• Member Since 4th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen May 20th


Rufyart am Fvoe, Enevhfyart am Levjaffeb... igmu xirt yev vatyf ar fye irom


With the Barrier slowly consuming the Earth, and nowhere else to go, the population of the world has little choice other then to go pony, or die.

All but one who finds himself unable to go pony. Instead the potion renders him immune to the Barrier and magics toxic qualities, as well as giving him the ability to use magic that isn't toxic to regular humans. Exposure to more potion won't force a transformation either, only increase his magical prowess...

He stands alone. The only human who will survive the Collision of the two worlds...

...Then again, screw destiny.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 130 )

Yeah, Screw destiny!

I'm a contributor to this story!

4847896 SSH! None must know what is to come.

Ah, the mysterious two downvotes have struck again, in a space of three minutes.

And yet you still hide in the shadows...

4847912 Don't worry, this mouth isn't yapping about anything. After all, I only gave you an idea for a step on his journey. It's not like I inspired the whole thing, is it?

You need an editor. You use 'then' instead of 'than' and apostrophes are used incorrectly.
Still, I'll keep an eye on this. Might be interesting.

4848245 Yeah, it's just hard to find one that will stick around and actually edit

They're still writing these damnable spinoffs?

Ughh. The bandwagon was dead and buried years ago.


I would like to know who 'they' are.

If the bandwagon is dead then I guess I'm a hipster and didn't even know it.

Either way, amusing comment dude. I raise my glass in salute to you and hope you enjoy the rest of your day.

I think you must've missed a very key basic lesson in how to write, which is 'show, don't tell'. A good half or so of your story is essentially just the narrator rambling about feminists and whatever, and it has no relevance to the rest of the plot. I guess if you want to show it within the story, that's your choice, but it's a pretty bad decision in my opinion to just plop it in there where it stands out like an oozing wound.

4848606 While I can see the point you are trying to make, I feel obliged to point out that I also made mention of several other groups in the same section.


I know, hence why I said 'and whatever'. My point still stands, though.

4848621 You also make an assumption about the relevance when only one chapter has been scene and what the full scale of the story may be.

It is important to note that the narrator is only relaying James' experiences and thoughts to the reader. That entire section was literally what James was thinking of at the time. Look beneath the surface and you find something you haven't seen already, an insight into the character of James.

...Now I'm sad that I even needed to explain that...

There remains only one question to ask: Explosions? I'm half intrigued by the story potential, and half worried about the potentially high Stu levels.

The guy spent a year and a half on a self-proclaimed adventure which we learn was actually just surfing different message boards. While it certainly feels detached from the rest of the chapter, I wouldn't call it a fundamental failing.

I think this would be a more interesting fic if there were other immune humans. All having their own agenda and what not.

4849082 It would be. But it doesn't mesh with ideas I have for this fic, so it will be up to someone else to write it.


Amendment to my previous reply; just had an idea.

...there is at least one other...


...if I don't discard the idea later on...

Let's see what Celestia would have to say to the Human Immune to her Serum in later chapters, When she meets him.

Metaphor for your story, and where I hope it goes:
Left = ponies, right = humans, dog = protagonist

That should be rope, not robe.

Otherwise, so far it looks interesting.

Don't forget a weakness! All powerful characters need a weakness that throws everything off; Sonic can't really deal with water, Mario can't take that many hits, Twilight can't take pressure very well, etc. I had a character who could do amazing magic, but only if someone was feeding their energy to him. Otherwise he was a low-level mage, of sorts. Just make sure you don't forget the Achilles Heel. Without it, you have a god, and even they would normally have a weakness. Just keep that in mind, I guess.


4852290 Of course... the non-spoilery ones should be pretty easy to figure out; He is a teenager after all.

Comment posted by DestinyQuill deleted Aug 15th, 2014

Yeah, kinda forgot about that. Will you go for the "foal" idea posed by the cake twins? Emotionally-powered magic + angst + hormones = Tartarus' own personal demented hell. YAY!
Or, you could go for weak magic, growing with him, and something about it altering his body to allow for greater growth than ever before? I SEE SO MANY POSSIBILITIES! If I wasn't working on getting my first fic out, I'd ask if you wanted help.

I gotta say, you've got me pumped. I'll be watchin' this, and eventually, I'll compete against you for the front page! Have fun, and keep doin' what you do!

Why you post chapter when its so late

4852801 yay:yay:! I'm not alone! Thank you for being evil.:pinkiesmile:

Hey, come join Canada. We have superior Healthcare and even more superior Bacon!


Nah, Australia has better beer and better babes, so Southern should stay.

4853286 Awwwwwwwwww. I was looking forward to freezing in an igloo with him!

Humanity Now. Humanity Tomorrow! HUMANITY ALWAYS! Death to the Solar Tyrant! Death to the Bureaus!

This is interesting. Maybe they'll figure out how to give people magic without having to turn them into ponies now. I can't wait to see how this turns out.

interresting i will follow this story. DONT SCREW IT UP

I'm going to favorite this story for now. If it turns into an anti-human one that sees humanity exterminated I will dislike it.

4852866 I was evil, but then I read tons of adorable&snuggley fics.:pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by Inaktiv deleted Aug 15th, 2014

Immensely interesting.

I just hope there's a story arc where he enacts revenge on the ponies and Celestia using human badassery and magic

You better not abandon this after a few chapters. Or the party will find you

Magic is toxic to humans....okay....why?

You can't beat MY level of being evil.


Guess what? I am Canadian as well :rainbowwild: (I'm not joking)


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