• Published 12th Jul 2014
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The Human's Guide to Raising Fillies - Unicorn, Bat Filly and Changeling Edition - Pen Mightier

Tia, Lulu and Cadie are three filly sisters, a unicorn, a thestral and a changeling. They live in a little cafe. Their favourite person is their daddy. Their nanny is Celesti-...Sunrise, at least when she's not victim to their matchmaking.

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Operation 'Awesome-Special-Somebody-For-Daddy-And-Mommy-For-Us-AKA-Shooting-Star'

A Unicorn, a Changeling and a Bat Filly and the Baker

~3rd Serving~
Operation 'Awesome-Special-Somebody-For-Daddy-And-Mommy-For-Us-AKA-Shooting-Star'

"Alright, I call this meeting of the Little Busters Brigade to...umm...shuffle? Sushi? Oh, I know, fuu-sion!" Super-Commander Lulu declared with a commanding hoof in the air. "Is that right?" She threw a sidelong glance at Slightly-Less-Super-Commander Tia, subtly seeking her approval.

"Session." Senior-Chairmare Tia corrected as she fixed her glasses and hoofed the meeting agenda over to Sub-Chairmare Lulu.

"Yeah, that too." Mega-Commander Lulu gave her approval as she looked down at the agenda carefully laid out in colour-coded crayon. "Is this supposed to be a duck?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Sshh, daddy might wake up." High-Chairmare Tia warned, softly, as she turned the pile of papers in Lulu's hooves the right way around.

"Ooooh...." Ultra-Commander Lulu nodded understandingly at the agenda, "Uh, Tia, it still looks like a duck."

Supreme-Chairmare Tia decided to reply with a prompt hoof to the face, carefully aiming for her own, overcoming the temptation to rattle her sister's skull through sheer force of will alone. "It says 'Operation Special-Somebody-For-Daddy-And-Mommy-For-Us'." She read out for her sister.

"That's a very long duck, Tia." Awesome-Commander Lulu frowned, "I thought we were gonna call it something awesome, like 'Operation Awesome'."

"My name has exactly 45 letters and 17 syllables, a lucky combination." Tia argued, crossing her forehooves.

"Mine is awesome-er." Lulu gave her watertight argument.

"Cadie?" They both turned to their resident tie-breaker, the Also-Commander/Equally-Chairmare Cadie.

"Mmmmm....Cadie can't eat anymore shooting stars...." The little changeling mumbled sleepily from where she was curled up around the baking whisk holding up the roof of their ultra top secret headquarters, otherwise known as Lulu's blanket.

"Operation Shooting Star sounds good." Lulu conceded.

"All in favour say 'aye'." Tia motioned, raising her own hoof into the air.

"Eye?" Lulu asked.

"*mimblewimble*" Cadie agreed sleepily.

"Motion passed." Tia nodded in satisfaction.

"Where?" Lulu looked around, trotting round and round slowly in place in search of these 'motions'.

"Going back to the minutes of our last meeting, we agreed that daddy spends all his time either working in the bakery or being looked after by us. He barely has time for himself, let alone a special somebody." Tia went on, "We adopted daddy, so we're responsible for looking after him. That includes finding him a special somebody." She nodded sagely, mostly to herself.

"And get ourselves a mommy too. Just like Dinky did last week!" Lulu did a little tippy-hoof dance on the bed, her bat wings fluttering excitedly.

"Ms. Ditzy is such a nice mommy. Dinky and Mr. Hooves are so lucky...." Tia sighed, enviously.

"That's why we're doing this, right?" Lulu grinned, "So we can be like Dinky and have a mommy too."

"Cadie wants a mommyyyy...." Cadie mumbled in her sleep.

"We are not selfish mares." Tia asserted, pushing her glasses up her muzzle, "We are doing this so Daddy will have somebody special to love him."

"But....we love Daddy lots, don't we?" Lulu frowned, cocking her head to one side in deep thought. "I mean, Lulu loves Daddy about thiiiiiiiiis much." The little thestral stretched her forehooves out as far as she could in an effort to very exactly quantify her love. Unfortunately her love was so infinitely vast that her forehooves failed to contain it, causing her to flop over to one side onto the soft bed they had gathered on.

"But it's not the same. Daddy needs another grownup to love him." Tia argued, "I read this in a book, so it must be right."

"So, where do we start looking for one?" Lulu asked, picking herself up. "Cadie, wake up. Plans. We need them!" She shook her changeling sister awake.

"Mmm...a mommy? Mmm....If we can get a mommy seed, we can plant it in the garden." Cadie suggested, dreamily, "Cadie will water her everyday and..."

"We can just trot into one of those 'mother and child' stores and pick one up, right?" Lulu suggested, "I saw one with a big sale. That's a good thing, right?"

"The pay-for ones are no good, the books say so." Tia said, firmly, "We'll need to find one out in the wild." She tapped a forehoof on her chin thoughtfully.

"Out in the wild? You mean, we're gonna go raiding some lost temple for mommies? Like Daring Doo?" Lulu gasped breathlessly, "Well, except for the mommies bit. Daring Doo isn't that awesome."

"Well, we don't have to look that far. There are mommies all around us." Tia pointed out, "I would love to finally have someone to help me with my homework..." She sighed, wistfully.

"I wanna have someone who'd take me out to play catch and fetch!" Lulu's ears and tail twitched excitedly. "And does good ear-scratches!"

"And belly rubs. N-not that I like them o-or anything! It's just a basic s-standard, that's all!" Tia blurted.

"Someone who would read Cadie bedtime stories...and sing her...to sleep..." Cadie was already swaying sleepily from her imaginary mother's lullabies.

"Wait, doesn't Daddy already do all that?" Lulu quickly pointed out. "And Daddy's really good at all that too."

"That's true." Tia tapped her chin thoughtfully, "Well, I for one would like someone....somepony even, who could teach me magic."

"Oooh! Somepony who could teach me how to fly! Like a Wonderbolt!" Lulu's wings fluttered in excitement.

"Somepony who could teach Cadie how to eat shooting stars...." Cadie sighed, wistfully.

Her sisters stared at her, then at each other, before shrugging. 'Yes, that sounds good too', they agreed silently.

"So it has to be a pony then." Tia nodded.

"So where do we find one then?" Lulu raised the most pertinent question.

"The books say Daddy's true special somebody is already in his heart." Tia nodded, sagely. "He must simply follow his heart to find her."

"Um, but...Daddy can hardly find the grocery store without us though." Cadie pointed out, sleepily.

"True." Tia sighed. "Well then, plan B. It'll be like Hanzel and Grettel."

"We bake a giant gingerbread house?" Cadie asked, dreamily, "Can it be cookies instead? Cadie's good at cookies. Hmm, chewy marshmallow cookies..."

"And then ovens! And then 'Fuwaaaaaaafu', instant mommy time!" Lulu declared, smacking her forehooves together.

"What in heavens is 'Fuwaafu'?" Tia's eyebrow twitched.

"It's my 'awesome' sound, always." Lulu said, matter-of-factly.

"Right." In a show of sisterly wisdom, Tia carefully ignored that and carried on, "What I meant was, we lure a mare in here with our amazing sweets. Mares love sweets."

"And then 'Fuwaaaaaafu'!" Lulu smacked her forehooves together again.

"Yes, you do that, whatever that is." Tia sighed, wearily. "Anything else? Cadie?"

"Munyuuuu....munyuuuu...." The little changeling supplied in her sleep. The baking whisk she had been holding up to support their headquarters' roof slowly slid out of her sleepy grasp. With a soft and gentle whomp their roof collapsed, bringing their super top secret headquarters down with it.

Three filly-esque shapes under the blanket squirmed a little. "Told you we should've had the top secret meeting inside my boop box." The thestral-shaped lump finally said.

Author's Note:

Felt like writing more. I might follow this up with another quick chapter, might not, we'll see. My muse is being whimsical at the moment.