• Member Since 3rd Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


"I still can't wait to lose my virginity conquering Poland with Goldenwing." - /mlp/

Comments ( 29 )

Ahh... Airships. I have missed this. We don't get enough airship stuff... period.

Fear not, my friend. I strive to correct this grave misfortune. Soon, we will airship again.

Guess who. Will try not to clutter your comments section with every single reaction I have. Will save that for the end. I will, however, point out any audacious typos that dare mar your work.

"Inky black clouds swirled furiously around eachother" Two words mate.

Sick insert art, though.

I too find map-making fun.

"He came in last, swinging the door shut with a heavy thud" Went in? I'm not too sure how strict the rules of writing are on this, if there are any at all. Just seems to fit better logically, as the scene was told from outside going in, rather than inside with them entering, if that makes sense.

Nice map symbolism.


We don't get enough large, good, and completed stories, cough cough.

I'll read this when it's done.

I know that feel, bro.
See ya in two months. :raritywink:

I'll make a blog on the old story once this one's done, so no worries.

Ikr? I think I'll have my co author do all our cover art from now on.
I see what you're getting at, but I think it flows better this way.
I'll be going heavy on the maps all night long.

Nice to see I've retained at least one reader lol.


Read often, read well.

"the shadow’s dancing in the flickering blue glow of the magelights beyond them."

Quip about Ember being unable to melt the cell's lock/enough bars to fit through.

“Well, now that we’ve captured you traitors, why don’t we confiscate these [invaluable supplies?” No need to bold this time.

A little question, out of all the workers that went for forge duty, not one of them was an earth pony? Seems a bit odd for such a perfect split for unicorn/pegasus pairs.

As an aside, the rebels are dicks. That is all.

Shhhh. She's a mechanic, not a firebender.

The overseers don't put earth ponies in that role, as they can't levitate large loads of coal or feed the fires with air. The earth ponies work elsewhere.

Thanks for catching the typos! :pinkiehappy:


No problem mate.

Excellent development and pacing in this one.

The world building with this city has got me intrigued. If I hadn't read the first iteration I would have been fooled into thinking Omega was about Harmony City.

But of course the rabbit hole goes much deeper. It's a bit late to think about what you've gotten into, Dissero.

Haha that one pony is named after a disease.

What, no typos?

And although Omega may not be just about Harmony City, Omega: Vinctus certainly is!



And no, I haven't caught any typos in the last two chapters so good on you mate. Really interested in where this all goes.


War is hell.


the rain now a light drizzle..

The other two stallions followed suit, and the guard’s body jerk wildly before falling limp.

Love the lore building and character development. This shit's awesome.


Rainy’s spine had been broken in the fight with Ashfall, and when she’d regained consciousness later on she’d received been crushed by the terrible news.

Oh shit I'm late. First thing's first tho: lmfao. Ponies making gun powder in their latrines. Demopon.

That fight sequence was pretty great too.

Beautiful dreamerrrr

waiting for meeeee

At some point Thunder's name changed from Thunder Rush to Thunder Flash.

Why was this cancelled?

Honestly, its a little hazy now. I think I was really disappointed by the lack of response. Its not easy to get readers with an all OC story that isn't even set in Equestria.

Looking back, I miss this old crew. There were some cool ideas in this fic. I think I'll give them a spot, or at least a cameo, in Horizons.

This is good. I wanna see this continue.

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