• Published 13th Sep 2014
  • 13,142 Views, 436 Comments

War Games Ponies Play - Minds Eye

Hostages? Check. Wanted by the Royal Guard? Check. Permission? Check. It's going to be a long day for the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

  • ...

This WAS only a drill.

Sweetie Belle crashed through the door of the clubhouse. She bowed her head and gulped down breath after breath to recover from her sprint. Fresh tears still slipped from her eyes, falling to the floor.


She didn’t know who spoke. Sweetie Belle glared around the clubhouse, ignoring the card game, until she saw it: her emergency pillow.

The momentum of her dive sent her somersaulting across the floor until she came to a stop resting on her haunches. As soon as she'd buried her muzzle as deeply into the pillow as she could, Sweetie Belle let out the scream that had been churning in her chest since her encounter with the captain.

Her world shrunk to the patch of fabric across her face and the muffled shriek that stayed trapped within its confines.

Sweetie Belle’s fury built, and she arched her back as the force of it drove the air from her lungs. She fell to her back, her hind hooves pounding the air until the fire in her chest crescendoed into one final roar. Sweetie planted her rear hooves and arched her back again.

And then it was over.

She collapsed. Her hooves fell away from pillow, and all four legs sprawled out, energy drained. Sweetie Belle sucked in hot, stale air through the pillow's fabric, and tried not to cry. Even though her rage had cooled, Silver Wind’s words wouldn’t get out of her head; instead, they marched about, taunting her.

The pillow got flipped off her face. Apple Bloom stared down at her, frowning. “Are you still alive?”

“He called me a tramp!”

“Who called you a tramp?!”

Sweetie sat up and pointed at Luna. “Him! Your captain! Silver Wind! He said I was after his stallions!”

Both Luna and Cadance’s eyes shot open wide, and they leaned in, giving her the same attention her friends did.

“Easy, Sweetie Belle,” Scootaloo said. “What are you talking about? What happened?”

“The stallions! He thought I—“ Sweetie wiped her eyes with a hoof and took a breath. “I told him about the princesses. I told him right to his face that Twilight gave them to us.”

“And he didn’t believe you?”

“H-He thought I was trying to get some stallions to come over. Stallions! He said I was desperate, and a filly like me shouldn’t have any problem bringing colts in!”

Luna sighed through her gag and dropped her head. Cadance flopped against her supportively, but almost overbalanced both of them.

Sweetie stamped her hoof. “I’m brewing the tea.”

“WHOA!” Scootaloo’s shout was joined by two muffled protests from the Luna and Cadance. “No, no, no! You can’t just—“

“He started this,” Sweetie growled, shoving a hoof in Silver Wind's general direction. “He even brought my sister into it! If that’s how he wants to play this game, fine. It’s on. It. Is. ON!”

Apple Bloom pointed at the princesses. “So you’re going to take it out on them? They didn’t do anything. Think about this, Sweetie Belle.”

“I have thought about it, Apple Bloom. You didn’t see what they’re doing.” Sweetie grit her teeth. “They dragged Granny Smith out of the farmhouse. They were tearing it apart looking for the princesses. They’re going to the Boutique next. All because they wouldn’t listen to me!”

“They tore it... my room! Sweetie Belle, tell me they didn’t go into my room!”

“There was nothing stopping them from going into your room.”

Apple Bloom whined and covered her face. “And they dragged out Granny? L-Like she was a varmint?”

“Just like she was a varmint. They’ve gone too far. I’m brewing the tea.”

Scootaloo shook her head. “Don’t you remember what Twilight said? It’s a drill, and we know what they’re looking for.” She flicked her tail at the princesses. “We just have to make sure the guards find them. They’re heading for Rarity’s? Let’s get these two over there.”

“How?” Sweetie sized up the alicorns. “You can’t drag them there with your scooter. They’re too big.”

Cadance hmmphed through her gag. Luna huffed a muffled laugh and wiggled her flank against her.


“I’ll go,” Apple Bloom said. “I can run over and talk some sense into them. Are they still at the farmhouse?”

“They won’t listen—“

“Anything is better than your tea, Sweetie Belle!” Scootaloo sat down, glaring at her. “You’re going to make these two suffer because of one pegasus?”

“I... I...” Sweetie sighed. “There... was another pegasus. Flash Sentry. He was nice.”

Apple Bloom smiled. “Alright, maybe he’ll listen. I’m out. Take care of things here.”

“He’s the orange one!” Sweetie called out as Apple Bloom ran out the door, then stood at the window and watched her running away. With a shake of her head, Sweetie Belle walked over to their wooden crate.

“What are you doing?”

“It’s not going to work, Scootaloo. Flash was nice, but he still listened to the captain. We need a back-up plan.” She opened the box and pulled out a kettle.

“You still want to brew the tea.”

She pulled out a tray wrapped in tin foil. “Yep. I’ve still got everything here, too.”

“Wait, everything? Sweetie, that was last week! What about the peppers? And... and the lemon wedges? You still have them here?”

“Where else would I keep them?”


Apple Bloom charged toward the sounds of chaos. She had managed to avoid the lecture from Granny Smith and Big Macintosh for now, but they spotted her when she poked her head inside. While the house wasn’t in that bad a shape, Granny’s favorite chair was missing a leg. If the guards did that to Granny’s chair, and they were on their way to Rarity’s...

Was this how Applejack felt chasing after the Crusaders all the time?

Now wasn’t the time for that. The Carousel Boutique was close, and from all the shouts, it didn’t sound like they made it inside yet. Apple Bloom crossed the bridge over the creek and—

“What in tarnation?”

“Get down! All of you!” A pure white pegasus danced in the air, dodging a barrage of... pies? The path from the bridge to the front of the Boutique was littered with pie tins and smeared with a cacophony of chocolate and gelatin. “Where did she get a catapult?”

“She built it, sir!”


“The piano, sir! By the time we saw what she was up to, it was too late!”

“You fools—!”


The guards scattered, leaving Apple Bloom alone on the bridge. “What? Where’s everypony going?” She looked up. Five specks in the sky fell towards her, spreading out to cover the length of the bridge. They grew larger with every heartbeat.

Somepony crashed into her, dragging her along in a roll. Orange wings wrapped around her until the she heard five splats onto the bridge. The wings opened, and a friendly face looked down on her. “You okay there, Apple Bloom?”

“Yep. Flash Sentry, right?”

“I am. Sweetie Belle?”

“Sweetie Belle.”

He chuckled and shook his head. “Can’t imagine she’s too happy with us right now.”

“She ain’t. What are you—“


Apple Bloom grunted as Flash Sentry grabbed her and took off, flying back to the cover of other buildings. More guard ponies took shelter with them, and the white pegasus soon joined them. His purple armor was smeared with chocolate, but he still carried himself straight and proud. Apple Bloom glared up at him. “Silver Wind. I’ve gotta bone to pick with you.”

His eyelids drooped down in boredom. “Another one? What do you want?”

“You called Sweetie Belle easy! A little filly! What kind of stallion are you?!”

“The kind that has a job to do, and doesn’t have time to waste on childish games!”

“I know all about your job! You’re supposed to be finding the princesses. What are you doing wasting time with my family and Rarity’s place?”

Flash put a hoof on her shoulder. “Slow down, there. We’re supposed to find them as quickly as possible, and we’re just checking—“

“And ‘cause of his yapping, my friend is upset and ready to do something stupid to them!”

“She doesn’t—!” Silver Wind took a breath. “As explained to Miss Belle, you and your friends are too young to participate in this exercise. There is no reason to believe that you three have the princesses. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a situation to deal with.”

Apple Bloom stood in stunned silence as Silver Wind turned away. She looked up to Flash Sentry. “What’s he talking about? Twilight brought them to the clubhouse this morning. She said you would figure it out quick. Didn’t she say anything about us?”

He looked to the side. “She was... pretty surprised when we arrested her. She didn’t say much of anything until we brought her friends out.”

“Her friends save one,” Silver Wind growled over his shoulder. “And that one has our entire troop pinned down!”

Two pegasi started trembling, and one of them spoke up. “We tried to keep an eye on her, sir, but she started throwing pecan pie at us. I’m allergic to pecans.”

Apple Bloom shook her head. “It’s Pinkie Pie, isn’t it? Y’all should be thanking her! If you messed up one of Rarity’s... wait, where’s Rarity? I thought she was at the castle with my sister?”

“Canterlot!” Silver Wind shouted. “They're all in Canterlot! They're right where they should be! And where we should be is inside the residence of a suspect!”

“What are they doin’ in Canterlot?! What suspect? Twilight said we were—”

“Princess Twilight gave us this assignment. While it may be considered an exercise, it is an official matter, and it will be handled as such. And you are interfering.” He looked behind her. “Sentry, take a flight of pegasi and draw her fire away from the Boutique.”

“Sir, that may not work. From what I understand, this one cares about her friends. She won’t take the bait.”

“I am counting on it. If she fires at you, we’ll have an opportunity to break in. If she fires at us, you will have an opportunity to get close and disable that weapon. Understood?”

“Yes sir!” Flash Sentry took wing, calling for more pegasi to join him.

Silver Wind walked away.

“Hey!” Apple Bloom chased after him. “I’m not through with you yet!”

He spun around. “But I am through with you. You will not demean or deride this operation.”

“I’m not—”

“Going to do anything but go back to your friends and tell them to abandon whatever scheme-hatchery you three are plotting.”

“There is no—”

“We read your file.”

“That doesn’t mean—”

“We know who you are.”


“So your sisters are going to wait patiently for the end to come! There’s nothing you can do for them, and harassing us during our job will not bring them back any faster.”

“Why did you even send them to Canterlot in the first place?! It doesn’t make a lick of sense—”

“It makes perfect sense!” Silver Wind stormed forward and leered over her. “Princess Twilight staged a kidnapping in her own castle. Her friends were inside her castle. Ergo, her friends were aware of the plot!”

“Except they weren’t!”

The captain sucked in a breath through clenched teeth. “Unlike you, they are the proper age!”

Apple Bloom shrank under his shout. “Y-You—”

“No, you will not interfere. You will not get in our way. You will go home and let us do our job. And I will do my job! No pie catapult, no shenanigans, no bratty little fillies will stop our success! Am I clear?!”

“You... who do you think you are?”

A unicorn guard tapped Silver Wind’s shoulder. “Excuse me, sir? The pies have stopped. Are you ready to begin?”

Silver Wind kept his eyes on her. “I am the Captain of the Royal Guard. And you will stay out of the big ponies’ way.”

Scootaloo paced in front of the princesses. Apple Bloom was taking too long. She kept her eye on Sweetie Belle, hunched over the hot plate they kept for sleepovers. Her kettle was warming up now, and the preparations were nearly done.

Peppers were ground to powder and ready for mixing. Lemons were cut to wedges and ready for squeezing. The mystery leaves and the few twigs Sweetie Belle used for “flavor” were ready for their bath.

And everything was a week older. A week staler. A week more poisonous.

Hoof steps clopped up to the door. Apple Bloom pushed it open and stepped inside. She closed it and sat down, looking at the floor.

Scootaloo waited.

Sweetie Belle waited.

Princess Luna rolled her eyes, sighed through her nose, and looked at Cadance, who shrugged and nodded at Apple Bloom.

Apple Bloom looked at them. Then Scootaloo. And finally Sweetie Belle. “I... I don’t like him.”

Sweetie nodded. “Right?”

“He’s a grade A jerk!”


Scootaloo stepped forward. “C-Come on, Apple Bloom. He couldn’t have been... what about the other one? Flash?”

“He didn’t believe me, either.”

Sweetie tilted her head towards the kettle. “So?”

Apple Bloom looked to each princess. She bowed her head to the floor again. “Brew it.”