• Published 23rd Jul 2014
  • 24,173 Views, 1,931 Comments

Changeling Doll - Pickleless

A changeling pretends to be a magical doll.

  • ...

Fixing your crazy owner. (Rewritten.)

A routine was slowly starting to form in the castle of friendship. The morning would begin with Twilight waking up and breaking her alarm. After replacing it with a new one, she would head downstairs for breakfast. At the table she would get freaked out by Stupid and then accidentally hurt him.


"I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY!" Twilight wailed.

"WHY DID THE FIRE GET BIGGER?!?" Spike screamed.





Stupid Doll sat on a comfy chair donning his pegasus form in Twilight's reading room. He was now calm after many, many healing spells. He patiently waited as Twilight rubbed her temples, trying to relieve a migraine. She was still trying to wrap her head around how he was the one who got set on fire, yet she was the one in anguish. With a pain filled moan, she flopped her head back against the chair, turning her head towards Doll and glaring at him.

"So," Twilight started in a neutral tone, "what did you do yesterday?"

"I worked on Applejack's farm and helped Big Mac charm Fluttershy," Stupid said with a smile.

"Oh, well that was nice- wait, what?" Twilight frowned. "What do you mean by 'helped Big Mac charm Fluttershy?'"

"I turned into a squirrel and told Fluttershy that Big Mac helped me. I told her she should french kiss him and have his delicious love babies."

Twilight's eye twitched. "Why? WHY? WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT! YOU'RE A DOLL-..." She stopped, her face slowly spreading into a manic grin. Quietly, she got up and started walking towards him. "Because you're NOT A DOLL! HAH! There is no reason for you to help Big Mac other than you wanting to feed on their love! You're a changeling! A REAL changeling!"

Stupid laughed, "Silly Twilight, I'm a Changeling Doll!" he exclaimed.

"Oh yeah?" she said, pushing her muzzle up against his. "Then why did you help Big Mac-"

Twilight gasped when Stupid slid his muzzle across her face, nuzzling her. He turned and planted a kiss on her cheek, wrapping his wings around her. She tried to object but let out a groan of relief when he started to stroke her tail.

"I'm a Changeling Doll Twilight, I'm not going to hurt anyone," he cooed into her ear.

"B-but why did you want Big Mac and Fluttershy to have children?.." Twilight fought against the immense comfort she was feeling. She was losing.

"I love love."

"Love love?"

"I really love the love of others," he gently said, still stroking her tail. "Even if I'm not eating it, I like the feeling of others being in love around me. It makes me happy."

Twilight shoved him off her. "Why would you do something that would make you happy if you're a doll? Explain how you could possibly feel happiness!"

Stupid frowned and looked down. Slowly, he scuffed the floor with his right forehoof. "I'm your best friend Twilight. Making you and your friends happy makes me happy..."

Twilight ignored the pang in her chest and shook her head. "Okay, even if being my best friend is suspiciously similar to what a changeling would do, how can you feel happiness?"

Doll gave a content sigh and rolled his eyes. "That's simple Twilight. I'm a changeling!"

Twilight's eye twitched as she slowly backed up, frantically preparing a shield spell. "S-so... you finally admit it!"

"Admit what?"

"That you're a changeling!"


"You've never been a doll."


"I knew it, I KNEW IT!"

"I mean, ‘no, I am a doll’."

Twilight stopped and glared at him.

"You're a changeling."


"And a doll?"


"How are you both of those things?"

"Because, silly," Stupid threw up his hooves, "I'm a changeling doll!"

Twilight's throat tightened. Tears of frustration welled up in her eyes as she slowly slid to the floor. She covered her face with her hooves and slowly started to sob.

With a sympathetic grin, Stupid trotted up to her and started rubbing her back in a comforting manner.

"There there," he whispered, "let it all out..."

"I hate you. I hate you so much."

"It's okay, you had a rough day," he crooned.

"It's only 8 o’ clock..."

"I know," Stupid nodded, "it'll be okay..."

"Whatever," Twilight grumbled, getting up. "It doesn't matter. By the end of today, I'll know for sure. The letter from Canterlot University comes today. After that, you're outta here."

"Okay!" Stupid happily agreed.

"If you do happen to be doll..." Twilight stopped to think, and then shook her head. "Well, I can't think of anything else that would sit still with a smile on it's face while being on fire!"

She glanced back at Stupid. She still had to put up with him until that letter arrived...

...Or she could just send him back into town again.

“Well, you’re free to wander around town again.” Twilight deadpanned “I’m going to sit back with a nice book and forget…”

...Twilight got a evil little grin.

“Okay Stupid, you’re a doll, right?” Twilight smiled.

“Yes!” He answered.

“Then you shouldn’t have any trouble going into town undisguised, right?”


Twilight blinked. “Really?”


“H-huh.” Twilight faltered. “Well then, I dare you to go around town without a disguise all day!”

“Alright.” He burst into green flames, turning back into a changeling. Stupid gently wrapped his hooves around Twilight, embracing her in a warm hug. "Bye Twilight," he said sweetly. "I’ll be back before sundown!" He quickly kissed her on the forehead and skipped out the front door.

Staring dumbly at the prancing changeling, she reached up and felt the spot he kissed, blushing. “...Uh, okay then. See ya.” Twilight said sheepishly.

"So when are you two going to stop beating around the bush and start dating?"

"AH!" Twilight jumped, turning around. "SPIKE! Don't scare me like that! And what do you mean start dating?"

Spike shrugged, "Seems like you have a thing for the stallion."

"First off, Spike, he's a bug. Not a stallion." Twilight scowled. "Secondly, I do NOT have a thing for him! Lastly, even if I did have a thing for him, he's a doll! He can't really feel love like ponies do!"

"So he's a changeling when you hit him, but a doll when he does something you don't like?" Spike raised an eyebrow.

"It's... it's not like that!"

"Sure thing Twilight, whatever you say." Spike walked off into the kitchen, remembering a bucket of ice-cream Twilight recently bought.

"It's... it's not like that." Twilight murmured, unsure who she was talking to. "...I think."

It’s not like that right? I mean he’s a changeling! He’s evil! He’s planning something! There’s no way he could just be a doll! That’s impossible.

Twilight slowly started to frown.

But what if he really is just a doll? What if he somepony tries to hurt him and he doesn’t do anything to protect himself?

...What if somepony accidently gets hurt?

Twilight shook her head. Horsefeathers! I know nopony is gonna get hurt! He won’t hurt anypony even if his life was at risk, because he’s a…

“A doll…” Twilight quietly said. “Ohhhhh what have I done?”

“DELIVERY!” Derpy cheered.

“AHH!” Twilight jumped.

“A letter from…” Derpy squinted at the mail in hoof. “Canterlot University!”


Pinkie was working both happily and diligently on baking cupcakes when it happened again. Her legs shook, her eardrums popped, and her eyes started seeing spots. A new pony was in Ponyville! Or she had an concussion.


"Have fun dearie," Mrs Cake said in a monotone as she read the newspaper.

Pinkie Pie plopped a war helmet on, and then a party hat on top of that. This little rascal has avoided her THREE TIMES now! Not today! This time she'd catch him or her for sure!

Using her Pinkie Sense™ to 'scratch' the minds of other ponies nearby, Pinkie jumped out her window and bounced off a nearby sofa being delivered from Quills and Sofas. Landing on her front hooves, she did a flip and giggled as she hopped down the road.

Pinkie squealed with delight as she caught sight of a super friendly changeling giving her the biggest smile ever! Everypony was... throwing their stuff at him?

Pinkie frowned “That’s not very nice.” She would have to throw him an extra big party to make up for that.

Pinkie bounced in next to the changeling and started dodging the objects being thrown.

"HI!!!" Pinkie screamed into the changeling's ear, avoiding a bowling ball flying her way.


"Hi there! I'm Stupid, what's your name?" The changeling cheered, dodging an empty pickle jar.

Pinkie caught an apple being thrown in her mouth and gulped it down. "Awww, you're not stupid! I'm Pinkie Pie!"


"No silly!" The friendly bug jumped over a kitchen sink skidding down the road, "My NAME is Stupid! I am Stupid!"

"Oh!" Pinkie grabbed the carrot thrown at her, then spat it out. "Then you're definitely Stupid!"




"Yep, I'm definitely Stupid~!" He cheered.

“Do you want to be super duper best friends forever?!?” Pinkie grinned, jumping into a bucket and somehow popping out of a puddle on the other side of the changeling.

“Yeah! I would LOVE to be super duper best friends forever!” He said, dodging a cream colored pony flying past him.




“Ohmhgosh! I TOTALLY have to throw you a Pinkie Party!” Pinkie gushed.

“Sure! that sounds fun.”

“YES! This is totally gonna be the best party ever! Up until my next best party ever! I’m gonna go send out invitations!”

Pinkie broke into giggles. She liked her new friend already. Quickly, she skipped through a bush and came out from the leaves of a tree Applejack was currently bucking. After giving her an invitation, she jumped back into the tree before Applejack could respond. She repeated this process for all her friends and the ponies she felt wouldn't be too mean to her new changeling friend. Jumping out of a bucket being thrown at the changeling, she landed right next to him and kept playing dodgeball. Using her Pinkie Sense™, she 'scratched' his brain to try and find out what kind of party-

Pinkie suddenly felt something electrocuting her brain. A very angry, shocked, and slightly scared force kicked her mind around several times before giving her the boot. She collapsed to the ground in pain.

"Pinkie!" Stupid cried in worry. Jumping on top of her he got smashed in the back by an unusually large of tub of jelly. He winced as one of his wings bent in a way that it was not made for.



Stupid wrapped his hooves around Pinkie and huffed after he started to hover. He flinched as the town continued to throw their belongings at him, now successfully hitting him. It was nothing compared to the agonizing pain in his right wing. His wound did nothing to deter him, and the pegasi of the town noticed that. They were scared of the changeling, but everypony loved Pinkie. Doll was knocked out of the air by a gray pegasus.

"Let go of Pinkie, you stupid bug!" The funny eyed pegasus gave a fiery snort.

Wincing, Stupid realized he had to take a gamble. Lifting Pinkie in his magic, he wrapped himself in magic and teleported down the road. Blinking from one spot to the next, he stopped when he saw Sugarcube corner. He calmly strode in and walked up to Mr. Cake at the register.

Doll gave his winning smile. "Hello there, I'm afraid Pinkie had an accident and is now hurt. Do you think you could take her to her room, please?"

"U-uhhh...sure?" Mr. Cake stammered.

"Wonderful! Thank you so much sir!" The changeling beamed.

Laying Pinkie across Mr. Cake's back with his magic, he gave the lanky stallion a calm nod, then blacked-out as he collapsed from overexertion.


Twilight was conflicted when she got the letter from Canterlot University. She felt outright terror when she saw a bonfire being constructed in the middle of town. Enraged she rose up and sucked in as much air as she could.

"EVERYPONY STOP!" Princess Sparkle boomed.

All the ponies froze and looked at her.

“Did you all burn my doll in that bonfire?” She said in an icy tone.

“No, why would we do that?” Colgate raised an eyebrow. “We’re going to burn a changeling we found-”

“It’s not a changeling, it’s a doll!” Twilight yelled.

“...what?” Colgate tilted her head.

Twilight started to rub her temples. Today was going to be a long day.

“Ughh! Listen, a couple days ago I…”

Spike watched Twilight rant to Colgate about Stupid. With a groan, he decided this was taking too long. Looking around, he spotted Golden Harvest nearby and walked up to her.

“Golden, did you see a changeling pass by here?” He questioned.

“Spike, it was terrible, it did the most atrocious thing!”

“It did?” He frowned.

“It…” She shuddered, “It spat out my carrot!”

Spike blinked slowly. “Really?”

"Well, it was Pinkie that spat it out. But why?!?” she yelled. “What did my carrots do to anyone? Why won’t anypony eat my-”

“Pinkie?” Spike interrupted. “Pinkie was here?”

“Yeah, the bug was bouncing and talking and laughing like Pinkie does. The two hit it off right away. Then, when she wasn’t looking, it struck her!”

“Woah, it really hit Pinkie?”

“Well, I didn’t see it hit Pinkie, but she totally fell over and cried in pain. It had to use its sneaky changeling powers on her! First it didn’t eat my carrots, then it hurt Pinkie? I mean, the denial of carrots was bad enough, but hurting Pinkie is just icing on the… Spike? Where are you going? I was talking about carrots!”


Stupid awoke to his insides feeling like sandpaper grinding against each other. It felt as if nails were driven through his eyes as he tried to open them. After adjusting to the light, he found himself tied down to a chair in, what he presumed, was Pinkie's room.

In front of him was a table. Around the table strange things were put into chairs along with him. A bucket of turnips, a pile of rocks, a clump of lint, and a sack of flour. Outside he heard the sounds of ponies screaming in fear. Stupid frowned.

"Oh, ze guest iz awake!" A funny french accent came from the flour. Stupid saw a hoof under the table shake the flour.

"Good evening," Stupid greeted the talking sack of flour. "My name is Stupid, what's yours?"


Stupid felt a hoof slap him across the face.

"Hey hey hey! No speaking unless spoken to!" The pile of rocks yelled in a bronx accent.

"OH CELESTIA HAVE MERCY!" a muffled voice screamed outside.

Stupid gave a concerned look towards the window. "I think there might be trouble-"


"We are ze onez asking za questionz!" The Flour yelled.

"That wasn't a questi-"


"Mr. Changeling, what have you done to Madam Pinkie?" The lint politely inquired.

"Did something happen to her? I don't know what-"


"I'll be honest that doesn't really hur-"


"Okay, now that hurts."


The changeling sighed.

"Whaaat did yoouu dooo tooo the Piiinkiie's Piiinkiiie Seense?" The turnips spoke up this time.

"I dooon't knnoooow?" Doll responded.


"Yo punk, why is everypony screaming outside?!?" The rocks rudely inquired.

"Probably because Twilight's going crazy. She's been a little-"


"But I was giving you a helpful answer, why did-"


"Pinkie you're really bad at interroga-"



Realizing screaming in the royal canterlot voice was getting her nowhere, Twilight started levitating ponies up next to her.

"Did you burn my doll?" she forced herself to quietly say through clenched teeth.

"N-no!" Lyra whimpered.

"Where. Is. My. Doll?"

"I don't know! I'm sorry!"

Twilight tossed her away. Without even moving her head in Bonbon's direction, she lifted her up.

"Do YOU know where my doll is?" Her voice dripped with acid.

"Doll?.. Doll! Yes, I know where you doll is!" Bonbon nodded her head violently.

"WHAT? WHERE?!?" Twilight screamed.


Twilight tossed her away and sucked in as much air as she could.


Big Mac proceeded to empty his bladder.


"Hey Mr. Cake, have you seen Pinkie come in with a polite, injured changeling?" Spike asked.

"Yes actually, the thing... made a mess on the floor and fainted. Pinkie was out cold too so I tucked them both into Pinkie's bed."

Spike blinked. "And you weren't surprised at all that a changeling walked into your store?"

"It was very polite," Mr. Cake shrugged. "Were you there when it got hurt?"


"How did you know it was injured?"

"Because it's Stupid Doll."


Spike sighed. "Because it's stupid."

Mr. Cake frowned. "Well, if you're looking for your friend, he's up in Pinkie's room."

Spike thanked Mr. Cake and headed upstairs, grumbling. "Man, why am I the only reasonable pony around here?... Well, reasonable dragon..."

Spike stopped and frowned when he heard Pinkie shouting. Quietly, he tip toed up to her door and pressed his ear against it.






"Cyan blue?"



"Super duper pinkie pie pink?"



"We have gone through 74 colors Pinkie-"



"...Cupcake? Is cupcake your favorite color?"



"Party? Is your favorite color party?"


Stupid frowned. Oddly enough, that wasn't him getting slapped. Pinkie slumped and fell over. Behind her was Spike holding a chair.

"You okay, dude?" Spike frowned. He put down his chair and undid the rope binding Stupid.

Stupid simply stared at Spike, not saying anything.

"...Dude?" Spike started to worry.

"You saved me." Stupid spoke out in a dry, raspy tone.

Spike shivered, unnerved by the sudden coldness of the creature. It stared dead-ahead blankly and had all emotion drained from it’s voice, sounding like a really bored post-office mare.

"Why did you save me?" he spoke in monotone.

"U-uhh." Spike backed up. "Because you needed to be saved?"

"I'm just a doll, though."

"Yeah right, and I'm a zebra." Spike rolled his eyes. "You know I'm not buying that crap, right?"

"You believe I’m a changeling… and you saved me?"

"I know you’re a changeling. And yeah, so?"

"Why, then?"

"Because you needed help?" Spike was starting to regret heading out today.

Stupid gently turned his head to Pinkie, then slowly moved his eyes towards Spike.

"Spike, do you have a special someone you like?" Stupid croaked.

"Uh, what? Is this really the time..." Spike flinched from Stupid’s glare, "Well, yeah... but it's a secret!"

"Whisper it to me." Stupid demanded with a serious expression.

Spike gulped, not wanting to upset the changeling. He whispered into his ear.

"...Alright," Doll murmured, then put on a big grin. "OKAY!" He shouted in joy.

Spike jumped back.

"Did you know, Spike," Stupid continued with cheer, "that hitting a pony in the back of the head doesn't usually knock them out? The pony in question typically just gets up disoriented!"

"Oh, uh, okay..." Spike responded, "but Pinkie’s out cold!"

"Yes she is! That means she probably took enough blunt trauma to give her a life threatening head injury!" Stupid smiled.

Spike gasped, "Oh no!" He started to dance in place "Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no! What do we do?!?"

"I want you to think about that mare you like really hard. Think about everything that makes you love her..."


When Twilight asked around for her Doll, everypony said Big Mac took it. She spent the next hour chasing Big Mac all around town. For such a big stallion, he can run fast. Growing more and more worried about Stupid as time past, she finally smiled as she cornered the quiet farmer.

"BIg Mac, where is my doll!" Twilight growled, her muzzle pushed up against his.

Panting, Big Mac lifted up a smarty pants doll and handed it to Twilight. He hung his head in defeat.

It took all of five seconds before Twilight’s brain rebooted, actually realising that, sure, it was a doll and yes, it happened to be a very prized possession of hers. But it wasn’t the doll she was looking for, and no amount of mind tricks would tell her otherwise. She felt the scowl return to her face. She tried the breathing exercises Cadence taught her, but it did little to put a lid on the well boiled stew of anger she was harboring. She opened her mouth to speak with Big Mac in a calm and collected manner.


Twilight busted through the walls, grabbing everypony she saw with her magic as she flew towards the center of town. No more mrs. nice mare, she wants her doll.

Looking around and seeing that Twilight had left, Big Mac happily picked back up Smarty Pants and trotted off.


Now carrying a bunch of confused ponies in a large bubble of magic, Twilight cleared her throat.

"Ladies and Gentleponies," Twilight calmly spoke, using magic to make sure all of them heard her voice. "I am looking for a CHANGELING doll. It is a doll that looks exactly like a changeling. You know, that thing you tried to kill that didn't fight back or hurt you at all? That thing? It belongs to me." She ended in a dangerous tone.

"U-umm..." Sweetie Belle spoke up.

"Yes Sweetie Belle?" She gave her a wide toothy smile. For some odd reason, it only made Sweetie cringe. Twilight felt that was a little rude.

"I saw Pok-uhhh... Stupid talking to Pinkie earlier today..." Sweetie mumbled.

"I'm sorry Sweetie, could you speak up?" Twilight's eye twitched as she levitated Sweetie closer.

"I saw Stupid and Pinkie talking to each other, you know, while everypony was throwing stuff at him..."

Twilight ‘calmly’ set the whole town down, like any reasonable sane pony would, and teleported to Sugarcube corner.

"Where's Pinkie?!?" she demanded, busting through the doors.

"Upstairs with her new friend I believe. I think they woke up just a little while ago," Mrs. Cake replied. "He was such a strange colt, never seen a changeling up close before.”

“A changeling walked into your home and you’re totally okay with that?”

“Sure.” Mrs. Cake shrugged, “We seen stranger things from Pinkie. At least it was well mannered. Are you feeling alright dearie?” Mrs. Cake frowned.

“Me? I’m fine! I’m perfectly fine, why wouldn’t I be fine?”

"I CAN'T FEEL MY HIND LEGS!!!" somepony screamed from outside the shop.

Twilight’s eye twitched, "if you would excuse me."

Not waiting for a reply, Twilight zipped up the stairs. She opened the door up to Pinkie's room and saw… Stupid and Spike sitting at Pinkie's table eating a slice of cake. Pinkie was sleeping in her bed, gently snoring. Stupid’s wing was bent out of shape and he was scuffed up all over.

"Hey Twilight!" Spike greeted her, "Want a piece of cake?"

Twilight slowly made a painfully wide grin.


After dragging Spike and Stupid home by their ears, both of them were put in time out. Twilight spent the rest of the morning in a fetal position, rocking back and forth, petting her own tail. By the afternoon she pulled herself together enough to take another look at the letter from Canterlot University.

The thing raised more questions and didn't answer any of the ones she had. She scowled at the piece of parchment, wanting it to apologize for causing her so much grief. As the days went by, Twilight had found herself believing Stupid might actually be a doll. She read the letter to herself again.

Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle.

About four months back, two of our most eccentric minds brought in a changeling's dead body. Their names were Quick Wit and White Lie. Quick and White were acting very strange. They kept the room containing the specimen locked down at all times they weren't there. Loud, strange noises could be heard coming from that room at night. About a month after they brought the first one in, they came back with two more changeling bodies. Unsettling rumors started to spread, and Quick and White became more unstable looking as time passed. Three months from when they started, the two proudly presented to us the Changeling Dolls. They claimed they were changelings brought back from the dead with their minds being altered to serve ponykind. Needless to say all the other professors found this quite unsettling. We agreed that there were ethical issues with the Changeling Doll and kicked Quick and White out of the university. I'm sorry Princess, we received all of your letters at the same time. I wish we could tell you more. After we do more research on the matter, we'll try to send you and the other princesses another letter explaining where your three dolls came from.


Poker Face.

Twilight frowned, she was going to have to get in contact with Celestia, Luna, and Cadence.

Author's Note:

I would like to make a big shout to my editors Piercing Sight and Wing Dancer. I had to rewrite this chapter 5 times and those two stood by me every step of way. Seriously, they're amazing. You wouldn't have this chapter if it weren't for them.
Here's the old Chapter 5 in case you were curious.