• Published 11th Sep 2015
  • 5,950 Views, 77 Comments

The Sweetie Chronicles: Fracture - Wanderer D

  • ...

At the Beginning of Everything

The Sweetie Chronicles: Fracture

By Wanderer D

Rarity carefully levitated the plate into its place, closing the cupboard behind it. The boutique was empty. It always was now. She heard a purr and felt something soft press against her foreleg, followed by a questioning meow. "Come here, Opalescence," she said tiredly, as she levitated her cat onto her back. "Let's go sit down on the sofa so mommy can take care of you."

The pair made their way out of the kitchen and to the living room to where the sofa was, where Rarity gently levitated Opalescence onto, before laying on it herself. She absently stroked the soft fur with her hoof, as her eyes drifted to the coffee table, where a couple of scrolls from Princess Celestia lay abandoned, half rolled, next to several cups of coffee.

It pulled at her heard and she had to look away. "Oh, Opal, when is she coming back? What if the Princess and I can't reach her? What if we're too late?"

Opal meowed in response, nuzzling Rarity's hoof and drawing a smile from her face. "Oh, Opal, you always know the best thing to say." Rarity giggled and brought up the cat so she could nuzzle her back.

A soft knock on the door drew their attention, and Rarity had barely opened her mouth to call whoever it was in, when it opened.

"Hello, Rarity," Fluttershy said with a smile. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything?" she asked, as her eyes took in the room.

'It's funny, Rarity thought. 'The first few times she had done that, I got so angry and defensive. And now...' she sighed. 'Now I just feel bad.

"Don't worry, Fluttershy," Rarity assured her, forcing a smile. "I'm just resting with Opalescence here."

"Oh, hi Opal!" Fluttershy giggled. "Who's a good kitty? I'm so proud of you, taking care of Rarity!"

Opal preened under Fluttershy's praise, and Rarity couldn't help but smile more honestly this time. "She has been taking care of me, Fluttershy, she's a good kitty."

Fluttershy took a seat on one of the chairs and pulled out a small container from her saddle-bags. "Here you go, Rarity."

"Oh joy," Rarity muttered, levitating the pills and putting them on the coffee table. "More pills."

"Oh, it's only until you get better!" Fluttershy said hastily, then recoiled. "I'm sorry, I—"

"Now, Fluttershy," Rarity sat up and smiled a bit sadly. "We both know that I need them... and why."

Fluttershy licked her lips, and looked away, nodding.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Rarity asked after a moment had passed in silence.

Fluttershy cringed, looking back at her and shaking her head. "I don't ever want to remember that. Please?"

Rarity patted the empty space next to her on the sofa, and as soon as Fluttershy had sat next to her, she gave her a heart-felt hug. "I won't bring it up again, I promise."

Fluttershy nodded, and after a slightly tighter squeeze, Rarity let her go. "Have you heard anything from Zecora?"

Fluttershy nodded a little, placing a comforting hoof on top of Rarity's. "She's made some contact with other Zecoras in other worlds... she says so far only one has heard of our Sweetie, but it was a long time ago. But she's looking. She's trying to have the others figure out where Sweetie has been to see if we can make sense of it."

Rarity took a deep breath. "At least we found one." She let the air out slowly. "Would you like some tea, Fluttershy? I still have some of Zecora's."

"Um... yes? It's not the dreaming tea, is it?"

Rarity shook her head and headed towards the kitchen. "Not at all... I asked Zecora not to give me any more... unless you both were there."

She slumped a bit, hoof on the door. "I just miss her, Fluttershy. So much it hurts. I know what I did wouldn't bring her back. I know I've risked not seeing her if she does ever come back, but... it hurts."

She pushed into the kitchen, feeling a bit silly for essentially just running out of the room before letting Fluttershy reply. She shook her head. 'Fluttershy will think nothing of it, but I need to get a grip!'

She had just started heating water for the tea when she noticed something that hadn't been there before.

On the kitchen table rested a white-covered book, with some sort of stylized dragon or creature on it and a small, purple gem of some sort in its claws. Leaving the water to boil, Rarity took a look at it, frowning. The figure looked familiar... each part of it was a different gem, cut to fit like a puzzle.

She gazed at it, eyes widening when she realized who it was supposed to be. "But... Discord? Isn't he still trapped in stone?"

The universe spun into lights and flashes of color. Thousands of voices pulled at her attention, memories flashed and faded, fears boiled until they burned away and insecurity festered like a weed growing into her spine.

She rejected the words.

She spurned the unsaid demands.

She laughed at the frustration of the universe. At the demons. At the fakes. At the thieves. At fate.

The cacophony of voices, images and emotions grew in volume until it was deafening and they were all lost within each other.

The chaos died and a song rose around her, like a chant that beat in rhythm with her heart, or maybe it was her heart that beat to the universe's rhythm.

Order from chaos.

The universe slowed down. The memories rushed back in, with the fears, insecurities, hopes, denials... she batted the rest away. She did not want to do what the rest wanted. She was herself! She was nopony else! She was not to be controlled!

It was daytime.

She could feel the sunlight bathing her, warming her. She could hear birds chirping, and distant voices.

She was lying on something soft. Her nose immediately recognized it. 'Grass'.

She opened her eyes and realized she was in a small crater on a grassy hill overlooking… 'Ponyville?'

“W-where... what?” She looked at her hooves extended in front of her, her mane, and coat. It was pristine. Her coat was soft and white, her mane pink and purple… her glamour was active and more powerful than ever… even she couldn’t tell it wasn’t her real appearance.

Breaking glass. Torn, crackling steel beams. Vertigo. Rushing air... Pain!

She gasped, hugging herself against the flood of... of... memories? Some sort of mental attack?

“Ah think Ah heard somethin’!” a familiar voice called out. “Over here!”

Soon, two familiar fillies came galloping up to her only to stop and stare at the young mare.

"A-apple Bloom," she gasped. "It's me... it's—"

“S-Sweetie Belle?” Apple Bloom stammered, eyes wide. She carefully walked around the young mare, older than either her or Scootaloo. “B-but y’all died when Twilight’s lab exploded!”

Sweetie Belle smiled. "I'm home."

Comments ( 77 )

...Huh. This is going to be interesting.

Oh my. This is going to hurt, isn't it? Still, I find myself looking forward to more.

Ooooohhh...I am looking forward to this. :pinkiegasp:

...Clearly, Rarity took Sweeite's absence even worse than I first thought...:unsuresweetie:

Well, I certainly didn't expect this. It feels like this is coming like five years early.

i just had a heart attack



had to check to make sure i didnt miss the ending to the other somehow

6414854 I think hurt is going to be an understatement :raritydespair:

Arad #8 · Sep 11th, 2015 · · 1 ·

Meanwhile, in a place not unlike the world that Rarity knew, an ancient and ageless being observed the events of Ponyville. "My gift has been delivered as intended. My debt is repaid in full," the shapeless creature said to the filly who was no longer there.

But, Fragments isn't over yet. Isn't a sequel too early when the first book isn't done?

Wrong universe. This one also has a Sweetie world hopping somewhere.


No, read that description. I'm calling it- some kind of interdimensional creature trying to take her place. might not even know it ISN'T her. Either way, I doubt that this would be released now if it was done- Fragments hasn't finished up yet. I bet you around the time Fragments finishes, the real Sweetie will show up, to fight this thing.


Oh damn. This is gonna be a fun one...

~Skeeter The Lurker

Hmm, I wonder what Wanderer D is playing at here.

But is it HER Sweetie Belle?

I think....
I think this is what happened to the Heart of Change Sweetie after Hopper Sweetie inadvertently stole her body.

No...no that couldn't work, it remembered the glamour.... the fake Sweetie created in Backwards through the mirror then?

Another Mendacity experiment? That one still has pt.1 in the the title, so it's not a stand alone like heart of change or immortal game.

I haven't read the story yet, but I've literally (and I mean literally) said "What?" at least 15 times. :applejackconfused: Sweetie is back, but this is a sequel and a side story? :applejackconfused: :applejackconfused:

Okay, I read it and ended with one last "Whaaat?!" for good measure. :pinkiecrazy:

Thank you for finally explaining what happened to Rarity. I've been wondering for years now. Crazy, huh? :rainbowlaugh: At the same time though, you're still introducing more questions than answers. Loving every minute of it. :pinkiehappy:

So.... how many years has it been?

the fan theories abound

6415693 He just put out a blog a bit ago stating that it is not a sequel, just a side story, and that it only says "sequel" because that's the only mechanism to link one story directly to another.

As I'm typing this it occurs to me that maybe he should just add them to a Sweetie Chronicles group? :trixieshiftright: I'm not really sure the mechanics of that would be any better as I've never fully investigated that aspect of this site. :unsuresweetie:

Wait, that gem in the book... Sweetie isn't home yet, she's just stopping by for a fragment, isn't she.

Jomp #22 · Sep 12th, 2015 · · 1 ·

For now, I'll assume this is taking place after Fragments and won't have too many spoilers about the rest of the main story. That said, I eagerly await the next update for both stories.

Hmmm... I'm calling it. That is not 'our' Sweetie Belle.

This is going to be intriguing...

Reese #25 · Sep 12th, 2015 · · 1 ·

...Innnnnteresting. Hypothesis: Fracture Sweetie (for lack of a better name) is from a different universe where similar events transpired and is in Fragments Sweetie's universe looking for a piece of Fracture Twilight. There some improbability in this, but a: this ...story universe's universe/multiverse? could be large enough for this to be pretty much certain to crop up somewhere, and we're just looking at the somewhere, and b: it looks like Discord might be involved.

And that creature...was Gummy. :pinkiecrazy:

There is no reaction suitable to describe the awesomeness of this.

Seriously, especially since you gave us snippets of Rarity's life back in the home dimension, I've been wanting to learn more about what it's been like for her. This is amazing.

You have my full attention. :coolphoto::pinkiehappy:

Maybe this is that other Sweetie Belle that was tossed off the clock tower thing which thought she was the original.

6415557 Besides, if you read the rest of Heart of Change, you find out Fragment Sweetie didn't steal the local Sweetie's body at all.

6416180 That was along what I was thinking. When it comes to the multiverse, you're eventually going to get to the point where only small variations exist. We already see this when most universes follow the first season of the show to the point, then deviate.

She gazed at it, eyes widening when she realized who it was supposed to be. "But... Discord? Isn't he still trapped in stone?"

Order from chaos.
The universe slowed down. The memories rushed back in, with the fears, insecurities, hopes, denials... she batted the rest away. She did not want to do what the rest wanted. She was herself! She was nopony else! She was not to be controlled!

Oo! Oooo! It's the Sweetie Belle from SilentBelle's Scion of Chaos/Heart of Change universe that's travelled to The Sweetie Chronicles Sweetie Belle's universe to look for shards of her Discord's 'heart' because... reasons. :pinkiehappy:

6416235 Ah. I see.
I should get around to reading that series, but it's just too far buried on my 'to read' list.


Who is going through downvoting every comment?

Why do you have limited amount of likes on comments but an infinite amout of dislikes?

6416319 It's really worth bumping it up a few pages in that list. It's actually the story that got me into Fragments. All of a sudden, my story was interrupted by a dimension hopping badass who I knew nothing about. I just had to know more.

I've been trying to keep up with Traveler Sweetie's stories, but I'm burned out with This Platinum Crown. Just too much to take in.

6416347 I've read a few of the stories she's visited before they were reached.
Cross and Arrow, Pink Eyes, Immortal Game, but I haven't really been sucked into the others enough to really want to read them. Heart of Change intrigued me...but yeah I'm too invested in other stories, like the Austraeoh saga, to pick up anything new right now.

Wow D. Who'd you make mad enough to go off on a baseless down vote spree? Damn, I need to catch up on fragments so I can read this one.

I'm calling 'True Sight'-ception and TSC:F-ception for this plot. There is no way this is the real TSC Sweetie's actual world; AB said it herself, I believe.

That, or this is simply a possible ending for TSC in the works.

6416347 TPC rather is The Big One. I keep catching up, then not wanting to read the new chapter, then there's too many new chapters... And then I catch up again, and the cycle repeats.

If I recall correctly, Sweetie's fetch from BTtM believed it was the real Sweetie and was never permanently dealt with. In fact, I believe she fell off the tower right before Sweetie left that world.

Breaking glass. Torn, crackling steel beams. Vertigo. Rushing air... Pain!

Looks like a pretty strong theory.

6415239 Or, you know, its another Sweetie that has been dimension hopping.


The fetch theory seems plausible. But no- where's the arc or adventure if its just a different sweetie? Pretty likely a fake.

you arn't the only one man.

Wanderer D

6416389 Probably some useless scum. I mean, petty much?

I'm currently working through the platinum crown before reading the most recent chapters of the sweetie chronicles. Do you think I should avoid this too?

Wanderer D

6417575 This should be fine. It's self-contained, and you have enough knowledge to follow it.

Rad, thanks.


Wow, looks like you really pissed someone off, to the point that they're trying to frame you for the downvotes. Talk about dedication.

Or you're actually downvoting everyone, but that strikes me as exceedingly unlikely.

Arad #47 · Sep 12th, 2015 · · 4 ·


What in God's name would warrant a downvo trial e in this comment?

Wanderer D

6417812 I'm not sure if they're pissed at me, or just think it's funny.


< -- comment spree >

Maybe this poor person is red-green colour-blind and lives in Australia so everything is upside down?

fik, I see you. don't think I don't.

also hi.

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