• Published 8th Jun 2014
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Moonie shorts [Filly Nightmare Moon] - Eighth

A series of short stories about a filly Nightmare Moon, nicknamed Moonie, and her father figure/guardian Anonymous the human.

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100 The Conclusion to Mrs Evil McSinisterson


"Moonie, the Great and Sleepy Trixie doesn't want to," croaks Trixie before rolling over on the couch.

"The Lazy and Useless Trixie more like, it's nine in the morning. GET UP!"

Moonie leaps and kicks her off the couch, literally. Trixie just groans and tries to cover herself with her cape as a blanket once again, making no effort whatsoever to get up from the spot she fell.

"What do you want?"

"To be left alone."

"No, as in, to come with me to Ultimart. What do I have to give you?"

"Trixie wants snacks."

Moonie rolls her eyes, feeling this response to be kind of typical.

"How can you eat all the time and not be fat?"

Now she gets up and begins to look around for anyone who might be listening. Then Trixie leans in and whispers softly.

"I know a spell."

"Oh," Moonie replies, genuinely fascinated, "Teach me that one sometime."

The two share a nod then Moonie begins to walk to the door while Trixie tries to lie back down again.

"TRIXIE! I'll buy you snacks!"

"Since when did you become the element of generosity?"

"Since this morning, when Anon promised me 50 bits if I can prove Mrs Evil McSinisterson is a villain."

Trixie scoffs but smiles.

"Alright, alright. The Tortured but Resigned Trixie is coming."

It feels like always, that you're working. Sure, being the mayor can have kind of sporadic hours and you'll even have to do a couple things at home, but lately it feels like much more work needs to be done. Ponies are always submitting paperwork to request business permits, requests to hold market days, to have festivals, construction or renovation applications, and one particular pink pony is always trying to get permission for a town-wide party. And the worst part is, they often fill it out wrong.

"This is baffling," you almost curse to the open air.

One pony could fill out all the paperwork perfectly, but forgets their name or contact information, another just writes 'I don't know' in the section clearly marked for office use only or scribbles their pen when the ball stops rolling, and there was even one who thought they were VERY funny to write 'yes' in sex. You still have to go through these forms partially, so you can notify those who did it wrong. That is, if they wrote their name in the first place. Half the time, however, it seems like you'll be most of the way done before noticing an error.

"Ah, finally one done properly," you sigh with relief as you place it into the out tray before grabbing another.

"Um, excuse me, Mayor Anonymous?"

You look up to meet the eyes of a pale green unicorn mare with a two tone brown-yellow mane. It takes you a moment before the name springs to mind because you're used to seeing her in her work attire.

"Peachy Pitt?"

Her eyes light up.

"You remember me?"

"Of course," you nod as you gesture for her to take a seat opposite you, "How's business?"

The mare takes a very long breath then gives a weary smile.

"Not great. But, I need to talk to you about that."

With a quick nod, you gesture for her to speak then sit there in silence as she seems to struggle over the words to use.

"It's about... UltiMart."

"Clean up in isle two," echoes the magically enhanced voice of one of the teenage store clerks in a dull, uninterested tone of voice.

"Your turn to push," shrieks Moonie as she leaps into the shopping trolley her and Trixie are using as a getaway vehicle.

Grunting can be heard from Trixie as she builds up the momentum but once the trolley is moving, she grabs hold of the trolley handle and lifts her hind legs up as they ride. The wind whips Moonie's mane and Trixie's cape as the two fly and quite a lot of speed out of isle two, where someone will have to clean up A LOT of soup.

"What next?" asks Trixie as she places her hoof down to slow them down.

As Moonie tries to think of an idea, she glances down the isle they arrived at. Isle 13, paint and paint supplies. Moonie grins devilishly as she makes eye contact with Trixie. Unsure what is making her so happy, Trixie raises a brow until Moonie gestures to the isle. Then she catches on too.

"THERE THEY ARE," Mrs Evil McSinisterson practically screams.

Two very large stallions, clearly working as security, begin barrelling down toward them. Their great muscular is intimidating to the point where Moonie isn't sure if they actually are as tall as alicorns. All she does know, is that they need to leave. Now. Thankfully, Trixie gets the same idea.

"Hold on," Trixie shouts as she starts pushing the trolley with a speed far more rapid than before.

"DON'T LET THEM ESCAPE THIS TIME!" Mrs Evil McSinisterson's distant voice can be heard as the two trouble makers speed further and further away.

The security guards give a good chase for a few minutes but it's clear that Trixie is able to push the trolley up to a speed they can't match. And because Trixie and Moonie can glide away, they won't get tired before they do. So it doesn't come as a surprise to either of them when they notice off in the distance, the two security guards in their own trolley. Their speed is definitely faster than Moonie and Trixie's now as they slowly gain on them.

"We'll have to resort to other means if we want to get away," Moonie shouts above the rush of air.

"Like what?"

"Take us back to isle nine then we go to two."

"But two is--"

"Just do it!"

Meanwhile, as the four ponies and their trolleys race around, regular shoppers at UltiMart that heard the warning leap out of the way and shout various unintelligible things in the distance as they race past them. As Trixie pushes the cart up near a towering stack of toys, she hits the brakes and hides behind it and listens. Once the huffing and puffing of the security guard pushing his trolley can be heard from the other side of the boxes, Trixie starts to run again.

"HEY! They went past us! Quick! Turn around!" bellows Security Guard #1.

"How does she have so much energy," complains Security Guard #2.

"It's all the junk she eats stored up in her big flank," Moonie cackles as they race off while they sluggishly turn around before trying to catch up.


"What? I'm not wrong."

Trixie grunts in frustration as she tries to keep building speed as they fly past isle eleven then ten.

"NINE! NINE!" Moonie shouts urgently.


As they fast approach isle nine, Trixie stomps a hoof onto the left wheel, the rest of the wheels spin and whip the trolley around in a rapid 90° turn before scampering up to speed. As they continue onward, Moonie snatches a few things off the shelf while muttering about the complete lack of any real order in this store. Then once they reach the end, Trixie whips the trolley around just in time for them to be able to look down and see the arrival of the security guards on the other end.

Security guard #1 & #2 have switched places now and Security Guard #1 scrapes a hoof along the floor a few times to signal his eagerness to charge. Moonie pokes her tongue out as Trixie starts running while the guards start their VERY rapid charge.

"Let them catch up a bit before we go down isle two, alright?" Moonie shouts as she starts tying things up in the cart.

"Are you sure about this?" asks Trixie, uneasiness very clear in her voice.

"It'll be fun. Just make sure to build up speed so you can hold on before we hit the soup, okay?"

Trixie just nods as she puts her head down and puts all the energy she can muster into her legs. And she does just as instructed once they hit isle two. Before them lies a great river of various kinds of soup. Tomato, pumpkin, chicken noodle, pastas like ravioli, and chunky stews are mixed in this great puddle. It also kind of smells bad. The troublesome duo might have felt bad for the teenage store clerk who was trying to mop it up if it weren't for the fact that he was working for the enemy, Moonie was having far too much fun, and Trixie was far too anxious about whatever Moonie was planning.

Trixie builds the trolley's speed up. Faster and faster they go. Behind them, Security Guard #1 and Security Guard #2 are gaining at their own rapid pace. Then just as they're about to hit the soup, Moonie throws a makeshift ramp just as Trixie clutches onto the trolley.


"AAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHH!" Screeches Trixie with an equally intense fear as they gain an incredible altitude.

They sail up into the air almost as high as they shelves and that's when Moonie pulls on a rope she was holding. Trixie tries to look at what it is connected to but whatever it is, is below her, so she instead clutches even more tightly and closes her eyes. The ramp flies up into the air now as Moonie tugs on the rope. The security guards tailing them don't notice quick enough and aren't able to apply enough break so they hit the soup and topple over. Spraying the mixture of soup all over themselves, the trolley, and the teenage store clerk.

Now begins Moonie and Trixie's descent. Moonie looks ahead to notice a large stack of water containers up ahead and tries to shout to Trixie. To warn her that she needs to hit the breaks as soon as they hit the floor. Only, Trixie can't hear because her own shouting is far too loud. When they hit the floor and Trixie only tightens her grip, so nothing slows them as they are sent flying full speed into the stack. Bottles tumble on top of them and Moonie has to fight to make sure she isn't buried under them. But once she breaks the surface and meets the air, Trixie shoots up beside her.

"THAT WAS GREAT," Moonie cheers.

In between heaving gasps for air, Trixie asks, "My flank isn't that big."

"Oh, yes. Yes it is," Mrs Evil McSinisterson cackles.

"HEY! I'm the only one who can cackle in this town!"

And that's when Moonie notices they are surrounded by security guards #3 through to #20. Also, they all look identical save for the numbers on their badges.

"You didn't really think I had just two guards, did you? GET THEM!" squawks Mrs Evil McSinisterson.

"You are BANNED from UltiMart for LIFE!" Mrs Evil McSinisterson bellows before breaking into a maniacal laugh.

Moonie is bodily thrown out of the store and into the street where a few ponies begin to stare. Already Moonie is grumbling about the indignity of not only being thrown out but being the only one caught. Trixie disappeared at some point but not a single pony noticed that but her. But then again, their focus was probably all on her because of the threat she poses to UltiMart. And with that, Moonie feels able to shrug off the blow to her pride.

"This isn't over," Mumbles Moonie as she turns to face Security Guard #16 who was left to watch the door.

With a simple grin from Moonie, he straightens himself up so his already towering physique looms even more over the filly. Then Moonie darts off to the side of the building where she left Anon's ladder.

"Fools, the lot of them," Moonie tells herself as she climbs up to the roof and lets herself down the air vent.

"I see," you say with a heavy sigh.

"I'm guessing that means you can't help?"

"Honestly... Yes. There isn't much I can do about that. I'm sorry about what this means for your business and--"

"Nothing at all?" Peachy Pitt pleads.

She is now leaning forward, her forehooves on your desk and her face centimetres from yours. Her large eyes bore into yours as if challenging you to falter because behind those eyes is nothing but desperate begging.

"I'm sorry, there is nothing I can do," you reply, putting careful emphasis on 'I'.

"Do you... Know somepony who can?"

"Oh, yes. I know quite a few who can fix this."


"One is already on it."


"You're not going to like it if I tell you."

She gives you a quizzical look and is about to angrily push the question more when someone deliberately clears their throat to get your attention. Standing in the doorway are two very large stallions, covered in soup. Though what kind is impossible to tell.

Internally, Moonie hums a tune. Something slow in pace but sudden. Really giving a soundtrack to build the atmosphere over sneaking around in Mrs Evil McSinisterson's office. Immediately, Moonie looks for clues. Flicking through the papers on her desk, the drawers, and rifling into a few papers in a nearby filing cabinet. She wasn't able to find anything in that moment because hoof steps and someone swearing behind gritted teeth could be heard behind the door.

Looking around there didn't seem to be many hiding place, save for maybe under the desk or behind the whiteboard but those kinds of spots are cliched and easy to get found in. So in a blind panic, Moonie darts behind the nearby potted pant where she sits as quietly as she can and hopes.

"That--Nightmare Moon! ARGH! What I would give to just..." Mrs Evil McSinisterson's voice trails off as she falls into her desk chair.

"Just what, ma'am?" asks what sounds like one of the security guards.

"Oh, I don't know. She's just causing far too much trouble. If she weren't the mayor's daughter or some rubbish like that I'd have done something about her. Ponies from a thousand years ago must have been scaredy-cats if that little tike scared them."

Behind the fern, Moonie had to force herself not to grind her teeth in anger because she was worried about the noise. But she was absolutely fuming. In fact, she was a little surprised neither of them noticed the steam rising up from her.

"But, this will all be worth it," Mrs Evil McSinisterson sighs contentedly, "Soon enough."

The door opens up and a third voice can be heard.

"Boss, the mayor is here."

Moonie's ears prick up at this. "What could Anon be doing here?" She thinks to herself. The two guards salute Anonymous as he approaches and the mayor gives them a thinly veiled reproachful glare. Neither guard is fased by this it seems.

"Mayor Anonymous, thank you so much for seeing me."

You look around the room and see things are all in order in here at least. One of the soup covered guards filled you in on Moonie's antics... Well, destruction of private property and vandalism is more like it.

"It's the least I could do, considering."

"Look, I'll get to the point. I know you're busy and clearly frustrated about today almost as much as I am."

You nod. Not liking Mrs Evil McSinisterson's calm tone. Any and all attempts to sound angry or annoyed seem forced. You've seen better acting from Moonie. Whatever is going on, Mrs Evil McSinisterson isn't able to keep the joy hidden.

"If you keep Nightmare Moon a--"

"Moonie," you correct her sternly.

Unknown to you, Moonie very nearly replied to you. The authority in your voice almost kicking in a reflexive response despite herself.

"I'm sorry?" Mrs Evil McSinisterson asks, visibly confused.

"Nobody around her calls her Nightmare Moon. Deliberately. She isn't Nightmare Moon." You say, knowing full well that you call her Nightmare Moon when she's being bratty, in trouble, or as part of the 'queen' bit she likes to do from time to time.

And you're not entirely sure why you corrected her either. Something in the way she said it, almost as if she was biting the words, rubbed you the wrong way.

"Right. Right... Moonie?"

You nod.

"Very well. If you keep Moonie away from me, my store, and employees for good then I won't press charges. Of course, you are still welcome. But after today, she and her sister are both banned."

Moonie bristles from behind the plant once again. Sister? How many indignities must she suffer today?

"Thank you," you answer, trying to humble yourself a little.

Because you're sure that everything Moonie did wasn't exaggerated by the security stallions who were complaining to you along the way here. You also can't help but be a little angry. If she wanted to prove Mrs Evil McSinisterson was evil, then why pull pranks?

"Well, then, take her with you when you go, please."

Moonie lets out a high pitched yelp when you push aside the fern leaves Mrs Evil McSinisterson was pointing to. The mastermind behind today's trouble looking very nearly bashful there. Though, more likely, just sorry she got caught.

"Not a word," you tell her before scooping her up under an arm and walking hastily to the exit.

She does as she is told. Moonie sits quietly the whole time, even when you place her on the ground outside. You're about to dive right into your lecture when you notice Trixie's head whizz around the corner.

"Stay," you command Moonie before bolting after the escaping mare.

"Trixie!" You very nearly bark, causing Trixie to come to a skidding halt.



"Trixie thought this was all part of Moonie's plan somehow. Like, 'Part 1: Get Under Mrs Evil McSinisterson's Skin.' You know what Moonie is like, it got all a bit out of hoof."

"Yesterday, when I asked you to help Moonie with Mrs Evil McSinisterson, I didn't mean help her vandalise and cause as much mischief as possible."

"Yes, yes. Trixie knows... The regretful and apologetic Trixie got... Swept up in things."

You stand there, sternly glaring at Trixie as she hangs her head lower. Her eyes dart up from time to time before faltering again each time she meets your gaze.

"That's no excuse, I know," Trixie adds solemnly. It stuns you briefly when she drops the third person but you recover before she notices, "It was pretty clear after the first few pranks that Moonie was running amok, but I didn't care. If you're going to be mad at any pony, be mad at me."

"I'm not mad."

Trixie looks up in shock, "What?"

"Okay, I am mad. Quite a lot actually. But more than anything I'm really, really frustrated at you two."

"I know."

"No, I don't think you really do."

There's a long pause as Trixie waits for you to explain. And you try to. You want to. But the words struggle to escape your lips, your mouth just flaps about a few times. Internally, you try metaphorically kicking your brain as if it were some old motor that refused to start.

"I really thought... I hoped today was going to be... I was really proud that you and Moonie were going to save the day but instead... You've just kicked my legs out from under me by doing this."

Your hands bury your face as you let out an agitated groan then run your fingers over your head. Trixie looks away, deliberately staring at the wall.

"What am I supposed to do with you two?"

The most Trixie can manage is a half-hearted smile and a shrug.

"I'm not giving you what we agreed, and whatever you tricked Moonie into giving you, you'll give back."

"I figured as much on that first part. But she bought me snacks... Which I ate already."

"You know... I'll tell you later actually. I need to have a word with Moonie now."

Trixie mumbles something to you but it was far too quiet, and you don't feel like stopping to ask.

Meanwhile as, you, Anon were off lecturing Trixie, Moonie sat before the store. Exactly where she was told to sit. While she is a little annoyed at being commanded like some disobedient puppy, the sense of failure is greater. Though, she does take a bit of pleasure in seeing Anon chase off that traitor, Trixie.

"If you ever, EVER," Mrs Evil McSinisterson rumbles behind gritted teeth, "Get in my way again, I shall make you suffer."

Moonie just stares at her flatly, her expression as unchanged as stone, and watches as McSinisterson's anger erodes slightly. Her eyes examine every inch of Moonie's deadpan expression in a slightly bewildered glower as she tries to figure something out.

"There isn't enough room in this town for two villains."

Mrs Evil McSinisterson laughs loudly, throwing her head back before returning a toothy grin toward Moonie.

"You still think of yourself as a villain? When was the last time you carried out a plan to take over Equestria, let alone this town?"

Moonie scoffs, "You think villainy is about how often you commit evil? I had no idea I had to deal with an amateur."


"Have you never heard of the long con? When I am ruler once again, they will welcome it."

And something in those words tickled Mrs Evil McSinisterson the wrong, or perhaps right, way because she grinned so widely she almost ran out of face.

"We shall see," she replied coolly before stepping inside.

Her timing was probably deliberate for the dramatic effect. All villains seem to have a knack for it. Because just as she left, Anon returned. Trixie, however, was not in tow.

"Couldn't catch her?"

"No, I got her," you reply as you tower over Moonie, "Now it's time I had a talk with you."

Your tone was cool, calm, and collected. Which seemed to worry Moonie. The two of you walked away from UltiMart in silence for some time. While Moonie was waiting for you to start scolding or lecturing, you were unsure how to start.

After Trixie it felt as of the spring of anger just lost its tension. You never adopted her, so scolding her like she was a child like Moonie was odd but she just seemed to take it. And now you fond yourself at new odds when it came to Moonie. When you set her to a task, you could expect mischief but it got done. Or rather, you would expect mischief. And even if she didn't get it done, there was always a real attempt. This time though? She just ran amok and was just a detriment.

"Well?" She rudely says in more of an impetuous demand than any kind of request.

"Forget it, Moonie."

"Forget what?"

"Trying to figure out of Mrs Evil McSinisterson is up to something or not."

"What? No, you promised to pay me if I caught her out."

You hand her a few coins. It's only a part of what you would have paid her but considering what she did she is lucky to get even a portion. Part of you worries this is rewarding bad behaviour but this rising weariness in your chest wants the day to be over.

"Hang on--"

"Her father," you interrupt, "Was the one who came up with the name back when he was a villain. Tried to work out a chemical to put in food to make ponies docile and subservient. So there goes your name theory. Either way, I will sort this out."

"What about me? I can help," she stammers while staring at the ground.

"Go buy some sweets or something, Moonie. If this is how you're going to behave, then it's best I do it myself."

"You dare insult me, your queen?" Moonie tried to bellow but her words lost their steam the second she started speaking

Neither of you say a word for a few seconds until you decide it best to say one last thing. To let how you feel off your chest.

"I'm disappointed."

And that was the final blow, it looked. Moonie's head dropped as she stared at the ground. No words escaped her lips, no stamping of her hooves, or any kind of rebellion could be found in her. You stood there for a while to see if she had anything to say. But she didn't.

"I need to get back to work. Make sure you're home for dinner."

Moonie simply nodded. Already you regretted your words. You weren't sure if you went too far because she definitely did, but you've never seen her so... Resigned. You hesitate for a moment then decide it best to go.

Moonie arrived at Bon-Bon's candy store. It brightened her mood, though only slightly, to see there was a massive candy sale.

"Ordered too much stock?" Moonie asks behind a mouth full of gobstopper candy.

"Not quite," wistfully replied Bon-Bon as she counted the coins dropped onto the counter, "Five bits? So, how much are we spending today?"

"All of it."

"I doubt Anon will be too happy if you do that."

"Yeah? Well, I doubt I could make him any more unhappy."

"So the investigation went that badly then?"

"You knew about that?"

"Anon told me about it. He was pretty proud of you, you know."

"Oh, dont tell me that kind of thing," groaned Moonie as her head dropped onto the counter with a resounding 'thud!'

"What happened?"

"Like everything I do. I screwed it up."

"Ah... And so, you've come to drown your sorrow in candy?"

"I'm not sad... But, yes."

"Well, I'm not sure what to tell you really. There's no new candy but plenty of old favourites."

"I took three gobstoppers by the way, see."

Moonie lifted her head and opened her mouth to reveal three gobstopper candies.

"I really didn't need that. Has Anon still not taught you manners?"

"Yeah, ages ago. He got me with a good one on that. Said, 'you can't break etiquette if you don't know what it is' so now I know what all thirty-five forks are for just so I know exactly how to upset people when we go to Canterlot or the Gilded Giraffe here."

"Hah. He's a sly one, Anonymous. I can definitely see that getting you."

Moonie just moped on the counter, not really responding in any way.

"You know, if you get seven more gobstoppers then you'll still have four bits."

"Ten for a bit?"

Bon-Bon shrugged.

"That's what I have to sell them at to break even."

"Break even?"

"Yeah. I'm trying to at least not lose money before I sell the place."


Bon-Bon nodded, "Yeah, I can't really compete with UltiMart's prices so... I figure it would be best to pack up shop now before I hit the red."

"But that's not fair!"

"That's just how it is sometimes. I'm not the only one either, just about every shop is having it tough thanks to Ulti--" Moonie interrupts her by leaping up from her seat and bolting out the door, "Hey! Your money."

"Keep it! And don't close up!"

As the filly sprints into the distance, Bon-Bon smiles to herself.

You eye the clock as it ticks away. The longer you watch it, the more your sense of time seems distorted. Each tick seems both longer and shorter than the last as the hour approaches further into the night.

"Where is she?" You ask the world as you try to keep any edge of nerves out of your voice.

Eventually panic gets the better of you and you decide the best way to calm it down is to go looking for Moonie. There's any number of places she could be but after visiting the most likely, you'll see about getting help. A malicious little voice somehow creeps forth from the back of your mind to ask a simple question. "You don't think she ran into the Everfree, do you?"

"She wouldn't."

It wouldn't be the first time she has ran off into the Everfree. But she never goes in there alone, and it's always to play during the day. It's dangerous in there and going in alone at night is one of the stupidest things anyone can do. Once the door is locked, you begin to walk down the steps when Trixie calls out to you.

"Trixie, have you seen Moonie?"

"She's at UltiMart."

You glare at her.

"Hang on, this wasn't Trixie's fault. Beside, she said she has undeniable proof now."


"Yes, Trixie was a bit amazed too. Moonie asked me to gather a few people before she proved it to everypony what a stinking villain Mrs Evil McSinisterson is."

"Uh, well then... Let's go."

And you follow Trixie's lead as she tells Bon-Bon and Applejack along the way. The four of you head into UltiMart then where the entire store is deserted. The typical supermarket store, that despite playing slow going songs all the time made you feel somehow anxious, is off. An eerie almost ambient silence fills the store. A gentle hum of refrigerators off the in the distance, the motors of the checkout treadmills rumble, and there's a muffled chattering coming from the office.

"Anon! Trixie! Bon-Bon! Applebloom's sister! In here," Shouts Moonie as she pokes her head out the office door.

"Heh, thanks," sarcastically grumbles AJ behind you.

In the office beams Moonie, Mrs Evil McSinisterson is sitting in her chair scowling, and a few shop owners from around town. Peachy Pitt is among them, who gives you an amused but unimpressed look as if to say, "So THIS is who you had on it, ay?"

"Are we quite satisfied?" Snarls Mrs Evil McSinisterson.

"Yup," Moonie beams even brighter than before.

As you find yourself wondering how Moonie managed to convince Mrs Evil McSinisterson to not only let her back into the store but also to hold this little meeting, and empty the store, Moonie somehow reads your mind and states.

"Anon, I made a deal with Mrs Evil McSinisterson. If I can't prove she is up to something, then we have to leave town."

"Not a chance in--"

"Told you he wouldn't go for that one," interrupts Moonie amicably.

"FINE! But I'll get your enchanted armour," Mrs Evil McSinisterson grins greedily.

Just as you turn to Mrs Evil McSinisterson to ask what she is on about, you notice in the corner of your eye a sneaky wink from Moonie. And now you've clued into the score a little bit. Because the only armour Moonie has, is a replica costume of her former tyrant self. It's not even made from metal or enchanted, just fiberglass to reinforce cardboard and a bit of paper mache.

"I don't approve of that arrangement," you state carefully.

"But it is MY armour, and I am free to do with it as I please," Moonie adds triumphantly.

Then Applejack says, "Anon, does she really have her old armour?"

"I'll, um, explain later. I promise."

Applejack, and a few other business owners, eye you with the most disapproving stares you've ever been subject to. A part of you kind of wishes you could shrink and skulk away somehow.

"Now then, I have brought you all here because the murderer is in this very room," ominously declares Moonie.

"Enough with the games! Get on with it," breathes Mrs Evil McSinisterson from behind gritted teeth.

"You want just the quick way?"

"YES!" Mrs Evil McSinisterson shrieks.

"Oh, very well," announces Moonie in a feigned sad tone, "I had a whole bit planned out but this will have to do."

And with that, Moonie kicks the whiteboard, causing it to spin once.

"Really? Having an entire evil plan written out in plain view? Honestly, I'm a little disappointed in myself for thinking you were a villain. You're barely worth calling a wretch."

Mrs Evil McSinisterson shrieks and throws the whiteboard eraser sitting at her desk at the whiteboard in some failed attempt to mask the reveal. Instead the top now reads 'EVIL P AN'

You find yourself laughing aloud as you read the whiteboard.

  • Step One: Create UltiMart
  • Step Two: Test Daddy's Mind Control Syrup on the Employee Lunches
  • Step Three: Undercut Everyone. Even if it has to be at no profit or a loss.
  • Step Four: Buy Out Everyone
  • Step Five: Put The Syrip in the Food, Water, and even the Laundry Powder.
  • Step Six: Rule Ponyville
  • Step Seven: Build the UltiMart Franchise
  • Step Eight: RULE THE WORLD

Mrs Evil McSinisterson begins to stammer as she scurries out from behind her desk to stand in from of the whiteboard.

"None of that--It's not evil, j-just aggressive business."

It was all pretty simple after that. Mrs Evil McSinisterson was dragged off to jail, you had a word to each of the business owners who were still very worried about enchanted armour, and then it was just a walk home with Moonie.

"You know, you had me worried when you didn't come home... How did you do it?"

"Well... I just broke into her office again." Moonie shrugs and laughs.

Her laugh quickly turns into a cackle, such is Moonie's way, but you join in with a genuinely joyful laugh.

"Now, about my reward."

"What? You want a parade?" You chuckle.

Moonie's face lights up briefly before a realisation dawns on her.

"It'd be as a hero, wouldn't it?"

You nod.

"Ugh. No thanks, I have got a reputation to protect."

The two of you laugh again as you continue to walk down the street as the cold night air whips around you. The stars and the moon glitter above with some of the brightest lights you've ever seen at night.

"I will admit... I was expecting it to be a little different."

"How so?"

Moonie shrugs, "Thought you'd get the elements of harmony for one thing."

"Nah. I have no idea how that magic works and I'd rather not go bothering six different ponies when a prison cell will do the trick."

"If I had the elements of terror, I could have zapped her myself," Moonie excitedly states as she strikes a dastardly pose.

"Elements? As in, more than one? I thought the only terror around was you, my Queen."

"HA! You've got that right."

And Moonie's step gets a little lighter, almost a skip, as her chest swells.

"Hang on. Moonie. Wait."

She stops and looks up at you as you squat down to her level. You hold out the bag of bits, her promised reward.

"Minus what I already gave you, of course but..."

You can't say much more as Moonie snatches it and stares into the golden contents within with amazement.

"I've never seen so much," she says, mystified.

"Also," you wait before clearing your throat to grab her attention, "I want to say... I'm proud of you."

Then you snatch Moonie up into the tightest hug. You have no idea how she's reacting, cause you know she isn't the hugging type, but the swell of emotion was too much for you. You need to hug her, to physically show her that you are a little sorry for what you said and more than anything right now, you are happy about what she did. A tremble can be felt in your arms and you loosen your grip before you feel tiny little hooves wrap around you in a returning embrace.

Moonie has long since gone to bed as you lie sprawl on the couch. The book you were reading lay open but down on your chest as you replay the day's events over and over. Mainly the good bits. Then you hear hoof steps as Trixie enters the room.

"Trixie feels like she can be a little bit cheeky, as Moonie did technically solve the Mrs Evil McSinisterson problem."

In her magical grip floats two bottles, one of which is hovered your way as she takes a sip of hers. You sit up, place a bookmark before setting the book aside, and take the proffered bottle.

"Without your help, however."

Trixie pouts to which you laugh.

"Alright, you're lucky I'm in a good mood."

Trixie silently squees as she leaps into the chair to listen intently.

"Don't get so excited. It's not that great of a story."

"Trixie has been anticipating this story for a long time. Now, tell Trixie, how did you and Moonie meet?"

Author's Note:

So, chapter 100? Does time fly. It seems like only thirty-five months ago that we hit chapter 50.

Thank you all for reading. I'm glad so many enjoy these little fics.
One day I'll learn how to write more often.

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