• Published 8th May 2014
  • 8,420 Views, 439 Comments

Falling in Love Quietly - Calm Wind

Big Macintosh and Fluttershy are both very interested in each other after the incident in the mountains. But is it possible for a relationship, or even just friendship to begin if neither have the guts to say a single word to the other?

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Chapter 9

Falling in Love Quietly
By: Calm Wind

Chapter 9:



Both Mac and Fluttershy woke with a start as Applejack’s voice boomed from the hallway. The two sleepy ponies glanced at each other before Mac looked to his clock. It read 5:00 AM. He slept in?! He had never slept in before!

“MAC!” Applejack’s voice grew closer and the thumping of hooves came stomping from the hallway. Fluttershy gasped and looked up and Mac. Mac quickly pushed her under the sheet and tucked it all the way up to his chin. “What the hell Mac?! It’s five already!” Applejack threw his door open and glared at him.

“Eeyup!” Mac answered her with the straightest face he could muster. Applejack tipped her head.

“Well? C’mon!” She beckoned. Mac just kept staring. How the hell was he going to get out of this one?

“Eeeehhhh I’ll be right out.” He tried to indirectly shoo her off. She didn’t budge.

“Mac, what’s been with ya lately? Is this more stuff with Fluttershy?” She held firm. Mac looked about the room.

“Uhhh… nnnope!” He answered shakily.

“Oh bullshit Mac!” Applejack stomped her hoof.

“Eep!!!” Fluttershy squeaked from beneath the sheet. Applejack’s eyes widened and she stared towards the small shivering lump in the sheet she failed to notice earlier. Mac just smiled awkwardly.

“Uh…” Applejack turned around, “Just get up and come down,” she said before leaving very quickly.

“Dang it.” Mac sighed. He pushed the sheet off of them both and looked down at Fluttershy. She was blushing and covering her mouth with her hooves.

“Sorry.” She said quietly while averting her eyes.

“Nah,” he shook his head, “she c’n deal with it.” Mac smirked and nuzzled Fluttershy on the forehead. She giggled and stood up, stretching out. “I should get t’work.” Mac rolled over and stood from the bed.

“Okay…” Fluttershy hovered up and rested her chin on his shoulder. “Mac?” She whispered into his ear.


“Thanks for being so great.” She rubbed her cheek against his. He smiled, happy that they somehow worked it out despite the terrible exchange they had the night before. Maybe they could still be together without much verbal communication. They seemed to always find ways to pull through. They had something special, neither had to speak to know that.

“Thanks fer being adorable.” He said back, while reaching up and pulling her around into a gentle hug.

“Awww.” Fluttershy fawned as Mac nuzzled her ear. Angel Bunny suddenly hopped up onto Mac’s shoulder and thumped his foot against it.

“I think yer little friend wants somethin’.” Mac chuckled as Angle tapped his foot faster.

“Oh stop it Angel.” Fluttershy reached up and pulled Angel into her hooves. “I better get back to feed the animals.” She nodded and planted a light kiss on Mac’s cheek.

“Eeyup.” He nodded, giving her one last nuzzle. She fluttered over to the window and gave him one last smile before taking off.

Things were looking up. Mac was getting a late start on the day, but he couldn’t have felt better.

Fluttershy hummed happily as she hovered to and fro around her house. How many mood swings had she had in the last couples of days? More than a typical teenage pony would have in a month it felt.

But her relationship with Mac seemed to be stronger than she had given it credit for. Sure it was difficult because they had a hard time expressing themselves, but they always found a way passed it. Through their need for affection and their comfort from the other, arguments were settled, uncertainty was quelled, and any other negative was squashed like a bug time and time again.

Was their relationship different than most? Very. Was it impossible? Definitely not. They’d make it work.

“Fluttershy? Are you there?” A sudden knocking accompanied by Twilight’s voice came from the front door. Fluttershy stopped humming and looked towards the door. Twilight’s voice was filled with purpose. Fluttershy quickly glided over and opened the door.

“What’s wrong?” She asked. She perked up, seeing Rarity and Pinkie Pie at the door as well.

“Fluttershy we need your help.” Rarity spoke up. “It’s Rainbow Dash…”

Fluttershy followed behind her three friends as they explained to her the sudden situation. Apparently something had happened between Rainbow Dash and Soarin, the Wonderbolt that protected Fluttershy from Rapidfire. Fluttershy recalled Rapidfire jeering at Soarin about Dash, but beyond that there were not many details.

According to Fluttershy’s friends, Dash hadn’t emerged from her house for almost a day and a half. Dash was usually one of quick action before words. Fluttershy was surprised to hear that Dash had shut herself up and not done anything. The reason they came for Fluttershy was the cloud house. They needed somepony to check on her.

Fluttershy didn’t know how to feel about it. If Dash was distraught she didn’t want to bother her. In fact she was a little afraid to, Dash was known for becoming quite irate when something wasn’t going well for her. She tried to avoid it. Twilight, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity had to gently prod her along as they explained. Fluttershy kept trying to convince them that maybe Dash wanted to be alone. Really she was just nervous. Alas, she was the only option and eventually she caved to their request.

Fluttershy landed outside the front door of the cloud house and gulped. She wanted to help her friend, but Dash… Fluttershy hoped she wouldn’t be yelled at.

She knocked lightly. No response. Maybe Dash was sleeping?

Fluttershy turned around to leave. No Fluttershy, don’t give up, Dash might need somepony right now. She thought.

She turned and waited a few minutes. Dash never came to the door. She lightly knocked again and waited. A few more minutes went by. Maybe she didn’t want to be bothered.

She’s not home. Fluttershy turned again, but shook her head. Stop it Fluttershy, your friend needs your help. She berated herself. She decided to knock a little harder.

She knocked slightly harder and the door opened. She squeaked when the door moved. It wasn’t even closed?

“Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy poked her head through the door. She peeked left and right before letting herself in. The house was entirely devoid of noise or action. It almost seemed as if nopony was there at all. If not for the small swishing noise coming from upstairs, Fluttershy would have assumed the house was empty. She followed the noise to the staircase, waiting at the bottom of the stairs for a few moments. Not because she assumed the noise was in her head, but because she was afraid of just plain bothering Dash.

Fluttershy advanced one step every minute, reaching the top of the stairs fifteen minutes later. The swishing noise was much louder now coming directly from Dash’s room. Fluttershy approached the door and shakily put her ear to it.

“Okay Fluttershy, she’s probably very depressed and needs someone to talk to. That’s why they sent you up here. You have to go through with it.” Fluttershy coached herself on the situation while gently tapping her front hooves against the sides of her head. Dash had come to her comfort before in the past. It was only fair she would do the same for her. “Rainbow Dash?” She whispered with no response. She tried again three more timed before raising her voice just a little, “Rainbow Dash are you in there?” Again, no response. Just the swishing noise. She knew what she had to do. She didn’t like it, but she had to do it. She slowly and carefully pushed the door open.

She could immediately see that the room was in disarray, the pillows and sheets had been thrown from the bed. Small piles of seldom worn clothes were strewn about as well. Things had been knocked off the shelves and the bed itself was shifted from its usual spot. The swishing noise was coming from behind the bed. Fluttershy fluttered her way across the room slowly, flying above the bed and peeking over the other side. She blinked a few times at the site. It wasn’t what she or the rest of them had expected to say the least.

Dash sat on the floor about a foot from the bed, hunched over, arms crossed, and mane a mess… well, more of a mess than it usually was. Her face was scrunched in what appeared to be anger instead of anguish. The swishing noise was coming from her tail whisking back and forth quickly, brushing heavily against her bed mattress. Fluttershy’s long pink mane hung down over Dash, catching her attention. She looked up at Fluttershy, a heavy glare smacking the Fluttershy right in the nerves.

“What?” Dash asked flatly and harshly. Fluttershy squeaked.

“I’msorryibotheredyouishouldbegoingnowbye!” Fluttershy spun around and took off towards the door, but as she did her back hoof struck the bedpost, causing her to tumble from her course and crash into a pile of clothes by the wall near the door. Some of the clothes were tossed up into the air and floated down on top of her, burying her beneath them. Fluttershy curled up beneath the clothes. She knew this was going to happen, why wouldn’t her friends listen to her? She opened her eyes as she felt some of the clothes on top of her move. She stared up at Dash’s glare briefly before slamming her eyes shut.

She squeaked as she felt Dash grab her and hoist her tiny body out the clothes pile.


FLUTTERSHY!” Dash stomped her back hoof. Fluttershy instantly stiffened and stared at Dash with eyes wide like dinner plates and pupils small as gnats. “Calm down.”

Fluttershy flinched as Dash set her down and trudged back over to her bed. Fluttershy took a moment to exhale and gather herself before approaching Dash again, who had plopped down on the unfurnished mattress facing away.

“Um, so—” Fluttershy haphazardly began while circling around, “how are you feeling?”

“I’m angry. Isn’t that obvious?” Dash spat while kicking a pillow still hanging on the edge of the bed. Fluttershy squeaked, but kept her cool. Mostly. She had to keep calm and flutter on. This was for Dashie.

“I’m surprised. After what happened with Soarin, I thought you’d be sad.” She flinched again as Dash let out a loud scoff.

“HA! Sad? Yeah right!” She laughed amusingly. Fluttershy was confused.

“So, um, if you don’t mind me asking, why are you angry?”

“Because he’s a JERK!” Dash pounded her hooves on the mattress, gritting her teeth. Fluttershy leaned back.

“Oh my, um, I think—”

“He’s the biggest jerk in all of friggen Equestria!” She threw her hooves up in the air.

“I don’t think, I mean I—” Fluttershy began to slowly slide herself off the mattress, peeking over the top from the floor as Dash continued to rant.

“Sad? Why the hell would I be sad?! I’ve got no reason to give a damn about him! He walked all over me!” She stood up on the bed and turned towards Fluttershy, who was barely visible over the side of the bed save for her eyes. Dash walked over and got right in Fluttershy’s face. “He’s a jerk! A straight up, no good jerk!”

“Dashie, please don’t yell, I—” Fluttershy found herself pressing further and further to the floor as Dash kept yelling.

“I don’t need him! I don’t! I hate him!” Her voice started to choke up. “He’s an idiot! A loser! An asshole! A creep!” Her expression began fading and tears started forming in her eyes. “I hate him I hate him I hate him I h-hate himmmm…” she trailed off, sniffling loudly before turning around and burying her face in the mattress crying with her hooves on her head. Fluttershy poked her head out from below the bed and stared dumbly at Dash as she cried a puddle of tears on the mattress. Fluttershy instantly switched from self preservation mode to kindness mode, hopped up on the bed and sat down beside Dash, draping a wing over her.

“It’s okay Dashie, let it all out, I’m here.” So Rainbow Dash really was sad. Fluttershy wondered why she hadn’t put the pieces together. Dash has a tough exterior, a trait that makes its way into nearly every situation she’s involved with. So most of the time even if it seems like she’s okay after something like this, she’s usually just sucking it up or playing it tough. After thinking more about it, Fluttershy realized she’d probably missed it out of fear for her own physical well being. She could relate to Dash more than she first thought here. Fluttershy had just gone through a lot of rough waters regarding Mac. She had no idea things were going on between Dash and Soarin. Here was Dash, slightly broken and unsure of herself. Fluttershy was there just the night before. She would do whatever she could to help.

Mac covered his mouth and belched quietly as he stepped out of the kitchen. Granny sure knew how to make one hell of a lunch.

Despite his late start, the day had gone like clockwork. Almost better than clockwork. He was going through all of his chores quickly and efficiently. There was a spring in his step, and an unstoppable strength welling in his heart. Today was a good day.

He had a good half hour left on his break before starting up work again. Maybe he would take a load off for a few.

“Ah! Big Mac!” A sudden voice caught his attention before he could sit down in his living room. His ears stood up and he turned to see Spitfire coming towards him. “Hey, uh, could I borrow you for a moment?” She asked. Mac turned to her and tipped his head to the side. “Soarin is being immature and locked himself in his room, I don’t wanna sound like a vandal but could you force it open?” Mac blinked. Break a door open? Sure he could do it, but why was Soarin locked up in his own room? Whatever, he was glad Spitfire came to him first. He would’ve loved to hear the explanation to why doors were being broken in his own house.

“Sure.” He answered without question.

“Thanks, sorry about this.” Spitfire apologized as he followed her.

“No problem.”

She led him up the stairs and around the corner of the hallway, and stopped in front of Soarin’s guest room.

“Soarin, open the door,” She yelled. Mac waited patiently behind her, passing the string of wheat back and forth across his mouth. Spitfire stood still for a moment, but no response came. She sighed and shook her head. “Fine.” She turned to Mac. “You don’t mind big fella?”

“Nnnope.” Mac shook his head. He would have to fix the door, but he liked fixing things, so it would keep him occupied until he had to work again.

Spitfire stood aside as Mac approached the door. He lifted up his right hoof and twisted it twice to crack the joints. He grunted and made one solid jab at the door. With a loud BANG, it was forced open, breaking the lock and the bottom hinge. Mac looked in to see Soarin across the room by the window, staring wide eyed. Spitfire stepped around Mac while staring in disbelief at the broken door.

“Damn Biggie, that looked like a love tap, Applejack wasn’t kidding about your strength,” she spotted Soarin on the other side of the room, staring with his jaw agape, “anyway, sorry again for making you break the door, but thanks for the help.”

“Eeyup.” Mac replied, passing the string of wheat from one side of his mouth to the other again. He turned and began down the hall towards his room to fetch his tools.

“Don’t you turn away from me buster!” He heard Spitfire say as he walked away. What was going on with them? He had gotten a hint or two about Soarin and Fluttershy’s friend Rainbow Dash. Was there some drama going on alongside the troubles he and Fluttershy were having? Boy, the Wonderbolts sure were causing a lot of trouble. He didn’t think poorly of them… well except for Rapidfire. But since they began their visit it seemed like there was nothing but one incident after another.

Oh well, they wouldn’t be staying much longer. Maybe things would go back normal. He and Fluttershy could spend time together at the orchard without worrying about a certain asshole loose in the fields.

“NO!” Spitfire’s voice flew into the hallway as Mac approached the broken door, “I’ve heard enough, Soarin, get a grip. I know how you feel about relationships and your job, but for heaven’s sake, if you like her that much then compromise!” she appeared in the doorway as Mac set his tools down. “You’re dodging your own feelings. Nothing good comes from that. Now stand up and be a stallion dammit! The floor doesn’t suit you.” She pointed at him. Mac just shrugged and opened his tool box. He glanced for an instant to see Spitfire looking him up and down. He felt uncomfortable for a moment, but then saw her glancing back at Soarin occasionally. Ah, she was playing it up. Mac went about his business and put the door back against the hinges.

So she was telling him to get up and go after his feelings? At least somepony shared Mac’s feelings about relationships. It was actually quite refreshing to hear a mare encourage compromising. He had had just about enough crap from Applejack about him not having time for Fluttershy.

“Guys! Quick! We—” Rapidfire suddenly came around the corner and ran smack into Mac’s side. Mac glanced over from his tool box and glared daggers at Rapidfire, who in turn whimpered and shied away. Spitfire walked around Mac.

“Look alive Rapid, what’s got you all worked up?”

“Uh—” he forced his eyes out of the chokehold of Mac’s gaze had and turned to Spitfire, “Captain, you better look outside.”

Fluttershy did what she could to comfort Dash. She waited patiently as Dash slowly regained her composure and noisily blew her nose into dozens of tissues. Things must’ve been really rocky between her and Soarin. Whatever he had said to Dash, it must’ve really stabbed deep. Maybe it wasn’t so bad that she and Mac didn’t speak so much.

“This sucks,” Dash put plainly as she tossed a ball of tissues towards her trash can, missing horribly, “stallions suck,” she continued to grumble, folding her front hooves over her chest, and facing away from Fluttershy yet again.

“You’ll figure things out,” Fluttershy shifted towards her. She and Mac kept coming together in tough times, Dash could do it too, “if I know you, you’ll have it all figured out in no time.” She comforted her. Dash turned and looked at her blankly.

“You make it sound so easy. Then again,” she lifted an eyebrow, “it did come pretty easy to you.” Fluttershy blinked, what was Dash getting at? “Wish I had a natural disaster bag me the stallion of my dreams.” Dash sarcastically mused. Fluttershy gasped and turned bright red in an instant.

Hold up, how did Dash know about them? Fluttershy and Mac had kept the whole thing to themselves! The others all knew she had spent some time with him… did they just assume she and Mac were a thing? They were right, but…

“What!? But Macintosh and I, I mean we,”

“I never mentioned Mac,” Dash chuckled. Fluttershy squeaked, she trotted right into that one.

“WE AREN’T, I MEAN, but when we, actually I,” Fluttershy frantically stuttered, never finding words to defend herself. Dash only looked at her, eyelids flattened. “Oh gosh.” Fluttershy turned away and hid her face behind her left wing, trying to conceal the blush that was already bright enough to make signals out Dash’s window.

Fluttershy jumped off the bed and began to pace around the room, saying “oh gosh” over and over again. So now they would ALL know, she had really spilled the beans here. She couldn’t figure out where to go from here, all of a sudden SHE felt like she needed comforting.

Fluttershy suddenly jumped as a loud crash came from across the room. She and Dash spun around to see Thunderlane scrambling to his hooves, breathing heavily as if he had just flown across Equestria.

“Thunderlane? What the hell?!” Dash yelled as she looked to her fellow weather teammate with confusion.

“Dash!” he yelled as he finally found his hooves, “Code five weather emergency! We need you! Hurry!” He was out the window an instant after.

The words went in one ear and out the other. Fluttershy went right back to pacing, blushing, and oh goshing as Dash dove into her pile of clothes near her closet and emerged with a pair of flight goggles. She blasted towards the window and was gone.

After a few minutes, Fluttershy finally calmed herself. Dash had left a while ago. Great, so much for trying to keep things quiet about her and Mac becoming serious. She was sure she’d never hear the end of it from Rarity now.

The sound of whistling wind caught her ears. It wasn’t just a regular breeze. It was getting louder and louder. Her curiosity piqued, she trotted towards the window.

How had it gotten dark so suddenly? Fluttershy winced as the wind blew through the window. It intensified mid-gust and almost blew her away from the window and made her mane fluff out, getting in her face.

“What in Equestria?” She blinked and shook her mane out. She quickly stepped back up to the window and took a longer look out. “Oh…” her eyes landed on something. Something large was approaching in the distance… over the Everfree forest… towards her house… “OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!”

“C’mon! C’mon! Everypony git inside now!” Applejack yelled as Applebloom and Granny Smith came through the door. “In the cellar! Go!” She directed them.

Outside the front door Big Mac was standing just down the steps of the front porch. He stared up into the sky as the strong gusts of wind buffeted against him and blew his short mane about. What was with this weather? There was nothing on the weather schedule today about a strong storm. Not to mention the powerful wind. This was more likely to cause damage than anything else.

“Mac! Git to the cellar!” Applejack came to the edge of the porch. Also why was Applejack stuffing them all in the basement?

“It’s just a storm.” Mac gave her a confused look. Applejack hopped down, planting one hoof firmly on her hat to keep it from blowing away.

“Mac have you looked out west?!?!” She said while pointing. As she did, a second floor window on their house was thrust open and one by one the four Wonderbolts fired out and angled west. Mac tipped his head as he watched them shoot off and quickly made his way around the house and looked in the direction the Wonderbolts traveled.

His eyes grew three sizes.

In the distance, over the Everfree Forest, an extremely large twisting tornado was moving along the ground, ripping up trees and other debris from the Everfree. Applejack followed him around, bracing herself as she approached to hold firm against a huge gust of wind. It nearly batted her to the ground.

“See?!” She pointed out. “I dunno what the hell the weather team did, but we gotta get inside t’safety!” She yelled standing right beside him.

Mac didn’t hear a single word. He just kept staring in the direction of the tornado.

The tornado was moving through the Everfree Forest…

It was moving towards Ponyville…

On the edge of the Everfree Forest before Ponyville was…

FLUTTERSHY!!!!!!” Mac yelled at the top of his lungs. His eyes darted about and landed on a large coil of rope hanging on a hook on their house. He quickly stepped over, grabbed it, slid it over his neck, and broke into a sprint towards the Everfree Forest.

“Mac!?” Applejack called after him but was forced down to her legs by strong blast of wind. She looked up after her brother. The wind hadn’t even fazed him and he was galloping as hard as he could towards the tornado. “MAC!!!!!!!! MACINTOSH!!!!!!!” She yelled after him, but alas he did not hear.

Fluttershy’s house was right on the boarder of the Everfree forest. The tornado was heading right for it. He had to make sure she was safe. Right now nothing else mattered to him. He grabbed the end of the rope around his neck and using only his mouth and neck, tied the front end into a lasso as he thundered through the fields towards her house.

One way to get Fluttershy to fly with strength and poise is to make her desperate. There was a massive tornado heading towards her house from over the Everfree Forest. She needed to get back and secure all the animals in a safe place no matter what the cost.

“EEEeeeEEEEK!!!” It didn’t mean it wasn’t going to be hard though. Fluttershy was tossed about in the wind like an autumn leaf. She managed to balance herself ever few feet, but was quickly blown out of her flight path every time. She was going in the direction she wanted. It just wasn’t a very straight or graceful line.

No matter what, she would get back home and make sure every single animal was safe. It was her job to care for them. She’d do it at all costs.

“EEEEP!!!!” She was smacked down by a gust and bounced roughly on the ground. She cringed slightly and rose to her hooves. She sniffled and whimpered as a little pain set in her right shoulder. It hurt. It hurt, but it wouldn’t stop her. She forced herself back up and pointed herself towards her house. She wasn’t far. She’d make it soon.

She looked overhead as she approached the outskirts of the Everfree. A cloud of Ponyville Pegasi shot towards the tornado with Rainbow Dash at the lead. Fluttershy was relieved to see the weather team moving in to fight this monstrosity, but could they do it? It was such a dreadfully large funnel cloud. She couldn’t take any chances.

The tornado was growing closer by the second. The wind was so strong she almost couldn’t keep her eyes open, but she couldn’t let the animals suffer!

Her house finally came into view as loose twigs, sticks and leaves were ripped from the ground and tossed about in the air by the wind. She shielded herself as she moved in, all the said debris batting against her hooves as she approached.

She gasped as she made it to her front walk. A whole crowd of animals was already huddled together tightly by her front door, most of them pawing at it desperately. They were all being shielded from the wind by the large bear that lived nearby. He looked up and roared to her as she shakily approached.

“I’m here!” She called out to them. They moved aside as she reached forward and undid the locks before pushing the door open. “Get them all into the basement!” She flew into her house and opened another door that lead to a storage room for feed bags and another care items. The animals all darted into her house and down the stairs. Birds and other small creatures that were already taking shelter with the walls followed suit. Fluttershy glided back towards the front door as the walls and ceiling of her house continuously creaked and popped from the heavy force of the wind blasting against it. She poked her head out the door, squinting as the gusts smacked her in the face. She checked around ad could see a few animals still huddling in trees and in bushes.

“Oh goodness!” She leapt out without a second though, immediately being batted around by the wind. She thrust her wings out and pumped them against the force, reaching a bush nearby. She reached in and pulled out two raccoons. She waited for the wind to pause before she fired back through the air. She was struck down the moment she reached the door and tumbled into the house while clutching the raccoons to protect them. They both quickly got free of her grip and scurried down into the basement.

“Owww…” She gritted her teeth as she felt more pain. It wasn’t much, but she wasn’t a rough and tough pony like Applejack or Rainbow Dash. She avoided pain at all costs, so anything of the sort felt like heavy pins and needles. She would stay strong, the animals needed her.

She looked out again and saw two small sparrows in a tree. It was closer, it wouldn’t be as hard. But then she saw why they were still out. They were standing over a nest full of eggs, fighting to keep it from falling.

Fluttershy instantly sprung up and dove back out into the wind. She was lucky this time, the wind was between gusts. She was drawing near, when an extremely powerful blast whooshed by. Her wings were following through a flap, so having them down caused the wind to force her up. She lost all control and tumbled into the air. She landed face first on the ground and quickly pushed herself up while feeling over her face.

That hurt A LOT. Tears were squeaking out of her eyes. She looked up and gasped as the sparrows began chirping like crazy. The nest had fallen. Fluttershy’s eyes locked on the nest. She forced her legs back and dove across the ground. She squinted and pumped her wings once really hard. The motion made her slam to the ground, but it had pushed her far enough forward to extend her hooves and catch the nest, the eggs still safe within.

“Ahhhh oh owwwwww!” Fluttershy wailed as her body slid. Again it wasn’t that painful, but this was already more than Fluttershy had ever put herself through. She wasn’t even bruised. She got to her hooves as the sparrows flew down and nestled themselves in her mane. Not wanting to waste any time or give the wind any chances, Fluttershy galloped back to the house with the nest tucked into her chest.

She plopped down as she made it back into her house. Angel Bunny ran up to her and grabbed the nest, taking it down to the basement as the sparrows followed. She panted and wheezed. This was a lot more exertion than she had ever experienced. The “pain” and the running around were taking their toll on her.

She perked up as Angel hopped back up the steps from the cellar and thumped his foot against her hoof.

“Angel… get back… downstairs…” She said as she gasped for air. Angel harshly shook his head and kept patting her hoof while pointing outside. “What…?” She looked towards the door, but saw nothing. The wind had gotten even stronger. The tornado was closing in. What was angel pointing at?

Angel grunted, hopped over to the door and bounced up and down while pointing with both paws towards her mailbox by the stream. Fluttershy’s eyes widened as she saw a little brown rabbit desperately clinging to the wooden post while crying out.

“Oh no!!!” Fluttershy forced herself back up and sprinted out the door, but this time, even while grounded, she was instantly knocked over by the gusts. The wind was even stronger now, at least five times stronger than it was when she first arrived. She tried to stand, but was instantly knocked back down. She forced her eyes open as much as she could to see the bunny was clutching the post and trying its best not to be swept away. Fluttershy put her hooves in motion and began dragging herself along the ground. She wouldn’t leave a single animal behind.

She slowly grew closer and closer to her mailbox. As she drew near, she glanced to her right and gasped. The tornado was visible over the tree line now. It had to be less than a hundred yards away. She looked back towards the bunny. Just one more hoof length and she’d get to it.

But right before she reached for it. An intense blast of wind ripped its paws from the post and sent it flailing violently into the air.

“NOOOOOO!!!!!!!” Fluttershy cried out as she extended her hoof towards it to no avail.

Then suddenly a thundering THUMP-THUMP THUMP-THUMP THUMP-THUMP of hooves reached her ear. Something leapt up over her, casting a large shadow as it passed. It intercepted the little rabbit and slammed to the ground roughly before skidding to a stop. She looked over and her eyes filled with immeasurable joy.

“MACINTOSH!” She yelled out as Mac braced effortlessly against the powerful wind. He glanced down at the rabbit as it clung to his arm. He looked over and saw Angel bunny hopping up and down while waving his paws in Fluttershy’s doorway. Mac galloped through the sharp gusts like they weren’t even there, reaching her door and letting the shaking rabbit down. Angel quickly hopped up to it and helped his shivering friend towards the stairs and down to the basement.

Mac quickly turned back towards Fluttershy. His attention was averted briefly as he examined the approaching tornado. Its course suggested that it wasn’t going to move directly over her house, but it was most certainly going to pass very close by. He was beyond glad that his instincts forced him to her. He had a feeling she was going to protect every single animal she cared for even if it killed her.

He grunted as a gust slammed against him. His body tensed as his legs held firm. It would take more than a little bit of wind to bring him down. He galloped back towards Fluttershy. He had to get her indoors and down the basement stat.

He got halfway to her when disaster struck. A sudden burst of wind slammed against him. It was so strong that he actually stumbled and was forced out of his gallop and had to steady himself. The tornado was too close now. It was throwing the strongest gusts at them, and from the way Mac found he had to hold his hooves steady, the suction of the twister had come into their range. If that blast was strong enough to jostle him…

“AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!” Fluttershy was blown from the ground and was flailing up into the air.

“FLUTTERSHY!!!!!!” Mac yelled out as he saw her get tossed up like a pile of leaves. He broke into a gallop against the wind, readying to leap up and catch her, but he was forced to stop and brace himself again. Leaves and a small trees nearby were being uprooted and pulled towards the tornado. His eyes shot open in horror as Fluttershy was kicked about by the wind and was slowly being sucked away.

But she was still in his range.

Mac quickly dropped the rope from around his neck and grabbed the end with the lasso. He took a quick look towards Fluttershy to gauge a distance ratio and unraveled the rope until he had as much as he needed. He grabbed the rope in his teeth and swung the lasso around while keeping his eyes on target. He had one shot at this. If she got any further away his accuracy would plummet.

He set his hooves, and with a loud grunt, flung the rope out, taking into account Fluttershy’s trajectory. The lasso hurled through the wind, reached Fluttershy, and looped around her perfectly.

“Yes!” Mac cheered, slightly muffled by the rope in his mouth.

“Eep!!” Fluttershy squeaked as the rope closed around her and yanked her down. Mac pulled her in almost like he was flying a kite. The wind was so strong that it was pulling up trees. Fluttershy’s weight was like nothing to it.

He reeled her all the way in and pulled her into his body tightly.

“MACINTOSH!!!!” She yelled his name as she clutched his leg.

“Let’s get ya inside!” He exclaimed. He untied the rope from her and guided her through the wind with a firm grip.

That was, until a very strong blast of wind made her house creak and pop loudly. They both looked up to see the house sway and lurch in the wind. Fluttershy gasped as the foundations around it began to crack and split slightly off the ground. The tornado was less than fifty yards away and it was threatening to rip Fluttershy’s house right from its spot.

“NO!!! NONONONONO!!!!!!” Fluttershy wailed as she saw her house slowly beginning to tip and lurch harder. The animals would be safe in the basement, but… it was her house! Her home!

“STAY DOWN!” Mac suddenly yelled as he gently pushed her to the ground. She squeaked as Mac galloped through the wind to her house. He slammed his hooves against the corner that was being lifted up.

“Hrgh!!!” Mac grasped the edge of the house and it stopped lurching up. “HHRRRRRAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!” He roared as he forced all of his strength downward. Fluttershy watched with wide eyes as Mac slowly pushed her house back down to its foundation. He gritted his teeth and looked towards the tornado. It was going to pass at least twenty yards beside the house. He wasn’t going to bet his odds of keeping the house down when that happened… at least not in his current position. He also had to keep Fluttershy from being swept away.

Mac eyed the rope beside Fluttershy. It was the longest rope they had back on the farm… could it work? He only had one long shot of an option. But one was better than none.

With one solid thrust, he slammed her house down, hoping it would stick for just long enough as he did this. He released his hold on the house and galloped back over to Fluttershy who was struggling to stay on the ground. The wind was unbearably strong. No normal pony would ever be able to move through it, but Mac was no ordinary pony.

He slid to a stop over the rope, scooping up Fluttershy in one arm as he passed and grabbing the lasso with his mouth. He quickly yanked the rope to undo the lasso and held the end of it in his teeth.

With Fluttershy safely clinging to his chest, he made a break for her house. It was beginning to tip up again as the tornado inched ever closer, but he had time. His hooves pounded against the dirt as he made two passes around her house. He found where the rope trail began and grabbed it in his teeth beside the front end of it. With one solid whiplash he made rope encircling her house bounce up before he yanked it tight when it reached a height that was just above the top of her windows. He tied it off, leaving still a good ten yards of rope for him to work with.

The tornado was seconds away from passing right by them. He had to get set now.

Mac leapt away from her house and grabbed the back end of the rope, extending it fully as he stood eight or so yards away, placing the two of them a little extra distance from the tornado’s path. He suddenly shook Fluttershy off and she landed softly below him.

STAY BENEATH ME!!” He ordered. As Fluttershy was registering what was happening she squeaked as Mac lifted each leg and drove them one by one to the ground so hard that they dug about three inches into the dirt. Mac wrapped the rope twice around him and grabbed the part extending out to Fluttershy’s house in his teeth. Fluttershy realized what he was doing. He was going to use his body as an anchor to keep her house down. She clutched his leg as he flexed and tensed his muscles, readying for the imminent battle with nature itself.

The tornado came into range.

The amount of force that Mac felt as it tried to pry Fluttershy’s house from the ground was nearly unbearable. His eyes slammed shut and he yanked backwards with all of his strength, determined to save Fluttershy’s home.

“HRGH!!!!!” He grunted as he yanked back on the rope. The house was tipping up again, but because of his hold, it stayed grounded. The suction of the tornado pulled and pulled and pulled at it, but Mac would stand his ground.

Fluttershy was scared. She was beyond scared, but she did not cry she did not whimper, she did not shed a single tear. She just stared up at Mac as he held her home in place. She watched how determined he was to succeed for her. She watched as he used every ounce of his strength in his body…

All for her.

Mac was risking himself for her. He was protecting what she held dear. He was fighting a TORNADO all for her!

From the moment he arrived, he had not given a single hesitant thought towards his own safety.

He may have arrived late to save her from Rapidfire, but here… Mac had come when she needed him most. And the amount of effort he was exerting, the amount of strain he was experiencing, the amount force he was enduring… for her… it was unlike anything she had ever seen before in her life.

“RGH!” Mac grunted as he lurched forward slightly. Fluttershy squeaked as she felt his legs slightly dislodge from the ground. He grinded his teeth against the rope and gave a heavy yank back as he lifted each leg out and pounded them even harder into the dirt. Fluttershy tried to flatten herself as much as possible as Mac’s body was almost touching hers. He was leaning back, grunting and snorting as he continued to hold her house in place. Every time the tornado gained an upper hoof, Mac braced himself and pulled harder.

He could do this! He wouldn’t fail! He was the champion of the Equestria strong Pony competition! This was NOTHING!

His eyes shot open as his neck and body were forced forward. He was fighting a tornado… A TORNADO. How long could he keep this up? He was pushing his strength to the limit already, could he do it for much longer? He felt his hooves slipping again.

NO! He would prevail! He would save Fluttershy’s home! There were no buts about it! He was GOING to save it!

Mac squinted as his hooves were on the brink of being ripped free…

But then the unthinkable happened.

The tornado suddenly pulsated and completely dissipated. POOF, as if it was never there. Mac’s eyes widened and he quickly let go of the rope as Fluttershy’s house fell safely back into position.

“Huh? Ugghhhhh” Mac had little time to wonder, his body was almost completely numb. He only had enough energy to guide his fall so he didn’t crush his little mare beneath him.

“Oh my goodness…” Fluttershy stared at her house. It would have been sucked into the tornado and completely destroyed, but here it sat, safe and sound. Her attention was drawn to the panting and wheezing beside her. “Macintosh…” She didn’t care about the tornado suddenly being gone. She couldn’t believe what he had just put himself through all for her.

“Ee…yup?” He answered her as his eyes squeaked open and he looked up into the sky.

But before she could say anything else, his eyes widened. Something was falling from the sky. LOTS of things were falling from the sky. The tornado had torn through Everfree Forest. It was probably packed full of large uprooted trees, rocks, and who knows what else! The tornado had suddenly just stopped… but all the stuff it pulled up had to go somewhere. There was a large amount of debris falling right towards them!

“LOOK OUT!” Mac rolled over and pulled Fluttershy into him. He turned his body to face his back to the sky as a large tree trunk about five times his size slammed into his back. “ARGH!!!” He grunted and was forced down.

“EEK!!!” Fluttershy shrieked as Mac’s body pressed down upon her.

“DAMMIT!” Mac looked up and saw more heavy objects falling. He glanced towards Fluttershy’s house. Thankfully the soft tree-like roof with all the leaves was causing the large pieces to land softly and bounce, but Mac was in the direct line of fire.

He glanced up and saw a large collection to tree branches and rocks falling right at them.

He turned back and clutched Fluttershy as tightly as he could.

Fluttershy slammed her eyes shut as the two were buried beneath falling rubble.

“FLUTTERSHY?! FLUTTERSHY!!!!!” Twilight called as she, Rarity, and Applejack searched around Fluttershy’s house.

With the tornado stopped and Ponyville safe, they were trying to make sure everypony was accounted for. However, Mac and Fluttershy were nowhere to be found.

“DAMMIT MAC! WHERE ARE YA!” Applejack pounded her hooves against the ground. She threw rocks around and kicked fallen trees aside.

“He just ran away while yelling ‘Fluttershy?’” Rarity asked as she brushed aside a few piled of leaves with her magic. Applejack sighed and nodded.

“Yeah… just ran off recklessly towards her house…” She sat down. “An’ now we can’t find either of em… dammit Mac!” Applejack’s lip began to quiver. Rarity quickly went to her side.

“Darling! This is your BROTHER we are talking about. He’s built stronger than a diamond dog and timber wolf put together! I’m sure he’s alright, we just have to find them.”

“Hey!” Twilight’s voice caught their attention. She was standing over by Fluttershy’s house. “A rope?” She had found Mac’s rope. Applejack stood up so fast that she knocked Rarity down and galloped over.

“This is the rope Mac took!” She exclaimed as they looked it over. She eyed it, and followed it around the house until she found the part extending out. She yanked at it and it picked up from beneath upturned dirt and leaves. “MAC!” She yelled out as she saw the rope end at a large collection of big rocks and thick tree branches that were piled high. “Help me here!” She yelled to the two unicorns.

Twilight and Rarity ran over to assist with their magic as Applejack started throwing the many pieces of fallen debris off the pile. She gasped when she saw some red beneath it.

“MAC!!!!” She threw as much as she could off before finding a large heavy trunk that lay atop her brother. With the help of Rarity and Twilight, she was able to hoist if up and roll it aside. “Good lord Mac…” She looked at him with concern. He was curled up on the ground with the rope still around him. He was covered head to hoof in nasty looking cuts and bruises. His eyes squeaked open and he looked up to see the three ponies staring down at him.

“He’s awake!” Twilight exclaimed happily.

“Yeah, but beaten up!” Applejack suddenly sounded angry. “Mac what the hell were ya thinkin’ runnin’ off like that! You coulda been killed!”

Mac just kept staring up as Applejack berated him.

“What good came from all this? Huh? What good?” Applejack belted at him.

Mac grunted and slowly rolled onto his side. The three all perked up as he gently unwrapped his legs,

To reveal Fluttershy tucked in them, curled up into a shivering ball. She was COMPLETELY unscathed.

Her eyes peeked up over her body and she stared wide-eyed up at her friends. They all looked down at her, their mouths agape.

Mac had used his body not only to keep her house down, but to also to protect her from all harm. There wasn’t as much as a scrape on her tiny body.

“Oh my…” Rarity finally spoke up.

“That’s why he ran off Applejack.” Twilight smiled and gave her a light nudge. “I’ll go get some help.” She offered as Applejack just kept staring in disbelief.

“MACINTOSH!” Fluttershy came to her senses and quickly turned to him. “Oh goodness! Oh goodness!!!” She fretted as he lay beaten and tired.

“Are ya… alright?” He whispered to her. The sound of his voice calmed her slightly, but she was still worried about his injuries. She moved up by his head and nestled herself into his neck.

“I’m… I’m perfectly fine…” She said while lightly nuzzling his neck.

“Good…” He chuckled and winced as he did.

“Let’s leave them be until help arrives.” Rarity reached over towards Applejack.

“What? But…” She tried to protest, but a blue magic aura encircled her mouth and clamped it shut.

“No buts. Come on, darling.” Rarity dragged Applejack away.

Mac wasn’t as bad as he looked. He was covered head to toe in minor injuries, but he had really drained himself while pitting his strength against a tornado. Seriously. A tornado. It took Fluttershy a while to convince Nurse Redheart that’s what he did.

In the end it seemed all that Mac needed was some light patching up and a lot of rest. So he was sent home to stay in bed for a day or two.

Fluttershy was drawn away from Ponyville for a while. It was fine because Mac needed rest, but the reason she and her friends made a trip to Canterlot Hospital was a grim one. Apparently the Tornado was not a natural one, which was obvious because of the manner in which it suddenly stopped. However, it was being controlled by a group of menacing Pegasi. The Wonderbolts had engaged them, and unfortunately, Soarin nearly lost his life.

A strange series of events occurred while they were there. Soarin was given little chance of survival, Celestia made a surprise visit and did something weird that apparently saved him, but now Rainbow Dash had to stay in the hospital for a bit too.

It was all a bunch of jumbled occurrences that meant little to Fluttershy. Why? Because after seeing Soarin in his broken state, and seeing the way Rainbow Dash stuck to his side like glue, she wanted to get back to Ponyville so she could be there for Mac.

Fluttershy was at Sweet Apple Acres even before Applejack got back. None of them had ever seen Fluttershy fly so fast the way she did from the train car when they arrived in Ponyville. She just wanted to see Mac, to be with him, and to be there when he awoke because he was always there for her.

Luckily, the window to Mac’s room was open. She didn’t even have to knock. She let herself right in. Her eyes lay on the sleeping form of Mac over in his bed across the room.

She recalled the whole incident as she stared. She still had no words to describe it. The way he sacrificed absolutely everything for her… she’d never experienced something like that before. The two of them were close, but to put so much on the line…

Her heart swelled at the thought. She meant so much to somepony else that they would literally do anything for her. She had never felt anything more touching in her life.

She hovered over and carefully landed on the bed beside him.

“Howdy.” He said quietly, making her squeak and jump.

“Oh gosh! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to wake you!” She freaked out as he turned over and smiled.

“I wasn’t asleep.” He chuckled.

“Oh…” She grinned sheepishly as she lowered herself to the bed and got comfortable.

The two just stared at each other, both happy as can be just in each other’s presence.

“Um…” Fluttershy broke the silence. “Macintosh—, I…” She looked away. This was still so hard? After all they’ve been through? “Thank you…” She said quietly. He blinked and tipped his head. “You know—, for—, saving my home—, and me…” She tilted her head down, but kept her eyes locked on his.

“It ain’t nuthin.” Mac smiled.

“No—, it is!” Fluttershy shuffled closer to him. “Macintosh, you didn’t have to do any of that… my house I mean…” She swallowed, still not used to talking so much, but she forced it out because he deserved to know how thankful she was. “You put yourself as risk—, for me—, I—,” She let her face fall to the mattress. “You didn’t have to…”

Mac sighed as he watched her stumble over her words. He felt a wave of confidence well up in his gut. This was different. He wasn’t stomping up to her front door and randomly deciding to tell her something personal. This time the moment came to him.

“Yes I did.” He removed one of his arms from beneath the sheet and reached it around her, “I did it because—,” he pulled her in and nestled her against his chest. Let it flow.

Say it.

“Because I love ya Fluttershy.” He said quietly into her ear. He felt her body stiffen. She didn’t blush, but she looked up into his eyes with a world of surprise in them. “Doing anything, even if it hurts, for another pony—,” He continued, “that’s what ya do for a pony ya love.”

That took the cake. Fluttershy thought her heart was going to swell right out of her chest. He said it. He actually, really said it. He said he loved her. She had never been happier to hear something in her entire life. Every little ounce of fear and uncertainty about the two of them came crashing down and left nothing to hinder the love she already felt for him.

“Oh… Macintosh!” She reached up and threw her little arms as far around his neck as she could and squeezed him tightly.

“Oo! Ah!” He grunted as she pressed against some of his small wounds. She quickly pulled back.

“Oh! Sorry!” She grimaced. He shook his head.

“No… it’s fine. Come here.” He reached forward and gently cradled her chin. She felt tears of joy slowly fill her eyes as he guided her towards his face.

The two closed their eyes and for the first time, without anything weighing them down, shared a soft and gentle kiss.

Fluttershy reached up and lightly grasped the sides of his face as she gently pressed a little harder against him. Mac reached up and gently wrapped his arms around her little body. They kissed not once, but two times, three times, four times. They finally had a reason to just enjoy the other and not use one of the highest forms of affection to help the other cope with problems. This time they were kissing, because they wanted to and because they could.

They slowly parted and Fluttershy rested her head beside his, whispering back into his ear,

“I love you too Big Macintosh… I love you so much.” Her voice squeaked and cracked, but Mac could tell she was just beyond happy. He lifted her up and placed her on his chest. She snuggled up into his neck and released the most content sigh she had ever mustered in her life.

Nothing would ever make Fluttershy happier than the giant red stallion that would comfort and defend her at all costs.

Nothing would ever make Big Macintosh happier than the adorable little yellow mare that constantly stole his heart and made him feel so alive.

Love. It’s when two souls fully resonate together. Nothing can compare to its power, and nothing can stand in its way. How it comes and how it forms depends on the pony, but in the end it will always bring comfort and joy. Love is not won through words. Love is not something you can affirm through claiming it. Love’s true form comes through the feeling deep inside every one of us when we find another we can truly connect with. “I love you.” Is just a three letter phrase. The important thing is to show it, know it, and feel it in every inch of your body.

And so—,

“Hey! Hey! Hey!”


“I know you can hear me silly!”

Pinkie what have I told you about this?

“Oh don’t be such a grump! You can’t keep writing! That was a great ending!”

But I MMMPH!!!!!

“Shhhhhhhh…. Go write another Soarindash fic…”

---The End---

Author's Note:

Blargh! Dammit Pinkie! oh heheh...

Well there's another fic done and in the books :) Always sad to see a fic end, but always happy to see hard work completed ^_^

From here i do have another fic already planned, however i am going to be out of town this coming weekend and not back until wednesday, so it might be a while before something new appears. Thats fine though because i need some time to finish revising and editing Flying Sky High (contest deadline is may 25th)

So yeah there we go,

I hope you enjoyed reading!

Thanks so much for all the great comments and support!

I hope MRRRPHHH!!!!


Comments ( 176 )


Thanks for reading! :eeyup:

*squee* This was perrrrrfect! So many feelz! :yay:


Thanks for continuous support:twilightsmile:

4410860 Np! Keep up the good work! :twilightsmile: :pinkiehappy:

19. 19! 19!!! 19!!!!!! :flutterrage:

And as always. Fantastic


You are persistent :pinkiecrazy:

It would be interesting if I tried :fluttershyouch: I'd probably write Fluttershy thinking about it (with lots of lulz) and in the end not being able to go through with it :fluttercry:

These two aren't quite the wild ones like Soarin and dash:rainbowdetermined2:

Thanks for reading as always :eeyup:

Awwww... so cute. :eeyup:



Huh... look, meteors outside...


4411274 I totally didn't annihilate the Moon to cause that. :pinkiehappy:

Ah, brilliant. I got all misty-eyed. :pinkiesad2:

Super Mac was great and them finally saying those words to each other was just awesome. Bravo.

This doesn't need no stinking chapter 19 unless you really feel like it. Their love speaks for itself. :pinkiecrazy:


Haha yeah, that was (hopefully) a one time thing. I think I spent too much time on flying sky high, I had a soarindash hangover haha I had the need to take it one step further :rainbowlaugh:

Thanks for reading and commenting on each chapter :twilightsmile: I appreciate the support and I'm glad you enjoyed reading! :eeyup:

Naw save the 19 for a trilogy? Maybe? Please?

A perfect end to a perfect piece of fiction. The fact they were able to say it and unforced means a lot since while the words mean something, its the fact they managed to say it despite how difficult it was for them that made them mean so much more. :heart:
:yay: :eeyup:
Ohh don't forget about me either! :pinkiegasp: Pinkie stop breaking the comments... :facehoof:

D'aww. Brought out the feels. :heart:
I am interested to see who this next fic will star..
Perhaps Spitfire?
Another BraePie?
Or Twilight & (enter somepony's name)?
Whatever it is, can't wait to see it!


Pinkie gave a clue at the end :pinkiehappy:


Thank you! :twilightsmile:

I'm glad you enjoyed it :eeyup:

And don't even try, Pinkie breaks everything :pinkiecrazy:

4412086 Oh. Well then. *cue the facepalm*
Whelp, time for another dose of good ol' SoarinDash! :twilightsmile:

Absolutely amazing ending bro. I will never EVER question, argue, dis, etc. Big Mac if I ever see him. If he can hold his own in a freakin TORNADO I don't want to be on the receiving end of that hoof. Also great 4th wall breaking in the end XD. That was perfect. Just "shhhhhhh. Just let it happen. Go write another SoarinDash fic, all will be fine. :)" just omc that was perfect.


Haha yeah my thought process was:

Okay I had pinkie ninja applejack :applejackconfused::pinkiecrazy: and rainbow dash :rainbowderp::pinkiecrazy: and herself :pinkiegasp::pinkiecrazy: so how can I take that any further? Oh... I'll have her ninja me :pinkiecrazy:

And eeyup :eeyup: Mac is one big bundle of pure silent power. What could I possibly do to show just how strong he is? MAC VS TORNADO:rainbowdetermined2:

Thanks for always reading commenting and supporting! :twilightsmile: I really appreciate it :yay:

I'm glad you enjoyed! :rainbowkiss:

Bet you one of the ponies saw and told.

Big Mac stopped a tornado while protecting fluttershy.Love is REALLY powerful at this one:rainbowlaugh:

And the feels,TOO POWERFUL at this one :fluttercry:


Mac vs nature

Winner: Always Mac :eeyup:

I'm glad you liked it, thanks for reading! :twilightsmile:

This is definitely topping my list as the most heartwarming and genuine romances on the site :fluttercry:
An excellent ending to an excellent story! :twilightsmile:


aw thanks :rainbowkiss: I'm flattered you think so :twilightsmile:

I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading! :yay::eeyup:

Please write her thinking about it.... Like please? You don't even have to feel guilty then :D

I feel like you get those pictures just to respond to me >.<


It's actually fun to find one that fits :rainbowwild:


If the desire comes, believe me, i will write it.

That's why i wrote the first one. I had THREE heavily passionate scenes between Soarin and Dash. It felt like a crime that i stopped right before the sex.

This one, they barely got the "i love you's" out, so i felt sex may have been a bit much. Who knows, you never know when i might feel like it. In all honesty. :eeyup:


i will admit i have thought about the possibility of writing a quick oneshot about her and Mac thinking about it but being too embarrassed to try. We'll see :eeyup: I have another big fic i need to plan out, but if i feel like it, i might go for it. :yay:

:yay: thanks! In the meantime I'll read dark fics


actually i JUST thought of something i could do that, while it would still warrent a mature sex tag, would be EXTREMELY different from the soarindash sex... and i'm very tempted to try it because of how much different it would be... and an important aspect of love it would convey... its funny when i think about the purpose behind the idea, it feels much less dirty...


(good lord, it's happening again, i'm gonna write more pony sex if this keeps up arrrghghhhhhh)

I want it and will support you in your endeavors. I still haven't read your cadence and shining deal, I was reading another one with an awesome cover art and long title name :D


I hope you like mine :twilightsmile: It was a short, fun, little idea i had :eeyup:

Il probably read it tomorrow morning. Night

*cough* did I hear another SoarinDash fic coming on? :D

Wow, I have no idea how I found this series, but I'm so glad I did. In the past month or so, I've read the whole series in my free time. I can say that you are definitely the best fan author I've ever read. No idea which of your stories is my favorite though...:twilightsheepish:

Can't wait for the next one! :pinkiehappy:


The pink one does not lie :pinkiehappy:


thank you :twilightsmile:

This is the first time i've written a series of connected fics. It's been fun creating my own universe and implementing my own reoccurring rules and themes :rainbowdetermined2:

Thanks for reading all of them so far!:pinkiehappy: I appreciate it :eeyup:

Can you make a sequel to this? Because I thought it was great! And I don't think so, I KNOW SO! Word for word! 10/10!


Thank you! :)

well a full on sequel probably wont happen, but stay tuned in the next few hours :yay::eeyup:

(that is if you don't mind extremely soft core sex)

did i just ruin the surprise? :pinkiegasp:

*manly squee*

Well, that romance was handled in exactly the right way. :fluttershyouch::eeyup:Good job of tying it in to the Clouds story as well. :rainbowdetermined2: I guess that only the OMYUN (omniscient yet unseen narrator, aka yourself) and Pinkie will ever be able to put all the pieces together at one time. :pinkiehappy:


it's quite fun to have Pinkie bother me as the narrator. Pinkie breaking the 4th wall is done a lot, but if given consistency it can become an enjoyable running gag :pinkiehappy:

That needs to be an emote too. :rainbowkiss:

You sir! You knew I liked FlutterMac and that my rule is that if I favorite two stories by the same author, said author obtains another follower. So what did you do? You sir, divided a brilliant story into two pieces. Why? For the soul perpouse of getting one more follower. Well congradulations!A favorite and a thumbs up for both stories + one follower.


Thank you very much! :yay::eeyup:

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