• Published 15th Apr 2012
  • 13,726 Views, 173 Comments

Where Your Heart Is - Cloudy Skies

Rainbow Dash begins to question where she truly belongs.

  • ...


“If you could use your signature, that would be good. A lot better, in fact,” Mr. Cake suggested, frowning at the three crude balloons above the dotted line of the scroll. “Do we have another form?”

“Pha’ if ma phigmafhure!” Pinkie proudly declared, the quill in her mouth dancing around like a kite in a storm before she had the sense to spit it out.

Dash snickered, quite proud of the little scribble next to Pinkie’s. Her own scrawl was properly illegible while maintaining the illusion of being actual words. She had spent time practicing her signature for her inevitable Wonderbolts gig, of course.

“I’m sure that will do just fine,” Mrs. Cake said, forestalling any further discussion on the matter by slipping the papers off the counter and into her saddlebags. “The Corner is yours. Take good care of it now, girls.”

It was impossible to keep from smiling. Rainbow Dash knew she had a big, goofy grin on her face, and she didn’t care. “Awesome,” she mouthed, doing a private little hoof-pump behind Pinkie’s back.

“You guys sure?” Pinkie asked, looking up at the kindly couple who had owned Sugarcube Corner for the longest time. “I kind of liked my cozy little roomie-broomie up there. I don’t mind. I mean, we don’t-”

Mrs. Cake chuckled and shook her head before fishing out her keys, putting them on the counter. “We’re sure, Pinkie Pie. We know you two will do a great job, just like we knew the corner was in good hooves when we had to extend our stay,” she said.

“Oh, you should probably thank Fluttershy too, then! Oh, and Twilight and-” Pinkie began. Dash jabbed her with a hoof and kept smiling all through the awkward little silence until Mr. Cake cleared his throat and spoke up.

“Anyway, it’s a bit of a relief, to be honest. Canterlot has more opportunities for the foals, and we found a nice big place with more space for us to open up a bigger bakery,” he concluded. “We’ll drop the papers off with Mayor Mare, and that’s that.”

“If you say so!” Pinkie chirped, leaning forwards to grab the Cakes in a hug that they were happy to return. “But you have to come visit! I promise we’ll take good care of Sugarcube Corner, but you have to come see, soon!”

“We will, promise,” Mr. Cake said, echoed by a nod from Mrs. Cake. There was precious little else to add, and goodbyes were exchanged. Only when the door shut, leaving Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash alone, did Dash turn to look at Pinkie in earnest.

There was no fancy sunlight to frame her face, no wind to tug at her curls. They just stood there smack dab in the middle of the sales floor of Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie wasn’t even smiling - she didn't glow with that particular energy that seemed to make the world a better place; she was staring at something on the floor, a speck of dirt or whatever, brow furrowed and tongue sticking out of her mouth.

For some inexplicable reason, this all just proved Dash’s point. She finally knew where her home was.

Pinkie darted forwards to lick at the floor with expert speed and precision, her face morphing into a disgusted frown straight after. “Eugh, okay, that was not chocolate!” she complained, pouting at Dash. “Oh, whatcha lookin’ at, Dashie? Did you want it? I think it was dirt.”

“Just looking at you,” Dash shrugged, stretching and unfurling her wings.

“Oh!” Pinkie said, smiling. “That makes sense. Why?”

“It’s been what, a full minute already? You haven’t said anything about a party to celebrate,” Dash said, grinning. “What’s up?”

“Oh yeah!” Pinkie gasped. “This totally calls for a party! How could I forget? Oh my gosh, I am losing my touch! I may no longer be Ponyville’s premier party pony!”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I don’t think you need to worry about that, Pinks,” she snickered. “Come on, let’s make this the biggest one yet! We gotta invite all the girls. Oh, and we need to make a sign for the ‘Corner, something to put above the door! You know, let everypony know the coolest pony in Equestria lives here, too.”

“Ooh, we could have Applejack bring some of her special apple cider, the cider she pretends she doesn’t have!” Pinkie chirped. “You know, down in her cellar?”

“Awesome!” Dash cheered. “And I bet we could get some fireworks, too. Didn’t Rarity make a dress for Big Boom? I think he owes her.”

“A suit, silly,” Pinkie corrected her, giggling.

“Whatever,” Dash muttered, waving a hoof in Pinkie’s general direction. “This is gonna be awesome.”

“Yeah!” Pinkie agreed.

Dash settled her wings on her back again and pursed her lips, her heartbeat slowing down to a manageable level again. Pinkie let herself fall backwards to rest across Dash’s back, staring up at the ceiling in the ensuing silence.

“Tomorrow?” Dash asked with the beginnings of a smile.

“Tomorrow is a great day for a party,” Pinkie agreed. Her body shook against Dash’s as she giggled. “Tonight is a super-fantastic time for... battleclouds?”

Dash gently extricated herself from under her marefriend, making sure she didn’t fall. “I’ll get the blanket and the games, you get the cocoa and the muffins?” she asked, her body tensing up, ready for flight.

“Race you!” Pinkie chirped, bouncing over Dash and setting course for the kitchen.

Dash cracked an eye open. Pinkie Pie had poked her in the face with a foreleg in her sleep and she’d somehow gotten both of her own hindlegs tangled in Pinkie’s tail. Carefully and quietly as she could, she disentangled herself from her marefriend, pausing only to rub her eyes before she got up on all fours.

The living room was a mess. Battleclouds pieces and muffin crumbs littered the area in front of the dying embers of the fireplace, and the poor old blanket they shared had another set of cocoa-induced stains. Another set of scars. She’d have to ask Fluttershy or Rarity if they knew how to safely wash it.

That was the extent of her worries. That was the worst her brain could do to her when she slowed down to think for a second.

Rainbow Dash cast a glance out the open window on the far wall, and the only thing that came to her was that she hoped Pinkie Pie wasn’t cold. She bit down on the blanket and pulled it up to Pinkie’s neck, nosing into her coat as she did. The pink pony was hugging her old cloud-pillow, drooling into it in her sleep.

It was too early to get up and start preparing for the party anyway. Dash smiled at the thought even as she wiggled in under the blanket again. Slipping a wing under pinkie’s body to hold her close, Dash slept again, free and safe.


Author's Notes and Other Things

Right! First off, thank you for reading. If you made it this far, it hopefully means you liked this little fic, but I'm always glad to receive feedback of all types; notes, email or whatever, I reply to each and every one!

It felt liberating to get to write this fic. While it may not be terribly innovative, I've had a lot of ideas for a PinkieDash fic that I never quite got to use. When Where Earth Meets Sky ended as it did, I finally saw an opportunity to use at least some of these ideas.

I just wanted to write a classical, uncomplicated ship fic for the heck of it. I never wanted to try to do something crazy. I write limited third person PoV ship or adventure-ship fics. I'll let other, more daring writers reinvent the wheel. For me, writing Pinkie's PoV is an adventure in itself.

That said, this fic wouldn't exist if not for friends and fellow writers. I owe my all to Kits for his cover art, his ideas, his continued assistance,feedback and general keeping-up-with-me-being-me. Kits, you are a champ. Also, he writes fics that are absolutely amazing, so you should go read them all.

I also want to give a huge thanks to everypony who gave of their time to help me with proofreading/feedback in the final stretch. Whiteout, Stillwaters, Cormacolindor and Mister Morden. Thank you!

And thank you, gentle reader, if you actually read the author's notes and the thank-yous. You are now my favorite pony of the day!

Comments ( 84 )

471545 Aw, well, there's keeping up with, and there's keeping up with, I guess. Pinkie cheats, so it's not really fair!

471598 471294 472220 Thank you very much, truly!

471377 And there we go, now you can find out, hah!

474551 To be very frank, and very open about this for once - since if I did decide to do RariLight, it'd be clearly telegraphed in the fic title/desc anyway - I don't think I will. I don't feel like chasing that symmetry just because they're the two ones left. Then again, I don't want to actively avoid pairing them up, either; this continuity really is just me going with the flow, writing whatever seems cutest at the time.

What I will say is that when I decide to write a third story in this arc, I will at least comment on it! If you were a gang of friends and this happened, at the very least, you would notice, hah. S'gotta be a little uncomfortable sometimes!

473744 I'm glad she works! It was a very, very nervous moment for me, submitting that chapter, because it's basically all the dangers/traps of writing an OC, except the level of expectations is higher considering who she is, guh. I spent over half an hour pining over what to name her, and I owe Kits a cookie for his help, there. I am pretty desperate to get to write Flare and Dash interacting. I may have to facilitate that in the third story.

Heh, sorry if I'm reading more into the stories than is actually there. I really like to dissect stuff, and sometimes I go overboard.
(Borrowing your style of commenting on comments here -)

No, no, and jeez, no. I did not mean to say that, sorry! The only problems that arise from liberal/extensive interpretation are when you tout them as unassailable truths, and even I don't claim to possess such authority. What you do is highlight something, either reminding me of potential lost, or giving me ideas. That is awesome.

And yes, I believe this is the first time I've done a close Pinkie PoV like this - and that's because Pinkie scares me. Writing Ode to Friendship was the first step towards curing this fear, by having Pinkie be the star. This was the next step, and I guess Pinkie is the part I'm happiest with in this fic, actually - thanks!

Re: "Of Parties and Rainbows," if you stay skip over "But Where Do They Bury the Survivors?" and "After Every Storm," you oughta be fine.

Was going to, and then I saw you had written RariPie. Priority shiiift!

Yay, happy ending! With 9001% more d'awww. This was very satisfying to read. Though I'm wondering what happened to Dashie's epic new house. Did it just dissipate into nothingness?

Such a wonderful story. It's terribly cute and Pinkie is just silly enough to know it's really her. Thanks for the smiles.

This has become my favorite ship-fic from Pinkie's perpective. You keep her light-hearted innocence and absolute optimism without gong over the top or losing any of the romance. Excellent job with the whole thing.

another great ship fic done cant wait to see more stuff from you

Okay, great. You caused me to sign up just so I could comment on your story. Happy now? Proud? :rainbowwild:

Really, though, this story was amazing! I'm a sucker for a good romance, but seriously hesitate at fanfiction, especially shipfics. It's such a difficult act, juggling a romantic story with believable characterizations, that it so rarely seems to work. But you really have a knack for mixing character with story; I think you deserve extra points for showing how Pinkie would work in romantic-mode, shifting from hyper-spastic to oddly calm and collected as her mind drifts to her wants (her talk about Dash at the end of chapter 4 was especially beautiful). Honestly, I could go on, but I'll just keep it short (too late) and say that you got everyone down wonderfully, and the story soars because of it!

I've been waiting all week for this one's conclusion, and it was totally worth it! Just like Fluttershy, I couldn't help but let out a bit of a squee at the end :yay:

...to make one more note, I have to admit that I would love to see you continue these stories (considering this is a followup). I know you said in your journal that you didn't want t get tied down, but personally, I love shifting-world stories; the kind that use one to branch of to another to branch off to another, and I think there's so much more you could do with this one. I mean, heck, I think we'd all love to know what kind of a wedding Pinkie would plan (or her reaction to it, if someone else planned AJ&FS's). Um, I mean... you know.... if you wanted to...

awww i love this story!! very nice! 5/5

yay, I'm someponies favorite pony of the day:yay:
I really enjoyed this fic, just like WEMS and I don't have much to say except that you get a pinkie:pinkiesmile:

This is just the cutest PinkieDash fic I've read in a long time. It sounds like you went outside your comfort zone to write Pinkie, and it's simply brilliant! :pinkiehappy:

Of course, the rest of the characters are great, too. Fluttershy and Applejack in particular were lovely whenever we saw them. I loved how they handled Dash when she flew into their bedroom. AJ did her best to help even if she didn't realize everything that was going on while Fluttershy just knows Dash well enough to see there's more that's bothering her. And Pinkie and Fluttershy at the end was just :rainbowlaugh: And let's not forget your own creations, Mr. Burner and Mrs. Rainbow Dash's Mom. They didn't get that much attention, but they sure made the best of it.

There really aren't any scenes I didn't love. Among the best was Pinkie jumping out of Twilight's balloon straight down to Cloudsdale and meeting Straight Edge. That whole opening was just so... Pinkie! :pinkiesmile: And of course the confessions at the Top of the World. It's just so brilliantly romantic and fitting for for when they finally get together.

Seriously, this may not be the most revolutionary shipfic out there, but it is one of the best. :moustache:

This whole story is just amazing.

The way you've captured Pinkie is just perfect - she's hilarious, random, sweet and yet she's absolutely heartbreaking and one of the most touching takes on the character i've ever seen. Her entire outlook on life is incredibly well done. Everything she does and thinks feels very Pinkie indeed. I loved her speech to not-really-sleeping Dash especially, I think - though honestly every scene in this is just glorious. And Puffy the cloud is the greatest pet ever - Pinkie's reaction must have been gold, and Dash's reaction to that reaction would've been priceless. :rainbowlaugh:

Dash feels great too - her snarky nature really shines through but she never feels out of character or mean. I should say how my favourite Dash moment was one of the sweet, touching ones but honestly? Her doing everything in her power to stealthily devour a muffin while pretending to be asleep during a confession of love may never be topped by any Dash moment in anything ever. Also, Dash's mum is best mum.

I love this. You, sir, are awesome and I thank you.

LOOOOOOVE. Oh, gosh. So much love. I love Dash flying to "the top of the world," and I love Pinkie deciding to nap with her. I love Dash being ecstatically happy when she realizes Pinkie is real and is actually there. I also love how Pinkie is so unconcerned about the cloud-walking spell wearing off--and about that, about Pinkie's whole quest. For any other pony, it'd be heroic to have stolen the balloon, take that dive into Cloudsdale, wait for Dash to wake up even though time's running low. But Pinkie's not your average pony, so none of that really phases her. She's not scared of any of that. So the REALLY heroic part ends up being Pinkie quietly saying, "I did mean it." Because THAT gets at the stuff that Pinkie's really afraid of, and it's a beautiful moment.

Also, I love that my expectations--that the cloud-walking spell would wear off, and Rainbow would have to make a heroic save--were completely dashed (no pun intended). Because what happened instead is so much better, so much more poignant, and egads, I loved it so. ("What you are ... is mine.")

And then they crashed through the spa roof, which was the most perfect ending in the history of perfect. ("Oh, hey, girls. What's up?") I have to say it again--Dash and Pinkie are SUCH a fun and funny couple when you write them. Also, wingboner joke. I will never, ever tire of wingboner jokes. Because I am TWELVE.

One part that seemed perhaps a bit too fast-paced, or perhaps underdeveloped, were the two paragraphs that began and ended "Pinkie Pie was here ... There was no choking tightness. Dash shook her head slowly, tuning back in just in time to catch Pinkie’s final words." Dash had been angsting about this stuff for a handful of chapters--having her go from "trapped' to "not trapped" in two paragraphs seemed a bit fast to me. But that's a very minor criticism, because really, this story is LOVE. I think it's my new favoritest RainbowPie.

Thanks so much for writing and for sharing with all of us. :pinkiehappy:

Twilight x Straight Edge is totally my new OTP.

I can't help but think Rarity would try to take over the planning of a RainbowPie wedding, because she'd be afraid (very justifiably afraid) that it would be completely tacky if Dash and Pinkie planned it themselves.

Well, I beat you to the fic title by several days, but this was still nice. You do a good Pinkie.

I love you. :heart: You literally made my day with this, so thank you.

Well, having read Earth Meets Sky and now this, I think I'll just... stop writing now. You've got it covered. XD

I know that feel.

Read "Bonds of Earth and Sky" too. Even if it is clop, that FlutterDash relationship is seriously... real.

:yay: Well done.

Most excellent, Cloudy! I liked this story a lot. In addition to what others have mentioned, I really like the way you changed the meaning of Pinkie sleeping on Dash's wing. First, it was a symbol of Dash's fear of being trapped by Pinkie, but now symbolizes how close Dash desires Pinkie to be. Especially in the epilogue, where RD intentionally slips her wing under Pinkie and considers herself freer for it. Well done, indeed! :pinkiehappy::rainbowwild::pinkiehappy::rainbowwild:

Oh holy moley, that's a lot of comments, suddenly.

475277 I constantly worry that what I write is too angsty, because I don't like angst myself, but you do need some sort of opposition. I did multiple passes trying to smooth it out and de-angst it, but I still think it could've been a little more light-hearted. Still, glad if it all worked out for you!

475311 It's funny you should mention that; I tried so hard to find a way to fit a mention of it into the epilogue, I just failed! I guess the omission suggests that it's mostly because it doesn't really matter any more, but it'll probably be commented on in the next story.

475317 475331 475465 475742 475768 Thank you, truly, and thank you for reading, too! I shall treasure this Pinkie always.

475635 Oh jeez, I'm flattered! I'll freely admit that Pinkie was a challenge. The second part there though - I'm very, very glad to hear of this interest. It means a lot to hear it, because even if I'm more resolved to write the next story now, it helps to know that there is, well. Interest! Thanks!

476072 Thanks! You're very kind, and I'm glad if the Pinkie went over well; I honestly wish I could have worked more AppleShy into this story, but that's just my own weakness for the pair. Also, I get a mustache, yay!

476077 Oh wow, I may start believing that I could try my hoof at Pinkie again someday if this keeps up - thank you! Puffy is funny because I added that little snippet as an afterthought late late night when I was doing a final edit pass as I imported to FimF, hah.

And in Dash's defense, they are Pinkie-baked muffins. I would sell my hat for a Pinkie-made muffin.

476269 I'm very glad to hear I din' drop the ball at the end there, if I read you right!

I suppose some of the stuff from Best Plan kind of dribbled through, huh? I mean, I didn't even think about it before I read your first paragraph there, but you're actually quite right, hah. I just pray it didn't feel like a re-hashing. Heck, now I need to re-read my own fic to check.

Regarding the very climax, though, I need to give credit to Kits for the idea regarding ownership and all that. As I remember it, it's in fact entirely his idea - but then, we toss ideas back and forth so often, it's a safe bet that if something is neat, it's his, half the time.

I will never, ever tire of wingboner jokes. Because I am TWELVE.

Okay, I laughed hard at that! In my defense, I am aware of how worn they are - but sometimes, I am twelve, too.

Now, regarding the critique, I do actually agree; what I ideally would do is expand upon the turning point for Dash, there, instead eating into the deliberation prior to her realizing Pinkie is present. I have a vague feeling that I meant to trim the start of that segment, but got distracted - it's slightly too whingy for Dash, perhaps?

477931 Oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez, don't even joke about that. I've said so over there - somewhere - and I'll say it again; Wingmares was among the most polished and elegant works I've ever read. If you find some traits that you like, here, I'm of course thrilled, but don't you dare cut me off from Via Equestria before it's done and I can lavish praise upon you for it.

I almost want to accuse you of being too liberal, of attributing my characterization with concerns and themes that I can only nod dumbly and say "yeah, sure!" to. I think you're just a better reader than I am a writer, hah. Still, I am glad that Dash translated. Where writing Pinkie was new and a challenge, I had (and still have) worries about Dash here. I am glad if they're at least partially unfounded.

Your description of Equestria spread beneath Rainbow's wings at the apex of her flight blew away what I came up with for Wingmares, no joke.

I'm not going to disagree with you by highlighting why I think you're wrong, but your Cloudsdale stands out stronger in my mind than most locations, I'm just saying.

That said, you saying you might, perhaps, one day, just maybe sniff at shipping? That is the true prize here.

477976 I could've sworn I googled extensively to see there were no ponyfics - I guess my search was a little too exact, guh. Thank you, all the same!

478060 As ever, thank you, truly!

478237 Aw, thank you! I was wondering about that little scene, whether it was incomprehensible silly gibberish, or good silly gibberish!

478631 Pff, as if. Get back to writing, writepony! (Thank you, you flatterer!)

479096 ...Well, blast. If I ever re-read this story for my own pleasure now, it's gonna be a lot more interesting.

479652 Flutteryays are best yays, thank you!

481338 Aw, I'm glad you liked that bit - the very last one at the end of the last epilogue was a very late addition, so I'm glad to see it mentioned; thank you! I'm a huge fan of recurring little things like that.


OMG I can't believe you did not realize it when you were writing it! :pinkiegasp: This is JUST from the first chapter:

“Those muffins may be too much for just one pony to handle!”
“Oh. That sounds like fun,” she said without looking up, obviously busy watching the muffins or whatever.
But they were special muffins not meant to be eaten alone.
The muffins were still warm, after all.
“I want muffins,” Dash declared. “So I’m gonna go get some muffins.”
‘Pinkie Pie, a pegasus as cool as the Dash deserves only the freshest muffins!’
“Uh-huh,” Dash muttered around a growing smile, her brain already filling with the heady sugary scent of muffins.
We could eat muffins while we play games? Ooh, wait, don’t tell me, muffins and the latest Daring-Do graphic novel?
“When he eats my muffins, it’s because he likes my muffins, Pinkie.”

Seriously Bro? You wrote this. I thought it was mostly on purpose because your crafty like that. :rainbowhuh:
Honestly though, it's probably just me and my clop-filled head! :rainbowlaugh:
Anyway I just saw the finale and I am fried from the epicosity... :rainbowkiss:

Warm fuzzies filled my heart after finishing this story. As with others you pulled pinkie off perfectly! Pinkie happens to be my favorite of all the ponies so I take stories with her in it as a primary character VERY seriously. I just don't have it in me to write essay length praise so a simple awesome job will have to do. Thanks for the story and I look forward to more of your works.

You did the exact opposite of dropping the ball. And I don't think you rehashed too much from "Rainbow Dash's Best Plan Ever," for what it's worth. I just think a bit of your "Best Plan Ever" characterization of Pinkie carried over to "WYHI"--and that's a GOOD thing, not a bad thing, as your Pinkie characterization is top notch.

Props to kits for the pegasus ownership idea, then. That was a really neat idea.

Re: my critique, I think I might have changed my mind. I reread chapter 5 and found myself pondering this bit:

“I’m not going anywhere,” Pinkie finally said, tentatively poking at the silence. Rainbow Dash rubbed her temples and sighed.

This was what it was really about for Dash, all along, wasn't it? Which I kinda knew but also it just now fully clicked for me. The real worry wasn't being trapped ... it was LOSS. To care about someone is to make yourself vulnerable, to take a risk. And assuming that's what was really tying Dash up in knots, then Pinkie's simple presence on the Top--visible, tangible proof that Pinkie will not only stay with Dash but will chase her to the ends of the world--would be reassuring, in and of itself.

Or I could be misreading everything. That's always possible, too. *laugh*

Oh heck, that part where Rainbow explains that Pinkie won't fall because she belongs to her now was soooooo great. :pinkiehappy: I really enjoy a nice, straightforward bit of PinkieDash and this delivered it very well.

481946 I honestly went muffin-blind. I use muffins as a matter of habit in my fics - as opposed to cupcakes, turnovers or whatever - and I used that damned word so many times in this fic, I... wow. Well. Clop goggles will make this for an interesting read.

482835 Aw, no essay? I'm crushed, sir/madam! No, seriously though, thank you - you're far too kind!

483010 I shall celebrate this by inhaling sugar at twice the regular speed, thank you!

484387 Ah! Well, fair enough, sorry if I misunderstood or misinterpreted.

To be very frank, regarding the point you've raised (and then retracted), I must admit that I'd have to re-read it myself to give a more accurate reply (since it's rapidly fading from mind). What I will say is that you're right in that Pinkie's very presence is the major point. I still wonder if I could've stressed it more.

The real worry wasn't being trapped ... it was LOSS. To care about someone is to make yourself vulnerable, to take a risk. And assuming that's what was really tying Dash up in knots, then Pinkie's simple presence on the Top--visible, tangible proof that Pinkie will not only stay with Dash but will chase her to the ends of the world--would be reassuring, in and of itself.

I don't know how you snuck into my notes, because this is pretty much half of what was left after I'd sliced away at my own notes as I went along. She fears this - making herself vulnerable again. Dash fleeing wasn't a test, not intentionally, but Pinkie following like some guided missile was the last proof she needed.

Another point is that she also feared hurting Pinkie, and the only way she could make sure that wouldn't happen was if she made sure Pinkie wouldn't let her hurt her - wouldn't let her go.

Mind you, these are just my words. I always believed in free interpretation. People can read whatever they want into whatever I write, and I'll be happy if they can find the "evidence" to support their interpretations; I'll never call them wrong or right. That's not in my place. All I can say is how I read it myself. Not even gonna use the word "intended".

Ah! Well, fair enough, sorry if I misunderstood or misinterpreted.

No, no! I was being unclear and just trying to fix that. TL:DR: This story rocks, I love it, and I see what I'm saying as more just discussing the story than critiquing it.

Another point is that she also feared hurting Pinkie, and the only way she could make sure that wouldn't happen was if she made sure Pinkie wouldn't let her hurt her - wouldn't let her go.

*nod* Fortunately, Pinkie is a pony who is uniquely qualified to accomplish that.

Mind you, these are just my words. I always believed in free interpretation. People can read whatever they want into whatever I write, and I'll be happy if they can find the "evidence" to support their interpretations; I'll never call them wrong or right. That's not in my place. All I can say is how I read it myself. Not even gonna use the word "intended".

That's my approach, too. I don't consider an interpretation of my own writing as "wrong" if it differs from what I had in the back of my own mind--I really do think the text exists as a separate thing from the author. Still, it's always neat to hear authors talk about their work, their intentions, their processes, etc. Thanks for indulging me. :twilightsmile:

491991 Thank you very much for your kind words! I'm glad if you like!


Sheer brilliance. Possibly my favorite PinkieDash story yet, and that's against some stiff competition, so... yeah. Ya done good, Mr. Skies. Pinkie's characterization was probably the highlight. I tend to be wary of stories with her as the main character given how... unconventional... her personality and thought process are, but you've pulled her off perfectly here.

5/5, easily. No complaints. If you're still writing a third story in this continuity, I will absolutely read it. If the diabetes I got from this one doesn't kill me first, anyway.

While your stories aren't the most original, I can very much feel the emotions in both this one and in where earth meets sky, the only question I have now is... what happens to the two (out of the six) ponies that do not have a relationship yet.

Up there I say that your stories aren't the most original, this however is a strength rather than a fault, you have taken Pinkie's POV to it's peak, everything she did felt so like her and I very much enjoyed the story because of it.
Same for RD the "why think then you can run" style of going about things fits!

If it wasn't clear already I very much enjoyed this story, kudos to you, and I'm looking forward to more great writing. :twilightsmile:

It's good to see you write again cloudy :twilightsmile:
This fic wasn't all too complicated, as you said in your author's notes, but I have to say, your characters are almost parallel to the show. I always love how true you stay to the character's personalities to the show
Anyways, this was a sweet and simple fic and I hope to see more from you eventually :pinkiehappy:

493019 Thanks! I'm still surprised (and utterly thrilled) that so many poke at Pinkie. I had a good feeling about the one scene, but this is beyond my wildest imaginations - I hope to deliver a third story!

493545 Oh hoh hoh, minefield, sir or madam! Naw, seriously, I can say one thing for sure at least; I do not intend to ship Rarity and Twilight out of a sense of obligation/symmetry. I'm not saying I'm 100% sure I won't, but I won't do it because I feel it's expected - be that of myself or others.

Thank you for your kind words, even if I'm not quite sure I deserve them - I'll just keep it up and see what happens!

496951 I'm glad to be writing! Thank you, truly!

I never said it had to be with one another. :raritywink:

What a great read! Love it!! Well written and enjoyable. I would say PinkieDash is nearly as brilliant as TwiDash! :pinkiehappy:
I must say tho that the ending at the top of the world may have approached cheesyness, but I respect it and it still turned out very well.

504355 Hah, fair enough. Twi x Lyra and Rares x Bon-Bon, was it? No really, I can only say I've obviously thought about it!

505050 Thanks! And yeah, I generally don't actively try to avoid sounding cheesy unless it's downright terrible; I'm a sucker for the classics, I guess.

Shame on me! I read the first 8 chapters of this story just slightly slower than they came out, but then I put off reading the epilogue for like a week. Doing so did have the advantage of extending the time I spend reading this story; now that I've finished it I feel kind of sad, almost.

This truly is a marvellous PinkieDash fic. It started of with some really, really precious domestic scenes. The way you described Dash and Pinkie living together truly was very cute indeed and I was almost disappointed to have the plot move forward. Luckily, the ending brought us a bit more of that and I can rest assured knowing that this kind of cute sillyness will be the ordinary home life of the two of them from now on.

I feel you understand both characters very well. I'm sure you have read the Equestria Daily page of this fic, and I really do agree with everything CouchCrusader said. The way they both do crazy things, rush off without thinking things through, act on impulse.. That's the essence of the pairing right there, in my opinion. An opinion I based on what you had Dash think in Rainbow Dash's Best Plan Ever, in fact: "She was perhaps the only pony who could ever keep up with Equestria’s fastest flier." Both of them are brash, crazy, energetic, and it is when those traits are fully brought out that the pairing truly shows its best side. And it this fic it definitely did.

And that final moment in which Dash looks at the window which has thus far always served as an escape route, but feels so secure and at home that she no longers considers it to be one; that was very nice. It showed that even in this relationship between two energetic balls of chaos, there's still room for a little calmth in the eye of the storm, so to speak.

Even though I'm normally not all that fond of OC's, I must say that Dash's mother was actually kind of cool. I can imagine Pinkie and her having a rather interesting relation now that she and Dash are together and I'd love to see Dash and her interact, something which regrettably did not happen in this story.

So yeah, this was a really awesome story and I really hope you plan on writing more PinkieDash in the future, for you are really, really good at it and I will need it to get through the time between seasons :P Until then, I'm left to check out your other fics. The only PinkieDash fanfic of yours which I have not yet read appears to be a clopfic. So, I guess I'll check that out next.

My apologies for the ridiculously disjointed way this little review was written, by the way. My thought just seem to be all over the place and I didn't succeed in organizing them neatly while writing, it seems.

508161 Oh my! Thank you for the comment, for reading, and- well, it's not so much a comment as it's a story of it's own, hah! Let's see.

First, regarding slice-of-lifey (or, as you say, "domestic") scenes; I have an insatiable appetite for them, too. Sometimes, when I'm bored or uninspired, I sit down and churn out little cozy scenes that'll never see the light of day simply because they don't make for a good story alone, but they're just so neat!

Now, regarding the pairing itself, I'm very glad that my intent came through and was liked. To be very frank, I was a little nervous. Usually, I'm too gentle in trying to get thematics across - I foreshadow too lightly or whatever - but in WYHI, I feared I was hammering down too hard on exactly what which you highlight, the point of the fic that I used because I've written so much PinkieDash,I needed something different -

Sometimes, it's just time for a nap. They're both such ridiculously energetic ponies, I wanted them to share the potential for secret quiet moments, but when I say something more than once or twice, I keep fearing I'm too overt. I haven't had anypony complain about that though, so perhaps I managed to hit the middle ground? I'm glad, either way!

The little scene right at the end? I'm always glad when people poke at stuff that I do as last-minute adjustments. It makes me feel better about my gut feeling!

Re: Dash's mom, you have no idea how scary it was to write her. It's not just involving an OC in a ship story, it's writing an OC with the biggest "better be good" stamp on her forehead. Being Dash's mom wasn't easy. I'm glad Kits had a minute (half an hour) to help me just with her name. That alone threatened to block me.

A final note - don't feel forced to read Bonds if it really isn't your tastes. If you liked the mood here, and haven't read the first story in this arc yet, I'd recommend Where Earth Meets Sky - but since you said "first eight chapters", I assume you mean you've read WEMS. I plan on writing more romance, and I've pretty much found my style, I guess, but if you're after something different, Within and Without is good for a night or two of deliberate romance in a drama setting, and Ode to Friendship, while not technically shipping, will forever be the fic of mine that I wish more people've read, hah.

Anyway, thank you! It might be a while before I write more pure PinkieDash simply because I've done it 3.5 times now, but I'm neither tired of the ship, nor will the third story in this continuity exclude them!

One of the best I have read in a while, nothing but happy, and no grimdark for a change.

My only complaint is that you made more use of one of my pet peeves than sky other author to date.
For the love of Faust, Pinkie is NOT a bird, she is a pony! Ponies do NOT chirp!:pinkiegasp:

I'll write a better review when I'm more awake...

Oh, and thanks to you, Dash's mom is my new headcanon. It just seemed so perfectly RIGHT!

510237 Not sure why I'm replying to this PARTICULAR comment, but I feel the necessity to say that this fic was a PERFECT read.

Also, DAAAAAAWWWWW.:rainbowkiss:

527581 Whup, bit of a late reply, I guess, sorry. I'm glad you liked! I generally abhor grimdark, so you'll rarely see me go any darker than Fluffy with Mild Peril, hah. Happy that 'Flare went over well, too!

Now, regarding chirping, it's a bit of a toughie; I use it because it fits with the tone, provides free variance, and is an uplifting and fun way of saying "said". At the same time, It sucks if you've started letting it annoy you, because once that happens, there's really no going back, is there? Ick. I don't know what to say, sorry!

532320 I'm glad, thank you for reading, and thanks for the comment!

532791 Hi! Well, that's awesome to hear, frankly - holy crap! I hope the other stories proved to be worth your time, and that W&W/O does the same. I'll be here, bein' happy and writing more stories, yeah? Thank-you!

WoW finaly done, took me most of the day.
Math test that decides if I pass tomorrow? Please I got ponies to read! :facehoof:
While I prefered the other two in the "series" this one was alot of fun amd the Pinkie POV was alot of fun, although I got confused more than once.

I hope to see Straight Edge making a cameo in later fics,Pinkie has met her match in pure oddity! :pinkiegasp:

564041 Priorities are the best thing!

Straight Edge x Twi, as somepone said somewhere up there. OTP. I think she might give even Twi a bit of a headache.

571170 I have a sneaky suspicion I stole that from somewhere.

I really loved this story. Well written, excellent characterizations, sweet, funny, and very, very well done.

Welp this was interesting indeed.
Thanks for the little adventure.

617671 Thank you very much, glad to hear it!

618989 Very glad if you liked it - thank you for reading!

All i can say is wow. This was extremely well written and i absolutely loved the whole thing!
I have read quite a few fan fictions in my time and i have seen many people attempt something similar to this in the ways of writing. I can honestly say you are the first to ever do it this well. In simple terms if this were a book i would happily buy it great job through and through this was perfect!:heart::heart::heart::pinkiehappy::rainbowlaugh:

Cloudy, I think I'm going to have to to sue you. My heart exploded approximately three times throughout this story, and I don't have the money to get a fourth one! :twilightsmile:
But really though, that was an excellent story! The way everyone was written, especially Pinkie and Dash, were perfect, and I laughed out loud several times at Pinkie's thought processes. :rainbowlaugh: Not to mention, the story was completely adorable!
Another job well done, Cloudy Skies! :yay:

Too Much Cute!! it hurts! ow my heart

All I have to say is OMG

619993 Oh dear sweet lords and ladies of late replies, sorry for - well, the late reply. Anyway, thank you very much for your amazingly kind words - I'm glad you liked!

621975 Thank you! I'm sorry, but we don't offer heart refunds any more, but we do sell very cheap sugar-based replica hearts that, while they don't interact with your blood flow, are very tasty!

660648 Aww, wow, that's high praise - thank you! I may not believe in having singular OTP's myself (I love far too many ponies for that), I will take that for the compliment it is!

678453 See above comment regarding hearts and sugar, I'm really sorry :( (No, seriousy; thanks for reading, and thanks for your comment!)

689260 Okay, that link, what, I don't even.

That's brilliant.

Aww, that was cute. Dash's mum was interesting, and the scene in the spa was pretty great (wingboners are pretty funny when used right :trollestia:).

Oh and, to my (not really at all great) great shame, it took me a few seconds to twig that Mr. Burner was not, in fact, a pony who just loved dem hot air balloons.:ajsmug:

715324 I'm glad she worked, and if the ending (well, pre-epilogue) was any good at all, well, that makes me very happy; I have very little faith in my ability to write endings. Epilogues, yes, endings, no.

Re: Mr. Burner - that's brilliant, haha. Thank you for reading, and thanks for the comment, too!

751438 I think the premise wasn't very "deep", but then it sort of exploded, and you wouldn't believe how long I've spent pining over trying to make sure that Dash's feelings actually make sense. If I had published this with the initial proposed ending up at The Top, I swear, it would be a terrible fic. I owe so much to my pre-readers there. As it stands, it's a fic I'm actually proud of.

Thank you, though, both for reading and for giving me your thoughts!

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