• Member Since 26th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen 18 minutes ago


Forget not that I am a derp.


Noun. A person or thing situated away from the main body or system. In statistics, they're anomalies to be disregarded.

I get the distinct feeling that I'm not going to be so lucky.

An entry for Obselescence's Most Dangerous Game.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 27 )

Well, you're one of the good ones, nope.


Come to Equestria.
Freeze, say to myself "Well, I've read enough stories to know that this is as good as it gets."
Turn around and go home.

That was a nice little story, there really aren't enough stories in this vein.
Also I hate to tell you this, but it looks like you're 1000 words short.

:twilightoops: Ah, crap, you're right. I'm going to have to work on that. Glad I waited before submitting it.

Thanks for bringing it to my attention. :twilightsheepish:

ok, so, assuming this is an author avatar...you seriously don't have facebook? :rainbowderp:

Your life is probably better for it, but I'm still amazed

Read this three times now, each time slightly different than the last :rainbowlaugh:

Peculiar story. With the inclusion of the Destiny discussion, it feels like there should be more, like there's something we're missing somewhere :rainbowhuh: Are you deceiving us all, and are you really planning to continue surreptitiously updating the chapter over time?
That would be interesting, but probably a lot of work for fairly little payoff, as very few people would notice. Would be fun though.

4521110 Way to spoil the plot, man :raritywink:

I don't "spoil". I PROPHESY. :trollestia:

4522633 And Faust said: "Let HiE's be so cliché that if one were in it, they would nope the fuck away!" And there was much rejoicing.

When went into this, I guessed that the contest prompt you picked would be second person. I was totally wrong.

(And just because I told a unicorn in another reality doesn't mean I'm going to tell a bunch of strangers on the Internet.)

Damn. Here I was thinking I'd get some free stalker points. You know how hard it was to figure out BH's real name? Not that much. But you. You...

But for you, I'm just satisfied knowing you as FanOfMostEverything. It suits how you roll better than "John" or "Chris" or "Kevin" or "Dick".

It's "Dick", right? As in "Richard"? :]

As for Facebook, isn't Fimfiction kinda comparable to Facebook? We get spammed with status updates in the form of blog post updates and we get to socialize, except with people we don't exactly know.

Oh, at least Fimfiction doesn't send spam, asking you to help your friend feed their cows or farm simulator crap.

Lol... hoodie. I've never read the story, but it sounds like SS&E had a nice romp around Equestria before you.

...Dare you to guess my real name lol. I feel a bit cocky right now.

This man has it, but he does not use it.
Your best friend has it, but his wife uses it.
Who is this man and what does he use instead? (He is rather scary looking lel)

Nope. Nor do I have a Twitter. I was raised not to trust anyone on the Internet, certainly not with personal information.

No, that was intended as a riff on the theme started by the title. This is an HiE story that deviates from the norm. Story-me notices this and questions it. He's distracted by Lyra before he can consider the metatextual ramifications too deeply.

Then the brave knights were forced to eat Sir Daedelean's minstrels. And there was much rejoicing. :yay:

At least here, there's some purpose to all of this. As far as I can tell, the only thing of value Facebook generates is revenue for advertisers and Zynga.
And yes, I take my anonymity seriously. I even made a Gmail account so I could stop giving people the email that has my name in it.
As for the Background Pony reference, story-me may be Lyra's first Thinker, but he's far from her first brony. She's picked up some bits of fanon from them, including a summary of the story in question.

I have two facebook accounts. One, my old one from years and years ago, is now a decoy. The one I actually use is anonymous, has a very few very close friends, and no likes, favorites, groups, or what have you. It is constantly bombarded by facebook demanding to know where I live, what high school I went to, and who is my favorite rock musician. It gives me morbid pleasure to refuse to answer these, and other questions.

My minstrels are bred for rich flavor.

Not bad. You've succinctly deconstructed a lot of cliches, as well as addressed some aversions. It's nice to have stories like this, that stand back from it all and contemplate the craziness that fan authors get up to.

This is basically what it'd be. Too many connections here at home. I couldn't bear to leave them, cartoon ponies or no.

Have a thumb, and good luck.

Nice one, like it! Good luck in the comp! :twilightsmile:

Author Interviewer

Some of the fandom references were overwrought, and the blanked-out name thing is silly, but I'll be darned if you haven't started this contest out on the right foot. :)

I didn't really like it because nothing of value really happened. It was short and didn't really go anywhere.

Pfft. Like Lyra can cast interdimensional magic.

This was boring. It was good, don't get me wrong, just boring.

What, you've never heard of string theory? :ajsmug:

Sorry it wasn't to your taste.


Not that it wasn't to my taste. More like it was a mini-muffin which made me wish for a full-sized cupcake.

Aha! I have found out your age, FoME! It's almost as good as a name... kinda not really. Behold, my (limited) stalker prowess!

Expect the appropriate spam on your birthday :pinkiehappy:

Probably just as well that redacted wasn't the Second coming of Megan.

You always bring us the very best meta.

And I'm not giving my name. I don't even have a Facebook; you think I'm going to tell you people who I am?

So what you're saying is, you like to remain Anonymous?

Mildly confused by the ending. Was nope dropped off in the Pacific after all, or something?

Redacted woke up in bed and expressed understandable disbelief and frustration at it all being a dream.

Or was it?

(Yeah, this is easily my worst story on the site...)

You might even say, quality-wise, that it's an


Dude, what are you talking about? This is an AMAZING story :pinkiegasp::raritystarry: Seriously, I'm dopeslapping myself for not reading it sooner ;-; You are a very talented, gifted, smart writer in all things pone-related and this is one of the most wholesome of your works I've read to date :heart:

Well, you're one of the good ones, nope.

Such a tease :derpytongue2:

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