• Member Since 19th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago

Vic Fontaine

Author & Editor; Chief Apprentice in Loyal's House of Fanfic; Lt. in the Army of Biscuit; Does Bad Things for Bad Horse; Runs a Nightclub on Holodeck 2.


Comments ( 137 )

I'm loving this slow build-up in tension. It really helps set the mood, as it were. To be honest, I feel a touch upstaged. Your descriptions are second to none.


Upstage you? Ha, hardly!:raritywink:

I see what you're doing though...just trying to butter me up because you want to get the next chapter of Moonstone out soon, lulz. :trollestia::trixieshiftright:

/srsly, thanks for the vote of confidence!

I don't think I have ever read a story from roselucks POV. All of the build up is really well done. Looking forward to seeing the where this leads.

This is really good, I can't wait for the next chapter! I don't think I've ever even a RoseluckxRarity (rariluck, rosarity?) Shipping before, but I can dig it. So props to you for making it work so well. And as loyal said, you're writing really is very good, certainly puts mine to shame.

I haven't read this. I haven't even read the description, but damn, RarityxRoseluck? Instant favorite. I'm always looking for uncommon F/F shippings.

I can't give you enough thumbs up!

....such a tease

I approve.

So much sexual tension!

Awesome! I can't wait to read more. :twilightsmile:

This seems interesting. Haven't read that many stories involving Roseluck. I'll give this a try.

4416405 I actually think F/F pairings are extremely common....

4420274 They are common. What I'm talking about is that F/F are usually between 2 main character (:pinkiesad2::heart::twilightblush:, :fluttershbad::heart::rainbowwild:, :applejackunsure::heart::duck:)
There are tones of those fics, there are also a lot of TwilightxCelestia or Luna. There are a lot of LiraxBonBon or OctaviaxDj P0n3. But when have you seen a Rarity x Roseluck? That's what I was talking about when I said Uncommon. Female characters that haven't been paired before.

WOW! great build up. Can`t wait to read more. Slight sugjestion; don`t go straight for the gusto; a good sign of any writer is the ability to do just as you have done here. That way the end result is all the more satisfying.:pinkiehappy:

the back and forth between the two was pretty good.
they seem like the types who would see whitch would crack first and that came across well.
excellent use of descriptors and quite possibly the most aggravatingly assholish place to cut a chapter.( oddly enough that is a compliment )
all in all nice work.

Anticipation, adrenaline, and uninhibited arousal coursed through her veins now, her mind all but lost in a haze of desire as the fire in her core spilled over her like a lava flow. Roseluck leaned in, bringing her half-lidded gaze in line with Rarity's own. She leaned closer still until only a scant few inches separated their lips.

This is it... This is really about to happen... The thought raced through Roseluck's lust-filled mind as she craned her head up slightly, softly brushing her muzzle against Rarity's ear. Her voice dropped to barely a whisper, though it spoke of nothing but pure desire.

"Then let us begin."


Holy originality, Batman!

An entirely accurate pictorial representation of my reaction whilst reading this story:

Please continue at your earliest convenience.... :heart:


Thanks, and I certainly will! I'm not the fastest writer out there, so it might take me a bit. But, updates will occur! :twilightsheepish:


Thanks! I really wanted to break convention a bit here by choosing a normally unseen pairing.. :pinkiehappy:

Oh wow, there is more sexual tension here between Rarity and Roseluck than Rainbow Dash and Applejack, and that's saying something.

Definitely gonna follow this.


Thanks! I'm glad you like it so far! :twilightsmile:

The build-up for this is spectacular, it had me on the edge, teasing me with each little bit the whole way through. If the continuation stays at this level, this is a shoo-in for the High Quality Mature Fiction group.


I'm flattered! Thank you so much! :twilightsheepish:

I'll do my best to keep it up. :rainbowdetermined2:

........................................................................... more please. :flutterrage::pinkiehappy:


Since you asked so nicely, I suppose that I will continue working then. :raritywink::scootangel:

I will laugh my ass off if this was a way to punk Rose

But then, it would be funny if you wrote some kind of twist :pinkiecrazy::twistnerd:


Lulz! I could do something like that, but then I'd have an army of readers after me, armed with pitchforks. :twilightoops:

Roseluck won't be getting punked here, but she will have to wait a bit for the payoff that she is hoping for... :trollestia::trixieshiftright:


OH The double entendres!! My GOD!

This is by far THE MOST Sensual and Erotic Fiction I have ever read(And that's saying something). Do you by chance have any previous experience with writing these kinds of literature?

I am very looking forward to the next chapter, they are SOOO worth the wait.

hands caught in the cookie jar indeed Rarity :rainbowwild: dang that was hot..i cant wait for more..especially now a certain sister is out of the way..lets just hope no one else decides to visit Rarity :trollestia:

A few instances of not capitalizing the first word of a sentence, but that's about all I have to say negative about this story. Oh, and this:

The sound of a closing door rang out through the boutique.

"Hey, Rares! I'm back!"

Well, fuck.:unsuresweetie:


Thanks! I caught a few missing capitol letters too, but I'll have to wait until I get home to fix them. (edit mode is scary on mobile)

Thanks for the pointer though...I appreciate it. :)

4460966 No problem, man. I know how rough editing is without proper tools at your disposal. I've had to type an entire chapter so far on my ipad for my latest story and IT SUCKS. Not the story, mind you, just the amount of work I've had to put into this piece of shit doing its job.

Lol. That is a (wholly unintentional) ST reference, but not the easter egg that I planted. I'll give you a couple of hints:

1. It's in a line of dialogue
2. Agreed, Number One.


BRAVO, this is how it is done. Slow yet passionate; very well balenced, here`s to waiting for chapter 3.:pinkiehappy:

4461242 OH. Riker's line. "Yes, absolutely, I do indeed concur wholeheartedly!"

I was looking at the 'aahn' like 'that kind of sounds like 'khan' or the 'ahn-woon' weapon but no

And we have a winner! Very observant...Q would be proud. :)

Now, if you can identify the episode that the line came from, I'll make it an even $10. (and no cheating w/ memory alpha; pinkamena will know if you do, lol)

I agree this is the most sensual fim story I've ever read and it's not creepy like some of the bsdm that gets put out. Also how do you vote to get this featured?

4461278 Where Silence Has Lease. It was a The Next Generation ep.

I've been watching Trek since before most of these kids here were even born :p

4461283 Featured stories are determined by an algorithm that takes into account "heat"--views, favorites, likes over a set period of time. This was also already featured, which is how I found it.

As the prereader for Moonstone, I have to take a bit of umbrage over that bdsm remark. ;)

If you haven't checked that one out, I invite you to do so. I like to think that Loyal and I have given it the class that it deserves. :)



I just-

Wow. That's all I'm gonna say.

"Hey, Rares! I'm back!"

Saw that coming lightyears away.
Heh, coming.

F@@@ the reference! I wants MOREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

oh, and please let something interrupt their "session". It'd be funny and would allow the story to continue :pinkiehappy::pinkiecrazy::derpyderp1:

this is still without a doubt the most sensual erotic and yeah im going to say beautiful story ive read in quite some time.
to the point that i can't even make a funny crass statement about it whitch is kinda my thing.
this is lovely to read.

I'm so proud.


I'm pretty sure that if I interrupt them again, Rarity's going to break through my monitor and beat me with one of the mannequins from the boutique. :raritywink:

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