• Published 26th May 2014
  • 8,763 Views, 239 Comments

Summoning the King of Monsters! - Krazy Stargazer

What happens when The King of Monsters meets the residents of Equestria?

  • ...

Tenderizing Timberwolves

Deep within the Everfree Forrest

When, Sweetie Belle woke up this morning she never would have imagined her day ending up the way it was, what with herself and her friends searching for a lost dragon-like creature in the dangerous Everfree Forest! Yet, here they were looking for Applebloom's friend, Godzilla. Applebloom had a determined look as she trekked through the forest, and her other friend Scootaloo held a glint of adventure in her eyes. Sweetie Belle sighed and resigned herself to her fate, her two friends were on a mission now and she knew that they wouldn't stop until it was completed.

However, while her friends were so focused on following the trail Godzilla left behind, Sweetie had felt a presence observing them for some time. They were in the Everfree Forest after all, so chances were high what ever was watching them was not the friendliest creature around. The CMC had been in scraps before and had even dealt with the denizens of the Everfree before. Sweetie gestured to her friends with a glow of her magic horn, and put her hooves to her mouth in a gesture for caution. Luckily her friends pick up on the signal and froze in their tracks.

"What is it Sweetie Belle?" Applebloom asked in a whisper.

"I think we're being followed..." Sweetie responded in a low voice.

"We're being followed? By what?" Scootaloo stated in a agitated whisper. Sweetie didn't answer, but her horn began to glow in her characteristically light green aura, the tell tale sign of a unicorn casting a spell. Suddenly, a small creature was hoisted from the bushes held fast in Sweetie's telekinetic grasp. The three curious ponies gathered a little closer to their little follower, and were surprised to see a small Manticore cub in their midst.

"Oh is this what was following us? That ain't so bad." Applebloom said after glancing at the cub still floating quite harmlessly in Sweetie's spell.

"Well it's Mom might be around. Lets just leave the thing and get going," Scootaloo stated simply.

"Yea I guess." Sweetie said with just a hint of pity. She placed the creature on the ground and tried to "shoo" it away. Except the cub didn't budge, it scratched behind it's ears a couple times but otherwise stayed put. "Uh ohh."

"What do you mean "uh oh"? Just tell the little fellah to leave already. We have to find Godzilla, we don't have time to cub-sit too." Applebloom protested.

"Yea I know. Except, I don't think this little Manticore cub knows that," Sweetie admitted with a sheepish expression.

"Guess we got no choice." Scootaloo said shrugging her shoulders "Guess the Manticore cub comes with us for now."

"Wait, you said we ought to leave it in case it's Mom'a comes back." Applebloom interjected "Why the change in attitude?"

"Yea but imagine Manticore Mommy finds us and something happened to her cub. This way at least the cub is safe," Scootaloo explained "Besides the fact the cub won't leave probably means it's lost."

"Gee really? I guess we gotta keep an eye on the cub and look for Godzilla," Sweetie deduced.

"I reckon me and Scootaloo already figured where Godzilla headed off too." Applebloom then elaborated "The tracks are leading to the Tree of Harmony for some reason. So if we head there..."

"Then hopefully we'll find your friend Applebloom!" Scootaloo said with a beaming smile. Then she glanced at the cub "Errr...then I guess we'll have to deal with you."

The Manticore cub let out a small "growl" at the remark, but otherwise seemed undeterred. With that settled the CMC continued on their trek, but now with a little Manticore cub trailing after them. Sweetie looked as the small creature struggled to keep up with them, and with a glint of her horn floated the cub on her back.

"There now we can keep an eye on you" Sweetie remarked. The cub let out a small growl in response and the group continued their trek.

Back in Ponyville

In terms of moods Trixie was most definitely in a sour one. She had finally managed to find Twilight Sparkle and as the fates would have it the Princess was too busy looking for one of her stupid friends to properly aid Trixie in her noble endeavor. Why, the sheer arrogance was nearly enough to cause Trixie to lash out at the Princess right then and there.

However, as always her assistant Ditsy Do had a way of handling matters in a more "diplomatic" way. Trixie knew that her assistant, Ditsy, had thrown a metaphorical "olive branch" between herself and Twilight for the time being, and with great humility Trixie agreed to aid the Princess in her venture; on the condition that Twilight immediately help Trixie with her own goals. Trixie had obliged Twilight's request that they look for the Apple-pony's misplaced Dragon friend first, given the circumstances Trixie thought she was being quite "diplomatic".

While one of Twilight's associates was informing her of the last whereabouts of their missing friend, Trixie suddenly felt a spike of magical energy course through her. The sensation lasted for a moment but the feeling was unmistakable, "he" had just gotten his hands on powerful magic. Suddenly, Trixie was panicked, she hadn't felt the connection in quite a while and assumed that she had more time, that maybe "he" was calming down.

However, that last connection was different. Before, Trixie had felt like their was a tension between herself and "him", like a leash with the pet constantly tugging at the cord; but that last sensation suddenly felt like the leash went slack, like suddenly "he" wasn't resisting or more terrifyingly that "he" had somehow broken the cord that bond them. Trixie needed to act, now!

"Twilight Sparkle! Trixie has tried to play by your rules however the enormity of my task is to great! Just now I suddenly felt a great disturbance in that direction!" Trixie declared pointing at the Everfree Forest.

"Now hold on just a minute you promised you'd help look for my friend." Applejack asserted. "My friend could be in danger."

"Yes, yes Trixie knows she made a promise Apple-cake, err I mean Applejack. However, this matter is far more important!" Trixie insisted. "Please Twilight! I know what I promised but I came to Ponyville for your help. You're the only pony I can turn too, and I can sense that there is a great danger in the forest."

Twilight looked between both Applejack and Trixie, both needed her help and both claimed that they needed it or else something terrible would happen to some pony. On the one hoof one of her best friends needed her help locating a possibly wounded friend, while on the other hoof one of her long time rivals had shown up in town demanding her help. The Princess of Friendship was overwhelmed and unsure what to do, fortunately somepony did know just what to do.

Spike nuzzled Twilight's head and gently said, "Listen Twilight we all believe in you. We believe in you because we know you will do your best. Both Trixie and Applejack need you're help. Maybe you feel like you need to choose between the two, but I think their problems might be more similar than we first thought."

Just like that Twilight realized that their problems did seem to coincide in a lot of ways. A mysterious creature suddenly appearing, the wreck at the Apple Farm, the sudden appearance of Trixie, it was all connected somehow. It was like a riddle, or perhaps like a test. Twilight took a deep breath and made her choice.

"We're going into the Everfree." she said with conviction "All of us, are going to search the Everfree."

"But ...Twilight do you reckon we should trust Trixie of all ponies?" Applejack inquired, still hesitant about trusting anything Trixie said.

"I know Trixie hasn't been the most...honest pony in the past, but she came to ask for an audience with me. Given what I know of Trixie this must have been very hard for her to muster."

"Oh you have no idea!" Ditsy Do affirmed "Poor thing nearly made herself sick just to see you." Trixie scoffed at the statement but didn't deny it either.

"Plus there is one place we haven't looked AJ." Twilight said glancing at the Everfree Forest. Applejack looked befuddled but it did make sense. The orange farm pony had no idea what Trixie was rattling on about with there being a "great danger" but she did know that the one place they never got to check for her friend Godzilla was in the Everfree.

"I'd hate to admit it but ya make a good point. Alright y'all lets hustle on onto the Everfree and find our friend!"

At the Tree of Harmony a Monster slumbers

The King of Monsters let out a gargantuan yawn as he awoke from his slumber. He was pleased to find that most of his aches and wounds have healed by this point. He smiled pleasantly, normally he would have healed from such minor wounds rather quickly, yet the land of Equestria seemed to be limiting even his regenerative abilities. Or it would be more appropriate to say it "had" been limiting his regenerative abilities. Godzilla observed the tree under which he had slumbered under, he had been disoriented before, but just now he realized something.

"This tree, it feels familiar. Like a gentle, comforting presence." He gently laid his claws on the tree, and the shackles on his wrists seemed to lessen their hold ever so slightly.

Godzilla took a deep breath and exhaled, "This tree is truly mysterious. Something tells me I could stare at it for the next millennia and still know nothing of it's mysteries."

"Much like 'her' I suppose. Even after all these millennia she still manages to confound me," he admitted with a soft chuckle. Then he frowned slightly at the memory, "I miss her so much..."

As if reacting to his request, he saw a shimmering emit from his claws and resonate throughout the entirety of the crystalline fauna. The tree shimmered with bright brilliance until a shape began to form within the tree, as if a reflection of sorts. The figure sported wise, ancient eyes and beautiful ornate wings that seemed to stretch on to eternity. He would recognize this being anywhere.

The King of Monsters barely moved, barely dared to breath least the spell be broken, "Is...Is that you...I missed you."

The figure in response let out a gentle chirp and leaned against the crystalline lining, Godzilla responded in kind. Here in this moment they were together again, and he wished that the moment could last forever. All the anger and resentment that he had been feeling slowly ebbing away. All his pain, all his humiliation, and his frustration suddenly didn't seem so important anymore.

When he closed his eyes he could picture 'her" and she would know what to do. She was the mercy to his judgement, as well as the creative force to his destructive reign. He knew that she would want to see life prevail against all odds. He knew that she would be merciful to the Equstrians as well. Most of all he knew that she believed in him. For the first time since coming to Equestria he was truly happy. Yet, as with all good things it could not last forever. The spell eventually dissipated and Godzilla was left reaching out to the tree.

Godzilla then backed away from the tree and bowed respectfully, "Thank you. Thank you for granting me a moment of peace. It is comforting to know that even worlds away their is a presence as benevolent and mysterious as 'her' out there. With her I...I am at my best. So thank you for granting me that moment."

After paying his respects Godzilla considered his next move. He remembered the words of the Goddess of Dreams, 'what was he truly fighting for' she had asked him. To the King of Monsters the answer seemed simple, as a King it was his right to rule, and he was King because he was the strongest being on his world. However, in this strange land of Equestria, as much as he loathe to admit it he was not as strong as he was on his native soil. Yet what was the Kaiju King now, without his strength, and without his title of King?

Suddenly, he felt a disturbance. Irritated that something would interrupt the serenity of the moment he decided it needed a response. Godzilla closed his eyes and emitted a low guttural growl that traveled like a radar, then he hears a reply. It's a hunting party and their after...three small ponies!

Meanwhile back with the Cutie Mark Crusaders

The CMC were nearly at the sight of the Tree of Harmony now. They were confidant that Godzilla must have headed there and once they got there they could bring him home safe and sound. That's what Applebloom told herself anyways. Her sister had risked her life to save the fell'a after all, and Applebloom had taken a liking to his crazy stories. It would be a shame if something happened to him.

Scootaloo was more intent on getting her friends in and out of the forest in one piece, she was on alert the entire time, with her ears twitching in anticipation. Along with making sure they got home safe, Scoots also couldn't help but be enraptured by Applebloom's tales of her scaly visitor; if even one of them were true it would be sure to wipe that smug grin off Diamond Tiara's face. The thought brought a smile to the orange pegusi's face.

Suddenly, the two of them heard a crashing in the bushes followed by a small shriek. The two turned instantly, now on full alert. Their hearts skipped a beat as they saw Sweetie Belle was no longer behind them!

"Sweetie? Sweetie Belle!" Applebloom called out in concern.

"Where are you? Sweetie Belle come on we can't split up out here!" Scootaloo said worry creeping in her voice.

Their worries were somewhat dispelled when they saw Sweetie emerge from the bushed covered in twigs, holding the manticore in her telekinetic grip, the latter of which had a rather large thorn sticking out of his paw.

"Sorry guys. This little guy decided to take off into the bushes for some reason so I had to fetch him." she explained gesturing to the cub squirming in obvious discomfort "Might need some help with the thorn though."

"Geeze we thought you went missing there for a sec...and what do you mean he just jumped into the bushes?" Applebloom asked incredulously.

"Maybe he saw a squirrel?" Scootaloo offered with a shrug. She then griped the cub's paw and held it steady. Their was a sudden yank, and a yelp from the cub as the thorn was removed with a green flicker of Sweetie's horn. Applebloom remembering an old lesson from her sister managed to tended to the manticore cub's tender paw.

"There with that settled, we're nearly there. Then we can nab Godzilla and get out of here." Applebloom beckoned. The other two fillies weren't far behind with cub following them closely behind. If they had stayed for just a moment more then perhaps they would have seen the removed thorn suddenly levitate and propel itself into the forest where hungry eyes had just spotted their next prey.

Elsewhere in Equestria

Deputy Cirrus was surprised at just how spry and lively Sargent Fleet Foot was, for an elderly pegusi who just so happened to also be wounded he moved with the speed of somepony half his age. Ever sence he had woken up from the hospital the Sargent had looked like a pony on a mission. The Deputy supposed that she couldn't really blame the Sargent, based on his story and her own observations from her post she could tell that he had legitimate reason to worry.

Currently they were rummaging through an old military instillation looking for an old telegraph machine. Sadly their were no unicorns available who could preform a complex teleportation spell and sending a pegusi to deliver the message would take too long. The Deputy looked over the Sargent who held a determined almost maniac look on his face.

"Sargent Fleet Foot, I understand how you must be feeling but I need you to remain calm," the Deputy said as compassionately as she could. The Sargent snapped an angry glare at her.

"You don't get it. I saw that Monster destroy all of Port-Town in mere moments! It killed civilians as I watched on helpless to stop it. Worst of all, I betrayed the locations of the Princesses!"

The Deputy nodded in understanding "I...I am sorry. We could see the smoke from where we were...and all we could do was watch. However, flying off the handle won't solve anything Sargent."

"Oh? Well it seems like I'm the only pony taking the matter seriously! Honestly, I don't know what kind of incompetent Guard you're running here. Your unicorn's are useless and worse your battalion's even worse! I was lucky to have made it out of there with my life and here you all were just standing around!"

Deputy Cirrus bit her lip, she wanted to say how she was ordered to stay at her post, how they were working as best they could. The truth was that the Sargent had a point, they had been woefully unprepared. However the Sargent's anger would lead to rash decisions, and he needed a clear mind. She stomped her hooves twice and two guards appeared.

"Sargent...you need some time to cool off we will relay the message post-haste. But you need to calm down, now."

Sargent Fleet Foot looked at the two guards and then Deputy Cirrus "You are making a huge mistake."

Deputy Cirrus was unphased and addressed the guards "Escort the Sargent back to his hospital bed, and get somepony qualified to fix this machine as quickly as possible." The two guards saluted one trotting of to find a so-called 'expert' and one escorting the Sargent away.

Before the Sargent left she addressed him personally "For what it's worth, I truly am sorry. We will not let this offense go lightly. We will fix this machine, alert the princesses and mount a counter attack. We were sloppy this time around, but that will not happen again."

As Fleet Foot was lead away he felt the same kind of resolve from the Deputy that his former subordinate 'Tick Tock' had before he rushed out to help the townsfolk. For a brief moment Fleet Foot wondered if...history was about to repeat itself. Suddenly he stopped, fear shot through his spine. He knew in that moment that he couldn't loose another young soldier.

He turned and addressed the Deputy "I'm sorry. I was emotionally distraught please allow me to stay on this mission."

The hard edge to the Deputy's eyes softened "Very well. I suppose we will need your eye witness testimony when relaying the message. And where in Celestia's name is that mechanic I asked for!"

"We have found two Deputy!" the guard pony responded.

The Deputy was surprised she hadn't expected such immediate results. However, she wasn't going to question it. So long as the two did their job and they could relay the message.

"Very good tell them to get their little rumps down here and fix this thing as quickly as they can"

"Err I do feel I should mention that these two were hoping to receive compensation..."

The Deputy's happy mode instantly desolved but she kept her composure, "Very Well. I'm sure we can come to an arrangement. Now who are these two?"

The guard Pony ushered the two unicorns in, "Why, we are The Faboulous Flim Flam Brothers!"

"It certainly is nice to be of service to the Equestrian military isn't it Flim?"

"Why certainly Flam a regular patriotic duty of course." said the younger unicorn "Yet, patriotism is all fine and dandy but Capitalism is our bread and butter, wouldn't you say brother?"

"But of course! You fine fillies and gentlecolts protect our borders nay our very lives! Yet, its the all mighty 'bit' that puts food on the table."

Deputy Cirrus rolled her eyed and threw a bag of bits on the table "Fix this machine so we can send a message and there's more where that came from."

The Brother's eyed the bits and smiled, "Well certainly we should have it up and running in say about two days."

Cirrus threw another bag of bits on the table, "How about two hours?"

The Everfree Forest

The Cutie Mark Crusaders were quickly nearing the site of the Tree of Harmony, they could already see the glowing from the tree. Luckily it also appeared that the path carved by Godzilla seemed to lead straight to it.

Applebloom let out a smile, "I knew we'd find him!"

Scootaloo let loose a cocky smile "Yea, and I figured he'd head here."

Sweetie pondered a moment "Say why was he heading here anyways?"

The other two CMC members looked at each other for a moment then shrugged, "I guess we can ask him that when we find him" Applebloom responded. Just as she mentioned that however they saw a figure jaunting toward them. The Manticore cub suddenly prickled and hissed at the upcoming figure. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle took a step back cautiously as the creature neared, but Applebloom had a big smile on her face.

"Hey! Mr. Godzilla! We found you," she said joyfully. Sweetie and Scootaloo looked at the figure in surprise. This having been the first time they met him they were a bit put off. In their eyes he sort of looked like a slightly taller version of Spike.

"That's your friend" Sweetie inquired.

"Yup neat ain't he?" Applebloom said positively beaming.

"Huh...I was kinda expecting more," Scootaloo murmured "not sure Diamond Tiara is gonna be all that impressed with this guy."

"Just give him a chance he did fight a Chimera after all," Applebloom elaborated. Scootaloo shrugged as Godzilla approached. Godzilla approched the three small ponies with an obvious look of apprehension.

"Just what are you hatchlings doing here?" he practically hissed.

Somewhat taken aback Applebloom responded "We went looking for you of course! You left the farm in tatters and wandered into the Everfree Forrest all on your lonesome. Did you think nopony was gonna worry?"

Godzilla actually blinked in surprise but quickly recovered his senses "Look you're in danger."

"No worries Mr. Godzilla we've navigated the Everfree a couple times we got this," Scootaloo said with an air of confidence "You can count on us to keep you out of danger."

Godzilla strode past the young ponies and got in a battle ready stance. "Danger is already here hatchling."

From out of the foliage strode a figure resembling a wolf entirely composed of branches and twigs, but with ominously glowing eyes. It approached the group with bared fangs and claws extended. The CMC's eyes widened in terror and all that stood between them and the vicious predator was Godzilla in between them. Then the wood-wolf attacked in a flash. The CMC flinched as the creature lunged at them, but Godzilla was ready. Curling his claws into a mighty fist he smashed the creature into pieces!

"Woah!" Scootaloo exclaimed in amazement.

"So Cool!" Applebloon added in awe.

"Now you ponies need to hide in that crevice!" Godzilla yelled pointing to a crack in the ground.

"Shouldn't we run instead?" Sweetie asked in a panic, still holding the cub.

Godzilla growled, he didn't have time to explain that they were already surrounded "Just Do It!"

Frightened by the outburst the CMC quickly jumped into the crevice, and not a moment to soon as another Timberwolf leapt from the woods to attack. Once again Godzilla intercepted the predator from its meal, and with a might swing of his tail the creature broke into a bunch of little pieces. However the battle was far from over. More and more timberwolves emerged from their cover hungry for a meal. Every time one of the timber terrors lunged for the CMC the Kaiju King managed to smash the offender to bits and pieces. The CMC looked on in a mixture of awe and fear.

"Holy Smokes! He's really giving it to them!" Applebloom exclaimed.

"Yea who knew that your friend was such a badass!" Scootaloo said in awe of the battle "He might be an even better fighter than Rainbow Dash!"

Sweetie Belle, however was terrified. She honestly wasn't sure who was more fearsome, the Timberwolves or Godzilla. She tightly held the Manticore cub trying to comfort the whimpering creature. As the battle progressed she noticed that some of the broken bits of timberwolves begin to glow. She realized that magic was afoot just a moment to late. Suddenly several of the broken twigs and branches reconvened into fully functioning timberwolves once again!

"This fight is endless! One of them is gonna give out!" Sweetie said with a sad realization. Applebloom and Scootaloo pretty soon figured out the same thing.

"Why those lousy cheaters!" Applebloom exclaimed indignantly.

"There gonna overwhelm him!" Scootaloo said in dismay "I wish we could do something!"

Godzilla continued to fight the oncoming hordes with unrivaled feriosity. Inspite of the Timberwolves regenerative and numerical advantage the King of Monsters held his ground fervently. However, he was beginning to show signs of exhaustion, his newly healed body was bartered once again. If this at all impacted Godzilla's fighting ability he certainly didn't show it, yet the vicious attack never stopped. At times it looked like he was fighting the very forest itself!

Throughout the entire skirmish the Manticore cub had been hissing and whimpering in equal measure. Sweetie Bell did her best to console the creature but it was as strong willed as ever. Finally, it managed to wiggle free and jumped out of the crevice that the CMC were hiding it!

"NO!" Before, Sweetie could react a timberwolf had launched itself at the defenseless creature. Sweetie screamed and reached out for the cub but it would already be too late. Her friends held her in place knowing that if she stepped out into the battlefield she would be attacked too. She closed her eyes not wanting to see what happened next.

Their was a blur of movement, but instead of the timberwolf tearing into the small Manticore cub, it was the timberwolf that was smashed to pieces. Sweetie opened her eyes first in relief and then in recognition, it was the Manticore cub's mother and she looked mad. The Manticore let loose a fierce roar and joined Godzilla in his battle. Together the two monsters battered, ripped and tore the Timberwolves to shreds, over and over again. Godzilla fought hard knowing that if even one of the wooden monstrosities got through the pony hatchlings were as good as gone. The Manticore Mother fought with furiosity that rivaled even the King of Destruction's fury. However the Timberwolves were relentless.

Godzilla looked over to his sholder where the Manticore Mother was fighting furiously, and then to the three young ponies and the cub, "I just need one moment, one moment!" he pleaded internally. He knew that he needed to pull out his trump card now or never. Quickly he broke off from the center of the battlefield allowing the Manticore Mother to take the brunt of the attack.

"What is he doing!" Sweetie said appalled "Is..is he running away?"

"But we'll be wolf chow!" Scootaloo said in terrified realization.

Applebloom looked on as the Timberwolves now focused their attention on the Manticore's Mother. The Manticore cub was squealing in protest and appeared to even be crying. Then Applebloom felt her fur stand on end, their was a crackle of power and an overwhelming sent of ozone. She saw Godzilla standing infront of them now with his entire back glowing in a brilliant blue light. Suddenly it clicked, she remembered the stories he told her earlier about his world and his most powerful weapon. She wanted to see him do it then but he was about to unleash it now.

"Godzilla's gonna use his atomic breath!!!" Applebloom yelped in delight.

"His what?" the other two ponies asked incredulously.

They were answered by a mighty Rawr of raw power! The power and heat speed toward its target at incalculable speeds. Only one Timberwolf saw the oncoming missile and somewhere in it's hungry, primitive brain it felt one emotion clearly, fear.

With a deafening collision the plasma beam completely vaporized the group of Timberwolves in their entirety. No twigs, branches or even a single magic leaf remained of the targets, having been thoroughly incinerated. The Manticore Mother just barely avoiding the blast as the beam seemed to arc around her with pinpoint accuracy. Godzilla closed his mouth and the beam of death dissapaited, leaving a smoldering wreck of ash and embers in it's wake. Leaving every being in the area visibly shaken by the display of power.

"Glad you held out there," Godzilla said smirking at the Manticore Mother. The Manticore Mother looked somewhat frazzled but the near death experience but asside from slight static was perfectly fine.

"Consider that spook payback for tackling me earlier. Speaking of which.." Godzilla then walked over to the CMC with an outstretched hand. When he didn't get a response Godzilla huffed in annoyance "The cub, hand it over."

Sweetie Belle looked at the cub in her hooves with a regretful glance. With a green glow she telekinetic floated the cub to Godzilla's outstretched hands. Godzilla grabed the cub and handed it to the Mother Manticore with a dismissive glance "There's your hatchling, your services are no longer required."

The Manticore Mother nuzzled its child affectionately and together they went back into the depths of the Everfree. Before the cub disappeared from view it nodded appreciatively at Sweetie's direction, grinned and then joined it's mother in the depths.

Godzilla then looks to the CMC. For a moment they thought he was gonna lecture them or something. He didn't instead he made a waving motion for them to follow him "Let's get you hatchlings out of here."

The CMC looked at there scaly savior for a moment however Scootaloo suddenly let out a shriek and pointed toward the forest with a pair of green glowing eyes. Godzilla groaned "You just never learn do you?"

The wooden terror responded by leaping from the trees at the group. Just before the creature reached them however it was suddenly torn apart from a series of blinding flashes of blue and purple. The timberwolf shrieked as the attack was quickly followed by a gout of green flame, finally finishing the creature.

"I'd know that magic anywhere it's Twilight!" Sweetie proclaimed.

Just as she mentioned her name Twilight finally came into view but with a search party of other ponies quickly tailing her. There was Big Mac, and Applejack. Twilight and Spike. Then there were two other ponies, who looked sorta familiar. The Blue unicorn in the group let out a haughty laugh "At last I have found you!"

The CMC looked a little confused, they hardly recognized this pony to begin with. "Uh were glad you took the time to look for us?" Scootallo offered. However the blue unicorn strode right past her, for the CMC isn't whom she was addressing. The blue unicorn's horn lit up and suddenly Godzilla found himself enchained and snared in magical bindings. He grunted and groaned but even he couldn't break the bonds.

"At last I have found you my little monster." Trixie Lulamoon said with a sinister grin.

Author's Note:

Sorry this one took a while :twilightsheepish:
I was actually starting at a pretty good pace for this chapter. Then vacation and some possible job opportunities arrived. It gave me some time to flesh out the story though so I'm grateful.
I do plan on finishing this story that I began in 2014...It was suppose to be a short little story but I've learned a couple writing tips by doing this so I want to tank all my readers for sticking with me.:twilightsmile:
As for this chapter I've wanted to get to the Timberwolf battle for a while now! It was possibly one of the first concepts I had when writing the story.:raritystarry:

I also wanted the Tree of Harmony to come into play, and wanted Godzilla to have a method of reaching his "former" home in a way. I hope you guys enjoyed the Tree of Harmony section and the cameo in it :ajsmug:
The Tree of Harmony may become even more important if I continue to make stories after this one...If you guys would like a continuation of this story let me know in the comments :raritywink::raritywink::raritywink:

Deputy Cirrus and Sargent Fleet Floot are also on the case. And it looks like they've enlisted the help of the Flim Flam brothers (their dialogue was hilarious to compose).
Wonder what will come of the Equestian Military and the Flim Flam brothers collaborating?:trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright::twilightoops:

Also Trixie...oh Trixie. We started of our little journey with your gaff and you've been trying to set it right ever sense. But, when you open Pandora's Box, it's very hard to close it. :trollestia: