• Published 21st May 2014
  • 9,145 Views, 296 Comments

Let the Silence Sing 2 - Aegis Shield

SEQUEL! Big Mac dates Princess Celestia openly after Featherweight reveals their relationship in a newspaper photo.

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Let the Silence Sing 2
Part 2 – Research

A gaggle of the solar guard, all stallions, had gathered around a big conference table. Finally the folder they’d been waiting for had arrived. The one of highest rank slapped it down on the hardwood, sending a few pictures careening out of it at random.

Pictures of Big Macintosh were peered at with frowny curiosity. So this was the stallion the Princess was dating. Hrm. He didn’t look like anything special. Where was the report? Every pony leaned to see, murmuring amongst themselves. It didn’t take a genius to know that this was seven different kinds of illegal, spying on a random citizen, but if the Princess’ heart and happiness was involved, they would do their duty to learn about the subject.

He was a big-chested thing with massive hooves and an unassuming smile. One of the pictures of him in high school sported massive braces and giant soda-bottle glasses. He must’ve taken to wearing contacts, and his braces were long gone. Interesting. One of the commanders leaned, picking up the primary report to read to the others.

Name: Big Macintosh
Age: 24
Species: Earth Pony
Profession: Apple Orchard Farmer (Sweet Apple Acres, Ponyville)

Average Annual Income: approximately 57,000 bits (Ponyville Savings and Loan)
Average Savings: 10% paycheck value (Ponyville Savings and Loan)
Average Yearly Net Income: 51,300 (before taxes)

Sweet Apple Acres provides primary shipments of six different apple types to seven Equestrian counties, Canterlot, and Cloudsdale. As it provides a staple food a lot of bits go in and out of the establishment before they can be tabulated. An exact net worth is not calculable without examining hoof-written ledgers that are no doubt kept in-residence.

Adverse Physical Medical History: None (no lasting or current conditions)
Adverse Mental Medical History: None (no lasting or current conditions)
Adverse Behavioral History: None (no criminal record found)

-3-time winner of the Ponyville Strong Stallion Competition
-Active member of the 5-voice barbershop quintet from Ponyville, the Pony Tones. (Bass)
-Suspected minor case of giantism (not diagnosed)
-Education level is higher than projected, confirmed Degree in Agriculture and Geology with a Minor in Fancy Mathematics.
-Stallion of few words. Long surveillance reveals “yup” and “nope” to be 90% of the stallion’s lexicon, unless specifically prompted by an outside source.

They passed the report around, hrming and hawing over it. So the Princess liked the strong silent type, huh? Weren’t all of her guards that, too? What did Big Macintosh have that they didn’t? It was true, there was a mild air of jealousy in the room. Nothing too overwhelming, but it did sting a little. Perhaps she liked this country bumpkin because he wasn’t from Canterlot, but out in the middle of nowhere?

The gathering traded theories back and forth, staring at the pictures and memorizing all of Big Mac’s features. No doubt at least a few of them would be assigned to protect the royal coltfriend at some point. When the media got a hold of where he lived or where he could be found, the poor guy would probably be swamped. Princess Celestia would probably send them to keep him safe.


Big Mac sneezed suddenly, prompting Celestia to pause and bless him. Another fine spring day had called for a picnic by the coy fish pond. As per usual they didn’t get to see much of the fish since they were so shy, but their fleeting orange bodies were still very cute to watch.

The red stallion blew his nose on a napkin, stuffing it aside when he was done. Maybe it was the different flowers of Canterlot that were making him sneeze, the garden was certainly full of them.

Between the two ponies sat Celestia’s favorite board game, ‘Settlers of Equestria.’ It was a resource gathering game where one could earn points by making little cities and roads on a map. It hadn’t taken long to learn, and was actually pretty relaxing to play in the shade. Big Mac rolled the clattering dice once more, then gingerly placed a little town with his teeth. Celestia smiled encouragingly, sipping at one of the juice boxes he’d brought to share with her.

Several hours had passed with the shade and the pond and the game, then a whistle sounded. Celestia jolted a little, turning her head. Emerging out onto the stone patio was none other than the griffon king himself, Ebonfeather! The white alicorn looked back and forth between Big Macintosh, mildly panicking. But it was too late, he’d already spotted them and was crossing the yard toward them. A quartet of guards followed messily behind him, scolding that he couldn’t just wander around where he pleased. But he was a king, he could do what he liked.

Drawing herself up into her regal posture, Celestia was just in time to get a crushing hug from the large bird. The air woof’d out of her lungs and she almost staggered when he slapped her back. Big Mac stood slowly, then bowed in respect when the king looked upon him.
So! This was the lucky stallion the papers had been talking about! Ebonfeather shouldered up to Big Mac while Celestia tried to recover in the background, wheezing animatedly. Throwing a great arm around the red stallion, he looked him over like one might a turkey on a rack. He seemed sizeable, and those were certainly muscles under all that pony fur. Big and furry and strong, how nice! He slap-slap-slapped Big Mac’s back, which made even his knees shudder a little.

Celestia finally recovered, swooping in before her beloved was spirited off by a foreign king or something. Casting a long wing over him as stallion and king parted, she gave a pained smile. Ebonfeather belly-laughed, telling them both how cute they looked together. Celestia had the decency to blush and look to one side. Grasping their shoulders in his claws, he gave them his royal blessing and wished them luck. As though they’d needed his blessing.

Big Mac smiled gingerly at Celestia, who looked a little winded as the King turned to find his entourage again. He’d left them in the antechamber at the front gates. He was supposed to arrive that evening for international trade discussion—but had decided to stop by in the afternoon to surprise them instead and get a good look at Big Macintosh. After all, was it not only the most perfect example of ponydom that drew the eye of a Princess? That other prince, Shining-what’s-his-name, could protect entire cities with a single unicorn spell. Big Mac must’ve been quite special indeed, being an earth pony and all.

Celestia grimaced at the King’s semi-innocent racism, but did not reply to it. Big Mac patted Celestia’s shoulder supportively, leaning to start putting their game away when king Ebonfeather was gone. They smiled at one another. This was no doubt only the start of things. Leaning and pecking his cheek, the white alicorn went to join the king for their talks and dinner. Big Mac shook his head and smiled, watching her go.

End of Part 2