just that? A big deal. A REALLY big deal. How does that affect the friendship?

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Chapter Four - Party Preparations

The next morning, I woke up with a yawn as I stretched my arms out.

I looked to my left, where my clock was sitting on my nightstand.

Eight AM.

“Ugh… Why did my body have to wake up so early?” I thought. “It’s Friday. I don’t even have any classes today!”

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes as I got out of bed, deciding that trying to get back to sleep now would be a vain attempt.

I slowly trudged out of my bedroom and headed towards the living room, letting out another yawn. “I’m not really in the mood to do anything today… maybe I should just stay home.”

I kept walking down the hall until I reached the living room and saw Nightmare… I mean, Moon, lying on the air mattress I set up for her last night, tucked under the covers and letting our soft, yet audible breaths.

“She’s still asleep. Figures. It’s still early in the morning, and that’s probably the most comfortable bed she’s been in since she’s lived on Earth.”

I kept looking at Moon as I walked into the kitchen. It was weird, seeing her sleeping like that, looking so peaceful… it made me question why I was so scared of her.

“Why am I so nervous around her? She looks practically harmless right now. Maybe I’m blowing this whole thing out of proportion. She hasn’t really done anything wrong since she revealed her identity to me. Hell, she’s probably just as nervous as I am, even if she doesn’t seem to be. With the way I’ve been acting, she’s probably walking on eggshells.”

I shook my head as I opened the freezer. It was way too early in the morning to be doing that much thinking. I peered into the freezer as I pondered what I should eat for breakfast. I decided on waffles and hashbrowns and took the packs out of the freezer. Deciding to make enough for Moon and I to split, I put six hashbrowns in the toaster oven and put four waffles into the pop-up toaster. With breakfast cooking, I turned around…

and I was met with an obsidian-coated alicorn looking right at me... looking right at me with those cat-like eyes of hers. I shuddered inwardly. I had forgotten how intimidating those eyes could be!

“Morning!” she said happily.

“AGH!” I yelped pathetically as she stood in front of me with a gleeful smile on her face. “Don’t you ever make noise when you move!?”

Moon tilted her head and looked up in thought. “I’ve never really thought about it… I just move.”

How was that possible I’d never know, but nonetheless, it was freaky, and really creepy, too.

“Okay, but don’t sneak up on me like that, alright?”

“Sure. Sorry about that,” the alicorn chuckled, and then she sniffed the air around her. “Smells good. What’s cooking?”

“Waffles and hashbrowns…” I answered as my heartbeat slowed to a more reasonable pace. Perfect. I was just telling myself to relax around her, and I still freak out whenever she talks to me. In an effort to try and ease my tension, I attempted to make conversation.

“So… did you sleep well?” I asked.

“Most definitely!” she replied enthusiastically as she stretched her arms up. “I haven’t slept that well in ages!”

“Really? The air mattress wasn’t uncomfortable at all?”

“Not in the slightest! It was quite comfortable, Noah.”

Both toasters dinged as their respective food items finished cooking, and I turned around and put on a mitten to take them out. As I opened the toaster oven door, two plates were levitated over to me be auras of greenish-blue magic.

“Here you go,” Moon said as she gave me the plates.


With both our meals prepared, we walked out into the living room and I saw that Moon had already deflated the mattress and put it in its box.

“I didn’t want you doing too much work,” she told me as we took a seat on the couch.

For the first few minutes, it was deathly quiet, and after a while, I decided to break the silence.

“Listen, Moon…”

“Yes?” the mare answered as she swallowed a bite of one of her waffles.

“I’m sorry for being so… jumpy around you lately. You’re probably thinking that I don’t want you here and that I’m only doing this to be nice, but I-”

“Don’t worry about it.”


“I said not to worry about it,” Moon repeated. “I know how scared you must have been, having someone like me living in your home. It’s only natural that you’d be at least a little scared of me at first.” The alicorn scooted closer to me and then leaned on my side. “This is something that both of us will have to adjust to, Noah. Just remember that you’re not the only one dealing with a new situation. We’re gonna get through this together, you’ll see.”

I tried not to shiver when I felt her body lean onto mine. I didn’t want to show any sign of fear or apprehension, but my core instincts forced me to let out a small shudder… I had no idea what was wrong with my body; it almost seemed like I had some sort of phobia.

Almost as if she could sense my fear, Moon let out a giggle.

“Don’t force yourself. We’ll get used to this, in time.”

Just then, my phone started to ring, and it said that Klaus was calling. Instead of picking it up, I put it on speaker.

“Yeah?” I answered.

“Hey, Noah!” the griffon said excitedly. “You will not believe this! Remember Pete, the guy that was in our Calculus class last year?”

“Pete Wilson? Yeah, I remember him.”

“Well, he just told me that he’s having a party at his house tomorrow night and he invited you and me! Not only that, but we can both bring one guest!”

“Convenient, isn’t it?” asked a monotone voice.

“Is Maud with you?” I asked.

“Yeah, we’re getting a bite to eat at the school. So, are you and Nightshade gonna go to the party, or nah?”

“Umm… I dunno, man. You know I’m not about that party life.”

“Aww, c’mon! It’ll be fun! Nightshade, back me up here!”

Moon looked at the phone, and then she looked at me. “It does sound pretty fun, Noah,” she said in Nightshade’s voice. “Perhaps we should go?”

“See? She’s game!” Klaus insisted. “You want to go, too, right Maud?”

There was a moment of silence, and then the mare answered. “I’m fine either way.”

“Okay… well, that sort-of counts as a yes, so it’s three against one! You’ve got to come, Noah. This party is gonna be off the chain!”

“Off the chain?” I repeated. “What is this, 1995?”

Moon tugged on my sleeve and looked at me with pleading eyes. “I really want to go to this party, Noah,” she told me. “I really want to know what a college party is like. It’ll be the four of us there, so it’s not like we’ll be alone. Please?”

I looked at the mare’s large, watering eyes and sighed. As much as I sort-of feared her, I couldn’t say no to a face like that. “Fine, I’ll go.”

“YES!!!” Klaus cheered. “Oh man, this is gonna be awesome!”

“There is one problem, though,” Moon interrupted. “I don’t have anything to wear.”

“That’s not really a problem,” said Maud. “I was planning on doing some shopping today, so if you want, you can come with me.”

“That sounds great! What time were you planning to be there?”

“Around noon.”

“Oh! Maybe we should bring the boys with us so they can help us pick something out.”

Wait, what?

“I don’t know about all that…” Klaus said apprehensively.

“Yeah, maybe you two should do this by yourselves. You know, female bonding and all that good stuff.”

“Oh, quit making excuses!” said Moon. “You two just don’t want to go clothes shopping!”

“Can you blame us?” Klaus asked. “Girls take forever to pick out an outfit, and those stores never have anywhere to sit!”

“Don’t be such a stick in the mud! We won’t be long, right Maud?”

Another moment of silence. “It would be nice if the boys came along with us.”

Klaus let out an exasperated sigh. “What do you think, Noah?”

I pondered the thought for a moment. “As long as they don’t take too long.”

“It’s settled, then!” Moon declared. “We’ll meet up at the mall around noon, okay?”

“Okay,” said Maud.

“Fiiiiiiine…” Klaus groaned “See you there.”

The phone clicked as the griffin hung up, and Moon stood up and carried her empty plate to the kitchen. “So I guess we’ll have something to do today, after all.”

“I guess so,” I shrugged as I ate my last hashbrown. “Why were you so insistent on going to the party, though?”

“Well, I am trying to better adjust to life as a normal college student, and normal college students go to parties. Besides, it sounds like a fun little event, and it gives me an excuse to get me some real clothes. Having to generate clothing using my disguise spell has been taking a little bit of a toll on my magical energy lately.”

“Yeah, but you’re also gonna have to get clothes that can fit your Nightmare Moon form while you’re here. You can’t just wear that oversized sweater every day.”

“I suppose you’re right…” Moon admitted as she looked at the sweater I had given her, and then her eyes suddenly widened. “Shit! How am I gonna pay for clothes!?”

“I’ll cover you,” I told her. “I’ll be able to pay for it.”

“Are you sure?”

“Well, you’re gonna need clothes, and you don’t have any money, so I’ll have to do it.”

The alicorn smirked at me. “So I guess it’s a good thing that you’re coming along, then.”

I rolled my eyes. “Whatever. It’s interesting, though. When you were on your own, you had no problem stealing food from corner stores, but you have reservations about stealing clothes.”

“It’s not that I have reservations. It’s just that clothes always have those stupid magnetic tag things that set off the alarms when you leave the store. It’s too much trouble. Anyway, you mind if I take my shower before you?”

“Sure. Go ahead.”

Moon smiled at me and went into the bathroom to get ready for our trip to the mall.

“Maybe some fresh air and some time with my friends will be good for me,” I thought. “Like Moon said, I shouldn’t force myself to be comfortable around her. I’ll get used to it in time.”

With the both of us ready and Moon in her Nightshade disguise, we left the apartment and caught a taxi to the mall. By the time we got there, it was minutes to noon, and Klaus and Maud were waiting outside the main entrance.

“Hey, guys,” I greeted as Nightshade and I met up with them.

“Hey, Noah. Hey, Nightshade,” said the griffin. “So, you ready to get this over with?”

“Don’t be so dramatic,” Maud deadpanned. “We won’t be in there for days.”

“Maybe not, but it’ll feel that way,” I commented.

“Oh, hush, Noah,” said Nightshade. “You boys will be just fine. Besides, the longer you two stay out here complaining about it, the longer it’ll take for us to ‘get this over with’.”

Klaus and I rolled our eyes and followed the mares into the mall as they led us to a clothing store that they both liked.

“Wet Seal?” I asked.

“Please let there be somewhere to sit, please let there be somewhere to sit,” Klaus prayed as Maud dragged him in.

“Do you think we should go with dresses, or blouses and jeans?” Nightshade asked the earth mare.

“It’s a house party, so I wouldn’t go in a dress,” she answered. “I wouldn’t get any expensive accessories, either, just in case. Also, don’t wear white. It’s likely to get stained.”

“You sound like you’ve been to your share of parties.”

“When you have a little sister whose talent is throwing parties, you tend to pick up on things.”

The four of us went through the store, stopping at various sections to pick up different items. While the mares did their thing, Klaus and I just stood by and kept quiet, watching as they picked out different items. Not surprisingly, all the items that Maud picked out were grey. Once the mares looked like they had everything they needed, Klaus and I let out sighs of relief.

“So we can cash out and leave now, right?” the griffon asked.

“Of course not. We have to see if these fit, first,” Nightshade answered.

“Don’t you two know what fits you and what doesn’t?” I asked.

“It’s not that simple.” Maud told me bluntly.

Klaus and I looked at each other. “Females are weird,” he said.

“Well, we’ll just wait here for you,” I told the mares, but then they gave us incredulous looks.

Well, Nightshade did. Maud just stared blankly at us, as usual.

“What do you mean you’ll ‘just wait here’?” asked the unicorn. “You have to come with us so you can give an opinion on how we look!”

“There was a reason why we wanted to bring you guys,” the earth mare deadpanned.

“Do we really have to?” the griffon and I asked.

Without even saying a word, Nightshade grabbed my wrist and Maud grabbed Klaus’s, and they both pulled us towards the dressing room area. When we got there, they then pulled us to separate dressing rooms that were on opposite ends of the hall.

“Why are we being separated?” I asked.

“You ask too many questions,” Maud answered as she pulled Klaus away.

“Be strong Noah!” Klaus called out as he dramatically reached out to me. “We’ll make it through this!”

I felt his pain, but I inwardly rolled my eyes at how ridiculous he was being. That guy can be such a dramatist sometimes.

When Nightshade and I reached the end of the hall, she finally let go of my wrist. “Wait out here while I change, and don’t go anywhere,” she ordered.

I sighed as she walked into the changing room and shut the door behind her. I looked behind me and saw that there was a bench for me to sit on. As I sat down, my phone vibrated; Klaus had texted me.

“At least there’s a place 2 sit,” the message read.

I rolled my eyes as I read the message and waited for Nightshade to come out of the dressing room with her first of God-knows-how-many outfits she had picked out.

“Ready, Noah?” she asked as she finished getting dressed.

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” I answered as I looked up from my phone, waiting for the mare to emerge from behind the door. I heard the door unlock, and it swung open, revealing Nightshade dressed in a black leather jacket with a white, low cut top and dark blue jeans.

“Well, what do you think?” she asked, with a pose, she then turned around with her hands on her hips and swished her tail back and forth. “I want you to be completely honest with me.”

“Eh, the top is cut a little too low for my tastes, but other than that, it looks nice enough.”

“Oh, stop being such a prude,” she scoffed as she walked up to me and grabbed my wrist.

“Whoa! Where are you taking me!?”

“Inside the dressing room. I want your opinion on how this will look in my true form.”

“Won’t it look pretty much the same? And you know you can’t transform in public!”

“I’ve already checked the room. There aren’t any cameras in there.”

I gulped as Nightshade pulled me in and closed the door. With the two of us occupying the space, the dressing room was less roomy than I would have liked, and I barely had enough room to stretch my arms.

“Okay, let’s hope these clothes don’t rip…” she said, more to herself than to me.

“You mean you don’t know!?”

“I’ve been practicing a spell that’ll let my clothes expand with my body size, but I haven’t really perfected it, yet.”

“When did you have time to practice this?”

“Last night. I also practiced my transformation spell so I can quickly switch back and forth between forms, like so.”

Nightshade lit up her horn, and in a flash of light, she transformed back into Nightmare Moon, voluptuous curves and all. Thankfully, not only was her transformation spell faster, but that spell she used to expand her clothes worked out fine, too.

“Phew. That’s a relief,” she muttered, and then she looked up at me. “See? There was nothing to worry about.”

“Says you,” I mumbled.

“And I know that Maud advised against wearing jewelry, but I found a really pretty necklace and couldn’t help myself.”

“Is that so?”

“Let me put it on so you can see how it looks,” Moon said as she turned around and bent over to get the necklace out of her pile of items. Unfortunately, because of how cramped the room was, her rear and stuck out and pushed me closer to the wall.

“Uh, Moon?” I asked as I backed up against the wall.


“It’s a little condensed in here, and I don’t really have a lot of room right now.”

“I’ll only be a second. The necklace got lost in the pile of clothes. I won’t be long.”

“Fuck...” I thought as I found my back against the wall, the alicorn’s butt still pushing up against me and pushing the oxygen out of my body. It was rather round and compact compared to her massive legs, and it squished as it pushed against me. I prayed to God that she’d move before a certain part of me decided to push back.

Luckily, that wasn’t the case.

With near-perfect timing, Moon removed her backside from me, allowing me to breathe again and clear my head.

“Sorry about that, Noah,” she said as she put her necklace on.

“It’s fine, don’t worry about it,” I sighed exasperatedly.

The mare smiled and puffed her voluminous chest out, presenting the necklace hanging from her neck. “So, what do you think?”

I took a closer look at the charm hanging from the necklace, which was a crescent moon contained in a circle; the moon was a radiant sapphire blue color while the rest of the circle was filled in with a glossy white.

“I think it looks nice,” I told her.

“I know you do,” Moon chuckled. “I can tell by how close your face is to my chest.”

My eyes widened as I realized how close I was to the mare’s cleavage and I immediately pulled my head back and looked away from her with a heavy blush on my face.


“Relax! I’m just messing with you!” Moon laughed. “You were always so quick to freak out.”


Moon hummed musically as she used her magic to switch between the different outfits she had picked out, which she seemed pretty satisfied with. When she changed back into her own clothes, she chuckled to herself.

“This is just like before…” she said softly, her face suddenly becoming heavy with thoughts.

“Before?” I asked, confused at what she meant. “Before what?”

“Before I revealed myself to you, before you know me as Nightmare Moon. You, me, Klaus, and Maud hanging out like this… it’s just like how things used to be. Even though you know my secret, nothing’s really changed between us.”

“The four of us, you mean?” I asked.

“…Yeah. That’s what I meant… the four of us,” Moon muttered, but then she shook her head and looked at me with a smile. “Well, these clothes seem to fit just fine, so why don’t we go up to the register.”

“Wait, you want all of these? Did you forget that I’m the one buying this stuff?

“Relax, Noah!” Moon told me as she turned back into Nightshade. “Everything’s half off today. It won’t cost much.”

“I hope not,” I commented under my breath as we walked out of the changing room.

When we got to the register, we saw that Maud and Klaus had already beaten us there.

“Oh, what a relief!” Klaus sighed. “I thought that you didn’t make it out!”

“You’re such a drama queen,” Maud said bluntly as she paid for her stuff.

Nightshade and I were called up to a nearby register, and when the clerk rang us up, the grand total came up to eighty-five dollars and ninety-three cents.

While that wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be, considering the amount of stuff that she had, I could still hear my wallet yelling out in agony.

I reluctantly used my debit card to purchase Nightshade’s clothes, and the clerk happily put them in bags and handed them to me.

“Would you be a dear and carry those for me?” the unicorn asked.

I looked over at Klaus, who was already carrying Maud’s stuff.

“Don’t try to fight it, Noah. You won’t win,” he told me.

I sucked it up and carried the mare’s bags.

After we arrived back home (and picked up some takeout on the way), Nightshade and I changed into some more comfortable clothes, and Nightshade transformed back into Nightmare Moon, making good use of her clothing expansion spell. After I had gotten changed, I walked out of my room and saw that Moon was dressed in a loose-fitting grey shirt with a pair of elastic shorts as she ate her food.

“So you got some sleeping clothes, too?”

The alicorn nodded her head. “Like you said, I can’t just wear the same thing every day when I’m in the house.”

“I guess I did say that,” I chuckled as I sat next to her.

“I’m really glad I was able to master this clothing expansion spell. I no longer have to worry about my bra snapping or my jeans ripping.”

“We’re eating, Moon.”

She rolled her eyes. “Ha, ha, ha.”

As we sat there and ate, I thought back to what Moon said… all that stuff about how this was just like before… she did have a point. This day was just like any other day where I would hang out with her, Klaus, and Maud. While she still scared me a little, and while she was a bit more forward than she used to be, Moon was somewhat right: not much really has changed between us. Hopefully, things will go back to normal.

As the alicorn finished her food, she levitated her trash into the trash can, and picked up the remote with her magic. “Netflix marathon?” she asked.

Her voice pulled me out of my thoughts, and I gave her a surprised look, but then I chuckled.

“Sure, but I get to pick the series we watch.”

Author's Note:

So, Moon's magic is getting a little better, and now she no longer has to worry about ruining her clothes. Not only that, but Noah seems to be getting used to having an ex-evil alicorn as a roommate.

Next chapter will be the party? How will Nightmare Moon handle her first college banger? You'll have to wait 'till next chapter to find out.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments, and I'll catch you guys later.