• Published 24th Apr 2012
  • 1,772 Views, 11 Comments

Retribution - Cosmonaut

Trixies return to grace after her fall from fame spurred by Chrysalis

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Boring. Six letters. Two syllables. Rolls off the tongue. A small perfectly formed word with enough consonants and vowels to remind him that despite the existence of tedious and lackluster there was never more fitting a declaration than boring. The night shift librarian in Canterlot had been sitting behind his maple desk for nearly eight months, tonight was just another notch in his calendar of missed opportunities that resulted in his easy way out.

‘It’ll build character Rollins, you love books Rollins take it this was made for you Rollins!’ he repeated morosely, the parting words of his unicorn service advisor still echoing after all these months. He picked his head off the desk and looked over the pile of heavy books sitting on it. It only took him six weeks to find and read about everything he cared for, and another three to lose interest in everything else.

“A twenty four hour library for a city with lazy scholars. What a load of horsefeathers,” he sulked, “It’s not like there’s night classes here or anything.” The monotony killed him, and there weren’t nearly as many botany books in the building as he’d hoped. Of course he was stuck in the least interesting section of the Canterlot archives. All the guards were busy protecting the Starswirl the Bearded wing. The single green balloon tied to the desk bounced limply off his cheek, a solitary reminder that he’d be out of this place tomorrow and hopefully back into the fields where he belonged. That wasn’t the only thing on his mind though, because she would be back tonight.

Oh Tracey where the hay were you when I first got here he thought idly tugging at the keyring around his neck. The past few nights he had been getting visits from a beautiful blue mare that was ‘just looking for the right book’. She wasn’t afraid to hide those deep violet eyes behind her wavy silver mane either, not that she was trying. With all the unusually timed visits it had finally clicked with him that she probably wasn’t here for late night literature at all.

He fervently flipped through the copy of Gentlecolts Guide to Romance he’d pulled off the shelf at the start of his shift, but was slowly becoming aware of the age of the text. “What the heck is a fetlock anyhow…”


He jerked his head up from the book, popping the green balloon in the process.

“T-Tracy! Didn’t hear you come in!”

The blue unicorn was giggling as he shook the rubber bits off his face. Way to go dummy, last chance here and you’re already blowing it

“You’re so funny sometimes you know that Rolly,” Tracy said as she walked past him to the upper level stairs. He got a whiff of faint rosemary. Wonderful herb, blooms in the north during the summer.

“Unintentionally, hehe, I uh,” he cleared his throat. “So…figure out what you’ve been looking for in the library yet?”

“A few nights ago, but tonight’s my last chance to get hold of what I really want…” she said in a sultry voice.

If this isn’t a hint then I don’t know what is.

“I could help you find it for you, I’ll be able to find it,” he offered eagerly trotting over to the spiral staircase. “Would you like my help?”

“I need your help Rolly, I’ve been aching for this moment for days. I’m such a nervous little filly though, do you have anywhere in this library that’s…perfectly discreet?”

Rollins was watching her silver tail bouncing back and forth climbing upstairs, catching the moonlight with every step. “Discreet? Well there’s uh, there’s this one small part of the library here that’s off-limits becau-”

Tracy turned around at the top of the stairs, her face so close they were nearly touching. He was immediately lost in those purple eyes. “That, sounds perfect,” she purred, her warm breath tickling his cheek.

This is so amazing I can’t believe it this is so amazing I can’t believe it

He fumbled with the keyring around his neck, shaking with excitement standing in front of the dark grey door. He didn’t think in a million years that he would ever get lucky with a beautiful stranger in such a lame job position. The most private room in the library kept the banned texts, the black magic and books of the dark arts. Not like anyone ever entered the stupid place he thought as he pushed the door open.

All the books in the cramped room were clad in black leather and glowing with a dull sheen as the moonlight hit their covers. Dust erupted from the carpet with every hoofstep.

“So Tracy…most boring room in the library don’t you think?”

“Exciting would be the more appropriate choice of words,” she replied with a gleam in her eyes. She inched closer to him. “Unless you have a better one banging around in that head of yours.”

“Like astounding or fantastic or wonderful or-” Rollins went wide-eyed as she leaned forwards and pressed her lips to his.

He promptly shut them as they shared the kiss This is so incredible, who needs books for this stuff anyway he thought as they made out in the dim space, his thoughts getting lost in the moment, like a flock of birds fluttering through willow trees.

Birds? He was hearing a soft flapping noise in the otherwise silent room, Why do I hear…

He opened his eyes to seeing that she had hers open too, pupils wildly darting back and forth as she looked over his shoulder.

Whoa hold on a minute he broke the kiss and swiveled his head. One of the banned texts was floating beside him, pages wide open.

“Tracey! What are-!? You aren’t allowed to read that!” he exclaimed knocking the book out of the air.

“I just did,” she said triumphantly, horn beginning to glow.

“That’s not- You aren’t-! Y-You! WHO ARE YOU?!”

The blue unicorn swiftly leaned forward and tapped her horn against his own, sending a crushing wave of pain through his skull. A million hammers pounded his head as his legs buckled and gave way beneath him, hitting the thin carpet with a heavy thud.

Blackness crept into his vision as the intense pain throbbed throughout his cranium. Two vivid violet orbs danced before him as he slipped away into fields of lilac and lavender, absently pondering the poor situation he’d been swallowed up into. As he faded away the sweet voice whispered in his ear once more.

“I am the Great and Powerful Trixie”