• Published 25th Aug 2014
  • 9,218 Views, 85 Comments

Shidduch - Fuzzyfurvert

Luna ships her sister and the librarian and it's about time she does something drastic to get them to admit their feelings for each other.

  • ...

Luna Ships It

“An impossible raceway for Rainbow.”

"A fairytale castle for Rarity.”

“A swarm of bunnies for Fluttershy.” Luna smiled to herself as she sat upon her cloud, high above Equestria and sent off her dreamstuff creations to the ponies who were responsible for her release from the grips of the Nightmare four years previous. On this, the anniversary of that wonderful event, she sent them each hand-crafted dreams that would make them happy.

Luna wove her hands in front of herself and pulled a formless clump of dreamstuff from the ether. She pinched and plucked the ghostly clay-like material and shaped it into a scale copy of a three ring circus and then a huge barn filled with singing and dancing ponies. “And off you go to Pinkie and Applejack.”

Finally, Luna came to Twilight’s. She rolled the dreamstuff material between her hands, shifting it as she contemplated what to craft. She knew books would certainly please Twilight Sparkle. Or perhaps a model of the Equestrian solar system would be better? Luna sighed. No, I know what would make her most happy. Same dream as last week and the one before that and the one before that…

The Moon Princess squeezed the dreamstuff and smirked as she shaped it into a rough miniature approximation of her sister’s form. After sending Twilight many such dreams, she knew which parts to exaggerate to make the young alicorn squirm. “We’ll add a little to the hips...as if Tia needs that. Twilight certainly does like her fat bottom girls, doesn’t she? To balance it out, I’ll add just a little to the bust as well...lengthen her hair too. Tia looks good with the really long locks.”

Satisfied with her work she sent off the tiny copy of Celestia to keep Twilight company. After it disappeared into the distance below her, Luna summoned forth another blob of the material and formed it into a copy of Twilight herself. Now the one for my sister. It is silly that she wants me to craft her such dreams whenever Twilight receives one of her. She knows Twilight has feelings for her, so fighting them off like this is just odd to me.

Luna hummed to herself as she pressed and molded the little Twilight proxy between her fingers. Her sister had her own preferences and Luna made sure to form the proxy slightly shorter and with a very youthful face. “This is unhealthy for Celestia, certainly. To love somepony so much and keep it hidden year after year.”

She held the dreamstuff in her palm for a moment, examining her work. It had just the right combination of youth and wisdom in its eyes that the real Twilight did. It was fine work and would certainly set her sister’s heart a-flutter. “Why do you love this mare so?”

Perhaps, it is time I found out that very thing.


Celestia giggled happily as she jotted down formula and equations on the chalkboard. Arcanic Physics was Twilight’s favorite brainteaser, an old holdover from her time spent nose deep in textbooks many years previous. She'd set out her best china so that they could share tea while solving the riddles of the universe. The cups she had placed had a surprisingly bright polish that made the china glint and reflect the light in a faint rainbow when held just right. It was a set that they had taken tea with each other many many times during Twilight’s days as her full-time student.

She was just marking the variable string in the last equation when she felt eyes on the back of her head. Celestia paused and looked over her shoulder into the far corner of her chambers. The shadows there grew dark for a moment until Twilight, dressed in her old Academy uniform stepped forward, followed a moment later by her sister Luna. Celestia blinked at Luna’s unexpected appearance and then looked around at the room around her. The familiar trappings of her study seemed undetailed and disproportionate. “This is a dream, isn’t it?”

“Yes, sister dear.” Luna smiled as the Twilight that had accompanied her skipped happily over to the desk and took a seat in front of the chalkboard and Celestia. “As per our agreement, you get a dream about Twilight whenever Twilight gets one of you.”

“But why are you here?” Celestia settled herself and turned to offer the dream-Twilight some tea. “Not that you aren’t welcome, of course.”

“Of course.” Luna grinned and pulled another stool from the ether before taking a seat at the table. “I was curious about something and I wondered if you'd indulge me?”

Celestia raised an eyebrow. Twilight held up her cup for the tea and blushed when Celestia leaned forward enough that their hands brushed gently when she began to pour the hot liquid.

“How long have you carried this crush? It cannot be good for you, Tia. I worry, as a sister is prone to do.” Luna materialized her own cup and crossed her legs as she took a gentle sip. “You know Twilight has feelings for you as well, why not act on them in the waking word instead of the dreamworld?”

“You know why I can’t do that.”

“Oh don’t give me that old song and dance!” Luna frowned and gestured with her teacup at the bashful Twilight next to her. “The real Twilight Sparkle is an alicorn and princess now. She is no longer your student, so you can’t use the ‘it-just-wouldn’t-be-proper’ defense. She is a full grown mare and quite in love with you, so I fail to see why you should continue this charade.”

Celestia frowned and set the teapot down slowly. “I simply cannot do it.”

They fell into a sullen silence for a moment before Celestia spoke up again. “Four years.”


“You asked how long I’ve been in love with Twilight.” Celestia sighed. ‘Four years that feel like they may have been four millennia. Everytime I see her, I’m tempted. Everytime she sends me a letter or Friendship Report, I must hold myself back from replying with my true feelings.”

“Four years?” Luna stared at Celestia, her tea cup poised halfway to her mouth. “Since my return?”

“Well, almost four years, give or take a day or two.”

“I...I..” Luna swallowed and worked her jaw as she tried in vain to find her voice.

“It happened right after your return, Luna. I remember it like just yesterday.” Celestia smiled wistfully and lifted her own cup of tea to her lips, blowing on it softly before she took a sip. “It was not my proudest moment, I assure you.”

Luna sputtered as she continued to digest that little tidbit. “But...but so soon after defeating Nightmare Moon?”


“But I expected longer! Shorter!” Luna tossed her tea away, the liquid and cup dissolving back into the nothingness she’d conjured them from. “How did it happen?”

Celestia shrugged. “It happened in a fit of jealousy, actually.”

Luna held up her hand to pause Celestia’s story. “I want to see this for myself.” She reached over and touched her sister on the forehead just below her horn and the dream swirled around them like thick wet paint. The glow of daylight streaming through Celestia’s windows shifted rapidly to the warm gold of a sunrise.

“Tell me about it, Tia.”

Celestia regarded Luna silently for a second and then stood, pulling her skirts close as she stepped toward her balcony. “It started like any other day, except that you were freshly returned. I rose the sun from my balcony.”

Celestia pushed open the doors to her wide balcony and walked to the rail where she could watch the dawn burst over Equestia in a slowly expanding wave. “I was here and I noticed Twilight below in her old room.”

Celestia pointed as Luna joined her at the railing and followed her finger to see Twilight’s old bedroom window in the archive tower across the courtyard. The drapes were pulled fully open as a very sleepy and very naked Twilight rose from her bed and started to plod into her adjacent bathroom.

“I saw her rise like that, without her customary pajamas on.” Celestia sighed and leaned against the rail. “I had a sudden crazy thought that somepony else was in there with her. That my Twilight had been taken advantage of during the festivities that were taking place to celebrate your return.”

“I see.” Luna tapped her fingers against her chin as she thought. “So you had a jealous thought and realized you loved her as more than a student and subject?”

Celestia laughed and turned so she could prop her elbows on the balcony. “I wish it was as simple as you state. But no. In my fit of jealousy, I was convinced that it was true. I teleported right into Twilight’s room!”

Luna gasped and looked at her sister in surprised shock. “What? What did Twilight say when you just suddenly appeared?”

Celestia rolled her eyes as the dream memory shifted around them and morphed to become Twilight’s room. The sound of water running came from the bathroom as the two princesses glanced over the room.

“I lucked out and just missed Twilight. I was ready to smite whatever wretch had dared to touch a hair on her head.” Celestia hugged herself a little as her tone softened. “I had just gotten my banished sister back and in a fit I was ready to send some poor soul to the moon for an imagined crime.”

“But you didn’t, Tia.” Luna placed a hand on Celestia’s shoulder. “You’ve never banished any pony that wasn’t guilty of very real crimes.”

Celestia leaned into Luna’s hand and sighed tired. “Perhaps, but in that moment, I was ready to do just that. Thankfully, no pony was here. I assume Twilight had simply left her PJ’s in Ponyville. She had just moved there of course. I realized that about two seconds after I materialized here. Twilight was just getting into the shower and never even heard me.”

“So what happened after that? I recall that day myself as when we all met for a late brunch and I pigged out on haybacon until I felt sick.” Luna smirked. “If you ever want to know a true measure of just how much you like something, go a millennia without it.”

Celestia smiled and let her arms fall back to her side. “It did take us almost a week to restock the haybacon you gorged yourself on.”

Luna shrugged sheepishly as she heard the shower start in the bathroom. Celestia looked toward the open door to the bathroom as she heard it start and took a step towards it. “The thing is, I didn’t leave immediately. I lingered, Luna. I told myself that I was just making sure she was safe. I rationalized it away as concern.”

Celestia stopped at the bathroom door and leaned to the side to look around the edge of the doorway. “She didn’t close the shower curtain all the way, Luna. I could see in the mirror that she was undeniably alone and safe and wet and a grown mare that was more than capable of taking care of herself.”

Luna joined her sister at the threshold and looked at the scene reflected in the mirror. The shower curtain was indeed only half closed and Twilight’s already soaked back and rear were plainly visible as the young unicorn let the water wash over her.

“I watched - I stared - at her for a full minute before I teleported back to my own room, Luna.”

“So?” Luna raised an eyebrow at her sister. “You’re both grown mares and she’s even a princess herself now. She’s harboured a crush on you for years! Finding the opportunity to get a eyeful is no crime nor sin, Celestia.”

“Then why do I feel guilty about it?” Celestia sighed again and leaned against the door frame. “I’ve known about her crush forever and I’ve always tried to downplay it. Sending her to Ponyville was supposed to help her leave it behind. And yet, right when she leaves Canterlot I discover this part of myself.”

“Oh stop being so melancholy!” Luna grinned and leaned into her sister. “It doesn’t look good on you sister. So just stop. Tonight is the anniversary of the defeat of Nightmare Moon and my return to Equestria. I sent good dreams to the ponies that accomplished that in thanks. But I think it’s time our dear Twilight Sparkle got her real reward.”

“Tell me you aren’t going to suggest I actually confess to Twilight?” Celestia blanched and took a step back from Luna.

“Nothing drastic, you big baby!” Luna rolled her eyes at Celestia. “I want to take you to Twilight’s dream...or, I could bring her here, and then you confess. If it doesn’t go well, then it was all just a dream and you can continue to have these dreams with your pretty little student. But if it goes well…”

Celestia groaned. “Luna, you don’t have to do this. I will get over this eventually.”

“Nope! Mind's made up!” Luna grinned wickedly. “You are going to tell Twilight Sparkle that you love her and want to bang her hardcore whether you want to or not!”

“Must I?” Celestia narrowed her brows at her sister and crossed her arms in front of herself. “And just what do you mean by ‘bang hardcore’? I never said that! There are a great deal many things I would like to experience with Twilight, were she willing, but that...”

Luna returned Celestia’s glare with a neutral thousand foot stare of her own. “Are you telling me that you wouldn’t be the dominant one? Is my sister, Celestia the Undiminished, a sub?”

Celestia flustered under Luna’s stare, her blush and wings rising unbidden. She huffed and turned away from Luna muttering under her breath as steam from Twilight’s shower started to waft gently from the bathroom. Luna glanced back at the rapidly fogging mirror and saw Twilight bend over to run her hands and soap over her legs. The movement and the flash of pink amid the purple brought a blush to her cheeks before she stepped away to follow Celestia.

“I can’t believe we are even having this conversation.” Celestia scowled at the empty bed that stood between her and the bedroom’s door and muttered more to herself than anyone else. “It’s a simple infatuation, it will pass just as it’s done in the past.”

“If it were so simple, Tia, it would have done so.” Luna sat on the bed and looked up at her sister. “It’s been four years. This is driving you both insane and it makes the conversations you two do have these days terribly awkward.”


“No, let me finish. Tia, I care for the both of you, you know that. You both just need to give in and makeout with each other for a change!” Luna smirked. “Besides, what would happen if somepony really was sharing her bed next time, hmm?”

“Luna, Twilight wouldn’t. I know her.” Celestia turned a pleading look on her sister. “I couldn’t stand it, if it happened.”

“What if it was with me?”

Celestia froze, her eyes locked on Luna’s. She saw the mischief sparkling there, the need for a sister to tease and taunt her sibling, but there was also honest curiosity there too. She could see it in her mind, Luna and Twilight sitting hand in hand but it felt wrong. She was the one who was supposed to hold Twilight’s hand.

“Twilight is a lovely mare, Celestia. I could get behind a flank like that. It wouldn’t be that hard, I’ve seen her dreams. I know what she likes.” Luna smiled and put her hands on her knees. “Did you know she’s a lip-biting scream machine? Or that she likes long walks at sunset on the beach? Or that she has a thing for - you know what? Why don’t I just let Twilight tell you the sort of things she likes?”


Celestia raised an eyebrow as Luna’s eyes flashed with bright light. Luna stood a moment later and held out her arms to catch the suddenly appearing Twilight Sparkle. Celestia blushed as she realized Twilight was wearing the same sort of school uniform that she had been when the dream started, but the skirt was significantly shorter and the button-up shirt was mostly undone and tied in front, leaving her midriff completely bare.

“You didn’t have to dress her up, Luna.”

“I didn’t.” Luna smirked and looked down at the mare in her arms. “Greetings, Twilight Sparkle. I trust you were enjoying the dream I sent to you earlier?”

Twilight looked around quickly. “Where am I? I was...Luna? I was in the middle of something. Tia had just gotten out the ice cubes and…” Twilight swallowed when she noticed Celestia standing within arm’s reach. The younger princess blushed and her own wings started to spread of their own volition.


Luna snorted with a short bark of laughter and set Twilight roughly on her feet. “There! Now the both of you can get this silly nonsense of hiding your true feelings from each other out of the way and start an adorable relationship full of many sloppy makeouts!”

“Luna, this is outrageous!”

“Princess, I totally said that out of context when I mentioned you - er, dream you - getting ice cubes! We were having tea, I swear!”

Twilight and Celestia rounded on Luna, both speaking rapidly and increasingly shrill.



“No buts!” Luna glared at both of them and pointed at the bed behind her. “You will both sit or lay here and talk to each other like grown adults. Tia, you will be honest and forthcoming about your feelings for Twilight. Twilight Sparkle, you will accept this like a normal pony and in reply, confirm that you have hidden a crush on my sister for some years and would be very happy to start a true relationship with her. Tia, you will act surprised but pleased by this and accept the offer, is this perfectly clear?”

Princess Twilight Sparkle nodded. “Yes, Princess!”

Celestia crossed her arms in front of herself sullenly and grumbled under her breath for a moment before nodding. “Yes...mother.”

“Good!” Luna giggled happily and clapped her hands together. “I can see why Cadance likes doing this so much. It feels good to spread love!”

Luna laughed to herself and then took a deep breath. “Now, I will leave you two alone to hash things out in private. BUT! Make no mistake, I will be keeping tabs and if you two aren’t at least hugging within the next hour, I will come back in here and use my powers to turn this humble bedroom into the kinkiest sex dungeon I can imagine.”

Luna took a symbolic step away from what she hoped was a soon-to-be couple and bowed to them both before vanishing without so much as a pop sound or flash of teleporting magics. In her place, a large clock face appeared with the hands set at midnight and the 1 am replaced with the words ‘Kinky Sex Dungeon Time.’

“So...do you think she’s serious?” Twilight turned away from Celestia and hastily untied and then buttoned her shirt before she took a seat on the bed. “About what she said?”

“Knowing Luna, she’ll come back early just to try and catch us not following her orders.” Celestia frowned softly at Twilight. “I’m sorry for dragging you into this. Luna was curious about...well, my feelings for you and then she sort of went overboard.”

Celestia sighed and took her own place on the bed and looked at Twilight. “I suppose the cat’s out of the bag then, isn’t it? I’m sorry, additionally, that this is how you find out about it.”

“No, don’t apologize.” Twilight paused and picked at her tail nervously. “I mean, we were both hiding it from each other. We’re both guilty there. But really? I’m super flattered. I’ve been infatuated with you since, like, forever.”

Celestia smiled gently. “Thank you, Twilight. While you certainly aren’t the first to tell me that, that it is you though, means something special to me. I’ve been rather infatuated with you now for a few years, but I feared ruining what we had with it.”

Twilight cleared her throat and looked at Celestia expectantly.


“Luna said you were supposed to act surprised and pleased. I’m hearing the pleased part…”

Celestia chuckled and set her hand on Twilight’s knee. “And I am pleased, Twilight! But I must confess I’ve known about your crush since you graduated from my school. There were occasions where you were not exactly subtle about it. Remember when you were making that report to me about your studies into the history of the Everfree Forest and I had to keep prompting you because you would fade out every few sentences? I made the mistake of wearing the dress that the Saddle Arabian ambassador had sent me that day.”

“It was very low cut.” Twilight giggled. “I kept wondering if you moved that you might slip out of it.”

“Well,” Celestia leaned in and lowered her voice. “just between us, the reason I didn’t wear it again was that exact reason! After you left I misjudged a step and the next thing I know I’m feeling a breeze on a sensitive spot.”

Twilight snickered and was joined by her mentor a moment later. She took a deep breath and looked Celestia in the eyes. “This might have been forced upon us, but I’m happy to get this off my chest, Princess.”

“I agree, and Twilight, you don’t have to call me that any more.” Celestia blushed again and held up her hand. “Especially if we are going to give a real relationship a chance.”

Twilight looked at the offered hand and took it in both of her own. “I would like that. But honestly, you will always be my Princess. Is that ok?”

“Yes, Twilight, it is.” Celestia looked at the set of slim fingers encircling her own pale hand and pulled them close to her. “I think I would like that.”

Twilight leaned closer to her princess and they shared a comfortable silence for a few minutes. “So...how do we go about making this into something Luna would approve?”

“Perhaps, it would be best to let each other know what we want in a relationship? Luna let slip that you like walks on the beach at sunset, but what else do you like?”

“If that’s all she told you, then this might take a while.” Twilight giggled nervously. “I mean, do I start listing everything out alphabetically, or chronologically by when I started to like or enjoy it?”

Celestia laughed. “I think we can limit it to just romantic things, alright? To make it even, for everything about yourself, I will tell you something about what I like. Since I know about the long walks...how about this: Did I ever tell you that I really like to swim after a long, hot day? I like floating in the water, feeling the waves rolling gently below me as the stars drift overhead.”

“Oooh, nice.” Twilight smiled as she got into the groove of being open with the mare she loved. “I adore small gestures like pulling out chairs and holding open doors. It’s classic!”

“And I like dancing! Do you know how long it has been since anypony has taken me dancing?”

Twilight bounced in place as they went on. “I know it’s nerdy, but I love it when someone goes on and on about subjects that they really know and are passionate about!”

“I love measured spontaneity! Especially when it comes to romanc-!” Celestia’s eyes shot wide as Twilight dove in and silenced her with a kiss. It wasn’t a chaste kiss either, as she tasted tongue and with a shudder melted into it and Twilight’s embrace.

“‘Bout time.” Luna muttered to herself as she reclined again on her cloud, a bucket of popcorn set on her stomach as she watched the dream play out on a screen set into the cloud above her. “I swear, sometimes you have to do everything yourself if you want it done at all.”

“Um...excuse me, Princess Luna?”

Luna sat up and looked down over the side of her perch. A feet away, Fluttershy, dressed in an over-sized sleeping robe, hovered with slow wing beats.

“Um, I wanted to thank you for the dream with the bunnies you sent me earlier.” Fluttershy smiled and pulled the cinch on her robe loose and let the robe slip off one shoulder. “That is...if it’s ok with you?”

“Oh my yes, it is very ok with me!”

Comments ( 85 )

Totally AWESOME!

This looks unfy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Your description made me think "When a problem comes along/You must ship it/Before the cream sets out too long/You must ship it"

Twilight certainly does like her fat bottom girls, doesn’t she?

Don't we all? :trixieshiftright:

Fuzz, you are one productive little furvert.

Nicely done! We can never have too much adorable Twilestia, and for once I didn't even mind the Anthro tag. Good show!

Also I had to look up "Shidduch". Knowing is half the battle!

Nope! Minds made up!


bit there was also honest curiosity there too.



Or this:

All the unfs, Pearpy. ALL the unfs.


I :heart: fat bottom girls. They DO make my rockin' word go 'round.


you are one productive little furvert

I try. When I have an idea, sometimes I just got to write it out. Also, nice catch! Fixed now.

Just a wee bit...:yay:

Bottom slot on the non-Mature Featured Box. Fuzz strikes again! Kudos to you.

Also added to a few groups. Not the full slate, just a few major ones.

I would LOVE to see a LunaShy fic. I think those two are made for one another.

Thank you. I'll toss it in a few more, see if I can't climb the mature box too.

That was both adorable and sweet. And I loved the bit at the end with Fluttershy.
Am I to take it this isn't the first time Fluttershy's 'thanked' Luna for the bunnies?

*looks up Shidduch*

...I see what you did there. :raritywink:

*looks up meaning of the word "shidduch"*

So Luna, Celestia and Twilight are orthodox jews? :rainbowhuh:


In reference to the title of the fic...

Twilight certainly does like her fat bottom girls, doesn’t she?

Fat bottom girls, you make the rockin' world go round! I love Queen. :pinkiehappy:

Nice story. I miss read the title as Skidduch and half expected to see some Kung Fu action. What I got was more than satisfying. (Though I guess Luna could have used that word when casting the final elements of the dream spell.)

Is Bri-sta the author of DAT AWESOME PIC? :heart:

I didn't really like this story that much for a variety of reasons, but two really stuck out at me:

The first was that Luna felt really out of character - far too pushy and sexually aggressive. It isn't that I couldn't see her trying to get her sister and Twilight together if they did indeed have a mutual crush, but...

Secondly, I wasn't really super impressed with the attempts at trying to sex it up, and Celestia peeping on Twilight in the shower really is creepy and she should feel bad about it.

While less important, I'm not really sure why this was made anthro, because, quite frankly, I'm not really sure what relevance it really had to the story you were telling.

I'm sorry you didn't like it.

1) This is a valid point. The premise for the contest is 'Luna Ships', and I feel the way she is normally portrayed and the way I usually write her wouldn't be very conducive to that unless she was pushy. The sexually aggressive part...eh, that might just have been myself faffing about, but my intent was she was ready to push her sister and Twilight to an extreme to get them to overcome their shared reserved nature.

2) It is creepy and she does feel bad about it. Celestia's tension stems from that one moment where she over stepped her bounds and was equal parts disturbed by her actions and aroused by what/who she saw. It's about sex, so sexing it up is a natural part of the story, but I could have done it better. I'll try harder next time.

3) It was written as anthro because my original idea when I was driving across state was anthro in my head. It's as simple as that.

Do I see. Yiddish? I'm thoroughly supprised. And on the same day with a clopfic whose title is a fiddler on them roof reference.

Wait...there's a clopfic that references Fiddler on the Roof?

There's too many possibilities to for this! You need to continue it!

A little bit crazy, agressive and spontaneous; flawed, passionate and kinky. The Royal Sisters are ALIVE. Thank you for this perfection.

Thank you! That's high praise indeed.:twilightblush:

Make no mistake, I will be keeping tabs and if you two aren’t at least hugging within the next hour, I will come back in here and use my powers to turn this humble bedroom into the kinkiest sex dungeon I can imagine.”

All my yes :rainbowlaugh:

In her place, a large clock face appeared with the hands set at midnight and the 1 am replaced with the words ‘Kinky Sex Dungeon Time.’

Double all my yes :rainbowlaugh: :ajsmug:

My one complaint. Is that this story needed to be longer.


Moonshy ship ? Never considered that one

I've read many Twilestia fics, but this one is really good! Seriously man.:twilightsmile:
And please, PLEASE, let the Lunashy be complete. I was left drooling by how Fluttershy looks.:yay:

4909139 I love whenever people do images, it is so much funnier than writing an actual response:rainbowlaugh:


Not bad, I like it ^^

4905122 4905664 4905737 4908382 4908491 4908669 4908863 4909268

"And then what happened?" Fluttershy propped her head on her palm and smiled at Luna as her other hand traced a slow, winding path over the curves of the alicorn's belly.

"They started making out!" Luna pumped her fist triumphantly in the air above the cloud they both rested on. "It's about time too, the lunch meetings have been getting more and more awkward ever since Twilight's ascension."

Fluttershy ducked her head as she giggled and then laid it softly against Luna's shoulder. "Do you think that happened because they both secretly realized that they could have an actual relationship?"

"Possibly." Luna hummed to herself for a moment before rolling over so she could easy look Fluttershy in her pretty blue eyes. "Mare's in love and lust with each other act oddly sometimes."

Luna let her hand glide over the butterflies on her savior's flank and then down to the base of her tail. Fluttershy snuggled herself in closer until Luna could feel the pegasus' breath on her chest. "It was a cathartic moment for me as much as those two. Now, my concern is the lunch meetings feeling awkward because Tia is sitting in Twilight's lap."

"That would be adorable!" Fluttershy smiled happily and slipped her arms around Luna. "Um...not to change the subject, but...I'm ready for round four. If that's ok with you?"

"Fluttershy, a mare could die happily from your 'thank yous.'"

"Then it's a good thing you're immortal."

Shidduch: A system of matchmaking in which Jewish singles are introduced to one another in Orthodox Jewish communities for the purpose of marriage.

Oh Luna~♥

This community needs more Hebrew pi`el verbal nouns!

4910133 That word is literally the only reason I clicked on this fic.

4908386 It's Hebrew you barbarian!

“An impossible raceway for Rainbow.”

Nothing is impossible... If you believe...

Also, Twilestia! Cool!

4910581 Weird words are great ways to draw people in

That's how I found "Triptych" by Estee

A triptych is a work of art that is divided into three sections, or three carved panels which are hinged together and can be folded shut or displayed open. It is therefore a type of polyptych, the term for all multi-panel works.

Oh gawd 4rth round???

You're not the only one.:pinkiehappy:

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