• Published 28th Jul 2014
  • 13,705 Views, 394 Comments

Accidental Soul Mates - Autum Breeze

Almost everpony has a Soul Mate. One they are destined to be with. That one has never changed, for anypony... til now

  • ...

Chapter 2

Chapter 2


“I do,” Chrysalis, in Cadance’s disguise said, a faux sincere smile on her face.

Celestia nodded and turned to Shining Armour and started asking him the questions all stallions were asked when marrying a mare.

Chrysalis did not truly listen, however, her mind only on all the love she and her hive would be feasting upon once this was all over. It had not been easy, getting into the castle.

Her original plan had been to get to Princess Mi Amore Cadenza on her last return visit from one of the foreign lands by disguising herself as one of the female guards and capturing her when the time was right.

This plan, however, had failed when she learned a wedding was being planned and such a plan would have brought too much attention to the invasion before it had even started and she would have failed.

Failure was not an option for her. She had already suffered several setbacks during her reign as Queen during the last two hundred years. Several other hives had declared war (which she’d won, of course), which had left her hive with many injured and their supplies of love energy alarmingly low, due to using so much to give her own hive enough power to win the wars.

Not only that, with the supplies dwindling, uproars had started within the hive over food. It had gotten a point where, several times, she had been forced to eliminate all involved for endangering the hive.

This, however, had not been taken well with the hive council. To kill one’s own was not unheard of in the hives, for queen’s were tasked with keeping peace within their hives, however, the number Chrysalis had had to eliminate within the centuries had been far larger than any other hive queen’s toll had risen to.

With this in mind, she was on very thin ice. The plan to take over Equestria had failed several times when attempted by other hives, those these attempts had been before Chrysalis’ time for the most part, the last two occurring whilst she had been but a nymph. If she failed this invasion, her time as Queen would be over and her sister, Chitin, would be given the title of Queen, while she would be cast out, left to fend for herself and marked an enemy of the hive forever more.

It had taken patience and much reworking of the original plan, but she had found her way into the castle. Through the spies she’d had stationed throughout Canterlot, she’d learned that a fashion designer by the name of Suri Polomare had been hired to design the dress.

It had been a simple matter to impersonate a member of the castle staff and inform Miss Polomare that her services were no longer required. She had enjoyed the taste of the mare’s anger as she stormed off, shouting curses at Chrysalis as she went. Normally, such an action she would have had the mare punished with death, but her amusement at the mare’s displeasure caused her to let her go free.

After that it was nymph’s play to take on Suri Polomare’s identity, arrive in the princesses fitting room and, when her back was turned, knock her out, trap her in the crystal caverns and take her place.

Her plans had hit a slight snag due to the unicorn, Twilight Sparkle. She had not been informed that the Captain of the Guard had had a sister. The reports had told her that he was an only child. The Changeling that had given that information had been punished severely.

She had realized at once that this Twilight Sparkle would prove to be a problem. From what she had been able to gather from small talk with Shining Armour, the princess had been the unicorn’s foal sitter when she’d been a small filly. This proved dangerous, for Twilight Sparkle seemed to find the behaviour of her former foal sitter suspicious. She’d been able to taste the distrust whenever she was around the mare.

The final straw had been when Twilight Sparkle had confronted her during the rehearsal, shouting all the things she’d been doing that, as her, she knew would make any who knew the real Cadenza well enough would have noticed.

She’d had to think fast, forcing herself to cry, not a hard feet, since deception is second-nature to a Changeling right from nymphancy. She had left, asking why Twilight would be so horrible.

However, she had hidden and waited for Celestia, Shining Armour and the other five ponies and baby dragon that had arrived with Twilight Sparkle to go down the hall, no doubt looking for her to comfort her.

Once they were gone, she had returned to the throne room, where she’d found Twilight Sparkle crying at the steps of the throne. It had been too easy to act kind and forgiving, until the last second and sending the unicorn down into the caverns. With any luck, she would easily mistake the real Mi Amore Cadenza for herself and deal with her, harshly.

Other than those little hiccups, the plan was going successfully. Admittedly, that quake had been a surprise, though she could guess it had been the unicorn striking the final blow to Cadenza. To be rid of her without lifting a hoof was a testament to her own skill as a Changeling.

Soon, she and her hive would feast like never before. All she needed now was for Shining Armour to say “I do” and she would be able to take over Equestria and turn all its citizens into the food her kind needed, the food they all were.

Celestia finished and Shining Armour opened his mouth to say the words that would doom his race. “I—” he stopped, kneeling down, his face contorted with pain.

Chrysalis-Cadance frowned. Oh please. Another headache? Now? You have got to be kid—

Her thoughts were cut off as her eyes were blinded by something that made no sense. She saw a green thread, surrounded by millions upon millions of tiny green stars, all just floating in a dark abyss. Suddenly, the millions of tiny green stars were torn away, sent flying off into the abyss, while a blue thread appeared from nowhere, joining the green one. She watched as it intertwined with the green one.

Her vision once again showed her Celestia, who was looking to Shining Armour with worry. Chrysalis-Cadance followed her gaze and, as her eyes fell on Shining Armour, he fell to the ground, unconscious.

At once, she felt several things that confused her to no end. The first, the love for Mi Amore Cadenza seemed to change. It tasted... different from before and was far weaker than it had been mere moments ago. As if it was not the same kind of love.

She would have tried to understand this, if something else was not occupying her mind. The second thing that confused her was she felt... worried... for Shining Armour. That, in itself, wouldn’t be so surprising, she needed him alive so that her plan could truly begin... but that was not why she felt worried.

To her utter confusion, she was worried... because she didn’t want him hurt. This puzzled her to no end. She did not care for this pony. She hated ponies, just like all Changelings were raised to. But, at the same, she could not deny that she felt the worry for him she would one of her newborn nymphs should they seem ill, but at a much stronger level.

This... this made no sense. Why would she be worried about Shining Armour like that? It did not make sense, not in the slightest. He was nothing more than food. A source for her to gain the energy to overthrow Celestia and Luna and turn Equestria into her hive’s own Feeding Grounds, and nothing more than that.

So, why was she so worried for him? And why did it worry her that she was worried?

Suddenly, there was a loud banging sound. Chrysalis-Cadance looked up and her eyes went wide. Standing in the doorway, her mane, coat and feathers ragged, her eyes fierce with anger, was the real Mi Amore Cadenza!

What? How had she escaped? Surely she did not defeat the unicorn, Twilight Sparkle? Cadance was weak, a pathetic excuse for an alicorn when compared to Celestia or Luna, not to mention she was too soft-hearted to attack another pony, so how could she—?

Her eyes widened further. Laying across Cadenza’s back, unconscious, was Twilight Sparkle. She was still alive? But, then how did...?


Cadance thrust the doors open with her magic. Everypony turned, their eyes widening upon seeing her, before glancing to the Cadance standing on the altar, looking beyond confused.

Cadance stepped forward, moving one of her wings to unsure Twilight wouldn’t fall off and glared at her doppelganger.

“What?” the Cadance on the altar gasped. “But how did you escape my bridesmaids?

Cadance smirked. “You forget that mares go crazy for the bride’s bouquet at weddings. All we had to do was toss it and they went after it. Even your mind control couldn’t stop them.”

The other Cadance gave a slightly bored look. “Hmph. Clever. But you're still too late. “

“Ah... Ah don’ get it,” Applejack said, looking from Cadance to the other. “How can there be two of ’em?”

Cadance pointed a hoof at the one on the stage. “She's a Changeling. She takes the form of somepony you love and gains power by feeding off your love for them.

The other Cadance grinned, her horn glowing with green magic. However, a weak moan from next to her made her stop, her eyes showing shock. She slowly turned, worry, true worry crossing her face as she looked at Shining Armour.

However, her hesitation was all Cadance needed. Her horn glowed with its blue aura and anti-magic collar, the kind the guards used on criminal unicorns, way back before Twilight’s time, though even now and a pair of wings restrants, used whenever a Pegasus was needed to be kept grounded.

Before the other Cadance could react, Cadance thrust the collar through the air. It clicked onto the other hers neck and the wing restraints on her wings. At once she was engulfed in green flames. When they faded, a creature around Celestia’s height was in the other Cadance’s place.

However, while her shape was similar to that of a pony, there was a great difference, mainly; she was more like an insect. Her chitin was pure black and glistened in the light, her mane was a bluish-green and stringy, yet silky, her hooves had holes in them, fang was visible, protruding from her top jaw, her eyes were dragonic, like Nightmare Moon’s had been, but green instead of blue, her wings were like those of a bug, filled with holes just like her hooves and her horn was jagged, its tip sharp.

All present gasped in horror and Celestia’s eyes darkened. “Chrysalis.”

Rarity looked to Celestia, her eyes wide. “Princess? Do you mean to say you know these... um, bug?”

Celestia nodded, staring coldly at the Changeling. “She is the Queen of the Changelings. I knew her mother a long time ago. Her kind tried several decades ago to take over Equestria, much like she clearly meant to now.”

Chrysalis glared, sitting down. She knew she could not get away now. Her magic was being blocked. She could probably have even beaten Celestia, with all the love she’d consumed from Shining Armour, but with her magic blocked, she could have consumed over five times that amount and it would be useless. Having power was pointless when you couldn’t even use it.

It was then that Celestia noticed Twilight lying over Cadance’s shoulders. She hurried over, as did Twilight’s friends and Spike.

“Is she okay?” Applejack asked, worry clear in her voice.

Cadance nodded, then looked to Twilight with a small smile. “She’s just exhausted. She used all her magic to save me.”

Celestia frowned. “Save you?”

The pink alicorn shook her head. “Later, Aunt Celestia. Right now, we’ve got bigger problems.” She glared at Chrysalis over Celestia’s shoulder. "I remembered you showing me that collar and restraints when i was a filly, auntie. Soon as I got Twilight out of the caverns after she saved me, I sought them with my magic and waited for the right time to put them on that creature. Youe were right. The wing restraints really do fit to match the wings of the one they're used on."

Chrysalis looked away angrily, then her head turned to looked at Shining Armour. Why couldn’t she keep her eyes away from him? She didn’t look at him in a menacing way. It was almost like a caring way. If Cadance didn’t know any better, she’d think the Changeling actually carried for her soon-to-be husband.

At once, Chyrsalis stood, a sneer on her face as she looked at the ponies. “Fools,” her voice had changed, deeper and also had a strange distortion, like when you hold her mouth to a fan and talk. “My minions are just outside the barrier. With Shining Armour so weak, it will soon fall. They, even now, are chipping away at it.” Her smirk deepened. “And do not think I am alone here. Minions!” she shouted to the audience. “Drop you disguises and come to aid your Queen.”

But nothing happened. Everypony in the crowd looked around, as if expecting to be attacked by the pony next to them.

Chrysalis frowned, scanning the audience, before her eyes widened. “Where...? Where did they go? They were right in the crowd!”

Celestia turned to her, a harsh glare on her face. “It seems your kind's plans have failed once again, Chrysalis. You’re army has abandoned you.”

She glared back at Celestia, then closed her eyes, before opening them wide with horror. “I... I’ve been cut off?”

Rainbow Dash frowned. “Cut off? What in the hay does that mean?”

“Changelings are mentally link,” Celestia said, taking a few steps towards Chrysalis, who shrank back a little, now realizing no aid was coming for her. “All Changelings can hear each other when they tap into a wave-length only they can hear.” Her eyes narrowed. “However, whenever a Changeling is exiled from the hive, they lose that link. It would seem that is what has happened here.”

Applejack frowned. “But, if'n she’s their Queen, why would she lose that link?”

“Simple,” Cadance said, glaring at the Changeling. “Because she's not their Queen, not anymore.”

Chrsyalis dropped to her knees, the faintest sign of tears trying to pool in her eyes. “They’ve... they’ve left me? My own children... abandoned me.”

Suddenly, as Celestia took another step, Chrysalis leaped up, grabbing Shining Armour and holding her horn to his throat. All tensed. She glared at them. “Don’t you dare come any closer. One more step, a wing flap, even a spark from any horn and I’ll... I’ll...”

She hesitated. She... she couldn’t finish. For some reason, the words would not leave her lips, no matter how hard she tried to say it. I’ll slay him where he stands, cut his throat open and let him bleed. That is what she meant to say. But, try as she might, she couldn’t. She... didn’t want to say it.

Slowly, she lowered Shining Armour gently and he slumped to the floor. “Just... end me,” she whispered. “Do it now. It’s not like I can stop you.”

Celestia frowned. “We may have had our differences in the past, Chrysalis,” she said firmly, yet gently, “but it has been a long time since our last encounter. We do not end the lives of others.”

Chrysalis looked shocked, then hung her head. “Fine. Do whatever it is you want with me then. Just...” she glanced at Shining Armour as he lay there where she’d dropped him, still unconscious, and felt that strange feeling of not wanting to see him hurt again. “Just... make sure he’s alright.”

Celestia nodded. She then called several guards, who flew to meet her. “Take her to the dungeons. My sister and I will decide on what to do with her later.”

The guards nodded, and motioned for Chrysalis to get up. She didn’t object, just got up and followed with a look of confusion and defeat clear on her face.

“Now,” Celestia said, turning to Cadance. “Let’s get Twilight and her brother to the infirmary so they can recover.”

Author's Note:

got around to chapter 2.

hope i didn't disappoint. now, i'll try to write the next cahpter either tommorow and when i get home from my appointment. if i don't get it out before the 13th, i do apologize.

still, hope you like this second part in Accidental Soulmates and will enjoy what else i have in store.

please comment, like, favorite, all that stuff and, until next time, goodnight everypony