• Published 2nd Jul 2014
  • 4,871 Views, 225 Comments

The Lost Chronicles of Auric Fulcrum - Thadius0

Because every so often, even in a new world, an immortal likes to look back on what was, and remember...

  • ...

Chapter 2 - Sending messages

The boy looks at the mirror out of the corner of his eyes and sighs before joining his wife in bed. The unicorn notices his discomfort and shifts around to look him in the eyes. "What's wrong?"

The boy's eyes flick to the mirror, then his sword, before returning to her eyes again. He gives an obviously fake smile. "Nothing."

She waits for a beat before replying. "You're thinking about him again, aren't you?"

The boy looks to the ceiling and nods once. "I...I can't help it. He came closer than anyone else, before or after, to actually doing permanent harm to me. Or you."

The unicorn puts a hoof on his shoulder and forces him to look in her eyes again. "We pulled through. Eventually. And now we're elsewhere, elsewhen. He's a memory, let him stay in the past."

The boy blinks once before nodding and holding his wife closer. "I still don't like those memories, but I'll try to not let them get at me as badly."

His eyes flick over to his mirror again, and he drifts off, remembering...

(In a Multiverse a long, long ways from there...)

Auric sighed and motioned to the blackboard he'd asked Twilight to conjure up. He had to explain himself to the ponies. They didn't take it too well when he said 'I need to drain power into myself to make myself immortal again as soon as possible.' Especially not so soon after Tirek was a Thing that Happened.

"Alright, let's take it from the top. When I started life, I was an ordinary human. No magical reserves whatsoever."

The other ponies (and drake and draconequus) gathered in the main council room of Twilight's new Palace/Library nodded. Auric pointed at the next series of pictures. One of him clutching his head, one of him picking up a sword, one of him wearing a suit of armor.

"I Answered the Question, picked up Eureka, and was wearing my Dullahan outfit to a party."

Pinkie brightened up a bit at the last one, and the ponies nodded to confirm their understanding again. Auric pointed at the next image, which was just an explosion with the word 'MAGIC' over it.

"Then someone or something drags me to Equestria..."

Auric pointed to the next image, which was everyone's favorite suit of headless armor. There was also a gauge that looked remarkably like a thermometer next to it.

"And turned me into the costume I'd been wearing. It also gave me a form of magic, otherwise I'd not have been able to move at all. The sword was the reason that I had any inflow of magic when I was naught more than a spirit, and a good portion of my outflow was concentrated on making the armor move to my whims. In fact, without the sword, my armor became my prison."

The ponies winced at that, but Auric moved on to the next image. One of a huge light shining on the armor, and splitting a human form from it. Both of them were crouching and slightly faded.

"Then the Golden Sun happened. It tore apart the magics that bound me to the armor, but that's not all it did."

The next image was of the armor and the human standing up again. The armor had a normal gauge next to it, while the human...

Well, the human's was ridiculously large.

"Dully was finally accepted by Equus as a whole, so he got his own inflow. He didn't need the sword anymore, which is why I took it. I, on the other hand, got an insane amount of power."

The final image was a more detailed look at the human's gauge. Certain levels were marked off on it.

"However, I can't use it all at once. Here," the unicorn tapped the halfway marker, "Is how much I kept on me, subconsciously, so that I remained immortal. And when I saved Measured from certain death, I broke down that barrier. Amongst other things."

A quiet chuckled echoed around the table. Auric pointed at the next marker, the one between halfway and zero.

"This is my estimate on how much power I'll need to have to fight off Equus' natural Harmony field and return to human form. I also estimate that at that point I'll gain a minor healing factor. It won't be anything like when I was immortal, but it should keep me from bleeding out to normally debilitating wounds."

Auric tapped the top portion of the gauge again. "And once I do recover, I'll start stockpiling power so that I can do great feats of Transmutation and Alchemy again."

The unicorn held up a crystal-blue hoof for the gathered masses to see. "I naturally drain excess magic and psynergy into my personal stores, and any overflow from that goes to that huge empty gauge that follows me around. The sword helps by acting as a natural drain on Equus' magical field, but it won't be enough to get me to twenty-five percent, let alone fifty, before I think I'll have to confront the...person I saw. So I need options."

Twilight spoke up then. "So how much do you have right now?"

Auric hummed and tapped near the lowest end of the gauge. "About...eight? Maybe nine. High single digits."

Jaws hit the floor across the room. Measured Thought spoke up first, sadness tinting her voice. "That little?"

Auric pulled her close and whispered comforting words in her ears. "Shh. It's okay. I chose this. I'd do it again. You know this."

Auric then looked to the other ponies and smiled a sad smile. "Though it may be less than I 'should' have, so long as I have some power in there, then I'm ageless. Time'll not take me. So while I literally have forever to work on this, I don't think that...person, will be as accommodating."

Twilight nodded. "Do you have any ideas on what you could use to get yourself back up to at least some semblance of strength?"

Auric hummed. "Perhaps. I would need either a source of great magical strength that wouldn't be missed, or some large Psynergy Stones. And, not gonna lie, for a little bit, that second one won't be an option I'll take."

"What? Why would you not use one of your options?"

Auric shot a small glare at the interrupting Dash. "Because, for every city that can have one, I'm going to give them a Psynergy Stone, molded to whatever they desire, so as not to leave any wandering Adepts hanging should they need to replenish their powers. If I touch any Stone, I'd begin to drain it, even the large ones that are supposedly undrainable."

The ponies realized then the magnitude of the task Auric was facing. He hummed again and turned to Twilight. "That Alicorn Amulet. If I could, I'd drain it. It'd get rid of a dangerous, corruptive artifact. I might need to take care to ensure its curse doesn't pass on to me, but it wouldn't be any worse than having Dully in my head telling me to not show mercy."

Twilight nodded once, slowly. "I'll go talk to Zecora and ask Princess Celestia if there are any old and powerful artifacts she would like to see destroyed that she has or knows of that you can...'eat'. But she's going to want to know why."

Auric sighed and ran a hoof through his mane. "The world I saw, the one I saw...it was dark because he was making it that way. And he's doing it for a reason. A purpose. I don't know why, but what little I saw unnerved me to no end. And he knows of me as well. I couldn't get much more than that before he obscured the connection. I'd like to be as powerful and prepared as possible as soon as possible."

Twilight nodded again, this time quickly. "I can understand that. If she asks, I'll tell the Princess that you're worried about something you saw. I'm sure she'll understand then."

Auric nodded and waved a hoof around. "Don't just ask Cel. Ask Luna, Cadence, Shining, Chryssy..."

The ponies blanched at the last name. "WHAT?!"

Auric shrugged. "Well, Luna might know of artifacts from a thousand years ago or even older that Cel forgot about. Cadence and Shining have access to an empire that was literally temporally displaced, who knows what could be up there, and Chrysalis is from outside Equestria's borders. She or her Hive could know about things out there I could use. Frankly, I need all their help, but you're the one with the connections."

At that, Twilight blushed a bit and waved a wing dismissively. "I'll...I'll see what I can do."

Auric nodded, stood, and motioned for Measured to join him. "Good. In the meantime, I'll be studying in my tower."


Auric yelped and dropped his coffee tin, causing Measured to come over and look at the commotion.

Inscribed on the inside of the lid was a simple phrase. One that he'd not put there. One that hadn't existed before yesterday.

White moves first.

Auric held a hoof to his chest and breathed deeply, in and out, until he was under control again. He looked to Measured and gulped once. "I...I'm scared."

Measured held her beloved close. "Why?"

"He was here. The wards mean nothing to him. I'm scared for you. If he's after me, you've got a target painted on your back, and I can't let anything happen to you. But something will happen, and I'm afraid."

Measured held Auric closer and sighed. "I'm scared too, but I know something you seem to have forgotten."

Auric sniffed once. "What?"

"You're Auric Fulcrum. Properly restored, there's not a thing you can't do. And even now, you're thinking of something, I'm sure. Just calm down and reason this out. What do you need? What can we do?"

Auric breathed deeply. "Specialized wards. Here, the Sanctum, the Black Lab. We move the Mirror to the Black Lab, just in case he used it to get in. We set up monitoring spells around here and the sanctum to detect and block any non-carbon-based life-forms. We work on figuring out if he's vulnerable to anything, from electromagnetism to heat to cold. And we double the wards on the Black Lab."

The Black Lab was the only laboratory that wasn't on the first floor. It was a peculiar lab that Auric had built into the basement of the tower. It had no door, no visible way of entering it. Only if you knew the combination, and knew where to enter every part of it, could you enter. And those entering and leaving the lab were subject to the protective spells laced into the tower's walls.

It was a good, solid plan. It had yet to be seen if it would work or not, because the moment the Mirror had been moved to its new home, Auric was struck with an idea. He placed his hooves on the frame of the Mirror and concentrated.

"To those of sound mind, sound heart. To they that would stand against evil, in the face of Armageddon. To the warriors and heroes, both celebrated and unsung. To my fellow Displaced, I call on you. I am Auric Fulcrum, Knight of the Eclipse, wielder of Alchemy's might. All I hold dear is being threatened by another Displaced. I know not why he seeks to fight me, but as I am, I cannot fight him and win. I require allies while I repair my self. I call on you to aid me, and promise you this: should the side of Light prevail, then I will grant they that aid me whatever boons I can as rewards, within reason. I hope that is not the only reason you choose to fight for me, but in my experience, you motivate more people with a pile of treasure and a kind plea than a kind plea alone."

Auric stepped back from the mirror and nodded once as his call echoed throughout the Multiverse. Hopefully, it would be soon that he got an answer.