• Member Since 20th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


All that I touch seems to break in my hands, then it just bursts into flames.


Sweetie Belle is staying with Rarity but has picked up the disgusting habit of biting her hooves. This annoying habit is driving Rarity insane and she resorts to recanting the legend of ShanderShears the tailor to ameliorate the situation. But is it really only a story?

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 33 )

Not bad this one I liked


4742872 Hi Matt. I'm glad. I was actually thinking "Man, I bet Matt will hate this one." Glad I was wrong.

4742881 as sad as this may sound as long as scoots don't die I'm happy lol

I am familiar with the folk tale, and some of its various retellings. Obviously, it has been forever improved through ponification.

"...howling like a furious teapot."

Definitely the best line.

what's the folklore?

Me: Ha ha! Rarity got yo- Oh shit! Sweetie Belle must be pranking her back! Aaawww yeeaaa-... OH SHIT SHE BE DYING OH GODS WHAT?! SHANDERSHEARS IS REAL! RUN YOU BLOODY BINT! RUUU- oh dear.... That looks like it hurt... Oh well...
*looks around room* heh... It is all a story.. Ha ha... Right?
*never bites his nails again*

This is based on an old German fairy tale right? In any case, good job.


4743090 I liked that one too. I struggle with similes but that one made me happy.

4743855 I don't know the name as the version I found was not titled but it was a boy who sucked his thumb and a crazy guy cut them off.

4744044 Don't open your closet.

4744424 AHA! Good call. It's not Struwwel Peter but it is in the same book. because you mentioned it, I was able to find it. It's name is Die Geschichte vom Daumenlutscher. Which translates, I think, to the story of the thumbsucker.

4744537 Thanks. I thought ShanderShears was a good name for the thing.


Yes! That's right. The Long-Legged Scissor Man. Oh the flashbacks ...


4746686 Lol. Here you are sir,
The great, tall tailor.

This was great XD 3:02AM this is about hoof biting ponies for gods sake why am I feeling obligated to sleep?
I'll have to look into the original tale(s)!

I had thought either it'd end with Rarity getting killed and Sweetie being fine or with Rarity being the one to kill Sweetie....so...Glad I was wrong???
Awesome read!


4749364 Lol
I didn't want it to be completely guessable. I had 3 endings in mind and barely chose this one over the other two. I don't think a predictable ending necessarily takes away from a story, but I do like when the end throws you a curve ball.

Finally read this - so wonderfully good :rainbowdetermined2:


4755437 Thank you, sir. I'm glad you liked it.

Gott in himmel!
That was "shear" terror...
Yet also "bloody" well done!
...Okay, I'm done.

*was biting nails before reading this*
*read this*
*never bites nails again*
DAMN that was creepy. That scared me in a snap!

Love this. I think this folktale was mentioned in the office right?


4823225 I have no idea if it was or not.

“Rarity! You’re home!” A giddy impersonation of Sweetie’s voice called from the doorway as a tall form crowded into the threshold. Rarity could just make out the outline of a bowler hat on a tall pony frame and a large pair of glittering scissors floating before it.

Everything beyond this point really didn't need to be told. It actually sort of hurts the story, it gives the reader too much time to acclimatize to what is really going on. A lot of the most memorable creepypastas often cut off just after the 'reveal' from stories like The Hook, to the The Dogs Lick always have the shocking reveal, then leave it there, the obvious ending is left to the imagination. The example being: http://www.creepypasta.com/the-dogs-lick/

Not quite the version I remember from when I was a kiddy ( There was no writing in blood ) but it might give you an idea of what I mean.

Other than that, a great little story from one of my favorite darkfic writers. I can't wait for more!

What? Freddy Krueger isn't completely original?:derpytongue2:
Apart from the slightly over-long ending, this was pretty neat.

Well that was certainly disturbing, yet thorughly enjoyable.

Snip, snip the scissors hissed!

666 views......coincidence? XD



Was super into this song when I wrote this. Based Shandershears off of Martyn Jacques.

Rare to see The Great Tall Tailor get some love. Didn't expect the end. If you are ever interested in reading the oldest version of the rhyme that I have seenits called The Story of Little Suck-a-thumb by Heinrich Hoffman. Guy was cruelty to children personified.

So far not liking how Sweetie Bell is behaving in this. I get she's a child, and kids want what they want when they want it and they don't understand the differences of interests between adults and kids nor care how taxing and exhausting they can be especially on someone who's not a parent but has to put up with them. But still the insults were unnecessary. I wish Rarity had gotten to her with that hairbru-

A grin festered across Rarity’s features and she knew exactly how to repay Sweetie’s insolence.

Oh, okay, I like the sound of that.

Ok, definitely enjoyed this one! Going into my favorites!! I feel it could've stopped at the reveal and let the horror and guilt sink in, but that's just me sometimes I like sudden cut offs (no pun intended).
I'm going to become your self-proclaimed biggest fan at this rate. Your writing really does make my heart race (though part might be because I'm on meds for my heart). Still! If it invokes physical response, it's powerful writing!


I've had that same comment about it went on too long and I remember thinking when I wrote it that it went a little beyond where it should have ended. Never fixed it though. Guess I won't. Not a bad story but it was based on German folk tales and wasn't original enough.

Thanks for reading and commenting. Very happy you've taken to my stories. I look forward to your responses and thoughts.

I think this new Shandershears is an imposter! Grandma’s vocal chords were never cut! i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/613/885/feb.gif

I seriously thought this was going to backfire on Rarity, and Sweetie was going to end up killing her out of self defense, thinking she was ShanderShears.

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