• Published 31st Aug 2014
  • 7,630 Views, 316 Comments

Collision Code - SSJRandomMaster

A hidden message leads to two friends getting themselves stuck in Equestria. Meanwhile, a long-forgotten evil begins to make its move...

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Act 1 Chapter 8

Act I: Collision of Worlds
Chapter 8: Lesson One
It wasn’t long before Twilight had reorganized her teaching strategy. Corey had to sit tight for just a bit. The stacks of books had long since vanished. In their place was but a single book, which Twilight held herself for the time being. After she’d flipped through the book, nodding every now and then as her magic swept through the pages, she turned her full attention to Corey, sitting across from him as before.

“Before you start using your magic, you need to understand the force that you’re using,” Twilight said, “With that in mind, I want to know something: what comes to mind when I say the word ‘magic’?”

“Well, um…spells?” Corey responded, going with the most basic thing he could think of—it wasn’t exactly hard to do.

“Yes, that’s right,” Twilight said, “But that’s not the only use magic has. Unicorns can cast spells, but they’re not the only ones who can use it. Pegasus ponies and earth ponies also have their own magic unique to them.”

“Really?” Corey asked. Internally, however, he added, Act like you don’t know at least that much already…

“Absolutely. The weather, for example, in every single town or city in Equestria is kept in check by the pegasi. With their own unique magic, they are able to manipulate clouds and regulate the weather. Their magic also grants them the ability to stand on clouds as if it were solid ground.

“As for earth ponies, their unique magic grants them a connection with the ground beneath them, one that unicorns and pegasi can’t match with their natural abilities. They have the greenest thumbs of the three types. Also, most earth ponies are physically stronger than the other two pony races.” Twilight explained.

“I see,” Corey said, nodding, “So magic is a big part of life here…”

“Exactly,” Twilight continued, “Earth, pegasi, unicorns, and several other species on this planet have some form of magic inside of them. Each of us are able to channel the magic that is inside of us in our own ways…”

Corey trailed off, but it wasn’t because he was bored—far from it. What Twilight had just told him seemed oddly familiar.

Don’t say a word about Ki, don’t say a word about Ki, don’t say a word about—

“So it’s like Ki?” Corey asked, immediately horrified at the question he’d unleashed.


What horror he felt at asking the question faded as soon as he noticed Twilight’s smile.

“That’s exactly it!” she said, clasping her hands together, “I didn’t know people in your world used Ki…”

“O-oh no,” Corey responded, “T-that isn’t right. It’s just a concept that’s…very well known in our world.”

And Changelings are really space aliens who change their form to suppress their true power…

“Many people believe that with proper training, we can tap into the Ki inside of us and be capable of amazing things.” Corey finished his explanation, trying very hard to not launch into full nerd mode.

“Is it true?” Twilight tilted her head.

“To date, there hasn’t been any concrete proof…” Corey said, “But…I’d like to believe it is.”

“Well, I can’t speak for your world, but here, that concept is very real,” Twilight said, “And today, you’re going to see it firsthand…”
“Are we there yet?” John asked, still following Rainbow. They’d long since left the pond, and Rainbow was still leading him through forests, seeming to follow a river leaving out of the pond.

“Almost,” Rainbow said, still hovering ahead of John.

“Still not going…to tell me where…we’re going?” John made sure to space out his words carefully.

“You’ll find out when we get there,” Rainbow didn’t even turn to say something to him, “Just be patient.”

Of all ponies to tell someone else to be patient… John thought, I can feel the irony in the air. Why is she being so secretive about where she wants to take me? Guess I’ll just have to wait and see…

At least ten minutes passed with John still following Rainbow before John finally noticed a real change in the geography. They were slowly moving uphill. In the distance, he was able to hear something—a roaring sound, a sound he was somewhat familiar with.

Is that a waterfall? He asked to himself.

It wasn’t long before Rainbow finally stopped. John finally could see where she wanted to take him. He now stood at the top of a very tall cliff. Towards the side, he could see the waterfall he’d heard. The water dropped straight down until it met the large lake at the bottom, from which a river washed, no doubt leading to that pond John had been at earlier.

If he knew how to whistle without breathing fire, John would have done so in amazement.

“So this is…what you wanted…to show me?” John asked.

“Well, yeah, but I really brought you here for another reason.” Rainbow responded, finally turning to face him.

“And what’s that?” John questioned, looking out over the vast expanse.

“So something came to me yesterday,” Rainbow said, touching the ground for the first time with two feet, “You’re a dragon.” Rainbow poked him in the chest. John regarded Rainbow with a confused expression.

“Yes…” John then raised his hand, pointing to the nearest tree, “And that’s a tree.”

“Okay, smart-ass,” Rainbow put her hands to her hips, “I’ll get to the point. You see, I am, hands down, the greatest and fastest flier in Equestria, no doubt about it!”

And there’s the speech about how awesome she is, John said, I was wondering when she’d give me one…

“I won the best young fliers’ competition, mastered the Sonic Rainboom—“ John didn’t even respond, “—Long story, I’ll tell you some other day. And on top of all that, I’m the top flier at the Wonderbolts Academy, which is a big deal for pegasus ponies.

“Clearly, I’m the best, but sometimes I like to prove to everypony else that I am. And I don’t see any better way than to beat a dragon at a flying competition, so that’s where you come in…” Rainbow finally got to the point, and John had to comment.

“But I don’t know—“ John tried to protest, but Rainbow quickly cut him off.

“You don’t know how to fly, yet!” Rainbow said, “But you will soon, because I’m gonna teach you!” She pointed her thumb back to herself, “And when you finally meet my standards, we’ll have a race to see who’s fastest!”

At this, John finally turned his gaze back down the waterfall, and he thought over what Rainbow had proposed to him.

I wonder what it would feel like to fly… John thought, I mean, really fly, under my own power. No planes, no helicopters, no machinery, just me and the open air. I know I’m not the only one who’s wondered this before. But back home, this would never happen. But now I have a chance at it, and Rainbow Dash is offering to help me. What do I have to lose?

“Sounds like fun, how do we start?” John asked, turning to face Rainbow directly, “Where do we start?”

Rainbow walked up to John, placing a palm on his shoulder, turning him around.

“I had a hard time figuring that one out. You’re not a pegasus, so chances are I can’t teach you like one. So, I took a trip to the library and checked out a book on how some animals in the wild teach their young,” Rainbow began to explain.

If John had hair, it’d be starting to stand on end right now.

“In the end, I chose the style mommy birds use to teach their chicks.” Rainbow summarized.

Well, that doesn’t sound—oh wait, mommy birds teach their chicks by… John realized precisely what was about to happen, but before he could even make the appropriate response, the ground under him disappeared, and he was now pushed over the cliff.

Gravity asserted itself almost immediately after John realized there was no ground under him, and he began to plummet towards the pond.

“Start flapping!” Rainbow shouted down after him.

Even though he was falling down towards the water below—something that by all rights could be fatal, John found it in him to apply the palm of his left hand to his face.

Just start flapping… John thought as time began to slow around him for a time, Use muscles I wasn’t even aware existed…

John tried to use his wing muscles, but as expected, the most his wings did was twitch violently in place. He couldn’t even manage a single flap. He hit the water at full velocity, making a gigantic splash. It was a wonder he didn’t splatter, but then again he wasn’t a human anymore.

John resurfaced, seeing that Rainbow had slowly descended to where he was. She was a few feet above the water. He hoped she could see the anger he was feeling at this.

“I told you to flap,” Rainbow scolded, her arms folded.

John’s snout disappeared under the water, and he grumbled something incoherent.

“Well, you know what they say,” Rainbow said, pointing up to the top of the cliff. “If you fall, get back on the cliff!”

John let out a groan, managing to get himself out of the water. It was going to be a long walk. Yet, as he began to make his ascent to try again, John’s thoughts returned to Ponyville.

Wonder if Corey’s having any better luck with his lessons…
“Now, to help you ease into magic use, the first spell you’ll learn is one that all three tribes can do…” Twilight began. Corey was a bit stunned—a spell that all three tribes could use? When did this happen?

“Really?” Corey voiced his questions in the simplest manner possible.

“Yes, this is a spell that every pony learns at a young age,” Twilight clarified.

“Sounds…” Corey said, “Simple enough.”

“Great! Now…” Twilight gave what, to her, was a simple order, “Show me your cutie mark.”

Corey’s entire thought process was obliterated, overtaken by an extremely loud, internal scream of terror.
Back at the ledge, John looked down to the water below. Each of his scales and his pants were soaked with water from the pond. By now, he’d removed his sweater so it wouldn’t have gotten totally ruined from the repeated impacts. It now hung on a branch of a nearby tree, dripping with lake water. He’d leapt off the cliff countless times, having been unable to come up with any better solution to his flightlessness. This time would add to the total.

Here I go! John thought, leaping off the cliff like all the times before...except the first time. Just like all those times, he was falling at a great speed.

You know, after doing this so much, I think I’ve gotten used to this… John thought to himself, Alright…now, let’s see if I can make my wings work this time…

Every failed jump caused him to have to hike his way back up to where Rainbow Dash was waiting. During each walk, he’d tried to make the muscles in his wings work. Each time he made a little progress—now, if he really concentrated on his wings, he was able to make them open and close.

With the panic from falling no longer present, John found it was easier to focus on the muscles controlling his wings. And, with a single, concentrated thought, John’s wings sprang open, jerking his body backwards as they caught the wind around him. John smiled, satisfied with the first big step he’d made.

At the very least I can now cushion the fall…

“Look out!” Rainbow shouted, causing John to do a double-take. He looked down for the first time, realizing the pond was gone, replaced with solid ground. John looked around, realizing a simple fact.

I’m off course! John thought as the panic began to return, It must have happened when I opened my wings…

John cast a quick look back, seeing Rainbow flying towards him, but there was no way she could make it in time. He hardly called himself a religious man, but the only thing he could think to do was to pray as he waited for the inevitable impact with the cold, hard ground.

Author's Note:

And here's where we leave off for another week. Drop a comment if you like what you've seen so far or whatever.

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